Charlottesville To Remove confederate Statues That Helped Spark Deadly Rally

So how come most of these commemorations didn't go up until decades after the war?

In 2016, the Southern Poverty Law Center estimated that there were over 1,500 "symbols of the Confederacy in public spaces" in the United States. The majority of them are located, as one might expect, in the 11 states that seceded from the union, but as Vice aptly points out, some can be found in Union states (New York, for example has three, Pennsylvania, four) and at least 22 of them are located in states that didn't even exist during the Civil War.
How can that be possible? Because largely, Confederate monuments were built during two key periods of American history: the beginnings of Jim Crow in the 1920s and the civil rights movement in the early 1950s and 1960s.
How long after the war was the WWII memorial in DC built?...Vietnam?.....Korea?

Are commemorations of the war supposed to be erected before the war?

Nobody but moonbat freaks gives a hoot in hell what the intellectually bankrupt SPLC has to say about diddly-shit.

Damn, you leftbats are thick as hell.
:lol: Nice try...but people were still alive from those wars when the statues were erected. The majority of confederate statues were put up during the Jim Crow 20s and the civil rights movement in the 60s.

We see you...
The last of the Confederate troops lived into the 1950s, nitwit.
So all those statues were for him? :lol: Come on man, those statues were not put up to commemorate the South. They were put up because white people were pissed that blacks were gaining equality.

We see you.
The youngest of Confederate troops were in their 70s in the 1920s....Though past the average lifespan of the day, living that long was far from unheard of.

Also, Neither you nor any of the bigot assholes at SPLC are mind readers....You can stop the play acting that you are so any time now.

You have to be trying to play as stupid as you are presenting, nitwit.

Talking history, the Democrats like calling southerners in the 50s racists. They can't explain why all the Democrat States turned Democrat in the 60s. Huh ...

View attachment 511389

View attachment 511391

Democrats were the slavers. Democrats started the KKK and Jim Crow. Democrats were the lynchers, cross burners and segregationists.

Now if you're black and try to leave the Democrat party, Democrats target you for destruction and show blacks that Democrats still very much support slavery.

The past and future of the Democrat party is racism. And look at all the lily white Democrats speaking for blacks and screaming racist, racist, racist at other whites. And at blacks who defy them

Exactly right. Dems are the party of slavery and segregation. This is their natural setting. They have projected their abominable behavior for decades.
Trump's support is real and it's solid. They will kill for him if Trump suggests a need for action!
And you suggest we accommodate violent assholes like that?

I'm considering the possibilities if Trump's supporters are made to face more injury, because of a cause that can wait.

You need to consider that even your military has been won over enough by Trump that would cause many to balk at upholding government.

What are you even babbling about?! We have an installed invalid now. Orange man isn't in the white house.
View attachment 511457

Why are you so stupid?
You are the moron that keeps repeating what is probably the most insanely retarded talking point in this discussion. And that is because you have maybe 2 tools in your intellectual toolbox and what seems to be a 4th grade education.
This is what communists do. They remove history to write their own sordid lies. These idiots have no idea that Lewis and Clark mapped the route to the northwest. They travelled with botanists, surveyors, trappers, geologists etc. Can't have a statue commending those qualities. They need BLM painted in the streets.

Taking down a statue isn't "removing history" , except for lobotomized hillbillies like you who don't read books and rely on statues and AM radio shows for learning history.

This is who you are. You're despicable and a disgrace to this country.

So how come most of these commemorations didn't go up until decades after the war?

In 2016, the Southern Poverty Law Center estimated that there were over 1,500 "symbols of the Confederacy in public spaces" in the United States. The majority of them are located, as one might expect, in the 11 states that seceded from the union, but as Vice aptly points out, some can be found in Union states (New York, for example has three, Pennsylvania, four) and at least 22 of them are located in states that didn't even exist during the Civil War.
How can that be possible? Because largely, Confederate monuments were built during two key periods of American history: the beginnings of Jim Crow in the 1920s and the civil rights movement in the early 1950s and 1960s.
How long after the war was the WWII memorial in DC built?...Vietnam?.....Korea?

Are commemorations of the war supposed to be erected before the war?

Nobody but moonbat freaks gives a hoot in hell what the intellectually bankrupt SPLC has to say about diddly-shit.

