"Charleston Shooter Is A Right Winger" Cue Laff-Trak

It is all about race. They are dead solely because they are black. Hating evil like racism is the right kind of hate.
A person that can kill for no good reason is evil. No matter what the reason. It was one guy, now you want to start a racial war against white and black. In my view you are as evil as the dumbass that did the shooting.

Hey why not? You guys seem to think any racism is like all racism. So when one led to 9 dead and the other is someone saying something on a message board, right?

This is why they can say with a straight face that blacks are the most racist because calling someone a cracks is just like 400 years of slavery and oppression consisting of rape, murder and destruction of millions of black families.

It's the same to them
You are right on one thing, blacks were enslaved by the democrat party years ago and in modern times. You control them today through keeping the uneducated and on welfare. You also play with their emotions, just like with this tragedy. Liberals are evil.
Keep deflecting. It's easier to deflect than it is to explain how racist words are just like killing 9 people!
Keep the racism alive and well, and you will guarantee things like this tragedy will happen in the future.
Right. Opposing racists generates racism. So, fighting crime causes more crime?
The killer sat at a Bible study meeting on June 17th 2015 for an hour before he rose up and shot 3 male and 6 female church people. These are facts that can't be disputed.

View his social media photos in the OP and get back to me. Seems like wearing a shirt with a muscling black man in a banana-hammock means he's not necessarily a racist now does it?
It is all about race. They are dead solely because they are black. Hating evil like racism is the right kind of hate.
A person that can kill for no good reason is evil. No matter what the reason. It was one guy, now you want to start a racial war against white and black. In my view you are as evil as the dumbass that did the shooting.

Hey why not? You guys seem to think any racism is like all racism. So when one led to 9 dead and the other is someone saying something on a message board, right?

This is why they can say with a straight face that blacks are the most racist because calling someone a cracks is just like 400 years of slavery and oppression consisting of rape, murder and destruction of millions of black families.

It's the same to them
You are right on one thing, blacks were enslaved by the democrat party years ago and in modern times. You control them today through keeping the uneducated and on welfare. You also play with their emotions, just like with this tragedy. Liberals are evil.
Keep deflecting. It's easier to deflect than it is to explain how racist words are just like killing 9 people!
Keep the racism alive and well, and you will guarantee things like this tragedy will happen in the future.

Coming from the guy that just said above that racist words were just as bad as racist killibgs. Keep the deflection going strong!
He had no political persuasion, he's just nuts.

Yes true. but that's does look more of a radical left winger. burning and stomping on the flag. anyway none of that matters. all he will be remembered for now is: a being a sick punk ass murderer of 9 innocent people who had taken him into their home. he deserves what all is coming to him
His hatred of christians makes him look like a guno type liberal.
You bought the party line, huh?
In light of the attempt by the Democrats and the media to tie this putz to conservatives, let's take a further look. Feel free to comment.



Yeah, most "rightwinger" 21 year olds have full body hair waxing on a regular basis and desecrate their country's flag. I see he had a gym membership. Probably there just to enjoy the scenery from the look of the lack of tone in his arms..

I like the "white supremacist" wristwatch he's got on upside down on his right wrist too. Looks like a republican conservative to me. Nothing to see here. Move along..!

It's wild to see the left so desperate to turn this kid into a card carrying GOPer who watched Fox News and of course his conservatism caused him to commit mass murder.

Not that he was a fucked up drug addled asshole with no life blaming all his woes on others.

Who knew that there were no drug addled racist rightwingers who blame their woes on blacks?

At least until you had your nose rubbed in this racist killer's domestic terrorism.

And no, he is far from being alone. Way more extremist rightwing domestic terrorism is occurring in this nation than from any other source.
In light of the attempt by the Democrats and the media to tie this putz to conservatives, let's take a further look. Feel free to comment.



Yeah, most "rightwinger" 21 year olds have full body hair waxing on a regular basis and desecrate their country's flag. I see he had a gym membership. Probably there just to enjoy the scenery from the look of the lack of tone in his arms..

I like the "white supremacist" wristwatch he's got on upside down on his right wrist too. Looks like a republican conservative to me. Nothing to see here. Move along..!

