Charlie Hebdo's Harvey Cover Praises Drowning Of 'Neo-Nazis Of Texas'


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Me thinks we must be close to them end times folks talk about. The whole fucking world has gone full retard.

By the way, I wonder if a bunch of Christians will show up at their offices with automatic weapons?


Charlie Hebdo isn’t shrinking from its controversial reputation.

Referencing the destruction that killer storm Harvey has wrought on the U.S. Gulf Coast, the satirical French weekly posted its latest inflammatory cover: Nazi saluters and Nazi flags sinking in water.

“God Exists!” reads the caption in French. “He Drowned All The Neo-Nazis of Texas.”

The cover appears to tie the natural disaster in Texas and Louisiana to the deadly rally of white supremacists and neo-Nazis in Charlottesville, Virginia, earlier this month.

At least 35 people have died and tens of thousands have been displaced by Harvey. But as Newsweek noted, there’s no evidence that the death toll includes neo-Nazis.

In 2015, Charlie Hebdo endured a terror attack that killed a dozen people at its office, including staffers and police. The two gunmen reportedly shouted, “We have avenged the prophet,” referring to the outlet’s caricatures of Muhammad.

Charlie Hebdo's Harvey Cover Praises Drowning Of 'Neo-Nazis Of Texas'
Me thinks we must be close to them end times folks talk about. The whole fucking world has gone full retard.

By the way, I wonder if a bunch of Christians will show up at their offices with automatic weapons?


Charlie Hebdo isn’t shrinking from its controversial reputation.

Referencing the destruction that killer storm Harvey has wrought on the U.S. Gulf Coast, the satirical French weekly posted its latest inflammatory cover: Nazi saluters and Nazi flags sinking in water.

“God Exists!” reads the caption in French. “He Drowned All The Neo-Nazis of Texas.”

The cover appears to tie the natural disaster in Texas and Louisiana to the deadly rally of white supremacists and neo-Nazis in Charlottesville, Virginia, earlier this month.

At least 35 people have died and tens of thousands have been displaced by Harvey. But as Newsweek noted, there’s no evidence that the death toll includes neo-Nazis.

In 2015, Charlie Hebdo endured a terror attack that killed a dozen people at its office, including staffers and police. The two gunmen reportedly shouted, “We have avenged the prophet,” referring to the outlet’s caricatures of Muhammad.

Charlie Hebdo's Harvey Cover Praises Drowning Of 'Neo-Nazis Of Texas'
t. ISIS should pay Charlie Hedbo another visit. That fucking rag just lost a goodly amount of support.
The Hedbo people like to act like an assholes just to show that they can act like assholes.

That act got old a long time ago. Doesn't mean anyone should kill them, but everyone should point out they act like assholes.
The Hedbo people like to act like an assholes just to show that they can act like assholes.

That act got old a long time ago. Doesn't mean anyone should kill them, but everyone should point out they act like assholes.

Typical leftist publication...they can't help themselves anymore than you can, Mamooth!
Typical leftist publication...they can't help themselves anymore than you can, Mamooth!

Don't you feel ashamed, having to constantly use the "Waaaaa! Mamooth is so meeeeeeaaaaaan!" tactic?

But then, if it's all you've got, it's all you've got.
Charlie Hebdo has always been hateful toward Christians. That's why it was so disgraceful for Americans to be affirmatively supportive of Hebdo after that incident years ago. You can condemn the violence without supporting organizations of hate, Hebdo.
Typical leftist publication...they can't help themselves anymore than you can, Mamooth!

Don't you feel ashamed, having to constantly use the "Waaaaa! Mamooth is so meeeeeeaaaaaan!" tactic?

But then, if it's all you've got, it's all you've got.

Mean? I hate to break this to you, Mamooth but I don't find most liberals "mean"...I find most of them a bit pathetic these days. Do you remember the "glory days" back in 2008 when you were all declaring the GOP dead and predicting there wouldn't be another Republican President for decades? That the Democrats would control Congress for the unforeseen future? That the swell of Hispanic votes would mean a Republican wouldn't be able to get elected in this country? That was all of you gloating in 2008. Then a scant two years later it all changed! The voters got a look at what Progressives do when they have power and they didn't like what they were seeing! They voted Democrats out in the biggest swing from one party to another in the history of Congress! It was a Democratic bloodbath!

Since then...the only thing YOU liberals have are snarky insults about intelligence and racism! You can't argue the you demagogue the opposition. You ATTEMPT to be mean but there's no bite to your bark! After awhile it's all just background noise that nobody really pays attention to. Your party is corrupt as hell. Your leadership is ancient. And your ideas only work in political science classes led by clueless professors.

That's all I've got...
Its poor isnt it ?

You know Tommy it make me wonder if you and your kind have any idea Texas is Minority-Majority State and if you do not understand then look it up.

What the rag magazine is calling Nazis is millions of minorities that live in the Gulf Coast Region.

Millions of those people are Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, and so on.

Houston alone is a melting pot of a city that has Persian, Colombian, Vietnamese and Russian communities.

Now I know in the mind of the Progressive Left the only thing that lives in Texas are radical White Christians but did you know Houston had a Lesibian Mayor ( Parker ) before Turner that is African American?

So as the rag magazine make it political statement maybe those like you in the U.K. and Europe should study the region you are insulting and discover that region you hate is more diverse than some parts of France and Europe...

Oh, Victoria and Corpus have heavy amounts of Tejanos and Hispanics, but please let that rag magazine call those people Nazis...
Mean? I hate to break this to you, Mamooth but I don't find most liberals "mean"...I find most of them a bit pathetic these days.

