Charlottesville To Remove confederate Statues That Helped Spark Deadly Rally

Trump has purposely turned politics in America into a fight that's totally concerned about racism.
And many Americans have obviously bought into it, if this board is any indication.

What will be the consequences? Where will it all end?
And how much violence against black people will come out of it when Trump is finally taken down?

Maybe it's time for the rest of the world's leading democracies to bring some meaningful pressure on America to do something to stop Trump.
Damn the TDS is strong with this one.
This hate frenzy against Confederate heroes by the Left is really nothing more than the Libtards stirring up hatred in the Darkies.

The Left thrives on hate and the Darkies fall for it every time.
More lies and racism from the right.

And there were no ‘confederate’ war ‘heroes,’ just treasonous war criminals, murderers, and rapists.

The rebel soldiers were all exonerated after the war. No, they weren't criminals. Not even Robert E. Lee or Jeff Davis, who were exonerated by liberal Presidents Carter and Ford.
They were American Patriots fighting against invasion of their homeland.

Some thing these stupid uneducated Moon Bats with only a Jr High School History textbook (written by the winners) understanding of the war have a hellva time understanding.

They think the war was to "free the slaves". LOL!
If they were so worried about an invasion of their homeland, why did they start a war by firing on a Federal installation just sitting there on an island? Start stupid wars, win stupid prizes.

See this is how you stupid uneducated Moon Bats prove your ignorance. You only know what the Jr High School History text told you and that is not the whole story. Not by a long shot.

The Union and the Southern states had a truce with regards to the Federal forts in the South. President Buchanan knew that issue could lead to hostiles so he had a truce. The South would not attempt to take the forts by force and the North would not reinforce them.

The truce held until that jackass Lincoln took office. Within a couple of days of being sworn in the sonofabitch sent a reinforcement ship to Ft Sumter knowing that it would break the truce. He wanted to start hostilities. You know, to "save the Union". He did it without consulting Congress or even his own cabinet. He started the goddamn war.

Nobody was killed at Fr Sumter by hostile fire. A dufus Union shithead blew himself up with a cannon but that was not hostile fire. Hardly a reason to start a war that resulted int the deaths of a million Americans, was it?

Succession was not an act of war. It was a political move. Lincoln sending a reinforcement ship in violation of a truce was the act of war.

However, putting that aside South Carolina had just as much right to that fort, built to defend Charleston, as the Colonies had to take Ft Ticonderoga don't you think?

Of course, Ft Sumter has always been a red herring. The real start of hostilities was when that shithead Lincoln sent an army of thugs across the Potomac River to kill Americans and to take away their arms.

Lincoln raised his filthy regiments to invade and kill. Davis raised his regiments to defend against the invasion. A fact the stupid Jr High History texts always fail to mention.

Since you are so damn ignorant of the war I have a reading assignment for you.

Go read "The South Was Right" by Kennedy and Kennedy. Report back to me on what you learned.

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“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”

The loony left is doing everything they can to cancel out White History!
That conservatives seek to defend the ‘confederacy’ and the treasonous war criminals who fought to destroy America comes as no surprise – just as they seek to defend the rightwing terrorist attack on America’s democracy on 1/6.
Wrong, drive-by faggot.

What is being defended is that you history erasing assholes stick to the deal that was made to bring the Confederate states back into the union.
What deal was that?

You get to return and act like humans and we don’t crush you like bugs?
Who is "we" you craven little slug?

The deal that was made between north and south, that said the south was free to commemorate and memorialize their side in the war,.....The same deal that made Confederate troops legitimate U.S. veterans.

For a knuckle dragger who shoots their unprepossessing fat mouth off at any given opportunity, you're tremendously ignorant of the nation's history.
So how come most of these commemorations didn't go up until decades after the war?

In 2016, the Southern Poverty Law Center estimated that there were over 1,500 "symbols of the Confederacy in public spaces" in the United States. The majority of them are located, as one might expect, in the 11 states that seceded from the union, but as Vice aptly points out, some can be found in Union states (New York, for example has three, Pennsylvania, four) and at least 22 of them are located in states that didn't even exist during the Civil War.
How can that be possible? Because largely, Confederate monuments were built during two key periods of American history: the beginnings of Jim Crow in the 1920s and the civil rights movement in the early 1950s and 1960s.
How long after the war was the WWII memorial in DC built?...Vietnam?.....Korea?