Damn, you leftbats are thick as hell.
:lol: Nice try...but people were still alive from those wars when the statues were erected. The majority of confederate statues were put up during the Jim Crow 20s and the civil rights movement in the 60s.

We see you...
The last of the Confederate troops lived into the 1950s, nitwit.
So all those statues were for him? :lol: Come on man, those statues were not put up to commemorate the South. They were put up because white people were pissed that blacks were gaining equality.

We see you.
The youngest of Confederate troops were in their 70s in the 1920s....Though past the average lifespan of the day, living that long was far from unheard of.

Also, Neither you nor any of the bigot assholes at SPLC are mind readers....You can stop the play acting that you are so any time now.

You have to be trying to play as stupid as you are presenting, nitwit.

Talking history, the Democrats like calling southerners in the 50s racists. They can't explain why all the Democrat States turned Democrat in the 60s. Huh ...

View attachment 511389

View attachment 511391

Democrats were the slavers. Democrats started the KKK and Jim Crow. Democrats were the lynchers, cross burners and segregationists.

Now if you're black and try to leave the Democrat party, Democrats target you for destruction and show blacks that Democrats still very much support slavery.

The past and future of the Democrat party is racism. And look at all the lily white Democrats speaking for blacks and screaming racist, racist, racist at other whites. And at blacks who defy them

Exactly right. Dems are the party of slavery and segregation. This is their natural setting. They have projected their abominable behavior for decades.
Trump's support is real and it's solid. They will kill for him if Trump suggests a need for action!
And you suggest we accommodate violent assholes like that?

I'm considering the possibilities if Trump's supporters are made to face more injury, because of a cause that can wait.

You need to consider that even your military has been won over enough by Trump that would cause many to balk at upholding government.

What are you even babbling about?! We have an installed invalid now. Orange man isn't in the white house.
View attachment 511457

Why are you so stupid?
You are the moron that keeps repeating what is probably the most insanely retarded talking point in this discussion. And that is because you have maybe 2 tools in your intellectual toolbox and what seems to be a 4th grade education.

Those aren't tools. Those are truth but you're delusional and you can't see the truth. You've been given over to a reprobate mind.
That graphic very likely resonates with the roughly 1/2 of all Muricans who don't vote at all.
I've agreed that it's a powerful graphic and it's likely attractive to something like half of Americans.

But you'r chosen to ignore the point that it doesn't change any minds. It's your attempt to inflame and promote the hating of Americans against fellow Americans, over politics.

Neither Canada or any other modern democracy has anything even close to America's racism problem.

You can make it the fault of black people and the Democratic party but I won't take up the debate to challenge it.

I don't care! I only care about repercussions on other countries that could result from your hateful racist clusterfuk.

Who will take up arms first? And how long do you have to wait for the satisfaction that you hope can result from it?

How long can half of America wait for Trump to be restored to his rightful presidency?
This is what communists do. They remove history to write their own sordid lies. These idiots have no idea that Lewis and Clark mapped the route to the northwest. They travelled with botanists, surveyors, trappers, geologists etc. Can't have a statue commending those qualities. They need BLM painted in the streets.

Taking down a statue isn't "removing history" , except for lobotomized hillbillies like you who don't read books and rely on statues and AM radio shows for learning history.

This is who your are. You're despicable and a disgrace to this country.

Forget flag desecration, that's blatant disrespect for private property.....That "mother" could stand to be taken over a knee.
That graphic very likely resonates with the roughly 1/2 of all Muricans who don't vote at all.
I've agreed that it's a powerful graphic and it's likely attractive to something like half of Americans.

But you'r chosen to ignore the point that it doesn't change any minds. It's your attempt to inflame and promote the hating of Americans against fellow Americans, over politics.

Neither Canada or any other modern democracy has anything even close to America's racism problem.

You can make it the fault of black people and the Democratic party but I won't take up the debate to challenge it.

I don't care! I only care about repercussions on other countries that could result from your hateful racist clusterfuk.

Who will take up arms first? And how long do you have to wait for the satisfaction that you hope can result from it?

How long can half of America wait for Trump to be restored to his rightful presidency?
You can gaslight us from afar about our alleged wacism, and it's still gaslighting....We're so wacis that we elected a mulatto president, TWICE.

