Charlottesville To Remove confederate Statues That Helped Spark Deadly Rally

Trump's support is real and it's solid. They will kill for him if Trump suggests a need for action!
And you suggest we accommodate violent assholes like that?

I'm considering the possibilities if Trump's supporters are made to face more injury, because of a cause that can wait.

You need to consider that even your military has been won over enough by Trump that would cause many to balk at upholding government.

The Obama filth purged the military of all the senior leaders that were Patriots, understood the oath that they took and had courage. Replaced them with queers, transsexuals and yes men.

The shitheads that defended the Democrat assholes in DC that stole the election were the yes men and weak minded dullards that survived Obama's purge.

The Left always purges the military when they turn a country into a Socialist shithole.
This is divisive and harmful to America. Selecting out certain groups that are not allowed to be proud of their heritage, is bigotry and divisive.
Should Germans be proud of their Nazi heritage?

Different situation. My point stands. THis is divisive and harmful to America.
That's the point.

The Powers that Be want the nation's attention to be divided via ethnic lines....Divide and conquer, and in order to keep 'em conquered keep 'em divided.

And the moonbats follow along jut like the dutiful little drones that they are.

Wrong Enemy.jpg
I'm considering the possibilities if Trump's supporters are made to face more injury, because of a cause that can wait.

You need to consider that even your military has been won over enough by Trump that would cause many to balk at upholding government.
^^^Weapons grade retardation.
Will your military take a stand against Trump's violent supporters if the need arises?
I think it's a question that Biden shouldn't ask of the military.

And it would have to be escalated to a call to the military because none of the militias would act against Trump.

That which Americans like you have created for Trump, is as big and as powerful as you could have ever wished for.
not a good time to take them down because even one gun murder for either side's cause could be the spark that sets off a gun battle of large proportion on the streets.

Fuck that. We arent and should not be held hostage by terrorist threats and we shouldn't negotiate with terrorists. Let them send out the 3rd Infantry Company of the Diabetes Division, like they did at the Capitol. See what happens.
Trump's support is real and it's solid. They will kill for him if Trump suggests a need for action!
And you suggest we accommodate violent assholes like that?


Meanwhile in the real world, Democratic cities are violent cess pits where blacks murder each other at an alarming rate.
Yes, that is America now.
Blame the blacks but don't try to escape the fact that racism created the race problem that now exists.

Will it continue to grow even larger or can it be put down by lethal police force?

Funny. I thought I was blaming the dems. I made a point of pointing out that they are in charge of the cities where this is happening.

But all you saw was race.

The wace problem, is caused by wace baiters like you.

Your question though, as to what it will take to put you down, is valid. Answer: I don't know.
I'm considering the possibilities if Trump's supporters are made to face more injury, because of a cause that can wait.

You need to consider that even your military has been won over enough by Trump that would cause many to balk at upholding government.
^^^Weapons grade retardation.
Will your military take a stand against Trump's violent supporters if the need arises?
I think it's a question that Biden shouldn't ask of the military.

And it would have to be escalated to a call to the military because none of the militias would act against Trump.

That which Americans like you have created for Trump, is as big and as powerful as you could have ever wished for.

i see what you people are doing. You are laying the ground work for you next escalation.

You sure you want to keep escalating? The more violence you put into the system, the greater the chance it blows back on you.
This is divisive and harmful to America. Selecting out certain groups that are not allowed to be proud of their heritage, is bigotry and divisive.
Should Germans be proud of their Nazi heritage?

Different situation. My point stands. THis is divisive and harmful to America.
That's the point.

The Powers that Be want the nation's attention to be divided via ethnic lines....Divide and conquer, and in order to keep 'em conquered keep 'em divided.

And the moonbats follow along jut like the dutiful little drones that they are.

View attachment 511455
A powerful graphic!
But none of them serve to convince the other side, they just inflame and promote more hate by Americans against Americans.

How long now until the extreme right makes the move that will bring satisfaction to people like you? The election for president results must not be allowed to stand!
This is divisive and harmful to America. Selecting out certain groups that are not allowed to be proud of their heritage, is bigotry and divisive.
Should Germans be proud of their Nazi heritage?