Are commemorations of the war supposed to be erected before the war?

Nobody but moonbat freaks gives a hoot in hell what the intellectually bankrupt SPLC has to say about diddly-shit.

Damn, you leftbats are thick as hell.
:lol: Nice try...but people were still alive from those wars when the statues were erected. The majority of confederate statues were put up during the Jim Crow 20s and the civil rights movement in the 60s.

We see you...
The last of the Confederate troops lived into the 1950s, nitwit.
So all those statues were for him? :lol: Come on man, those statues were not put up to commemorate the South. They were put up because white people were pissed that blacks were gaining equality.

We see you.
Will white Americans kill their fellow white Americans for the sake of their political convictions?

Which side's group of supporters will shoot first?

The question almost certainly hangs in the balance of Trump's fortunes or misfortunes.

Biden must pedal softly now and offer some compromises that will pacify Trump's extremists that will always be convinced that Trump won the election.

The potential for an outburst of violence could be too big for even the military to handle. And that's supposing that the military would even march against Trump if ordered by government.
Biden must pedal softly now and offer some compromises that will pacify Trump's extremists that will always be convinced that Trump won the election.
You can't compromise with crazy
The potential for an outburst of violence could be too big for even the military to handle.
There are about 600 who are learning that there consequences for their insanity and hundreds more shitting their pants.

They have lost jobs, money, friends, and family. You advocate more of that?

At your own peril
Biden must pedal softly now and offer some compromises that will pacify Trump's extremists that will always be convinced that Trump won the election.
You can't compromise with crazy
The potential for an outburst of violence could be too big for even the military to handle.
There are about 600 who are learning that there consequences for their insanity and hundreds more shitting their pants.

They have lost jobs, money, friends, and family. You advocate more of that?

At your own peril

I like the guy supporting free access to criminals on our southern borders, 10 year old girls being raped on our southern borders, spending us into becoming Greece and burning and looting American cities suddenly worried about "compromising" with crazy. You are the real thing
This is what communists do. They remove history to write their own sordid lies. These idiots have no idea that Lewis and Clark mapped the route to the northwest. They travelled with botanists, surveyors, trappers, geologists etc. Can't have a statue commending those qualities. They need BLM painted in the streets.

“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”

The loony left is doing everything they can to cancel out White History!
That conservatives seek to defend the ‘confederacy’ and the treasonous war criminals who fought to destroy America comes as no surprise – just as they seek to defend the rightwing terrorist attack on America’s democracy on 1/6.
Wrong, drive-by faggot.

What is being defended is that you history erasing assholes stick to the deal that was made to bring the Confederate states back into the union.
What deal was that?

You get to return and act like humans and we don’t crush you like bugs?
Who is "we" you craven little slug?

The deal that was made between north and south, that said the south was free to commemorate and memorialize their side in the war,.....The same deal that made Confederate troops legitimate U.S. veterans.

For a knuckle dragger who shoots their unprepossessing fat mouth off at any given opportunity, you're tremendously ignorant of the nation's history.
So how come most of these commemorations didn't go up until decades after the war?

In 2016, the Southern Poverty Law Center estimated that there were over 1,500 "symbols of the Confederacy in public spaces" in the United States. The majority of them are located, as one might expect, in the 11 states that seceded from the union, but as Vice aptly points out, some can be found in Union states (New York, for example has three, Pennsylvania, four) and at least 22 of them are located in states that didn't even exist during the Civil War.
How can that be possible? Because largely, Confederate monuments were built during two key periods of American history: the beginnings of Jim Crow in the 1920s and the civil rights movement in the early 1950s and 1960s.
How long after the war was the WWII memorial in DC built?...Vietnam?.....Korea?

Are commemorations of the war supposed to be erected before the war?

Nobody but moonbat freaks gives a hoot in hell what the intellectually bankrupt SPLC has to say about diddly-shit.

Damn, you leftbats are thick as hell.
:lol: Nice try...but people were still alive from those wars when the statues were erected. The majority of confederate statues were put up during the Jim Crow 20s and the civil rights movement in the 60s.

We see you...
The last of the Confederate troops lived into the 1950s, nitwit.
So all those statues were for him? :lol: Come on man, those statues were not put up to commemorate the South. They were put up because white people were pissed that blacks were gaining equality.

We see you.
The youngest of Confederate troops were in their 70s in the 1920s....Though past the average lifespan of the day, living that long was far from unheard of.