It's wild to see the left so desperate to turn this kid into a card carrying GOPer who watched Fox News and of course his conservatism caused him to commit mass murder.

Not that he was a fucked up drug addled asshole with no life blaming all his woes on others.

Who knew that there were no drug addled racist rightwingers who blame their woes on blacks?

At least until you had your nose rubbed in this racist killer's domestic terrorism.

And no, he is far from being alone. Way more extremist rightwing domestic terrorism is occurring in this nation than from any other source.

How do you he was a rightwingers, he killed Christians, anti-Christians are left wing nuts. He killed blacks in the south, tons of southern Democrats down there. I find it real convenient that the left always blames the right for the nuts. The school shooting and the theatre shooter. We're lefties, but that doesn't change the lefty talking points.
He had no political persuasion, he's just nuts.

Yes true. but that's does look more of a radical left winger. burning and stomping on the flag. anyway none of that matters. all he will be remembered for now is: a being a sick punk ass murderer of 9 innocent people who had taken him into their home. he deserves what all is coming to him
His hatred of christians makes him look like a guno type liberal.
You bought the party line, huh?

It's obvious YOU bought your party line. The kid is bat shit crazy but keep on pushing the agenda. You need something to whine and bawl about, left loons do
A person that can kill for no good reason is evil. No matter what the reason. It was one guy, now you want to start a racial war against white and black. In my view you are as evil as the dumbass that did the shooting.

Hey why not? You guys seem to think any racism is like all racism. So when one led to 9 dead and the other is someone saying something on a message board, right?

This is why they can say with a straight face that blacks are the most racist because calling someone a cracks is just like 400 years of slavery and oppression consisting of rape, murder and destruction of millions of black families.

It's the same to them
You are right on one thing, blacks were enslaved by the democrat party years ago and in modern times. You control them today through keeping the uneducated and on welfare. You also play with their emotions, just like with this tragedy. Liberals are evil.
Keep deflecting. It's easier to deflect than it is to explain how racist words are just like killing 9 people!
Keep the racism alive and well, and you will guarantee things like this tragedy will happen in the future.
Right. Opposing racists generates racism. So, fighting crime causes more crime?
Opposing racism, and stirring the pot of racism are different.
He had no political persuasion, he's just nuts.

Yes true. but that's does look more of a radical left winger. burning and stomping on the flag. anyway none of that matters. all he will be remembered for now is: a being a sick punk ass murderer of 9 innocent people who had taken him into their home. he deserves what all is coming to him
His hatred of christians makes him look like a guno type liberal.
You bought the party line, huh?
No, I've read gunos hatred of christians.
In light of the attempt by the Democrats and the media to tie this putz to conservatives, let's take a further look. Feel free to comment.



Yeah, most "rightwinger" 21 year olds have full body hair waxing on a regular basis and desecrate their country's flag. I see he had a gym membership. Probably there just to enjoy the scenery from the look of the lack of tone in his arms..

I like the "white supremacist" wristwatch he's got on upside down on his right wrist too. Looks like a republican conservative to me. Nothing to see here. Move along..!

It's wild to see the left so desperate to turn this kid into a card carrying GOPer who watched Fox News and of course his conservatism caused him to commit mass murder.

Not that he was a fucked up drug addled asshole with no life blaming all his woes on others.

Who knew that there were no drug addled racist rightwingers who blame their woes on blacks?

At least until you had your nose rubbed in this racist killer's domestic terrorism.

And no, he is far from being alone. Way more extremist rightwing domestic terrorism is occurring in this nation than from any other source.

How do you he was a rightwingers, he killed Christians, anti-Christians are left wing nuts. He killed blacks in the south, tons of southern Democrats down there. I find it real convenient that the left always blames the right for the nuts. The school shooting and the theatre shooter. We're lefties, but that doesn't change the lefty talking points.

Try reading his racist manifesto for yourself.

He sounds exactly like the extremist rightwingers in this forum.

Oh, and he also sounds like the inmates from Stormfront that infest this forum from time to time.
He had no political persuasion, he's just nuts.

