Charlie Kirk says Trump should add 'positivity' to election bid: Americans 'want their lives back'

That's positive and "uplifting"? I guess to a Trumpster....

I know you vermin prefer "BURN IT DOWN." but yes, that is positive and uplifting.

This is America, and what you vile scum have done has awakened a core that dwarfs 2016.

People don't answer polls because you are evil and violent, they fear being cancelled by you Gestapo motherfuckers. Put a Trump sign in your yard and a Brown Shirt pile of shit will vandalize your car or burn your house down.

So you evil scum don't see us, but we are everywhere and outnumber you rodents 1,000 to 1. Yes we will speak in November.

Take America back from the violent, Stalinist-Nazi fucks who rape, pillage, and burn across the nation.
to your sig pic. exactly what part of your body do you wear a fucking mask on?

It's actually a sanitary napkin.

If we all wear one of these, the Maoists will suddenly dislike masks;

WARNING, the Marxists WILL try to assault you if you wear such a mask, to go armed.
His speeches over the last 2 days were very positive, very patriotic, and very uplifting.

The vast majority of Americans see through this woke shit. Trump will win big in November.
Quote the positive, uplifting parts.

to your sig pic. exactly what part of your body do you wear a fucking mask on?
Your naked emperor seems to think you wear it over your eyes.

Trump Mocked For Claiming His Face Mask Makes Him Look Like 'Lone Ranger'

actually the eyes are an easy entry point for any infection or virus. Try reading the disclaimer on the mask packaging next time, fool. It specifically states that the mask does not prevent the spread of any virus including covid 19. You are being duped but you are too dumb to realize it.

BUT IT SHOWS OBEDIENCE, the only purpose of masks.
And then there's this From another poster
Major Trump donors are done with him and Republican politicians are warning to stay away from him.

What does that mean? Losing. Trump knows he's losing to Biden.
He's losing ground and his base is bleeding off. Polling under 40%, Trump himself said he knows he is losing to Biden.

"Asking Trump to stop being a narcissist is some kind of psychiatric malpractice, since a narcissist isn’t free to think about other people. Asking him to talk policy is laughable. And to ask him to debate policy with a man who has spent a lifetime in the Senate and White House is a suicide mission. Lindsey Graham might as well advise Trump to levitate while farting firecrackers."

"If President Trump seems resigned to losing November’s election, he has good reason. The strategy he is pursuing—and it’s generous to call it a strategy—is premised on the idea that he is going to lose. His own advisers acknowledge that there are very few people who can be persuaded to vote for him, and his aim therefore is to do whatever he can to hold his strong supporters while reducing the overall level of turnout."

What happens when Trump stops believing he can win reelection?
If President Trump seems resigned to losing November’s election, he has good reason. The strategy he is pursuing—and it’s generous to call it a strategy—is premised on the idea that he is going to lose. His own advisers acknowledge that there are very few people who can be persuaded to vote for...

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RED you might be right BUT at least I know the words to "God bless America" Your AH President doesn't as he showed the world on TV A GD Putin boot licker

Why would you know that? You worship Muhammad and his little demon Allah. Why would you want God to bless the country you so bitterly hate?
RED you might be right BUT at least I know the words to "God bless America" Your AH President doesn't as he showed the world on TV A GD Putin boot licker

Why would you know that? You worship Muhammad and his little demon Allah. Why would you want God to bless the country you so bitterly hate?
Hey UN just a question Why do you think I hate this country ? The country that has given me so much?? I hate stupid scum that support stupid scum and trump falls into that catagory
Hey UN just a question Why do you think I hate this country ?

I've read your posts.

The country that has given me so much?? I hate stupid scum that support stupid scum and trump falls into that catagory

And yet every post from you drips with hatred for America and the concept of self-governance by free people. You seek a Marxist dictatorship in a global prison camp that no one can escape.
Hey UN just a question Why do you think I hate this country ?

I've read your posts.

The country that has given me so much?? I hate stupid scum that support stupid scum and trump falls into that catagory

And yet every post from you drips with hatred for America and the concept of self-governance by free people. You seek a Marxist dictatorship in a global prison camp that no one can escape.
You're seeing things Un All you see is a profound dislike for most republicans and detesting the lying garbage in our WH
His speeches over the last 2 days were very positive, very patriotic, and very uplifting.

The vast majority of Americans see through this woke shit. Trump will win big in November.
Quote the positive, uplifting parts.