Also, neither you nor any of the bigot assholes at SPLC are mind readers....You can stop the play acting that you are so any time now.

You have to be trying to play as stupid as you are presenting, nitwit.
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So how come most of these commemorations didn't go up until decades after the war?

In 2016, the Southern Poverty Law Center estimated that there were over 1,500 "symbols of the Confederacy in public spaces" in the United States. The majority of them are located, as one might expect, in the 11 states that seceded from the union, but as Vice aptly points out, some can be found in Union states (New York, for example has three, Pennsylvania, four) and at least 22 of them are located in states that didn't even exist during the Civil War.
How can that be possible? Because largely, Confederate monuments were built during two key periods of American history: the beginnings of Jim Crow in the 1920s and the civil rights movement in the early 1950s and 1960s.
How long after the war was the WWII memorial in DC built?...Vietnam?.....Korea?

Are commemorations of the war supposed to be erected before the war?

Nobody but moonbat freaks gives a hoot in hell what the intellectually bankrupt SPLC has to say about diddly-shit.

Damn, you leftbats are thick as hell.
:lol: Nice try...but people were still alive from those wars when the statues were erected. The majority of confederate statues were put up during the Jim Crow 20s and the civil rights movement in the 60s.

We see you...
The last of the Confederate troops lived into the 1950s, nitwit.
So all those statues were for him? :lol: Come on man, those statues were not put up to commemorate the South. They were put up because white people were pissed that blacks were gaining equality.

We see you.
The youngest of Confederate troops were in their 70s in the 1920s....Though past the average lifespan of the day, living that long was far from unheard of.

Also, Neither you nor any of the bigot assholes at SPLC are mind readers....You can stop the play acting that you are so any time now.

You have to be trying to play as stupid as you are presenting, nitwit.

Talking history, the Democrats like calling southerners in the 50s racists. They can't explain why all the Democrat States turned Democrat in the 60s. Huh ...



Democrats were the slavers. Democrats started the KKK and Jim Crow. Democrats were the lynchers, cross burners and segregationists.

Now if you're black and try to leave the Democrat party, Democrats target you for destruction and show blacks that Democrats still very much support slavery.

The past and future of the Democrat party is racism. And look at all the lily white Democrats speaking for blacks and screaming racist, racist, racist at other whites. And at blacks who defy them
Biden must pedal softly now and offer some compromises that will pacify Trump's extremists that will always be convinced that Trump won the election.
You can't compromise with crazy
The potential for an outburst of violence could be too big for even the military to handle.
There are about 600 who are learning that there consequences for their insanity and hundreds more shitting their pants.

They have lost jobs, money, friends, and family. You advocate more of that?

At your own peril
I see Biden soft-pedalling already because taking action could result in a blowback that's even too big for the military to defuse. Even if the military would be willing to act against Trump's wishes.

If a firefight starts, it's possible that the deaths could be in the hundreds. The thousands?
Both Biden and Merrick Garland (his DOJ) are showing indications that they are proceeding cautiously out of fear.

All Americans must come to face the possibilities of a fascist takeover of government. Trump and his support are not just a joke anymore.

Trump needs no more than a million or two dedicated supporters who are thoroughly convinced that the election was stolen. He has that easily.

Trump isn't going to wait for an election in 24. He knows he couldn't win the presidency back at the ballot boxes.
“Eventually they started to build [Confederate] monuments,” he says. “The vast majority of them were built between the 1890s and 1950s, which matches up exactly with the era of Jim Crow segregation.” According to the Southern Poverty Law Center’s research, the biggest spike was between 1900 and the 1920s.

In contrast to the earlier memorials that mourned dead soldiers, these monuments tended to glorify leaders of the Confederacy like General Robert E. Lee, former President of the Confederacy Jefferson Davis and General “Thomas Stonewall” Jackson.

“All of those monuments were there to teach values to people,” Elliott says. “That’s why they put them in the city squares. That’s why they put them in front of state buildings.” Many earlier memorials had instead been placed in cemeteries.

The values these monuments stood for, he says, included a “glorification of the cause of the Civil War.
This is what communists do. They remove history to write their own sordid lies. These idiots have no idea that Lewis and Clark mapped the route to the northwest. They travelled with botanists, surveyors, trappers, geologists etc. Can't have a statue commending those qualities. They need BLM painted in the streets.