Now get the fuck back in your own lane, supercilious asswipe.
This is what communists do. They remove history to write their own sordid lies. These idiots have no idea that Lewis and Clark mapped the route to the northwest. They travelled with botanists, surveyors, trappers, geologists etc. Can't have a statue commending those qualities. They need BLM painted in the streets.

Taking down a statue isn't "removing history" , except for lobotomized hillbillies like you who don't read books and rely on statues and AM radio shows for learning history.

This is who you are. You're despicable and a disgrace to this country.

But will you kill your fellow Americans for the sake of the flag?
This is what communists do. They remove history to write their own sordid lies. These idiots have no idea that Lewis and Clark mapped the route to the northwest. They travelled with botanists, surveyors, trappers, geologists etc. Can't have a statue commending those qualities. They need BLM painted in the streets.

Taking down a statue isn't "removing history" , except for lobotomized hillbillies like you who don't read books and rely on statues and AM radio shows for learning history.

This is who you are. You're despicable and a disgrace to this country.

Ah, poor, lobotomized cultists. What you sissies cant see, with the orange lard and master's pubes covering your eyes, is that your sickening cult is a global embarrassment and laughingstock to the other 99.5% of the world that is not in it. You twats have spent so much time these last 5 years winking and nodding at each other and sucking each other's dicks that you fail to see the world around you pointing and laughing at you.
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So how come most of these commemorations didn't go up until decades after the war?

In 2016, the Southern Poverty Law Center estimated that there were over 1,500 "symbols of the Confederacy in public spaces" in the United States. The majority of them are located, as one might expect, in the 11 states that seceded from the union, but as Vice aptly points out, some can be found in Union states (New York, for example has three, Pennsylvania, four) and at least 22 of them are located in states that didn't even exist during the Civil War.
How can that be possible? Because largely, Confederate monuments were built during two key periods of American history: the beginnings of Jim Crow in the 1920s and the civil rights movement in the early 1950s and 1960s.
How long after the war was the WWII memorial in DC built?...Vietnam?.....Korea?

Are commemorations of the war supposed to be erected before the war?

Nobody but moonbat freaks gives a hoot in hell what the intellectually bankrupt SPLC has to say about diddly-shit.

Damn, you leftbats are thick as hell.
:lol: Nice try...but people were still alive from those wars when the statues were erected. The majority of confederate statues were put up during the Jim Crow 20s and the civil rights movement in the 60s.

We see you...
The last of the Confederate troops lived into the 1950s, nitwit.
So all those statues were for him? :lol: Come on man, those statues were not put up to commemorate the South. They were put up because white people were pissed that blacks were gaining equality.

We see you.
The youngest of Confederate troops were in their 70s in the 1920s....Though past the average lifespan of the day, living that long was far from unheard of.

Also, Neither you nor any of the bigot assholes at SPLC are mind readers....You can stop the play acting that you are so any time now.

You have to be trying to play as stupid as you are presenting, nitwit.

Talking history, the Democrats like calling southerners in the 50s racists. They can't explain why all the Democrat States turned Democrat in the 60s. Huh ...

View attachment 511389

View attachment 511391

Democrats were the slavers. Democrats started the KKK and Jim Crow. Democrats were the lynchers, cross burners and segregationists.

Now if you're black and try to leave the Democrat party, Democrats target you for destruction and show blacks that Democrats still very much support slavery.

The past and future of the Democrat party is racism. And look at all the lily white Democrats speaking for blacks and screaming racist, racist, racist at other whites. And at blacks who defy them

Exactly right. Dems are the party of slavery and segregation. This is their natural setting. They have projected their abominable behavior for decades.
Trump's support is real and it's solid. They will kill for him if Trump suggests a need for action!
And you suggest we accommodate violent assholes like that?

I'm considering the possibilities if Trump's supporters are made to face more injury, because of a cause that can wait.

You need to consider that even your military has been won over enough by Trump that would cause many to balk at upholding government.

What are you even babbling about?! We have an installed invalid now. Orange man isn't in the white house.
View attachment 511457

Still is. Any black who tries to leave the Democrat plantation learns that Democrats were and still are very much the party of slavery.

Also, I've lived in the South for a couple decades and you almost never see Confederate Flags. Just more of your racist bull shit
This is what communists do. They remove history to write their own sordid lies. These idiots have no idea that Lewis and Clark mapped the route to the northwest. They travelled with botanists, surveyors, trappers, geologists etc. Can't have a statue commending those qualities. They need BLM painted in the streets.