Different situation. My point stands. THis is divisive and harmful to America.
That's the point.

The Powers that Be want the nation's attention to be divided via ethnic lines....Divide and conquer, and in order to keep 'em conquered keep 'em divided.

And the moonbats follow along jut like the dutiful little drones that they are.

View attachment 511455
A powerful graphic!
But none of them serve to convince the other side, they just inflame and promote more hate by Americans against Americans.

How long now until the extreme right makes the move that will bring satisfaction to people like you? The election for president results must not be allowed to stand!

The ball is in your side's court. Do you support the creation of a class of political prisoners?
Trump's support is real and it's solid. They will kill for him if Trump suggests a need for action!
And you suggest we accommodate violent assholes like that?


Meanwhile in the real world, Democratic cities are violent cess pits where blacks murder each other at an alarming rate.
Yes, that is America now.
Blame the blacks but don't try to escape the fact that racism created the race problem that now exists.

Will it continue to grow even larger or can it be put down by lethal police force?

Funny. I thought I was blaming the dems. I made a point of pointing out that they are in charge of the cities where this is happening.

But all you saw was race.

The wace problem, is caused by wace baiters like you.

Your question though, as to what it will take to put you down, is valid. Answer: I don't know.
I blame the Dems as much as I blame any others. This is all about Americans attempting to tear each other apart over politics.

Why would the rest of the world care which political party is mostly to blame?

Trump's cause is to regain the presidency and it's going to be nothing but hurt for his supporters until something happens on his behalf. They're not going to wait for 3 years for satisfaction at the ballot boxes. It's very unlikely Trump could win that way anyway.

How is Trump and his supporters going to make something happen?
This is divisive and harmful to America. Selecting out certain groups that are not allowed to be proud of their heritage, is bigotry and divisive.
Should Germans be proud of their Nazi heritage?

Different situation. My point stands. THis is divisive and harmful to America.
That's the point.

The Powers that Be want the nation's attention to be divided via ethnic lines....Divide and conquer, and in order to keep 'em conquered keep 'em divided.

And the moonbats follow along jut like the dutiful little drones that they are.

View attachment 511455
A powerful graphic!
But none of them serve to convince the other side, they just inflame and promote more hate by Americans against Americans.

How long now until the extreme right makes the move that will bring satisfaction to people like you? The election for president results must not be allowed to stand!

The ball is in your side's court. Do you support the creation of a class of political prisoners?
I have no side in your fight. I'm a Canadian and I wouldn't be rooting for either side if the gun violence starts. I make no distinction on what Americans should live or die. Americans own their problem completely and only the repercussions on the rest of the world are important.

I can only see the elimination of Trump from politics as a way forward for America at this time.
This is all about Americans attempting to tear each other apart over politics.
Now that is about as reactionary and hyperbolic as it gets. Removing a statue is a personal attack on someone?

Your apologism on this is repulsive to me. It reminds me of the people who said we shouldn't say certain things or draw certain cartoons because the Muslims might get gwumpy and start murdering us. Fuck that and fuck them.
So how come most of these commemorations didn't go up until decades after the war?

In 2016, the Southern Poverty Law Center estimated that there were over 1,500 "symbols of the Confederacy in public spaces" in the United States. The majority of them are located, as one might expect, in the 11 states that seceded from the union, but as Vice aptly points out, some can be found in Union states (New York, for example has three, Pennsylvania, four) and at least 22 of them are located in states that didn't even exist during the Civil War.
How can that be possible? Because largely, Confederate monuments were built during two key periods of American history: the beginnings of Jim Crow in the 1920s and the civil rights movement in the early 1950s and 1960s.
How long after the war was the WWII memorial in DC built?...Vietnam?.....Korea?

Are commemorations of the war supposed to be erected before the war?

Nobody but moonbat freaks gives a hoot in hell what the intellectually bankrupt SPLC has to say about diddly-shit.

