Charlotte schools tell staff: Don’t call students ‘boy’ or ‘girl’

So find a teacher who agrees with you to teach for free because that is what you really want....just admit it. You low iq folk.
So find a teacher who agrees with you to teach for free because that is what you really want....just admit it. You low iq folk.
Teachers get paychecks from tax payer dollars and they work for the tax payer. It is that simple.
Why would anyone give up a decent wage to earn poverty wages? It is that simple. Tsaxpayers there dont deserve good teachers.
Why would anyone give up a decent wage to earn poverty wages? It is that simple. Tsaxpayers there dont deserve good teachers.
Again find a different profession. Our teachers here make triple what the average wage earner makes plus they have benefits on top of that.
Triple? Bull. The carolina legislature has told teachers to take a hike. Have you researched the turnover rate of teachers in north carolina? Good ones get out asap. Again you want good teachers to work for zippo. You have nothing to comain about. And if pay in nc is that bad id get out asap.
Triple? Bull. The carolina legislature has told teachers to take a hike. Have you researched the turnover rate of teachers in north carolina? Good ones get out asap. Again you want good teachers to work for zippo. You have nothing to comain about. And if pay in nc is that bad id get out asap.
You will have to take that up with the taxpayers in S Carolina. I don't live in that state.
Either do i. They arent very bright. Couldnt handle those folk. Like talki g to rocks.
Good for them. Students are students. Their sex is irrelevant.

Why? One can strive to make it legally or politically irrelevant, but why must obvious biology (99.99% of the occurrences) be ignored?

Typical of leftism, ignore the vast majority while catering to the tiny, tiny minority. Always.
This is the willful destruction of American .society by turning all norms upside down. I don't care what whacked out idea comes down the pike in the future, the liberals will immediately adopt it. A couple years ago, both Obama and Cinton was against gay marriage and now they're all for it. Pedophilia is going to be the next social barrier that will be broken and Hillary will become its biggest cheerleader.
Its carolina. Nuff said. Like i said find teachers to work for free. Thats what those backward people want.
Charlotte schools tell staff: Don’t call students ‘boy’ or ‘girl’

CHARLOTTE, N.C., August 16, 2016(LifeSiteNews) — A North Carolina school board has issued recommendations for faculty and staff to stop calling male children "boys" and female students "girls."
If I was a teacher at that school, I would purposefully emphasize the words "boy" or "girl" when addressing a male or female student, respectively. If the district fired or fined or otherwise punished me, I'd sue their ASSES off and retire fabulously. My attorney would use Webster's dictionary as our case-citation..
What if this hurts their self much will that cost
So if reality hurts someone's self-esteem, we change reality to reflect their dementia?

Not on my watch. Get them on the shrink's couch, but don't tell society it has to be gaslighted because they won't confront their mental illness.
Charlotte schools tell staff: Don’t call students ‘boy’ or ‘girl’

CHARLOTTE, N.C., August 16, 2016(LifeSiteNews) — A North Carolina school board has issued recommendations for faculty and staff to stop calling male children "boys" and female students "girls."

The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools gave a presentation to principals and counselors entitled “Supporting Transgender Students” that focused on "bully prevention." Among the various means of preventing bullying is eliminating all references to boys or girls.

Instead, the policy instructs staff to call boys and girls "students" or "scholars."


Yeap. And the hits just keep on coming. Calling students boys or girls folks.

What about those who identify as boys or girls and prefer to be addressed as such? Or is it only the tiny percent who are now being respected?
Good for them. Students are students. Their sex is irrelevant.

Except when looking at who advances to STEM fields and management positions. Then it becomes relevant again. That's the contradictory left wing regressive ideology for you.
Charlotte schools tell staff: Don’t call students ‘boy’ or ‘girl’

CHARLOTTE, N.C., August 16, 2016(LifeSiteNews) — A North Carolina school board has issued recommendations for faculty and staff to stop calling male children "boys" and female students "girls."

The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools gave a presentation to principals and counselors entitled “Supporting Transgender Students” that focused on "bully prevention." Among the various means of preventing bullying is eliminating all references to boys or girls.

Instead, the policy instructs staff to call boys and girls "students" or "scholars."


Yeap. And the hits just keep on coming. Calling students boys or girls folks.

What about those who identify as boys or girls and prefer to be addressed as such? Or is it only the tiny percent who are now being respected?
what about one of the freaks who is biologically a boy and fights the system to be recognized as a girl and wins, finds out that "she" will not be called a girl. This whole thing sort of collapses on itself, doesn't it?

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