"Charleston Shooter Is A Right Winger" Cue Laff-Trak

He had no political persuasion, he's just nuts.

he DID NOT say he hated Christians in his manifesto....he listed those whom he hated and so sorry for you, Christians were not listed
Then why did the young millenial man go to a CHURCH where CHRISTIANS were doing BIBLE STUDY and SIT THERE FOR AN HOUR LISTENING TO THE DISCUSSION OF CHRISTIANS (on June 17th, 2015...date may likely to be found significant) before he gunned down 3 men and 6 women "rapists of white women"???

Because he was mentally ill.
why would a father buy his mentally ill son a gun for his birthday? Did he not recognize the bent up hatred his son had? Or did he teach him it was ok to hate? Lots of unanswered questions....

There is a photo of the father circulating on the internet, he doesn't look like farther of the year material
The killer sat at a Bible study meeting on June 17th 2015 for an hour before he rose up and shot 3 male and 6 female church people. These are facts that can't be disputed.
He needed to be filled with the spirit of the almighty God before he could do His will.
Praise God!
How do you he was a rightwingers, he killed Christians, anti-Christians are left wing nuts. He killed blacks in the south, tons of southern Democrats down there. I find it real convenient that the left always blames the right for the nuts. The school shooting and the theatre shooter. We're lefties, but that doesn't change the lefty talking points.

Try reading his racist manifesto for yourself.

He sounds exactly like the extremist rightwingers in this forum.

Oh, and he also sounds like the inmates from Stormfront that infest this forum from time to time.

Are they rightwingers? I know some racist leftwingers the words they spew are just as vile. I see racism from many sides. It is sad that racism would cause someone to kill another because of skin color.

Maybe it is your bigotry that only those on the right as racist.

You are more than welcome to read my thread called the USMB Racist hall of Shame. The link is my siggie and in there you will discover that I call out racism irrespective of the source.

Your "holier than thou" act rings hollow.

I'm not holier than anyone, I can't see your sig, I have an app that doesn't show them.
Secondly, read racist threads, I find them more divisive than uniting. Interesting you love dividing.

Your opinion and a couple of dollars will get you a cup of coffee!

Here is the link so don't have any more excuses.

Error US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Why would I read your thread? You have had no respect for me in the past, even when we agreed with each other, so why should I respect you? I tire of you nutters that think everything you write or say needs to be agreed with or you treat others like shit.

Give me a solid reason to respect you.
Right. Because he killed them because they were Christian. Bunch of fucking morons on here scrambling to deny the obvious: he is a right wing extremist. The apartheid governments he admired in South Africa and Rhodesia were right wing. Racism is right wing. He learned about black on white crime from the conservative citizens council website. He ranted about blacks and other minorities, not Christians. The folks with blood on their hands are those who share his hatred of blacks. Many post here regularly.

Which makes you a left wing turd head.
In light of the attempt by the Democrats and the media to tie this putz to conservatives, let's take a further look. Feel free to comment.


Yeah, most "rightwinger" 21 year olds have full body hair waxing on a regular basis and desecrate their country's flag. I see he had a gym membership. Probably there just to enjoy the scenery from the look of the lack of tone in his arms..And isn't the T-shirt in the top photo of a black guy muscled out and pumping iron? Wait...I'm confused...he's a racist, right? But..hmm...

I like the "white supremacist" wristwatch he's got on upside down on his right wrist too. Looks like a republican conservative to me. Nothing to see here. Move along..!

Update....just found this at a yahoo chat site: It's not concrete proof just from a chat site. But others can google around to see if what this gay poster is saying is true. Just found it interesting.
signs you can tell a man is gay Yahoo Answers
Signs you can tell a man is gay?................I've stumbled upon an interesting question here - "if a man wears his sunglasses on top of his head does that mean he's gay." well, that sounds a bit stupid to me, but then I"ve found this one: "... ... ...my friend said that apparently gay men wear their watches on their right wrist instead of their... show more I've stumbled upon an interesting question here - "if a man wears his sunglasses on top of his head does that mean he's gay." ...well, that sounds a bit stupid to me, but then I"ve found this one: "... ... ...my friend said that apparently gay men wear their watches on their right wrist instead of their left"...now, I'm gay and I wear my watch on my right hand... freaky hah? never thought this is allowing me to find my mates easier :)..however, does anybody else thinks there are any obvious signs you can decide if a man is gay, without asking - like the two guesses above?
Is your claim that conservatives don't burn flags.....they only burn crosses?
what do you think white supremacist trash is? of course he's a rightwingnut.

now run along.
Wasn't aware they like to burn American flags wearing dainty wristwatches upside down on their right wrists..
uhhhh, he preferred the confederate Flag....? Not the flag that is represented at this time, by a Black President...