Damn, you leftbats are thick as hell.
:lol: Nice try...but people were still alive from those wars when the statues were erected. The majority of confederate statues were put up during the Jim Crow 20s and the civil rights movement in the 60s.

We see you...
The last of the Confederate troops lived into the 1950s, nitwit.
So all those statues were for him? :lol: Come on man, those statues were not put up to commemorate the South. They were put up because white people were pissed that blacks were gaining equality.

We see you.
The youngest of Confederate troops were in their 70s in the 1920s....Though past the average lifespan of the day, living that long was far from unheard of.

Also, Neither you nor any of the bigot assholes at SPLC are mind readers....You can stop the play acting that you are so any time now.

You have to be trying to play as stupid as you are presenting, nitwit.

Talking history, the Democrats like calling southerners in the 50s racists. They can't explain why all the Democrat States turned Democrat in the 60s. Huh ...

View attachment 511389

View attachment 511391

Democrats were the slavers. Democrats started the KKK and Jim Crow. Democrats were the lynchers, cross burners and segregationists.

Now if you're black and try to leave the Democrat party, Democrats target you for destruction and show blacks that Democrats still very much support slavery.

The past and future of the Democrat party is racism. And look at all the lily white Democrats speaking for blacks and screaming racist, racist, racist at other whites. And at blacks who defy them

Exactly right. Dems are the party of slavery and segregation. This is their natural setting. They have projected their abominable behavior for decades.
Trump's support is real and it's solid. They will kill for him if Trump suggests a need for action!
And you suggest we accommodate violent assholes like that?

I'm considering the possibilities if Trump's supporters are made to face more injury, because of a cause that can wait.

You need to consider that even your military has been won over enough by Trump that would cause many to balk at upholding government.

What are you even babbling about?! We have an installed invalid now. Orange man isn't in the white house.
So how come most of these commemorations didn't go up until decades after the war?

In 2016, the Southern Poverty Law Center estimated that there were over 1,500 "symbols of the Confederacy in public spaces" in the United States. The majority of them are located, as one might expect, in the 11 states that seceded from the union, but as Vice aptly points out, some can be found in Union states (New York, for example has three, Pennsylvania, four) and at least 22 of them are located in states that didn't even exist during the Civil War.
How can that be possible? Because largely, Confederate monuments were built during two key periods of American history: the beginnings of Jim Crow in the 1920s and the civil rights movement in the early 1950s and 1960s.
How long after the war was the WWII memorial in DC built?...Vietnam?.....Korea?

Are commemorations of the war supposed to be erected before the war?

Nobody but moonbat freaks gives a hoot in hell what the intellectually bankrupt SPLC has to say about diddly-shit.

Damn, you leftbats are thick as hell.
:lol: Nice try...but people were still alive from those wars when the statues were erected. The majority of confederate statues were put up during the Jim Crow 20s and the civil rights movement in the 60s.

We see you...
The last of the Confederate troops lived into the 1950s, nitwit.
So all those statues were for him? :lol: Come on man, those statues were not put up to commemorate the South. They were put up because white people were pissed that blacks were gaining equality.

We see you.
The youngest of Confederate troops were in their 70s in the 1920s....Though past the average lifespan of the day, living that long was far from unheard of.

Also, Neither you nor any of the bigot assholes at SPLC are mind readers....You can stop the play acting that you are so any time now.

You have to be trying to play as stupid as you are presenting, nitwit.

Talking history, the Democrats like calling southerners in the 50s racists. They can't explain why all the Democrat States turned Democrat in the 60s. Huh ...

View attachment 511389

View attachment 511391

Democrats were the slavers. Democrats started the KKK and Jim Crow. Democrats were the lynchers, cross burners and segregationists.

Now if you're black and try to leave the Democrat party, Democrats target you for destruction and show blacks that Democrats still very much support slavery.

The past and future of the Democrat party is racism. And look at all the lily white Democrats speaking for blacks and screaming racist, racist, racist at other whites. And at blacks who defy them

Exactly right. Dems are the party of slavery and segregation. This is their natural setting. They have projected their abominable behavior for decades.
Trump's support is real and it's solid. They will kill for him if Trump suggests a need for action!
And you suggest we accommodate violent assholes like that?

