Charlotte schools tell staff: Don’t call students ‘boy’ or ‘girl’

Newsflash: boys are boys and girls are girls. Get used to the definitions because they apply in every case. If a boy wants to be a girl, we should respect that as much as if he announced he wanted to be a goose or a donkey. ie: we should send him to the school counselor or psyche ward before we start calling him "honk honk" or "hee haw"..

Jesus H. Christ.
what about one of the freaks who is biologically a boy and fights the system to be recognized as a girl and wins, finds out that "she" will not be called a girl. This whole thing sort of collapses on itself, doesn't it?

Yes, but some liberals will feel good about themselves for ignoring the feelings of the majority and making a few feel better.

It's actually something liberals do for themselves. There was never a problem with transgenders and bathrooms. The left created the problem so they could solve it and then claim that they care. They could also vilify millions of people by claiming they are insensitive. These new bathroom laws are incredibly insensitive for transgenders and puts them in a negative light. If the left wanted to help them, they wouldn't have done this.

Liberal policies are all about making themselves appear caring while making the majority suffer. Whether it's their irrational laws or taking more taxes to pay for their insane ideas, they feel justified because it furthers their agenda and they claim good intentions. There are no good intentions, just manipulation of people to make their own dreams reality. Every new law and every new divide enables them to take more control over our lives. The left prefers a submissive public. And they do it by shaming anyone who doesn't support their crazy ideas. They can now claim more people are bigots.

Have you noticed that anytime people reject liberalism, they are labeled as racist, bigots or mean? That's how they get away with this shit. When the media is backing them up and ready to pounce on anyone against the agenda, it makes people think twice about putting forth a perfectly rational argument. Reason only works with reasonable people and too many are drunk on koolaid, which means intelligent arguments fall on deaf ears.
Charlotte schools tell staff: Don’t call students ‘boy’ or ‘girl’

CHARLOTTE, N.C., August 16, 2016(LifeSiteNews) — A North Carolina school board has issued recommendations for faculty and staff to stop calling male children "boys" and female students "girls."

The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools gave a presentation to principals and counselors entitled “Supporting Transgender Students” that focused on "bully prevention." Among the various means of preventing bullying is eliminating all references to boys or girls.

Instead, the policy instructs staff to call boys and girls "students" or "scholars."


Yeap. And the hits just keep on coming. Calling students boys or girls folks.
is this the new right wing cracka outrage of the day?

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