He said he hated the US Flag because of black thugs and the media....

Didn't you read his manifesto?

And ALSO, 10 to 1....he WAS raised a Christian.
He looks full blown Tea Bag Brotherhood CON$ervative to me! Confederate flag and a pistol for his Johnson.


You didn't post a the pic of him burning the American flag? Of course that shoots holes in your asinine agenda, doesn't it?

Assuming conservatives have a monopoly on patriotism is a farce

They do have a monopoly on racism
what do you think white supremacist trash is? of course he's a rightwingnut.

now run along.
Wasn't aware they like to burn American flags wearing dainty wristwatches upside down on their right wrists..
uhhhh, he preferred the confederate Flag....? Not the flag that is represented at this time, by a Black President...

He said he hated the US Flag because of black thugs and the media....

Didn't you read his manifesto?

And ALSO, 10 to 1....he WAS raised a Christian.

His life story says differently but that would ruin your bigotry.
what do you think white supremacist trash is? of course he's a rightwingnut.

now run along.
Wasn't aware they like to burn American flags wearing dainty wristwatches upside down on their right wrists..
uhhhh, he preferred the confederate Flag....? Not the flag that is represented at this time, by a Black President...

He said he hated the US Flag because of black thugs and the media....

Didn't you read his manifesto?

And ALSO, 10 to 1....he WAS raised a Christian.

His life story says differently but that would ruin your bigotry.
Really now? Hmmm....

I don't have an ounce of bigotry in me, can you say the same about yourself with confidence?
what do you think white supremacist trash is? of course he's a rightwingnut.

now run along.
Wasn't aware they like to burn American flags wearing dainty wristwatches upside down on their right wrists..
uhhhh, he preferred the confederate Flag....? Not the flag that is represented at this time, by a Black President...

He said he hated the US Flag because of black thugs and the media....

Didn't you read his manifesto?

And ALSO, 10 to 1....he WAS raised a Christian.

they hate having to acknowledge that. they'll take their racial hatred and pretend it was a lefty thing or it was a "war on christians".

wack jobs.
what do you think white supremacist trash is? of course he's a rightwingnut.

now run along.
Wasn't aware they like to burn American flags wearing dainty wristwatches upside down on their right wrists..
uhhhh, he preferred the confederate Flag....? Not the flag that is represented at this time, by a Black President...

He said he hated the US Flag because of black thugs and the media....

Didn't you read his manifesto?

And ALSO, 10 to 1....he WAS raised a Christian.

His life story says differently but that would ruin your bigotry.
I took your advice, and did 'do a little reading', and his pop does appear to be low life trash....

but MY 10 TO 1 on him being raised a Christian WAS CORRECT...

I believed strongly that he could have been raised a Christian, by his support of Stormfront/white supremacist causes such as hatred towards Jews, blacks etc and many in these type groups do claim to be Christian, and most importantly, because he was living in the BIBLE BELT, and darn near everyone claims to be Christian in the South, both Dems and Repubs if they are even politically involved, plus, he seemed 'comfortable' with sitting through the Bible Study....someone who would have had no experience with Christianity and Churches and Bible studies may not have been....was my thinking....

Anyway, his step mother Paige, who raised him while married to his father, since Dylan was 4 until he was 15, seems like the only good influence in his life...even after the divorce....says this:

‘Paige was there for Amber and Dylann on the occasions where their own (mother) chose not to be, including church, driving Dylann to and from school and extracurricular activities.’
Charleston shooter Dylann Roof s violent father beat stepmother Daily Mail Online
So my GUT INSTINCT was correct....

