Charlie Kirk Says Michelle Obama Among Black Women Who 'Steal A White Person's Slot'

Great. Now the ones who don’t enjoy favoritism are the poor black kids and the poor white kids.

You solved the problem by making it worse for black kids!

Because it had nothing to do with helping white kids and everything to do with harming black kids.
Why should everyone get favoritism except poor whites?

And you’re doing the nasty lib thing: anyone who doesn’t go along with favoring black kids for the sole reason that they’re black is accused of racism.

Why are you fighting so hard to make it more difficult for poor whites to have a chance for a good opportunity?
Why should everyone get favoritism except poor whites?

And you’re doing the nasty lib thing: anyone who doesn’t go along with favoring black kids for the sole reason that they’re black is accused of racism.

Why are you fighting so hard to make it more difficult for poor whites to have a chance for a good opportunity?
Because you haven't done anything to help poor white kids get a good opportunity. If anything, you've harmed it.
Why should everyone get favoritism except poor whites?

And you’re doing the nasty lib thing: anyone who doesn’t go along with favoring black kids for the sole reason that they’re black is accused of racism.

Why are you fighting so hard to make it more difficult for poor whites to have a chance for a good opportunity?
For all of its history the US has given white kids a leg up.
Some rebalancing is long overdue.
Because you haven't done anything to help poor white kids get a good opportunity. If anything, you've harmed it.
Huh? Giving admissions preference to poor blacks with worse academics than poor whites is helpful to the whites? No. What would be helpful is if they weren’t penalized for their skin color, as you lefties want to do.

Thank G-d my dad, mom, aunt, and uncle - all children of impoverished Jewish immigrants - came of college-age before Affirmative Action would have given their well-deserved spots to lesser-qualified blacks. Why should my parents have been robbed of the chance for a college education just because they were white?
Those people are long dead. No need to be racist against smart, good white kids today.
The effects of it are still present in society It explains the disparity in wealth and social mobility.
So those people may be long dead but the effects of their mistreatment linger on. It is obtuse to deny it.
Huh? Giving admissions preference to poor blacks with worse academics than poor whites is helpful to the whites? No. What would be helpful is if they weren’t penalized for their skin color, as you lefties want to do.

Thank G-d my dad, mom, aunt, and uncle - all children of impoverished Jewish immigrants - came of college-age before Affirmative Action would have given their well-deserved spots to lesser-qualified blacks. Why should my parents have been robbed of the chance for a college education just because they were white?
You assume that any spot given to a black kid would otherwise go to a white kid.

That's a bad assumption to make, but also a little bit racist because you assume the white kid is deserving of the slot but other kids of other races aren't. The truth is that Asian kids are going to take those spots (and then some) because they're significantly higher achieving than white kids.
Not really. Wealth is generational. One generation's wealth sets up the next generation for wealth. The biggest predictor of a person's wealth is the wealth of their parents.

When the government distributed benefits to white people in the past, it benefited people in the present.
You assume that any spot given to a black kid would otherwise go to a white kid.

That's a bad assumption to make, but also a little bit racist because you assume the white kid is deserving of the slot but other kids of other races aren't. The truth is that Asian kids are going to take those spots (and then some) because they're significantly higher achieving than white kids.
No. I simplified it because I know I’m talking to a liberal, and your comprehension ability is limited.

Asians are ALSO being discriminated against more so than whites. Poorer performing blacks are chosen over better performing whites AND Asians - and based strictly on melanin content. THAT is what is racist.
Charlie Kirk marked the end of affirmative action by ranting against various Black women in power.
“Three weeks ago, if we would’ve said that Joy Reid, and Michelle Obama, and Sheila Jackson Lee, and Ketanji Brown Jackson were affirmative action picks, we would’ve been called the racist,” Kirk said Thursday on his talk show.
“But now they’re coming out and they’re saying it for us,” the far-right commentator continued. “They’re coming out and they’re saying, ‘I’m only here because of affirmative action.’ Yeah, we know. You do not have the brain processing power to otherwise be taken really seriously.”
He added: “You had to go steal a white person’s slot to go be taken somewhat seriously.”

Kirk’s racist tirade was followed by footage of Jackson Lee stating that although the Texas Democrat was “a clear recipient of affirmative action, and particularly in higher education,” she graduated on her own merits. The point appeared lost on Kirk.

“It’s very obvious to us that you were not smart enough to be able to get in on your own,” he said.

Now you folks wonder why black folks don't vote Republican.

Now this clown is a perfect example of white man who feels privileged.

Dude dropped out of Community College and has the nerve to attack black woman who run circles around his dumb ass.
Charlie Kirk is just one of those white male losers who like to use AA as an EXCUSE for their own failures.
The effects of it are still present in society It explains the disparity in wealth and social mobility.
So those people may be long dead but the effects of their mistreatment linger on. It is obtuse to deny it.
Perhaps to a small extent. But the main reason blacks in the underclass are there is due to their own choices and behavior. All they need to do is 1) stay in school, and 2) stop having the majority of babies out-of-wedlock, and they disparity between whites and blacks will close substantially.

Just like with the Jews. They arrived penniless and uneducated, fleeing European persecution, and losing those who remained to Hitler - and by the next generation, their kids are all college graduates or otherwise successful.
No. I simplified it because I know I’m talking to a liberal, and your comprehension ability is limited.

Asians are ALSO being discriminated against more so than whites. Poorer performing blacks are chosen over better performing whites AND Asians - and based strictly on melanin content. THAT is what is racist.
You didn't "simplify it", you distorted it beyond recognition. You said the only ones that were discriminated against were poor white kids, but lo and behold it's actually the Asian kids who are being treated the worst.

Poorer performing white kids are being chosen over whites AND Asians AND blacks AND everyone else if their parents know the right people the way Tucker Carlson got his kids into Ivy League schools.

Poorer performing white kids (the poor ones, not the politically connected ones) are also chosen over Asian kids too, don't forget.

What I think is racist is seeing a black person in an Ivy League school and assuming they didn't earn it.
Back to the topic: if Michelle Obama is picked because she’s a black female, you can count on the anti-white racism AND her husband’s efforts to “transform” America to ramp up even more,

Michelle’s first priority would be to give special advantages to blacks, and whites would be discriminated against even more so. Her entire focus would be on how oppressed and victimized blacks are, and she’d be pushing big time to transfer the hard-earned money of whites who did nothing wrong to blacks who did nothing to deserve it.

Any white and self-respecting black who votes for her Is a fool.
You didn't "simplify it", you distorted it beyond recognition. You said the only ones that were discriminated against were poor white kids, but lo and behold it's actually the Asian kids who are being treated the worst.

Poorer performing white kids are being chosen over whites AND Asians AND blacks AND everyone else if their parents know the right people the way Tucker Carlson got his kids into Ivy League schools.

Poorer performing white kids (the poor ones, not the politically connected ones) are also chosen over Asian kids too, don't forget.

What I think is racist is seeing a black person in an Ivy League school and assuming they didn't earn it.
Nope. But it’s fair to wonder if the black earned it, given that 2/3rds of them got in due to skin color.
As long as we have legacy systems of admissions, the racism of previous generations perpetuates itself even after that racism is gone.
Then let's end the legacy system and let us not perpetuate racism by being racist against Whites and Asians in the name of fighting racism.
You did more than "wonder" in this thread.
No I didn’t. I never said that blacks in Ivy League schools ALL got in due to skin color. I said that lower-scoring blacks got in ahead of better-scoring blacks due to skin color. Approximately 1/3 of blacks would have been admitted, under the high white standards.

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