" We are now in the process of defeating the radical left, the anarchists, the agitators, the looters...We will never allow an angry mob to tear down our statues, erase our history, indoctrinate our children. "
The man is a 100% divider not a uniter He belongs in a sanitarium not in our WH Unfortunately some of his supporters do too

dumb as a sack of frog feet, Eddie. You have the brains of a road kill toad. Your leftist indoctrination is complete, you are totally incapable to cogent thought, all you are is a talking point repeating puppet of your leftist masters.
Trump is an AH Why aren't you speaking up? You really believe the shit he's putting down ?? NOW the POS decides wearing a mask is a good thing and still at his rallies he doesn't make it mandatory?

its not mandatory because we live in a free country. your health is not the government's responsibility or my responsibility. if you think a mask protects you, wear one, recycle your CO2 until you pass out.

one question: if the mask protects the wearer, why do others have to wear one? Answer: because that is one way to turn us into sheep.
The mask I wear protects OTHERS The one you refuse to wear protects your loved ones or your friends

OK, you guys keep saying that, so answer this: you say the mask protects the wearer, right? If you are protected by your mask, how does my wearing one increase your protection? Simple question, but not one of you maskers have been able to provide a sane answer.

next, why is it my responsibility or the government's to protect your health? Why isnt that your responsibility? you are probably overweight, many americans are, are your eating habits my responsibility?
My mask protects you from me if I have a virus YOUR mask protects ME if you have a virus I can't make that any plainer

I don't have it, do you? If either of us gets it we have a 99.8% survival chance. you can worry yourself crazy about that, I choose not too. the affects of hypoxia are much more serious than the remote change of dying from covid.
You hear of anyone dying because they wore a mask ,,,,,,,out of the many millions wearing them ?/ You should send that BS to trump so he could use it

Wearing a mask won't protect you from the virus. If a drug addict dirtbag leftist coughs in your face and it gets in your eyes your mask did nothing.
His speeches over the last 2 days were very positive, very patriotic, and very uplifting.

The vast majority of Americans see through this woke shit. Trump will win big in November.
Quote the positive, uplifting parts.

" We are now in the process of defeating the radical left, the anarchists, the agitators, the looters...We will never allow an angry mob to tear down our statues, erase our history, indoctrinate our children. "
The man is a 100% divider not a uniter He belongs in a sanitarium not in our WH Unfortunately some of his supporters do too

dumb as a sack of frog feet, Eddie. You have the brains of a road kill toad. Your leftist indoctrination is complete, you are totally incapable to cogent thought, all you are is a talking point repeating puppet of your leftist masters.
Trump is an AH Why aren't you speaking up? You really believe the shit he's putting down ?? NOW the POS decides wearing a mask is a good thing and still at his rallies he doesn't make it mandatory?

its not mandatory because we live in a free country. your health is not the government's responsibility or my responsibility. if you think a mask protects you, wear one, recycle your CO2 until you pass out.

one question: if the mask protects the wearer, why do others have to wear one? Answer: because that is one way to turn us into sheep.
The mask I wear protects OTHERS The one you refuse to wear protects your loved ones or your friends

OK, you guys keep saying that, so answer this: you say the mask protects the wearer, right? If you are protected by your mask, how does my wearing one increase your protection? Simple question, but not one of you maskers have been able to provide a sane answer.

next, why is it my responsibility or the government's to protect your health? Why isnt that your responsibility? you are probably overweight, many americans are, are your eating habits my responsibility?
My mask protects you from me if I have a virus YOUR mask protects ME if you have a virus I can't make that any plainer

I don't have it, do you? If either of us gets it we have a 99.8% survival chance. you can worry yourself crazy about that, I choose not too. the affects of hypoxia are much more serious than the remote change of dying from covid.
You hear of anyone dying because they wore a mask ,,,,,,,out of the many millions wearing them ?/ You should send that BS to trump so he could use it

Wearing a mask won't protect you from the virus. If a drug addict dirtbag leftist coughs in your face and it gets in your eyes your mask did nothing.
my wearing a mask protects you. You wearing a mask protects others.
His speeches over the last 2 days were very positive, very patriotic, and very uplifting.

The vast majority of Americans see through this woke shit. Trump will win big in November.
Quote the positive, uplifting parts.

" We are now in the process of defeating the radical left, the anarchists, the agitators, the looters...We will never allow an angry mob to tear down our statues, erase our history, indoctrinate our children. "
The man is a 100% divider not a uniter He belongs in a sanitarium not in our WH Unfortunately some of his supporters do too

dumb as a sack of frog feet, Eddie. You have the brains of a road kill toad. Your leftist indoctrination is complete, you are totally incapable to cogent thought, all you are is a talking point repeating puppet of your leftist masters.
Trump is an AH Why aren't you speaking up? You really believe the shit he's putting down ?? NOW the POS decides wearing a mask is a good thing and still at his rallies he doesn't make it mandatory?

its not mandatory because we live in a free country. your health is not the government's responsibility or my responsibility. if you think a mask protects you, wear one, recycle your CO2 until you pass out.

one question: if the mask protects the wearer, why do others have to wear one? Answer: because that is one way to turn us into sheep.
The mask I wear protects OTHERS The one you refuse to wear protects your loved ones or your friends