Accept the error of you trash talking me....or.....hmmm....or....hmmm again.... :D

Darn it, some times it's no fun being 'Care4all'....cuz I can't give the trash talkin' back in equal measure!!!!! You know....turn the other cheek, and love thy neighbor, and walk an extra mile with your adversaries type stuff.... ;)
what do you think white supremacist trash is? of course he's a rightwingnut.

now run along.
Wasn't aware they like to burn American flags wearing dainty wristwatches upside down on their right wrists..
uhhhh, he preferred the confederate Flag....? Not the flag that is represented at this time, by a Black President...

He said he hated the US Flag because of black thugs and the media....

Didn't you read his manifesto?

And ALSO, 10 to 1....he WAS raised a Christian.

His life story says differently but that would ruin your bigotry.
Really now? Hmmm....

I don't have an ounce of bigotry in me, can you say the same about yourself with confidence?
I say you do, it looks like a bigotry against Christians.

Everyone has bigotry and prejudice based on life experience. I am bigoted against people with a lot of tattoos or piercings, just wasn't part of my world growing up.
what do you think white supremacist trash is? of course he's a rightwingnut.

now run along.
Wasn't aware they like to burn American flags wearing dainty wristwatches upside down on their right wrists..
uhhhh, he preferred the confederate Flag....? Not the flag that is represented at this time, by a Black President...

He said he hated the US Flag because of black thugs and the media....

Didn't you read his manifesto?

And ALSO, 10 to 1....he WAS raised a Christian.

His life story says differently but that would ruin your bigotry.
Really now? Hmmm....

I don't have an ounce of bigotry in me, can you say the same about yourself with confidence?
I say you do, it looks like a bigotry against Christians.

Everyone has bigotry and prejudice based on life experience. I am bigoted against people with a lot of tattoos or piercings, just wasn't part of my world growing up.
Why would I have a bigotry against Christians when I am a Christian, lock, stock, and barrel?

This guys bigotry was not against Christians as the right wingers are trying to claim in several threads now to obfuscate and confuse the confusable...

He wrote about ALL that he hated and it was never once mentioned by him that he had any hatred towards Christians....but he did hate black people, Jews etc...so why not call a spade a shovel, a fig a fig?
Wasn't aware they like to burn American flags wearing dainty wristwatches upside down on their right wrists..
uhhhh, he preferred the confederate Flag....? Not the flag that is represented at this time, by a Black President...

He said he hated the US Flag because of black thugs and the media....

Didn't you read his manifesto?

And ALSO, 10 to 1....he WAS raised a Christian.

His life story says differently but that would ruin your bigotry.
Really now? Hmmm....

I don't have an ounce of bigotry in me, can you say the same about yourself with confidence?
I say you do, it looks like a bigotry against Christians.

Everyone has bigotry and prejudice based on life experience. I am bigoted against people with a lot of tattoos or piercings, just wasn't part of my world growing up.
Why would I have a bigotry against Christians when I am a Christian, lock, stock, and barrel?

This guys bigotry was not against Christians as the right wingers are trying to claim in several threads now to obfuscate and confuse the confusable...

He wrote about ALL that he hated and it was never once mentioned by him that he had any hatred towards Christians....but he did hate black people, Jews etc...so why not call a spade a shovel, a fig a fig?

I been called a right winger and I don't think his bigotry was against Christians, but his killing 9 Christians leads me to believe he isn't a Christian. Also it is not very Christ like to hate other races. So, whether the guy said he is a Christian or not has no bearing on his shooting Christians.

The labeling aspect of people is pretty crazy to me. I know people raised in certain religions and they left the religion.

For you to lay odds that he was raised a Christian is very curious to say the least.

For you to claim there is not an ounce of bigotry is silly, especially if you claim to be a Christian. I try not to be bigoted, but I know I am human, I also know bigotry isn't assigned just to race but can encompass many areas. Like I said, it has taken awhile to not be bigoted by tattoos.

I can't claim perfection in this aspect as you do.
Does it really matter what banner he claims to fly, or what groups he aligns himself with, as just because he is x, doesn't imply all x are like him.

What does matter is that for whatever reason, he went on a killing spree, and wasn't stopped in time. People want to know how it can happen, and how to stop similar incidents happening again.

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