Then why are you constantly crying about how mean we are? You act afraid and butthurt. What's the matter, does your golden messiah have feet of clay? That's the root of it, how abject of a failure Trump is. He'll go down in history as the worst president ever, and you're already humiliated over it.

What's the topic here? That's right, Hebdo, a group liberals have always called assholes, and a group we still call assholes.

So, consistency points to liberals, as usual. And hypocrisy points to conservatives, as usual, being that they loved Hebdo when they were insulting Muslims. Why weren't you condemning Hebdo when they were insulting Muslims?
Its poor isnt it ?

You know Tommy it make me wonder if you and your kind have any idea Texas is Minority-Majority State and if you do not understand then look it up.

What the rag magazine is calling Nazis is millions of minorities that live in the Gulf Coast Region.

Millions of those people are Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, and so on.

Houston alone is a melting pot of a city that has Persian, Colombian, Vietnamese and Russian communities.

Now I know in the mind of the Progressive Left the only thing that lives in Texas are radical White Christians but did you know Houston had a Lesibian Mayor ( Parker ) before Turner that is African American?

So as the rag magazine make it political statement maybe those like you in the U.K. and Europe should study the region you are insulting and discover that region you hate is more diverse than some parts of France and Europe...

Oh, Victoria and Corpus have heavy amounts of Tejanos and Hispanics, but please let that rag magazine call those people Nazis...
Why are you picking on me ? I have said it is poor. I am not a fan of Charlie.
I certainly look forward to their cover relating to the next natural disaster that rocks California.

I mean, the cover will be similar, right?

After all, California has more active hate groups than any other state in the union...
Its poor isnt it ?

You know Tommy it make me wonder if you and your kind have any idea Texas is Minority-Majority State and if you do not understand then look it up.

What the rag magazine is calling Nazis is millions of minorities that live in the Gulf Coast Region.

Millions of those people are Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, and so on.

Houston alone is a melting pot of a city that has Persian, Colombian, Vietnamese and Russian communities.

Now I know in the mind of the Progressive Left the only thing that lives in Texas are radical White Christians but did you know Houston had a Lesibian Mayor ( Parker ) before Turner that is African American?

So as the rag magazine make it political statement maybe those like you in the U.K. and Europe should study the region you are insulting and discover that region you hate is more diverse than some parts of France and Europe...

Oh, Victoria and Corpus have heavy amounts of Tejanos and Hispanics, but please let that rag magazine call those people Nazis...
Why are you picking on me ? I have said it is poor. I am not a fan of Charlie.

Because you are no better than them. You have made rude comments in the past while not studying the region.

I thank you for admitting it is poor taste...
I certainly look forward to their cover relating to the next natural disaster that rocks California.

I mean, the cover will be similar, right?

After all, California has more active hate groups than any other state in the union...

The magazine like many do not know anything about the Gulf Coast Region. They believe that everyone in the region are simple minded radical White Christians while not knowing they are insulting many minority groups...

So I say forget them...
Me thinks we must be close to them end times folks talk about. The whole fucking world has gone full retard.

By the way, I wonder if a bunch of Christians will show up at their offices with automatic weapons?


Charlie Hebdo isn’t shrinking from its controversial reputation.

Referencing the destruction that killer storm Harvey has wrought on the U.S. Gulf Coast, the satirical French weekly posted its latest inflammatory cover: Nazi saluters and Nazi flags sinking in water.

“God Exists!” reads the caption in French. “He Drowned All The Neo-Nazis of Texas.”

The cover appears to tie the natural disaster in Texas and Louisiana to the deadly rally of white supremacists and neo-Nazis in Charlottesville, Virginia, earlier this month.

At least 35 people have died and tens of thousands have been displaced by Harvey. But as Newsweek noted, there’s no evidence that the death toll includes neo-Nazis.

In 2015, Charlie Hebdo endured a terror attack that killed a dozen people at its office, including staffers and police. The two gunmen reportedly shouted, “We have avenged the prophet,” referring to the outlet’s caricatures of Muhammad.

Charlie Hebdo's Harvey Cover Praises Drowning Of 'Neo-Nazis Of Texas'

Mean? I hate to break this to you, Mamooth but I don't find most liberals "mean"...I find most of them a bit pathetic these days.

Then why are you constantly crying about how mean we are? You act afraid and butthurt. What's the matter, does your golden messiah have feet of clay? That's the root of it, how abject of a failure Trump is. He'll go down in history as the worst president ever, and you're already humiliated over it.

What's the topic here? That's right, Hebdo, a group liberals have always called assholes, and a group we still call assholes.

So, consistency points to liberals, as usual. And hypocrisy points to conservatives, as usual, being that they loved Hebdo when they were insulting Muslims. Why weren't you condemning Hebdo when they were insulting Muslims?

Unlike so many of you on the left...I don't need my President to be a "messiah"...I need him to do a job. It isn't about politics as's about fixing politics as usual. Trump is President because people didn't like the way career politicians like Clinton, Obama, Bush, Pelosi, Reid, McConnell and Sanders have conducted business in Washington. That hasn't changed. Trump will be judged by history on how successful he is at changing the culture in Washington.

As for Charlie Hebdo? I'd never heard of them before the terror attack in Paris. I've never read one of their publications. Why you want me to condemn something I know nothing about escapes me. I find this latest cover to be a pathetic combination of ignorance and bad taste. When a tragedy happened to Charlie Hebdo...the world united in support for them. When a tragedy happened to Texas...Charlie returned that favor by equating Texans with Nazis! Classless is the word that comes to mind for such behavior.

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