Yes true. but that's does look more of a radical left winger. burning and stomping on the flag. anyway none of that matters. all he will be remembered for now is: a being a sick punk ass murderer of 9 innocent people who had taken him into their home. he deserves what all is coming to him
His hatred of christians makes him look like a guno type liberal.

I know, that's what's scary. Anyone who has posted so much hate about Christians. can now share the blood of these people on their hands in my book
Right. Because he killed them because they were Christian. Bunch of fucking morons on here scrambling to deny the obvious: he is a right wing extremist. The apartheid governments he admired in South Africa and Rhodesia were right wing. Racism is right wing. He learned about black on white crime from the conservative citizens council website. He ranted about blacks and other minorities, not Christians. The folks with blood on their hands are those who share his hatred of blacks. Many post here regularly.
They've been trying sooooo hard in the last 24 hours to deny his Southern, RW, racist self.
He had no political persuasion, he's just nuts.

Yes true. but that's does look more of a radical left winger. burning and stomping on the flag. anyway none of that matters. all he will be remembered for now is: a being a sick punk ass murderer of 9 innocent people who had taken him into their home. he deserves what all is coming to him
His hatred of christians makes him look like a guno type liberal.

I know, that's what's scary. Anyone who has posted so much hate about Christians. can now share the blood of these people on their hands in my book
Right. Because he killed them because they were Christian. Bunch of fucking morons on here scrambling to deny the obvious: he is a right wing extremist. The apartheid governments he admired in South Africa and Rhodesia were right wing. Racism is right wing. He learned about black on white crime from the conservative citizens council website. He ranted about blacks and other minorities, not Christians. The folks with blood on their hands are those who share his hatred of blacks. Many post here regularly.
The only thing obvious is you and your fellow libtards stupidity.
He had no political persuasion, he's just nuts.

Yes true. but that's does look more of a radical left winger. burning and stomping on the flag. anyway none of that matters. all he will be remembered for now is: a being a sick punk ass murderer of 9 innocent people who had taken him into their home. he deserves what all is coming to him
His hatred of christians makes him look like a guno type liberal.

I know, that's what's scary. Anyone who has posted so much hate about Christians. can now share the blood of these people on their hands in my book
Right. Because he killed them because they were Christian. Bunch of fucking morons on here scrambling to deny the obvious: he is a right wing extremist. The apartheid governments he admired in South Africa and Rhodesia were right wing. Racism is right wing. He learned about black on white crime from the conservative citizens council website. He ranted about blacks and other minorities, not Christians. The folks with blood on their hands are those who share his hatred of blacks. Many post here regularly.
The only thing obvious is you and your fellow libtards stupidity.

In light of the attempt by the Democrats and the media to tie this putz to conservatives, let's take a further look. Feel free to comment.



Yeah, most "rightwinger" 21 year olds have full body hair waxing on a regular basis and desecrate their country's flag. I see he had a gym membership. Probably there just to enjoy the scenery from the look of the lack of tone in his arms..

I like the "white supremacist" wristwatch he's got on upside down on his right wrist too. Looks like a republican conservative to me. Nothing to see here. Move along..!

It's wild to see the left so desperate to turn this kid into a card carrying GOPer who watched Fox News and of course his conservatism caused him to commit mass murder.

Not that he was a fucked up drug addled asshole with no life blaming all his woes on others.

Who knew that there were no drug addled racist rightwingers who blame their woes on blacks?

At least until you had your nose rubbed in this racist killer's domestic terrorism.

And no, he is far from being alone. Way more extremist rightwing domestic terrorism is occurring in this nation than from any other source.

How do you he was a rightwingers, he killed Christians, anti-Christians are left wing nuts. He killed blacks in the south, tons of southern Democrats down there. I find it real convenient that the left always blames the right for the nuts. The school shooting and the theatre shooter. We're lefties, but that doesn't change the lefty talking points.

Try reading his racist manifesto for yourself.

He sounds exactly like the extremist rightwingers in this forum.

Oh, and he also sounds like the inmates from Stormfront that infest this forum from time to time.

Are they rightwingers? I know some racist leftwingers the words they spew are just as vile. I see racism from many sides. It is sad that racism would cause someone to kill another because of skin color.

Maybe it is your bigotry that only those on the right as racist.