Taking down a statue isn't "removing history" , except for lobotomized hillbillies like you who don't read books and rely on statues and AM radio shows for learning history.

This is who you are. You're despicable and a disgrace to this country.

But will you kill your fellow Americans for the sake of the flag?

The Union filth wanted to kill hundred of thousands Americans because they didn't want to be part of the Union anymore.

That was pretty shitty, wasn't it?
So how come most of these commemorations didn't go up until decades after the war?

In 2016, the Southern Poverty Law Center estimated that there were over 1,500 "symbols of the Confederacy in public spaces" in the United States. The majority of them are located, as one might expect, in the 11 states that seceded from the union, but as Vice aptly points out, some can be found in Union states (New York, for example has three, Pennsylvania, four) and at least 22 of them are located in states that didn't even exist during the Civil War.
How can that be possible? Because largely, Confederate monuments were built during two key periods of American history: the beginnings of Jim Crow in the 1920s and the civil rights movement in the early 1950s and 1960s.
How long after the war was the WWII memorial in DC built?...Vietnam?.....Korea?

Are commemorations of the war supposed to be erected before the war?

Nobody but moonbat freaks gives a hoot in hell what the intellectually bankrupt SPLC has to say about diddly-shit.

Damn, you leftbats are thick as hell.
:lol: Nice try...but people were still alive from those wars when the statues were erected. The majority of confederate statues were put up during the Jim Crow 20s and the civil rights movement in the 60s.

We see you...
The last of the Confederate troops lived into the 1950s, nitwit.
So all those statues were for him? :lol: Come on man, those statues were not put up to commemorate the South. They were put up because white people were pissed that blacks were gaining equality.

We see you.
The youngest of Confederate troops were in their 70s in the 1920s....Though past the average lifespan of the day, living that long was far from unheard of.

Also, Neither you nor any of the bigot assholes at SPLC are mind readers....You can stop the play acting that you are so any time now.

You have to be trying to play as stupid as you are presenting, nitwit.

Talking history, the Democrats like calling southerners in the 50s racists. They can't explain why all the Democrat States turned Democrat in the 60s. Huh ...

View attachment 511389

View attachment 511391

Democrats were the slavers. Democrats started the KKK and Jim Crow. Democrats were the lynchers, cross burners and segregationists.

Now if you're black and try to leave the Democrat party, Democrats target you for destruction and show blacks that Democrats still very much support slavery.

The past and future of the Democrat party is racism. And look at all the lily white Democrats speaking for blacks and screaming racist, racist, racist at other whites. And at blacks who defy them

Exactly right. Dems are the party of slavery and segregation. This is their natural setting. They have projected their abominable behavior for decades.
Trump's support is real and it's solid. They will kill for him if Trump suggests a need for action!
And you suggest we accommodate violent assholes like that?

I'm considering the possibilities if Trump's supporters are made to face more injury, because of a cause that can wait.

You need to consider that even your military has been won over enough by Trump that would cause many to balk at upholding government.

What are you even babbling about?! We have an installed invalid now. Orange man isn't in the white house.
View attachment 511457

Why are you so stupid?
You are the moron that keeps repeating what is probably the most insanely retarded talking point in this discussion. And that is because you have maybe 2 tools in your intellectual toolbox and what seems to be a 4th grade education.

She asked a good question though. Why ARE you so stupid?
That graphic very likely resonates with the roughly 1/2 of all Muricans who don't vote at all.
I've agreed that it's a powerful graphic and it's likely attractive to something like half of Americans.

But you'r chosen to ignore the point that it doesn't change any minds. It's your attempt to inflame and promote the hating of Americans against fellow Americans, over politics.

Neither Canada or any other modern democracy has anything even close to America's racism problem.

You can make it the fault of black people and the Democratic party but I won't take up the debate to challenge it.

I don't care! I only care about repercussions on other countries that could result from your hateful racist clusterfuk.

Who will take up arms first? And how long do you have to wait for the satisfaction that you hope can result from it?

How long can half of America wait for Trump to be restored to his rightful presidency?
You can gaslight us from afar about our alleged wacism, and it's still gaslighting....We're so wacis that we elected an mulatto president, TWICE.