Taking down a statue isn't "removing history" , except for lobotomized hillbillies like you who don't read books and rely on statues and AM radio shows for learning history.
So how come most of these commemorations didn't go up until decades after the war?

In 2016, the Southern Poverty Law Center estimated that there were over 1,500 "symbols of the Confederacy in public spaces" in the United States. The majority of them are located, as one might expect, in the 11 states that seceded from the union, but as Vice aptly points out, some can be found in Union states (New York, for example has three, Pennsylvania, four) and at least 22 of them are located in states that didn't even exist during the Civil War.
How can that be possible? Because largely, Confederate monuments were built during two key periods of American history: the beginnings of Jim Crow in the 1920s and the civil rights movement in the early 1950s and 1960s.
How long after the war was the WWII memorial in DC built?...Vietnam?.....Korea?

Are commemorations of the war supposed to be erected before the war?

Nobody but moonbat freaks gives a hoot in hell what the intellectually bankrupt SPLC has to say about diddly-shit.

Damn, you leftbats are thick as hell.
:lol: Nice try...but people were still alive from those wars when the statues were erected. The majority of confederate statues were put up during the Jim Crow 20s and the civil rights movement in the 60s.

We see you...
The last of the Confederate troops lived into the 1950s, nitwit.
So all those statues were for him? :lol: Come on man, those statues were not put up to commemorate the South. They were put up because white people were pissed that blacks were gaining equality.

We see you.
The youngest of Confederate troops were in their 70s in the 1920s....Though past the average lifespan of the day, living that long was far from unheard of.

Also, Neither you nor any of the bigot assholes at SPLC are mind readers....You can stop the play acting that you are so any time now.

You have to be trying to play as stupid as you are presenting, nitwit.

Talking history, the Democrats like calling southerners in the 50s racists. They can't explain why all the Democrat States turned Democrat in the 60s. Huh ...

View attachment 511389

View attachment 511391

Democrats were the slavers. Democrats started the KKK and Jim Crow. Democrats were the lynchers, cross burners and segregationists.

Now if you're black and try to leave the Democrat party, Democrats target you for destruction and show blacks that Democrats still very much support slavery.

The past and future of the Democrat party is racism. And look at all the lily white Democrats speaking for blacks and screaming racist, racist, racist at other whites. And at blacks who defy them
lulz....That loathsome snob Stevenson couldn't even take his home state.
“Eventually they started to build [Confederate] monuments,” he says. “The vast majority of them were built between the 1890s and 1950s, which matches up exactly with the era of Jim Crow segregation.” According to the Southern Poverty Law Center’s research, the biggest spike was between 1900 and the 1920s.

In contrast to the earlier memorials that mourned dead soldiers, these monuments tended to glorify leaders of the Confederacy like General Robert E. Lee, former President of the Confederacy Jefferson Davis and General “Thomas Stonewall” Jackson.

“All of those monuments were there to teach values to people,” Elliott says. “That’s why they put them in the city squares. That’s why they put them in front of state buildings.” Many earlier memorials had instead been placed in cemeteries.

The values these monuments stood for, he says, included a “glorification of the cause of the Civil War.
Once again, nobody with the sense of a chipmunk (which obviously excludes you) gives one single flying fuck about what the bigot shitheels at the SPLC have to say.
It's a very bad time to be taking down civil war memorials. It's only going to escalate the bad feelings and the hurt felt by those who truly believe in the need to put down America's black population.

All moves by Biden and the Democrats need to be weighed carefully against the possibility of violence being the result.

The bad feelings of Americans in the south over this move are as powerfully felt as would be a move to take down religious monuments to their God. Some will kill for their cause of upholding racist hate!
It's a very bad time to be taking down civil war memorials. It's only going to escalate the bad feelings and the hurt felt by those who truly believe in the need to put down America's black population.

All moves by Biden and the Democrats need to be weighed carefully against the possibility of violence being the result.

The bad feelings of Americans in the south over this move are as powerfully felt as would be a move to take down religious monuments to their God. Some will kill for their cause of upholding racist hate!

This is not about wacism. Only an asshole would claim it was.
It's a very bad time to be taking down civil war memorials. It's only going to escalate the bad feelings and the hurt felt by those who truly believe in the need to put down America's black population.

All moves by Biden and the Democrats need to be weighed carefully against the possibility of violence being the result.

The bad feelings of Americans in the south over this move are as powerfully felt as would be a move to take down religious monuments to their God. Some will kill for their cause of upholding racist hate!

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