Charlottesville To Remove confederate Statues That Helped Spark Deadly Rally


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
They start taking down the statue later today.

It will go into storage until the city can decide who gets it. There have been requests for the statue some out of the state and some in the state.

Thank goodness that statue and the one of stonewall jackson are coming down.

It is long overdue. The statues never should have been erected in the first place.

It is long overdue. The statues never should have been erected in the first place.

In fact, they were erected decades after the Civil War – not to ‘commemorate’ those who fought in the War but rather to intimidate black Americans, to reinforce and further codify Jim Crow, black codes, and segregation.

These are monuments to fear, ignorance, bigotry, racism, and hate.

Moreover, those who violated their oath to defend and protect the Constitution, those who betrayed their country and fought against America, those who engaged in treason and war crimes deserve no commemoration.
Democrats making more American history disappear.
This is a lie.

These symbols of treason, racism, and hate will be relocated to venues where this period of American history will never be forgotten.

Not the history of the Civil War – as these monuments have nothing to do with that conflict – but the history of Jim Crow, black codes, and segregation that conservatives today work so hard to ignore and erase.
Democrats making more American history disappear.
This is a lie.

These symbols of treason, racism, and hate will be relocated to venues where this period of American history will never be forgotten.

Not the history of the Civil War – as these monuments have nothing to do with that conflict – but the history of Jim Crow, black codes, and segregation that conservatives today work so hard to ignore and erase.
As I said: DemoKKKrat History. YOUR History.

Democrats making more American history disappear.
THEIR History; people need to remember that the DemoKKKrats are the party of the KKK.

These days the republicans have all the fantasy confederates and other assorted goose-steppers. It is for their sake you think you have to defend the legacy of the confederacy.
Democrats making more American history disappear.
This is a lie.

These symbols of treason, racism, and hate will be relocated to venues where this period of American history will never be forgotten.

Not the history of the Civil War – as these monuments have nothing to do with that conflict – but the history of Jim Crow, black codes, and segregation that conservatives today work so hard to ignore and erase.

The rebels were all exonerated of the fictitious "treason" charge.

And the motivation for the War of Northern Aggression was that the proposition that states had the right to secede from the union- the war was how that matter was adjudicated.

There was plenty of "hate" and segregation all parts of America, that's not what they were fighting over.
American Taliban in action. Destroy history.

Nobody is destroying history.

The people who abused history are, "Hey, remember those guys who started a half-ass Civil War that got thousands of people killed? Let's put up statues of them!!!"
The abuse of history has come from the Lost Cause movement which glorified the Confederacy and rewrote history books to minimize culpability of the South
American Taliban in action. Destroy history.

Nobody is destroying history.

The people who abused history are, "Hey, remember those guys who started a half-ass Civil War that got thousands of people killed? Let's put up statues of them!!!"

The war wasn't about freeing the black people or giving them affirmative action.

It was about preserving the union- read the Gettysburg Fucking Address.

They couldn't have recruited a military force the size of the union army to risk their lives to free the black folks.
American Taliban in action. Destroy history.

Nobody is destroying history.

The people who abused history are, "Hey, remember those guys who started a half-ass Civil War that got thousands of people killed? Let's put up statues of them!!!"

You stupid uneducated Moon Bat.

Robert E. Lee was a great American hero to tens of millions of Americans and your Libtard hate and ignorance of history is despicable.

You Libtards are full of hate and intollerance of anything except the Communist Party line, aren't you? Just like the Taliban.
Democrats making more American history disappear.
No, they are not. See poster CC Jones remarks: "
These symbols of treason, racism, and hate will be relocated to venues where this period of American history will never be forgotten.
Moreover, those who violated their oath to defend and protect the Constitution, those who betrayed their country and fought against America, those who engaged in treason and war crimes deserve no commemoration.
Indeed, Robert E. Lee, and other active duty military 'Confederates' -------were deserters.
They deserted the U.S. Army. They deserted the United States in its hour of need, despite their oaths.
Worse, they then killed their former comrades in the U.S. military.
And some want those deserters to be painted as heroic exemplars.*

*In fact, Nathan Bedford Forrest, whose statue (and now recently, his corpse) has been removed from Memphis' public space......Forrest commanded the massacre of Union soldiers who had surrendered at Ft.Pillow and had been disarmed. They shot 'em down anyway. And those enraptured by the Lost Cause Myth.....erected a friggin' statue to this guy, who, after the war, started and led the Klu Klux Klan. He should have been hung as a war criminal, like Henry Wirz was.

There was plenty of "hate" and segregation all parts of America, that's not what they were fighting over
The Confederacy was fighting to preserve their legal ability to hold slaves, and expand the use of them into the new territories the U.S. was absorbing in its westward expansion---Kansas, Texas, etc.

In fact, it has oft been reported on this very venue that the ability to enslave black slaves was written into the chartering constitutions of many if not all of the seceding states. So do this, poster Prince, go google up some of those old Constitutions, read about their intention to enslave.
And then understand that if the secessionist tell you they want to enslave, and then write it into their founding documents.......well, partner, believe them.

A war over the "State's right to secede" is a Lost Cause after-the-fact excuse the South dreamed up so as not to wear the Traitor-to-America label for generations.


Google up----'Lost Cause Myth'.
Robert E. Lee was a great American hero to tens of millions of Americans and your Libtard hate and ignorance of history is despicable.

He was not a hero to the four million people he fought to keep in slavery
If you go into some southern homes you will find a large framed print. It is of Robert E. Lee praying in much the same pose as Jesus is depicted in the garden of Gethsemane. He is praying some agonized prayer with the light of heaven shining upon him. He has been beatified in the old South beyond all reason.
American Taliban in action. Destroy history.

Nobody is destroying history.

The people who abused history are, "Hey, remember those guys who started a half-ass Civil War that got thousands of people killed? Let's put up statues of them!!!"

The statues aren't just about the War of Northern Aggression, but are part of the effort to raise the esteem of the Southern Honky. Much like the statues of Chris Columbus help with the identity of the Italian people.

Denigrating Southerners as "hicks" or "hayseeds" or "crackers" might be fun to the Liberal elite- but it is devastating to the esteem of those who are the butts of their bigotry.

The statues of Lee and Davis, et al, help to raise the spirits of the embattled and belittled Southern Honky.

BTW, were you aware that Southerners- even today- earn significantly less that Yankees for the same work on the average?

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