Now get the fuck back in your own lane, pious asswipe.
Call it gaslighting or anything you like.
You're going to hear it from me and I'm even energized by your expressions of hurt over it.

What can any discussion on this forum be without someone from outside adding something that rises above Americans hating each other?

Your racism problem, or race problem, is everything you say it is.
And your cities are apparently 'shitholes', as stated by your political allies.
You can gaslight us from afar about our alleged wacism, and it's still gaslighting..
Of course we can. Anybody can gaslight you brainwashed freaks at any time. It's literally your only value to the leaders of your cult. Its why the people who want to overturn democracy have chosen you dumbfucks to be their zombie army of angry morons . Surely you didn't think it was because they respected you as human beings and respect your white grievance? They would light all of you shitgibbons and your grandmothers on fire in the public square, if they thought it got them one baby step closer to power.

Exactly right. Dems are the party of slavery and segregation. This is their natural setting. They have projected their abominable behavior for decades.
Trump's support is real and it's solid. They will kill for him if Trump suggests a need for action!
And you suggest we accommodate violent assholes like that?

I'm considering the possibilities if Trump's supporters are made to face more injury, because of a cause that can wait.

You need to consider that even your military has been won over enough by Trump that would cause many to balk at upholding government.

What are you even babbling about?! We have an installed invalid now. Orange man isn't in the white house.
View attachment 511457

Why are you so stupid?
You are the moron that keeps repeating what is probably the most insanely retarded talking point in this discussion. And that is because you have maybe 2 tools in your intellectual toolbox and what seems to be a 4th grade education.

Those aren't tools. Those are truth but you're delusional and you can't see the truth. You've been given over to a reprobate mind.

I always think Democrats are stupid for believing government can make better decisions over their lives than they can, but in Fort Fun's case, I think he's right
This is what communists do. They remove history to write their own sordid lies. These idiots have no idea that Lewis and Clark mapped the route to the northwest. They travelled with botanists, surveyors, trappers, geologists etc. Can't have a statue commending those qualities. They need BLM painted in the streets.

Taking down a statue isn't "removing history" , except for lobotomized hillbillies like you who don't read books and rely on statues and AM radio shows for learning history.

This is who you are. You're despicable and a disgrace to this country.

But will you kill your fellow Americans for the sake of the flag?

So how come most of these commemorations didn't go up until decades after the war?

In 2016, the Southern Poverty Law Center estimated that there were over 1,500 "symbols of the Confederacy in public spaces" in the United States. The majority of them are located, as one might expect, in the 11 states that seceded from the union, but as Vice aptly points out, some can be found in Union states (New York, for example has three, Pennsylvania, four) and at least 22 of them are located in states that didn't even exist during the Civil War.
How can that be possible? Because largely, Confederate monuments were built during two key periods of American history: the beginnings of Jim Crow in the 1920s and the civil rights movement in the early 1950s and 1960s.
How long after the war was the WWII memorial in DC built?...Vietnam?.....Korea?

Are commemorations of the war supposed to be erected before the war?

Nobody but moonbat freaks gives a hoot in hell what the intellectually bankrupt SPLC has to say about diddly-shit.

Damn, you leftbats are thick as hell.
:lol: Nice try...but people were still alive from those wars when the statues were erected. The majority of confederate statues were put up during the Jim Crow 20s and the civil rights movement in the 60s.

We see you...
The last of the Confederate troops lived into the 1950s, nitwit.
So all those statues were for him? :lol: Come on man, those statues were not put up to commemorate the South. They were put up because white people were pissed that blacks were gaining equality.

We see you.
The youngest of Confederate troops were in their 70s in the 1920s....Though past the average lifespan of the day, living that long was far from unheard of.

Also, Neither you nor any of the bigot assholes at SPLC are mind readers....You can stop the play acting that you are so any time now.

You have to be trying to play as stupid as you are presenting, nitwit.

Talking history, the Democrats like calling southerners in the 50s racists. They can't explain why all the Democrat States turned Democrat in the 60s. Huh ...

View attachment 511389

View attachment 511391

Democrats were the slavers. Democrats started the KKK and Jim Crow. Democrats were the lynchers, cross burners and segregationists.

Now if you're black and try to leave the Democrat party, Democrats target you for destruction and show blacks that Democrats still very much support slavery.

