"Charleston Shooter Is A Right Winger" Cue Laff-Trak

This kid was all over the crazy map, he wrote he wanted to turn Jews blue to set them apart.
God, you are an idiot.

You again? It's online he said it. So far hates blacks, Jews, Christians and who knows what else and your little "he's a black hating right winger" is going right out the window as it all comes out. The kid was nuts, accept the fact and sit your dumb ass down
He said nothing about hating Christians. Lying POS.

He just shot them all....you fucking dumbass
He shot them because they were black. He said to them he was going to shoot them because of the crimes black people commit. He told the police he wanted to start a race war. Not a fucking thing about their faith.
And you are keeping his wishes alive and well. You are just as evil as he was. I would prefer healing and love, instead of hate and dividing you are trying to do.
By you people, he seems to be referring to dumb as fuck racists like you.

Have you actually looked closely at all the details in the OP photos? It is entirely possible that this young millenial man's motive was not solely racism..given the timing of the event....and where it took place (at a church).

We need to know all the facts, not just some. And then yes, we must address the issue(s) at hand and move on as a nation. First order of duty: isolate any media outlet that has been fanning rude & divisive"civil rights" unrest in our citizens and discipline that/those media outlets..
I know what you post. You think like Roof thinks. Your posts on race could have been taken right from his racist blathering.

You have no idea how you think, let alone anyone else. STFU and quit while you are way behind.
He`s way ahead. You people are telling us that Dylann didn`t say what he said? Were you in that church with him and that`s how you know this? You can now return to your daily circle jerk.

"You people" talk about a bigot! That is all the left is about, bigotry and blaming. What a nutter.
By you people, he seems to be referring to dumb as fuck racists like you.
Says the one making this a racial issue. Instead of getting together and help the families heal and let them realize, together we can make it better. You being a liberal all you can think is keeping everyone divided and fighting.

They are like a pack of wolves that smells blood. they just keep pick pick picking at it for their own lowlife agendas
He looks full blown Tea Bag Brotherhood CON$ervative to me! Confederate flag and a pistol for his Johnson.

He looks full blown Tea Bag Brotherhood CON$ervative to me! Confederate flag and a pistol for his Johnson.


You didn't post a the pic of him burning the American flag? Of course that shoots holes in your asinine agenda, doesn't it?
He looks full blown Tea Bag Brotherhood CON$ervative to me! Confederate flag and a pistol for his Johnson.


And don't forget OP photos with the big muscled black guy featured on his gym t-shirt and the delicate wristwatch he's wearing upside down on his right wrist. Also, the full body wax/ The matching neck scarf in this photo is a nice touch...hey, he's posing surrounded by flowers. Racism may not be the only motive here.
He looks full blown Tea Bag Brotherhood CON$ervative to me! Confederate flag and a pistol for his Johnson.


man you don't look cute at all. so you can spare us the stupid tea bags. you people just really hate your fellow countrymen and women if they don't fall in line of how you think they should

After reading some of the shit you people post I feel I need to go take a shower and wash you HATE off
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You have no idea how you think, let alone anyone else. STFU and quit while you are way behind.
He`s way ahead. You people are telling us that Dylann didn`t say what he said? Were you in that church with him and that`s how you know this? You can now return to your daily circle jerk.

"You people" talk about a bigot! That is all the left is about, bigotry and blaming. What a nutter.
By you people, he seems to be referring to dumb as fuck racists like you.
Says the one making this a racial issue. Instead of getting together and help the families heal and let them realize, together we can make it better. You being a liberal all you can think is keeping everyone divided and fighting.
I am sure it is comforting for the families to hear racist fucks like you deny that this pal of yours targeted black people.
No, I want the victims families to have peace and support from the community. Not the race baiting bullshit you are trying to do. You remind me of Gomer Pyle yelling citizens arrest, citizens arrest at Barney Fife. Get a life, please.
You have no idea how you think, let alone anyone else. STFU and quit while you are way behind.
He`s way ahead. You people are telling us that Dylann didn`t say what he said? Were you in that church with him and that`s how you know this? You can now return to your daily circle jerk.

"You people" talk about a bigot! That is all the left is about, bigotry and blaming. What a nutter.
By you people, he seems to be referring to dumb as fuck racists like you.
Says the one making this a racial issue. Instead of getting together and help the families heal and let them realize, together we can make it better. You being a liberal all you can think is keeping everyone divided and fighting.
I am sure it is comforting for the families to hear racist fucks like you deny that this pal of yours targeted black people.

What a freaking drama queen.
He looks full blown Tea Bag Brotherhood CON$ervative to me! Confederate flag and a pistol for his Johnson.


You didn't post a the pic of him burning the American flag? Of course that shoots holes in your asinine agenda, doesn't it?
No it doesn't. The Right burns the flag of the government they hate when they aren't pissing on the Constitution.
He looks full blown Tea Bag Brotherhood CON$ervative to me! Confederate flag and a pistol for his Johnson.


And don't forget OP photos with the big muscled black guy featured on his gym t-shirt and the delicate wristwatch he's wearing upside down on his right wrist. Also, the full body wax/ The matching neck scarf in this photo is a nice touch...hey, he's posing surrounded by flowers. Racism may not be the only motive here.
All CON$ are closeted fags. Everybody knows that!
And the flowers were for Confederate solders graves.
You don't know me so cease pretending you do. You also don't have a clue about most every thread you blabber in. It's noticed, just the same left loon drivel..blah, blah blah. Stale and old. Now GFY
You don't know me so cease pretending you do. You also don't have a clue about most every thread you blabber in. It's noticed, just the same left loon drivel..blah, blah blah. Stale and old. Now GFY
I know what you post. You think like Roof thinks. Your posts on race could have been taken right from his racist blathering.