I'm considering the possibilities if Trump's supporters are made to face more injury, because of a cause that can wait.

You need to consider that even your military has been won over enough by Trump that would cause many to balk at upholding government.

What are you even babbling about?! We have an installed invalid now. Orange man isn't in the white house.
So how come most of these commemorations didn't go up until decades after the war?

In 2016, the Southern Poverty Law Center estimated that there were over 1,500 "symbols of the Confederacy in public spaces" in the United States. The majority of them are located, as one might expect, in the 11 states that seceded from the union, but as Vice aptly points out, some can be found in Union states (New York, for example has three, Pennsylvania, four) and at least 22 of them are located in states that didn't even exist during the Civil War.
How can that be possible? Because largely, Confederate monuments were built during two key periods of American history: the beginnings of Jim Crow in the 1920s and the civil rights movement in the early 1950s and 1960s.
How long after the war was the WWII memorial in DC built?...Vietnam?.....Korea?

Are commemorations of the war supposed to be erected before the war?

Nobody but moonbat freaks gives a hoot in hell what the intellectually bankrupt SPLC has to say about diddly-shit.

Damn, you leftbats are thick as hell.
:lol: Nice try...but people were still alive from those wars when the statues were erected. The majority of confederate statues were put up during the Jim Crow 20s and the civil rights movement in the 60s.

We see you...
The last of the Confederate troops lived into the 1950s, nitwit.
So all those statues were for him? :lol: Come on man, those statues were not put up to commemorate the South. They were put up because white people were pissed that blacks were gaining equality.

We see you.
The youngest of Confederate troops were in their 70s in the 1920s....Though past the average lifespan of the day, living that long was far from unheard of.

Also, Neither you nor any of the bigot assholes at SPLC are mind readers....You can stop the play acting that you are so any time now.

You have to be trying to play as stupid as you are presenting, nitwit.

Talking history, the Democrats like calling southerners in the 50s racists. They can't explain why all the Democrat States turned Democrat in the 60s. Huh ...

View attachment 511389

View attachment 511391

Democrats were the slavers. Democrats started the KKK and Jim Crow. Democrats were the lynchers, cross burners and segregationists.

Now if you're black and try to leave the Democrat party, Democrats target you for destruction and show blacks that Democrats still very much support slavery.

The past and future of the Democrat party is racism. And look at all the lily white Democrats speaking for blacks and screaming racist, racist, racist at other whites. And at blacks who defy them

Exactly right. Dems are the party of slavery and segregation. This is their natural setting. They have projected their abominable behavior for decades.
Trump's support is real and it's solid. They will kill for him if Trump suggests a need for action!
And you suggest we accommodate violent assholes like that?

I'm considering the possibilities if Trump's supporters are made to face more injury, because of a cause that can wait.

You need to consider that even your military has been won over enough by Trump that would cause many to balk at upholding government.

What are you even babbling about?! We have an installed invalid now. Orange man isn't in the white house.
View attachment 511457

Why are you so stupid?
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Oh and I forgot to mention earlier.

Statues did not spark or help a deadly rally.

The people and our society turned it deadly. Statues are inanimate objects, they can't do anything. The people and society are the ones causing the problems. Society needs to be fixed, just taking away some statues won't remove the fact that people caused the problems.

That's the problem with our society now. People act stupid and do dumb stuff, instead of pushing them or fixing the problem with them we instead want to remove things that didn't actually cause any problems.

"Those people didn't like that car so they had a big gathering and shot people, caused problems, yelled and we're bothersome to everyone.........get rid of that thing now". Ok, then everytime people act a fool are they not punished and instead the problem is blamed on some inanimate objects? Where does it end?
So how come most of these commemorations didn't go up until decades after the war?