OK, you guys keep saying that, so answer this: you say the mask protects the wearer, right? If you are protected by your mask, how does my wearing one increase your protection? Simple question, but not one of you maskers have been able to provide a sane answer.

next, why is it my responsibility or the government's to protect your health? Why isnt that your responsibility? you are probably overweight, many americans are, are your eating habits my responsibility?
My mask protects you from me if I have a virus YOUR mask protects ME if you have a virus I can't make that any plainer

I don't have it, do you? If either of us gets it we have a 99.8% survival chance. you can worry yourself crazy about that, I choose not too. the affects of hypoxia are much more serious than the remote change of dying from covid.
You hear of anyone dying because they wore a mask ,,,,,,,out of the many millions wearing them ?/ You should send that BS to trump so he could use it

Wearing a mask won't protect you from the virus. If a drug addict dirtbag leftist coughs in your face and it gets in your eyes your mask did nothing.
my wearing a mask protects you. You wearing a mask protects others.
I've tried,Lord knows I've tried to explain that to him Head hard as a rock
His speeches over the last 2 days were very positive, very patriotic, and very uplifting.

The vast majority of Americans see through this woke shit. Trump will win big in November.
Quote the positive, uplifting parts.

" We are now in the process of defeating the radical left, the anarchists, the agitators, the looters...We will never allow an angry mob to tear down our statues, erase our history, indoctrinate our children. "
The man is a 100% divider not a uniter He belongs in a sanitarium not in our WH Unfortunately some of his supporters do too

dumb as a sack of frog feet, Eddie. You have the brains of a road kill toad. Your leftist indoctrination is complete, you are totally incapable to cogent thought, all you are is a talking point repeating puppet of your leftist masters.
Trump is an AH Why aren't you speaking up? You really believe the shit he's putting down ?? NOW the POS decides wearing a mask is a good thing and still at his rallies he doesn't make it mandatory?

its not mandatory because we live in a free country. your health is not the government's responsibility or my responsibility. if you think a mask protects you, wear one, recycle your CO2 until you pass out.

one question: if the mask protects the wearer, why do others have to wear one? Answer: because that is one way to turn us into sheep.
The mask I wear protects OTHERS The one you refuse to wear protects your loved ones or your friends

OK, you guys keep saying that, so answer this: you say the mask protects the wearer, right? If you are protected by your mask, how does my wearing one increase your protection? Simple question, but not one of you maskers have been able to provide a sane answer.

next, why is it my responsibility or the government's to protect your health? Why isnt that your responsibility? you are probably overweight, many americans are, are your eating habits my responsibility?
My mask protects you from me if I have a virus YOUR mask protects ME if you have a virus I can't make that any plainer

I don't have it, do you? If either of us gets it we have a 99.8% survival chance. you can worry yourself crazy about that, I choose not too. the affects of hypoxia are much more serious than the remote change of dying from covid.
You hear of anyone dying because they wore a mask ,,,,,,,out of the many millions wearing them ?/ You should send that BS to trump so he could use it

Wearing a mask won't protect you from the virus. If a drug addict dirtbag leftist coughs in your face and it gets in your eyes your mask did nothing.
my wearing a mask protects you. You wearing a mask protects others.

IF we are infected. You forgot that part.
His speeches over the last 2 days were very positive, very patriotic, and very uplifting.

The vast majority of Americans see through this woke shit. Trump will win big in November.
Quote the positive, uplifting parts.

" We are now in the process of defeating the radical left, the anarchists, the agitators, the looters...We will never allow an angry mob to tear down our statues, erase our history, indoctrinate our children. "
The man is a 100% divider not a uniter He belongs in a sanitarium not in our WH Unfortunately some of his supporters do too

dumb as a sack of frog feet, Eddie. You have the brains of a road kill toad. Your leftist indoctrination is complete, you are totally incapable to cogent thought, all you are is a talking point repeating puppet of your leftist masters.
Trump is an AH Why aren't you speaking up? You really believe the shit he's putting down ?? NOW the POS decides wearing a mask is a good thing and still at his rallies he doesn't make it mandatory?

its not mandatory because we live in a free country. your health is not the government's responsibility or my responsibility. if you think a mask protects you, wear one, recycle your CO2 until you pass out.

one question: if the mask protects the wearer, why do others have to wear one? Answer: because that is one way to turn us into sheep.
The mask I wear protects OTHERS The one you refuse to wear protects your loved ones or your friends

OK, you guys keep saying that, so answer this: you say the mask protects the wearer, right? If you are protected by your mask, how does my wearing one increase your protection? Simple question, but not one of you maskers have been able to provide a sane answer.

next, why is it my responsibility or the government's to protect your health? Why isnt that your responsibility? you are probably overweight, many americans are, are your eating habits my responsibility?
My mask protects you from me if I have a virus YOUR mask protects ME if you have a virus I can't make that any plainer

