Charles Ramsey Is His Name --

From the tape, the dispatcher wasn't taking the call very seriously. Almost like he didn't believe what he was hearing. Good thing he just did his job and sent the police out there.

The police had been out there before banging on the door. No one answered so they left.
How many white people would kick in the door of a Hispanic or Black guys house under those circumstances?
Here, we have a black guy kicking in the door of a Hispanic guys house without giving a 2nd thought about how that looked!
He is a hero, doing the right thing at the right time, and is a regular working class upstanding major dude!
And I thought his name was Bingo? Bingo is his name-o.

Oh wait, sorry, bad attempt at humor there.

So either this guy is either crazy for helping Amanda Berry, or crazy altogether, is that what I'm getting?

Both the dispatcher and Mr. Ramsey are heroes. Just saying.


Would you have done the same thing in his shoes? Wouldn't you rather risk being called crazy to help someone like Amanda Berry?

Honestly, I can't imagine anyone not helping her under the circumstances. In that type of situation, you don't think about what you are doing; you just act. She was screaming for help. He heard her and went to check out the commotion. When she said she needed help escaping, he helped. He is only a hero because he did what anyone would have done. He was in the right place at the right time. That does not take away from what he did, but it does put it into a proper perspective.
[ame=]DEAD GIVEAWAY - Hero Charles Ramsey Songified! - YouTube[/ame]​
Yes, he was provided a lot of laughs during his interview. But his modesty and self-deprecating humour shouldn't distract from the fact that his selfless act of bravery has put a stop to the physical and emotional torture endured by his victims and their loved ones. The girls held in captivity will be emotionally scarred by their prolonged ordeal for the rest of their lives. They've had ten years of their lives stolen from them. And their families have had to endure a form of emotional and psychological torment none of us can even begin to imagine.

In spite of him claiming that when a white girl runs to a black man for help you know something's up, I'm sure it dawned on him a lot earlier than that that he was standing on the threshold of pure, unremitting evil. He must have realised that his neighbour stood to lose a lot if his heinous crime was exposed, and would use whatever means necessary to avoid exposure. Charles Ramsey didn't baulk at that, and risked everything to free those girls. He is a hero and should be publically lauded for his actions on the South Lawn of the White House itself.

Oh I don't know...I think the media tends to "over-hero" people when they do what is only natural for any decent human being to do. I mean the guy stands up and look over and sees a woman trying to crawl out of a door yelling help - HIS OWN WORDS - "I thought this was just domestic violence at first" - while shrugging his shoulders, leaving the impression at first he was going to do nothing. Then the girl saw him and yelled directly to him for help...and again his words "but then I thought wait...there ain't no girls living over there that I have ever I went over there..."

IDK why he left you with the impression that he wasn't going to do anything about the domestic dispute. He clearly states before he says that, He was already helping. I think you misunderstood. By him saying "I thought this was just a domestic..." what he was trying to convey was that he didn't think it was anything of this magnitude. I'm going to help her get out, call the cops and be done with it.
^ I agree. No one wakes up one day and says I am going to be a hero today. It just happens. Life throws lemon at you and you make lemonade.
Sounds like something out of the Count of Montecristo...
Cleveland women held captive will suffer long-term damage: sources
14 May`13 - Two of the women imprisoned in a Cleveland house in conditions described as similar to a prisoner of war camp suffered from severe malnutrition and will require long-term therapy for injuries such as hearing loss and joint and muscle damage, two sources with direct knowledge said.
The basement where the women were held had chains coming from the wall, and dog leashes attached to the ceiling, the sources said. The women were restrained with them and duct tape in "stress positions" for long periods that left them with bed sores and other injuries, according to two sources with direct knowledge of the investigation, who asked not to be identified.

Gina DeJesus and Michelle Knight were in worse condition than Amanda Berry when they emerged from at least nine years in captivity at the home of Ariel Castro, accused of kidnapping and raping the women. Castro appeared to treat Berry better than the other two, the sources said. "There is a reason why you have only seen a picture of Amanda (Berry)," said one of the sources, referring to the condition of DeJesus and Knight.


Amanda Marie Berry (L) and Georgina Lynn Dejesus are pictured in this combination photograph in undated handout photos released by the FBI.

Berry, who broke down a door to freedom a week ago with the help of a neighbor, and then told police of the other women, was photographed smiling immediately after the dramatic rescue. Berry has a six-year-old daughter fathered by Castro in captivity. In contrast, DeJesus wore a hooded sweat-shirt covering her head when she first went home last week, and Knight was hospitalized for days, and has stayed out of public view. The sources said DeJesus and Knight were gaunt and had closely cropped hair when they were freed.

One of the sources, who has been in the house, said the basement had chains coming from the walls and "dog leashes attached to the ceiling." Knight and DeJesus told police they spent extensive time in the basement. A second source corroborated the details. "One of the girls has difficulty moving her head around from being chained up," said one of the sources. The second source identified DeJesus as the woman suffering this injury. "It was like they were POWs (prisoners of war). They had bed sores from being left in positions for extended lengths of time," a source said.

More Cleveland women held captive will suffer long-term damage: sources
More Captives Freed In Ohio...
Woman held as slave by central Ohio trio, according to federal labor-trafficking charges
June 18, 2013 -- A mentally disabled woman and her child were held captive for two years by three people in the central Ohio community of Ashland, according to federal labor-trafficking charges announced today.
The woman and her child were forced to live in a basement with pit bulls and pythons, according to the charges released at a news conference by Steven Dettelbach, U.S. attorney for the Northern District of Ohio. Dettelbach said the woman was beaten, threatened and forced into slavery. Some of the threats included telling the woman she would be attacked by the animals. "These individuals preyed upon a human being with a disability," Dettelbach said. "They treated her worse than the animals in that house."

Named in the charges are Jordie Callahan, 26, Jessica Hunt, 31, and Daniel J. Brown, 33, all from Ashland. Court records indicate that a fourth person has been charged. Dettelbach's office declined comment today on why that person was not named in today's announcement. Officials said the woman managed to free herself last October by stealing a candy bar so she would be arrested. At the news conference, an Ashland police lieutenant said the woman had suffered a brain injury at age 16 that left her with the mental capacity of a girl of 13 or 14.

Ashland County authorities charged Callahan and Hunt with complicity, abduction, two counts of kidnapping and two counts of extortion. Callahan was also charged with three counts of illegally possessing a weapon. The state charges against them were filed in January and dismissed today because of the pending federal case. The Justice Department has declined to prosecute Ariel Castro, who is facing similar charges in Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court. Castro is accused of holding three women captive in his Cleveland home for more than a decade. He has pleaded not guilty to the charges.

Court records also show that when Callahan was 15, he was found delinquent by reason of rape for sexual conduct with an 11-year-old girl. (Read an appeals ruling in that case in the document viewer below) Callahan's Facebook page included photographs of him playing with what appear to be pythons. The page also indicates that he and Hunt were engaged. Ashland, a community of 20,000 in rural Ashland County, is 65 miles southwest of Cleveland.

Woman held as slave by central Ohio trio, according to federal labor-trafficking charges |

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