The past and future of the Democrat party is racism. And look at all the lily white Democrats speaking for blacks and screaming racist, racist, racist at other whites. And at blacks who defy them

Exactly right. Dems are the party of slavery and segregation. This is their natural setting. They have projected their abominable behavior for decades.
Trump's support is real and it's solid. They will kill for him if Trump suggests a need for action!
And you suggest we accommodate violent assholes like that?

I'm considering the possibilities if Trump's supporters are made to face more injury, because of a cause that can wait.

You need to consider that even your military has been won over enough by Trump that would cause many to balk at upholding government.

What are you even babbling about?! We have an installed invalid now. Orange man isn't in the white house.
There's no doubt that Biden is weak and appears to be losing his grip on reality. But I would guess that he's mostly just a figurehead because of the need for fully intelligent guidance.

And I can see as much danger in having Trump as president. Probably even more because of Trump's narcissism which wouldn't allow him to be guided.

Do either of them increase the risk of nuclear war, on account of their age or dispositions??

America needs a president that would be of somewhat equal intelligence and ability of Xi or Putin.
America's politics is suggestive of a fatal flaw!

If I were a resident to the north, I'd be more concerned about the camps they're building and a prime minister that's subservient to china.

Exactly right. Dems are the party of slavery and segregation. This is their natural setting. They have projected their abominable behavior for decades.
Trump's support is real and it's solid. They will kill for him if Trump suggests a need for action!
And you suggest we accommodate violent assholes like that?

I'm considering the possibilities if Trump's supporters are made to face more injury, because of a cause that can wait.

You need to consider that even your military has been won over enough by Trump that would cause many to balk at upholding government.

What are you even babbling about?! We have an installed invalid now. Orange man isn't in the white house.
View attachment 511457

Why are you so stupid?
You are the moron that keeps repeating what is probably the most insanely retarded talking point in this discussion. And that is because you have maybe 2 tools in your intellectual toolbox and what seems to be a 4th grade education.

Those aren't tools. Those are truth but you're delusional and you can't see the truth. You've been given over to a reprobate mind.

I always think Democrats are stupid for believing government can make better decisions over their lives than they can, but in Fort Fun's case, I think he's right

I stand corrected. You just made an excellent point.

Exactly right. Dems are the party of slavery and segregation. This is their natural setting. They have projected their abominable behavior for decades.
Trump's support is real and it's solid. They will kill for him if Trump suggests a need for action!
And you suggest we accommodate violent assholes like that?

I'm considering the possibilities if Trump's supporters are made to face more injury, because of a cause that can wait.

You need to consider that even your military has been won over enough by Trump that would cause many to balk at upholding government.

What are you even babbling about?! We have an installed invalid now. Orange man isn't in the white house.
View attachment 511457

Why are you so stupid?
You are the moron that keeps repeating what is probably the most insanely retarded talking point in this discussion. And that is because you have maybe 2 tools in your intellectual toolbox and what seems to be a 4th grade education.

Those aren't tools. Those are truth but you're delusional and you can't see the truth. You've been given over to a reprobate mind.

I always think Democrats are stupid for believing government can make better decisions over their lives than they can, but in Fort Fun's case, I think he's right

This is what communists do. They remove history to write their own sordid lies. These idiots have no idea that Lewis and Clark mapped the route to the northwest. They travelled with botanists, surveyors, trappers, geologists etc. Can't have a statue commending those qualities. They need BLM painted in the streets.

Taking down a statue isn't "removing history" , except for lobotomized hillbillies like you who don't read books and rely on statues and AM radio shows for learning history.

This is who you are. You're despicable and a disgrace to this country.

But will you kill your fellow Americans for the sake of the flag?

So how come most of these commemorations didn't go up until decades after the war?

In 2016, the Southern Poverty Law Center estimated that there were over 1,500 "symbols of the Confederacy in public spaces" in the United States. The majority of them are located, as one might expect, in the 11 states that seceded from the union, but as Vice aptly points out, some can be found in Union states (New York, for example has three, Pennsylvania, four) and at least 22 of them are located in states that didn't even exist during the Civil War.
How can that be possible? Because largely, Confederate monuments were built during two key periods of American history: the beginnings of Jim Crow in the 1920s and the civil rights movement in the early 1950s and 1960s.
How long after the war was the WWII memorial in DC built?...Vietnam?.....Korea?