In 2016, the Southern Poverty Law Center estimated that there were over 1,500 "symbols of the Confederacy in public spaces" in the United States. The majority of them are located, as one might expect, in the 11 states that seceded from the union, but as Vice aptly points out, some can be found in Union states (New York, for example has three, Pennsylvania, four) and at least 22 of them are located in states that didn't even exist during the Civil War.
How can that be possible? Because largely, Confederate monuments were built during two key periods of American history: the beginnings of Jim Crow in the 1920s and the civil rights movement in the early 1950s and 1960s.
How long after the war was the WWII memorial in DC built?...Vietnam?.....Korea?

Are commemorations of the war supposed to be erected before the war?

Nobody but moonbat freaks gives a hoot in hell what the intellectually bankrupt SPLC has to say about diddly-shit.

Damn, you leftbats are thick as hell.
:lol: Nice try...but people were still alive from those wars when the statues were erected. The majority of confederate statues were put up during the Jim Crow 20s and the civil rights movement in the 60s.

We see you...
The last of the Confederate troops lived into the 1950s, nitwit.
So all those statues were for him? :lol: Come on man, those statues were not put up to commemorate the South. They were put up because white people were pissed that blacks were gaining equality.

We see you.
The youngest of Confederate troops were in their 70s in the 1920s....Though past the average lifespan of the day, living that long was far from unheard of.

Also, Neither you nor any of the bigot assholes at SPLC are mind readers....You can stop the play acting that you are so any time now.

You have to be trying to play as stupid as you are presenting, nitwit.

Talking history, the Democrats like calling southerners in the 50s racists. They can't explain why all the Democrat States turned Democrat in the 60s. Huh ...

View attachment 511389

View attachment 511391

Democrats were the slavers. Democrats started the KKK and Jim Crow. Democrats were the lynchers, cross burners and segregationists.

Now if you're black and try to leave the Democrat party, Democrats target you for destruction and show blacks that Democrats still very much support slavery.

The past and future of the Democrat party is racism. And look at all the lily white Democrats speaking for blacks and screaming racist, racist, racist at other whites. And at blacks who defy them

Exactly right. Dems are the party of slavery and segregation. This is their natural setting. They have projected their abominable behavior for decades.
Trump's support is real and it's solid. They will kill for him if Trump suggests a need for action!
And you suggest we accommodate violent assholes like that?

I'm considering the possibilities if Trump's supporters are made to face more injury, because of a cause that can wait.

You need to consider that even your military has been won over enough by Trump that would cause many to balk at upholding government.

What are you even babbling about?! We have an installed invalid now. Orange man isn't in the white house.
There's no doubt that Biden is weak and appears to be losing his grip on reality. But I would guess that he's mostly just a figurehead because of the need for fully intelligent guidance.

And I can see as much danger in having Trump as president. Probably even more because of Trump's narcissism which wouldn't allow him to be guided.

Do either of them increase the risk of nuclear war, on account of their age or dispositions??

America needs a president that would be of somewhat equal intelligence and ability of Xi or Putin.
America's politics is suggestive of a fatal flaw!
This is divisive and harmful to America. Selecting out certain groups that are not allowed to be proud of their heritage, is bigotry and divisive.
Should Germans be proud of their Nazi heritage?

Different situation. My point stands. THis is divisive and harmful to America.
That's the point.

The Powers that Be want the nation's attention to be divided via ethnic lines....Divide and conquer, and in order to keep 'em conquered keep 'em divided.

And the moonbats follow along jut like the dutiful little drones that they are.

View attachment 511455
A powerful graphic!
But none of them serve to convince the other side, they just inflame and promote more hate by Americans against Americans.

How long now until the extreme right makes the move that will bring satisfaction to people like you? The election for president results must not be allowed to stand!
That graphic very likely resonates with the roughly 1/2 of all Muricans who don't vote at all.

Facile minded dividers like you, who only see 1s and 0s, keep ignoring that there is a vast swath of the population, myself included, that sees no difference in substance between the parties.

Oh, and the results of the stolen election are going to be allowed to stand, whether the over 40% of the population (including 10% of democrats) who know it was stolen like it or not....

Meanwhile, you'd be best to get back into your own lane and deal with your own limp dicked beta male PM.


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