I don't have it, do you? If either of us gets it we have a 99.8% survival chance. you can worry yourself crazy about that, I choose not too. the affects of hypoxia are much more serious than the remote change of dying from covid.
You hear of anyone dying because they wore a mask ,,,,,,,out of the many millions wearing them ?/ You should send that BS to trump so he could use it

Wearing a mask won't protect you from the virus. If a drug addict dirtbag leftist coughs in your face and it gets in your eyes your mask did nothing.
my wearing a mask protects you. You wearing a mask protects others.
I've tried,Lord knows I've tried to explain that to him Head hard as a rock

If neither of us is infected the mask does nothing, eddie Christ pull your head out of your ass. Are you government control freaks going to mandate all gay men wear government approve condoms next??
His speeches over the last 2 days were very positive, very patriotic, and very uplifting.

The vast majority of Americans see through this woke shit. Trump will win big in November.
Quote the positive, uplifting parts.

" We are now in the process of defeating the radical left, the anarchists, the agitators, the looters...We will never allow an angry mob to tear down our statues, erase our history, indoctrinate our children. "
The man is a 100% divider not a uniter He belongs in a sanitarium not in our WH Unfortunately some of his supporters do too

dumb as a sack of frog feet, Eddie. You have the brains of a road kill toad. Your leftist indoctrination is complete, you are totally incapable to cogent thought, all you are is a talking point repeating puppet of your leftist masters.
Trump is an AH Why aren't you speaking up? You really believe the shit he's putting down ?? NOW the POS decides wearing a mask is a good thing and still at his rallies he doesn't make it mandatory?

its not mandatory because we live in a free country. your health is not the government's responsibility or my responsibility. if you think a mask protects you, wear one, recycle your CO2 until you pass out.

one question: if the mask protects the wearer, why do others have to wear one? Answer: because that is one way to turn us into sheep.
The mask I wear protects OTHERS The one you refuse to wear protects your loved ones or your friends

OK, you guys keep saying that, so answer this: you say the mask protects the wearer, right? If you are protected by your mask, how does my wearing one increase your protection? Simple question, but not one of you maskers have been able to provide a sane answer.

next, why is it my responsibility or the government's to protect your health? Why isnt that your responsibility? you are probably overweight, many americans are, are your eating habits my responsibility?
My mask protects you from me if I have a virus YOUR mask protects ME if you have a virus I can't make that any plainer

I don't have it, do you? If either of us gets it we have a 99.8% survival chance. you can worry yourself crazy about that, I choose not too. the affects of hypoxia are much more serious than the remote change of dying from covid.
You hear of anyone dying because they wore a mask ,,,,,,,out of the many millions wearing them ?/ You should send that BS to trump so he could use it

Wearing a mask won't protect you from the virus. If a drug addict dirtbag leftist coughs in your face and it gets in your eyes your mask did nothing.
my wearing a mask protects you. You wearing a mask protects others.
I've tried,Lord knows I've tried to explain that to him Head hard as a rock

If neither of us is infected the mask does nothing, eddie Christ pull your head out of your ass. Are you government control freaks going to mandate all gay men wear government approve condoms next??
You're right ,if neither of us are infected and we're alone with each other ,,like my wife and I BUT what if we go shopping or to a lol trump rally and no one is wearing a mask ? You have the name of a virus expert that says no masks needed?
BUT what if we go shopping or to a lol trump rally and no one is wearing a mask ?

So you wear a virus gathering face mask in public, you go shopping and gather up all the virus you can and take it home with you. :eusa_think:
BUT what if we go shopping or to a lol trump rally and no one is wearing a mask ?

So you wear a virus gathering face mask in public, you go shopping and gather up all the virus you can and take it home with you. :eusa_think:
I change mine frequently and try to avoid crowds keeping my distance What's the big fn deal about being careful in these perilous times?
BUT what if we go shopping or to a lol trump rally and no one is wearing a mask ?

So you wear a virus gathering face mask in public, you go shopping and gather up all the virus you can and take it home with you. :eusa_think:
I change mine frequently and try to avoid crowds keeping my distance What's the big fn deal about being careful in these perilous times?
I really don't want anything bad to happen to my republican friends Want them all to see Trump getting dragged out of the WH screaming Whaaaaaaaaaaa Whaaaaaaaaaa it's all mine
to your sig pic. exactly what part of your body do you wear a fucking mask on?

It's actually a sanitary napkin.

If we all wear one of these, the Maoists will suddenly dislike masks;
View attachment 359660

WARNING, the Marxists WILL try to assault you if you wear such a mask, to go armed.
if that's all it took for idiot Trumpsters to wear masks, I'd buy y'all hundreds.
Do it, Americans will wear them. democrats will still assault the elderly for wearing them though.

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