Charlottesville To Remove confederate Statues That Helped Spark Deadly Rally

Yes, Democrats are racists and you put up statues of your racist heroes to celebrate them.

I think the statues of your racist Democrat heroes should be put in museums.

Democrats went from being slave owners to starting the KKK, enacting Jim Crow, lynching, cross burning and segregation and today you continue your fine tradition of racism by letting any black who tries to flee the Democrat plantation know that slavery is still in your mind very much alive and they belong to you

Um, actually, no. If anyone has contempt for the hucksters like Candace Owens and Herman Cain, its other black people.

They don't try to sell their minstrel shows to other blacks. They tell audiences of white people "Them other negros sure be shiftless, now give me money". And you fools do.

Guess you have to admire Herman Cain's devotion to the Grift. He was probably smart enough to realize Trump was a complete idiot, but went to the SuperSpreader event anyway.
This hate frenzy against Confederate heroes by the Left is really nothing more than the Libtards stirring up hatred in the Darkies.

The Left thrives on hate and the Darkies fall for it every time.

There were no Confederate Heroes... just as there were no Nazi heroes.

There were evil men who flung many young lives into a useless, unwinnable war for an evil cause.
Yes, they don't really talk about the confederacy promising everyone who fought would be given land and slaves in the West. Without this ludicrous promise the civil war probably could not have gotten off the ground. The veterans of the confederacy knew they had been snookered, it's why most of the monuments to confederate leaders did not go up until the last confederate soldier was dead.
American Taliban in action. Destroy history.

Nobody is destroying history.

The people who abused history are, "Hey, remember those guys who started a half-ass Civil War that got thousands of people killed? Let's put up statues of them!!!"

The war wasn't about freeing the black people or giving them affirmative action.

It was about preserving the union- read the Gettysburg Fucking Address.

They couldn't have recruited a military force the size of the union army to risk their lives to free the black folks.

The war was about treason, defending slavery, and destroying the Union on the part of the states in lawless rebellion.

That lawless rebellion was defeated by the United States in a long and costly conflict, thus preserving the Union.
The statues of Lee and Davis, et al, help to raise the spirits of the embattled and belittled Southern Honky.
This is a lie – ridiculous white grievance rhetoric; Southerners are neither ‘embattled’ nor ‘belittled.’
Southerners did it to themselves. I blame Jeff Foxworthy most of all, seriously. He made a career out of mocking southerners for their backward ways and instead of being offended they rushed out to become the ignorant tobacco spitting pieces of shit he was stereotyping.
There is no confederate states.

As the Supreme Court reaffirmed in Texas v. White (1869), no state or states may ‘secede’ absent the consent of all the other states.

There was no ‘confederacy,’ none of the states in lawless rebellion left the Union, they have always been part of the United States.
This hate frenzy against Confederate heroes by the Left is really nothing more than the Libtards stirring up hatred in the Darkies.

The Left thrives on hate and the Darkies fall for it every time.
More lies and racism from the right.

And there were no ‘confederate’ war ‘heroes,’ just treasonous war criminals, murderers, and rapists.
This hate frenzy against Confederate heroes by the Left is really nothing more than the Libtards stirring up hatred in the Darkies.

The Left thrives on hate and the Darkies fall for it every time.
More lies and racism from the right.

And there were no ‘confederate’ war ‘heroes,’ just treasonous war criminals, murderers, and rapists.

The rebel soldiers were all exonerated after the war. No, they weren't criminals. Not even Robert E. Lee or Jeff Davis, who were exonerated by liberal Presidents Carter and Ford.
They start taking down the statue later today.

It will go into storage until the city can decide who gets it. There have been requests for the statue some out of the state and some in the state.

Thank goodness that statue and the one of stonewall jackson are coming down.

It is long overdue. The statues never should have been erected in the first place.

Now historic statues start deadly riots.

Folks you can't make this shit up.

Leftist are really just this fucking stupid.
Libs actually had no problem with Confederate war heroes and veterans until the 21st Century. After Southern Honkies rejected the Clintons and Gores in the 2000 election, the escape of the crackers from the Liberal Plantation had to be punished.

They had to be cancelled and that's exactly what happened.
Yes, Democrats are racists and you put up statues of your racist heroes to celebrate them.

I think the statues of your racist Democrat heroes should be put in museums.

Democrats went from being slave owners to starting the KKK, enacting Jim Crow, lynching, cross burning and segregation and today you continue your fine tradition of racism by letting any black who tries to flee the Democrat plantation know that slavery is still in your mind very much alive and they belong to you

Um, actually, no. If anyone has contempt for the hucksters like Candace Owens and Herman Cain, its other black people.

They don't try to sell their minstrel shows to other blacks. They tell audiences of white people "Them other negros sure be shiftless, now give me money". And you fools do.

Guess you have to admire Herman Cain's devotion to the Grift. He was probably smart enough to realize Trump was a complete idiot, but went to the SuperSpreader event anyway.

JoeB: I speak for black people. Blacks are only allowed to support Democrats or blacks say you're racist. I can say that since blacks have clearly empowered me to speak for them.

You're such a total racist.

And no, black leftists don't speak for all blacks either, fucking KKK Grand Lizard
This hate frenzy against Confederate heroes by the Left is really nothing more than the Libtards stirring up hatred in the Darkies.

The Left thrives on hate and the Darkies fall for it every time.
More lies and racism from the right.

And there were no ‘confederate’ war ‘heroes,’ just treasonous war criminals, murderers, and rapists.

The rebel soldiers were all exonerated after the war. No, they weren't criminals. Not even Robert E. Lee or Jeff Davis, who were exonerated by liberal Presidents Carter and Ford.
They were not exonerated....they were forgiven. And looking back, that was a mistake.
They start taking down the statue later today.

It will go into storage until the city can decide who gets it. There have been requests for the statue some out of the state and some in the state.

Thank goodness that statue and the one of stonewall jackson are coming down.

It is long overdue. The statues never should have been erected in the first place.

Now historic statues start deadly riots.

Folks you can't make this shit up.

Leftist are really just this fucking stupid.
The white supremacists were the ones who started a deadly riot in Charlottesville......those statues were chosen to be removed (not destroyed) by a VOTE of the city know, the people responsible for such things. The people of Charlottesville, thru their elected officials made the choice to remove their own statues......and outside whitey rightie agitators came in and started the deadly riot......shaded of the Jan 6th FAILED insurrection.
This hate frenzy against Confederate heroes by the Left is really nothing more than the Libtards stirring up hatred in the Darkies.

The Left thrives on hate and the Darkies fall for it every time.
More lies and racism from the right.

And there were no ‘confederate’ war ‘heroes,’ just treasonous war criminals, murderers, and rapists.

The rebel soldiers were all exonerated after the war. No, they weren't criminals. Not even Robert E. Lee or Jeff Davis, who were exonerated by liberal Presidents Carter and Ford.
They were American Patriots fighting against invasion of their homeland.

Some thing these stupid uneducated Moon Bats with only a Jr High School History textbook (written by the winners) understanding of the war have a hellva time understanding.

They think the war was to "free the slaves". LOL!

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