You have no idea how you think, let alone anyone else. STFU and quit while you are way behind.
He`s way ahead. You people are telling us that Dylann didn`t say what he said? Were you in that church with him and that`s how you know this? You can now return to your daily circle jerk.

"You people" talk about a bigot! That is all the left is about, bigotry and blaming. What a nutter.
By you people, he seems to be referring to dumb as fuck racists like you.

I am not a racist and you can't prove I am. So I guess that make you pussymurphy a fuckin bitch liar. Dumb shit bitches like you stifle the dialogue of race and do exactly the opposite.

That makes you more complicit in this violence than anyone you accuse of being racist.

So prove your accusation or fuck off pussy.
He looks full blown Tea Bag Brotherhood CON$ervative to me! Confederate flag and a pistol for his Johnson.


And don't forget OP photos with the big muscled black guy featured on his gym t-shirt and the delicate wristwatch he's wearing upside down on his right wrist. Also, the full body wax/ The matching neck scarf in this photo is a nice touch...hey, he's posing surrounded by flowers. Racism may not be the only motive here.
All CON$ are closeted fags. Everybody knows that!
And the flowers were for Confederate solders graves.

So you're an out in the open fag?
He looks full blown Tea Bag Brotherhood CON$ervative to me! Confederate flag and a pistol for his Johnson.


And don't forget OP photos with the big muscled black guy featured on his gym t-shirt and the delicate wristwatch he's wearing upside down on his right wrist. Also, the full body wax/ The matching neck scarf in this photo is a nice touch...hey, he's posing surrounded by flowers. Racism may not be the only motive here.
All CON$ are closeted fags. Everybody knows that!
And the flowers were for Confederate solders graves.

So you're an out in the open fag?
A tolerant liberal.
He looks full blown Tea Bag Brotherhood CON$ervative to me! Confederate flag and a pistol for his Johnson.


And don't forget OP photos with the big muscled black guy featured on his gym t-shirt and the delicate wristwatch he's wearing upside down on his right wrist. Also, the full body wax/ The matching neck scarf in this photo is a nice touch...hey, he's posing surrounded by flowers. Racism may not be the only motive here.
All CON$ are closeted fags. Everybody knows that!
And the flowers were for Confederate solders graves.

So you're an out in the open fag?
A tolerant liberal.

Nah, just an asshole
Yes true. but that's does look more of a radical left winger. burning and stomping on the flag. anyway none of that matters. all he will be remembered for now is: a being a sick punk ass murderer of 9 innocent people who had taken him into their home. he deserves what all is coming to him
His hatred of christians makes him look like a guno type liberal.

I know, that's what's scary. Anyone who has posted so much hate about Christians. can now share the blood of these people on their hands in my book
Right. Because he killed them because they were Christian. Bunch of fucking morons on here scrambling to deny the obvious: he is a right wing extremist. The apartheid governments he admired in South Africa and Rhodesia were right wing. Racism is right wing. He learned about black on white crime from the conservative citizens council website. He ranted about blacks and other minorities, not Christians. The folks with blood on their hands are those who share his hatred of blacks. Many post here regularly.
The worst racism in America is being done by liberals. Keeping blacks uneducated and on welfare from cradle to grave, all for a vote. He also learned hate from Obama on the way he handles race relations.
Another right wing fucking moron heard from. Anyone reading Roof's manifesto would recognize the same thoughts and beliefs shared by you and the other simple fucks trying to make this about anything but his right wing racism. The advancement African Americans have made began with laws that ended segregation and outlawed discrimination. Most people on welfare are white.

Yes, because as of this time, whites are still the single largest group. Percentage wise however a higher percentage of blacks are on welfare, which of course is the honest way of viewing this.
Right. Because he killed them because they were Christian. Bunch of fucking morons on here scrambling to deny the obvious: he is a right wing extremist. The apartheid governments he admired in South Africa and Rhodesia were right wing. Racism is right wing. He learned about black on white crime from the conservative citizens council website. He ranted about blacks and other minorities, not Christians. The folks with blood on their hands are those who share his hatred of blacks. Many post here regularly.
The worst racism in America is being done by liberals. Keeping blacks uneducated and on welfare from cradle to grave, all for a vote. He also learned hate from Obama on the way he handles race relations.
Another right wing fucking moron heard from. Anyone reading Roof's manifesto would recognize the same thoughts and beliefs shared by you and the other simple fucks trying to make this about anything but his right wing racism. The advancement African Americans have made began with laws that ended segregation and outlawed discrimination. Most people on welfare are white.
I'm not making this about race. It is a horrible crime not matter what the races are. I think the shooter should pay to the fullest extent of the law. No, matter what. The hater is you.
It is all about race. They are dead solely because they are black. Hating evil like racism is the right kind of hate.
A person that can kill for no good reason is evil. No matter what the reason. It was one guy, now you want to start a racial war against white and black. In my view you are as evil as the dumbass that did the shooting.

Hey why not? You guys seem to think any racism is like all racism. So when one led to 9 dead and the other is someone saying something on a message board, right?

This is why they can say with a straight face that blacks are the most racist because calling someone a cracks is just like 400 years of slavery and oppression consisting of rape, murder and destruction of millions of black families.

It's the same to them

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