After “researching” deeper, Roof says he became racially aware:

“As an American we are taught to accept living in the melting pot, and black and other minorities have just as much right to be here as we do, since we are all immigrants. But Europe is the homeland of White people, and in many ways the situation is even worse there. From here I found out about the Jewish problem and other issues facing our race, and I can say today that I am completely racially aware.”


Addicting Info A Conservative Website Literally Turned Dylann Roof Into The Murdering Racist He Is Today
Black On White Crime Council Of Conservative Citizens Things Dylann Roof Googled That Convinced Him To Kill Read The CofCC Headlines
Nobody doubts he was a single lone hater. What is in doubt was "what was he hating at the time he shot the church-goers". And his lifestyle might shed some important clues on that. Hence why the photos are so important. That and what had just happened the day before in Tennessee by a prominant southern Christian church..

I presume the young man watched the news?

Are you still trying to the tie this monster to gays? lol. Can't have you stray from that narrative of yours. You're a hot mess!


Yeah, most "rightwinger" 21 year olds have full body hair waxing on a regular basis and desecrate their country's flag. I see he had a gym membership. Probably there just to enjoy the scenery from the look of the lack of tone in his arms..

I like the "white supremacist" wristwatch he's got on upside down on his right wrist too. Looks like a republican conservative to me. Nothing to see here. Move along..!

It's wild to see the left so desperate to turn this kid into a card carrying GOPer who watched Fox News and of course his conservatism caused him to commit mass murder.

Not that he was a fucked up drug addled asshole with no life blaming all his woes on others.

Who knew that there were no drug addled racist rightwingers who blame their woes on blacks?

At least until you had your nose rubbed in this racist killer's domestic terrorism.

And no, he is far from being alone. Way more extremist rightwing domestic terrorism is occurring in this nation than from any other source.

How do you he was a rightwingers, he killed Christians, anti-Christians are left wing nuts. He killed blacks in the south, tons of southern Democrats down there. I find it real convenient that the left always blames the right for the nuts. The school shooting and the theatre shooter. We're lefties, but that doesn't change the lefty talking points.

Try reading his racist manifesto for yourself.

He sounds exactly like the extremist rightwingers in this forum.

Oh, and he also sounds like the inmates from Stormfront that infest this forum from time to time.

Are they rightwingers? I know some racist leftwingers the words they spew are just as vile. I see racism from many sides. It is sad that racism would cause someone to kill another because of skin color.

Maybe it is your bigotry that only those on the right as racist.

You are more than welcome to read my thread called the USMB Racist hall of Shame. The link is my siggie and in there you will discover that I call out racism irrespective of the source.

Your "holier than thou" act rings hollow.
It's wild to see the left so desperate to turn this kid into a card carrying GOPer who watched Fox News and of course his conservatism caused him to commit mass murder.

Not that he was a fucked up drug addled asshole with no life blaming all his woes on others.

Who knew that there were no drug addled racist rightwingers who blame their woes on blacks?

At least until you had your nose rubbed in this racist killer's domestic terrorism.

And no, he is far from being alone. Way more extremist rightwing domestic terrorism is occurring in this nation than from any other source.

How do you he was a rightwingers, he killed Christians, anti-Christians are left wing nuts. He killed blacks in the south, tons of southern Democrats down there. I find it real convenient that the left always blames the right for the nuts. The school shooting and the theatre shooter. We're lefties, but that doesn't change the lefty talking points.

Try reading his racist manifesto for yourself.

He sounds exactly like the extremist rightwingers in this forum.

Oh, and he also sounds like the inmates from Stormfront that infest this forum from time to time.

Are they rightwingers? I know some racist leftwingers the words they spew are just as vile. I see racism from many sides. It is sad that racism would cause someone to kill another because of skin color.

Maybe it is your bigotry that only those on the right as racist.

You are more than welcome to read my thread called the USMB Racist hall of Shame. The link is my siggie and in there you will discover that I call out racism irrespective of the source.

Your "holier than thou" act rings hollow.

I'm not holier than anyone, I can't see your sig, I have an app that doesn't show them.
Secondly, read racist threads, I find them more divisive than uniting. Interesting you love dividing.

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