Are commemorations of the war supposed to be erected before the war?

Nobody but moonbat freaks gives a hoot in hell what the intellectually bankrupt SPLC has to say about diddly-shit.

Damn, you leftbats are thick as hell.
:lol: Nice try...but people were still alive from those wars when the statues were erected. The majority of confederate statues were put up during the Jim Crow 20s and the civil rights movement in the 60s.

We see you...
The last of the Confederate troops lived into the 1950s, nitwit.
So all those statues were for him? :lol: Come on man, those statues were not put up to commemorate the South. They were put up because white people were pissed that blacks were gaining equality.

We see you.
The youngest of Confederate troops were in their 70s in the 1920s....Though past the average lifespan of the day, living that long was far from unheard of.

Also, Neither you nor any of the bigot assholes at SPLC are mind readers....You can stop the play acting that you are so any time now.

You have to be trying to play as stupid as you are presenting, nitwit.

Talking history, the Democrats like calling southerners in the 50s racists. They can't explain why all the Democrat States turned Democrat in the 60s. Huh ...

View attachment 511389

View attachment 511391

Democrats were the slavers. Democrats started the KKK and Jim Crow. Democrats were the lynchers, cross burners and segregationists.

Now if you're black and try to leave the Democrat party, Democrats target you for destruction and show blacks that Democrats still very much support slavery.

The past and future of the Democrat party is racism. And look at all the lily white Democrats speaking for blacks and screaming racist, racist, racist at other whites. And at blacks who defy them

Exactly right. Dems are the party of slavery and segregation. This is their natural setting. They have projected their abominable behavior for decades.
Trump's support is real and it's solid. They will kill for him if Trump suggests a need for action!
And you suggest we accommodate violent assholes like that?

I'm considering the possibilities if Trump's supporters are made to face more injury, because of a cause that can wait.

You need to consider that even your military has been won over enough by Trump that would cause many to balk at upholding government.

What are you even babbling about?! We have an installed invalid now. Orange man isn't in the white house.
There's no doubt that Biden is weak and appears to be losing his grip on reality. But I would guess that he's mostly just a figurehead because of the need for fully intelligent guidance.

And I can see as much danger in having Trump as president. Probably even more because of Trump's narcissism which wouldn't allow him to be guided.

Do either of them increase the risk of nuclear war, on account of their age or dispositions??

America needs a president that would be of somewhat equal intelligence and ability of Xi or Putin.
America's politics is suggestive of a fatal flaw!

If I were a resident to the north, I'd be more concerned about the camps they're building and a prime minister that's subservient to china.

I would support any subservience to China you suggest, because I view it as a co-operative approach to China's peaceful means of promoting free and fair trade.

Canada is already taking measures to diversify away from America, as are all of America's allies. The world's countries are no longer willing to be blackmailed by US pressure.

The world chooses China'a methods over US methods of bombing other countries into submission.
This is what communists do. They remove history to write their own sordid lies. These idiots have no idea that Lewis and Clark mapped the route to the northwest. They travelled with botanists, surveyors, trappers, geologists etc. Can't have a statue commending those qualities. They need BLM painted in the streets.

Taking down a statue isn't "removing history" , except for lobotomized hillbillies like you who don't read books and rely on statues and AM radio shows for learning history.

This is who you are. You're despicable and a disgrace to this country.

Ah, poor, lobotomized cultists. What you sissies cant see, with the orange lard and master's pubes covering your eyes, is that your sickening cult is a global embarrassment and laughingstock to the other 99.5% of the world that is not in it. You twats have spent so much time these last 5 years winking and nodding and sucking each other's dicks that you fail to see the world around you pointing and laughing at you.

You're at a huge disadvantage, IQ, so there's no point to argue with you.
This is what communists do. They remove history to write their own sordid lies. These idiots have no idea that Lewis and Clark mapped the route to the northwest. They travelled with botanists, surveyors, trappers, geologists etc. Can't have a statue commending those qualities. They need BLM painted in the streets.

Taking down a statue isn't "removing history" , except for lobotomized hillbillies like you who don't read books and rely on statues and AM radio shows for learning history.

This is who you are. You're despicable and a disgrace to this country.

Kid's a punk....but we have a realtor around here who puts such flags in everyone's yards with a advert attached. That's just as disrespectful to the flag.

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