Charlottesville To Remove confederate Statues That Helped Spark Deadly Rally

Why concentrate on old statues and dead Southerners and ignore the racist Democratic Party which WAGED the Civil War to retain slavery, which voted AGAINST the Civil Rights Act of 1964, whose president LBJ said "I'll have them ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years," whose governor George Wallace said "Segregation today, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever."
Why concentrate on old statues and dead Southerners and ignore the racist Democratic Party which WAGED the Civil War to retain slavery, which voted AGAINST the Civil Rights Act of 1964, whose president LBJ said "I'll have them ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years," whose governor George Wallace said "Segregation today, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever."
Just how desperate are you racist repub party, trump humpers...that you have to go back over 50 years to point to supposed racism in the Democratic Party? Just go to bed, wrap yourself around your trump doll, and cry yourself to sleep.
What’s the “other side” of slavery?
An economy where the black unemployment rate was 0%.
Ok… and this is a good thing?

Sure they weren't unemployed.

They were enslaved. That's not really being unemployed. It's being enslaved. Working without being paid. No control of their lives. Not even the right to read or write. Women who were raped over and over. Men who were beaten over and over.

The reply you received was so absurd I can't believe someone actually typed it.
Why concentrate on old statues and dead Southerners and ignore the racist Democratic Party which WAGED the Civil War to retain slavery, which voted AGAINST the Civil Rights Act of 1964, whose president LBJ said "I'll have them ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years," whose governor George Wallace said "Segregation today, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever."
Just how desperate are you racist repub party, trump humpers...that you have to go back over 50 years to point to supposed racism in the Democratic Party? Just go to bed, wrap yourself around your trump doll, and cry yourself to sleep.

Try to think for a change before you spew out Liberal Lies.
1. The dead Southerners go back before anyone living today was alive. You think that kind of bullshit is just fine, don't you. You're a BLM communist.

2. "If you don't vote for me, you ain't black." - Demented Joe Biden a year ago
Got it, Jimmy?

3. Crooked Biden told his constituents he didn't want blacks in their white schools. That would be reverting to "the law of the jungle."

4. "You can't go into a 7-11 unless you have an Indian accent." - Joe Biden, who bribed Ukraine with $1.6 trillion US tax dollars if they didn't stop their criminal investigation of his crack-smoking, whoring, incompetent son.

What’s the “other side” of slavery?
An economy where the black unemployment rate was 0%.
Ok… and this is a good thing?

Sure they weren't unemployed.

They were enslaved. That's not really being unemployed. It's being enslaved. Working without being paid. No control of their lives. Not even the right to read or write. Women who were raped over and over. Men who were beaten over and over.

The reply you received was so absurd I can't believe someone actually typed it.
They were "Owned" like livestock. The repub, trump humpers on this board don't seem to understand that.
Why concentrate on old statues and dead Southerners and ignore the racist Democratic Party which WAGED the Civil War to retain slavery, which voted AGAINST the Civil Rights Act of 1964, whose president LBJ said "I'll have them ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years," whose governor George Wallace said "Segregation today, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever."
Just how desperate are you racist repub party, trump humpers...that you have to go back over 50 years to point to supposed racism in the Democratic Party? Just go to bed, wrap yourself around your trump doll, and cry yourself to sleep.

Try to think for a change before you spew out Liberal Lies.
1. The dead Southerners go back before anyone living today was alive. You think that kind of bullshit is just fine, don't you. You're a BLM communist.

2. "If you don't vote for me, you ain't black." - Demented Joe Biden a year ago
Got it, Jimmy?

3. Crooked Biden told his constituents he didn't want blacks in their white schools. That would be reverting to "the law of the jungle."

4. "You can't go into a 7-11 unless you have an Indian accent." - Joe Biden, who bribed Ukraine with $1.6 trillion US tax dollars if they didn't stop their criminal investigation of his crack-smoking, whoring, incompetent son.

Okay, you made your point. You are a white supremacist....Thanks for Clarifying!
I'll bet we have a few southern confederate fanboys here in USMB who would love to have it as a lawn ornament! :laughing0301:

while i am a fan of both art and history, particularly American history, this thing is way to big for my yard.

and while i do not support the cause for what Lee fought for, i’ve always found him very interesting and his writings worth reading…still this is far too large for my yard
Why concentrate on old statues and dead Southerners and ignore the racist Democratic Party which WAGED the Civil War to retain slavery, which voted AGAINST the Civil Rights Act of 1964, whose president LBJ said "I'll have them ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years," whose governor George Wallace said "Segregation today, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever."
Just how desperate are you racist repub party, trump humpers...that you have to go back over 50 years to point to supposed racism in the Democratic Party? Just go to bed, wrap yourself around your trump doll, and cry yourself to sleep.

Try to think for a change before you spew out Liberal Lies.
1. The dead Southerners go back before anyone living today was alive. You think that kind of bullshit is just fine, don't you. You're a BLM communist.

2. "If you don't vote for me, you ain't black." - Demented Joe Biden a year ago
Got it, Jimmy?

3. Crooked Biden told his constituents he didn't want blacks in their white schools. That would be reverting to "the law of the jungle."

4. "You can't go into a 7-11 unless you have an Indian accent." - Joe Biden, who bribed Ukraine with $1.6 trillion US tax dollars if they didn't stop their criminal investigation of his crack-smoking, whoring, incompetent son.

Okay, you made your point. You are a white supremacist....Thanks for Clarifying!
i think he made the point that your Dear Leader, the current head of the party of the Klan is a racist
I'll bet we have a few southern confederate fanboys here in USMB who would love to have it as a lawn ornament! :laughing0301:

while i am a fan of both art and history, particularly American history, this thing is way to big for my yard.

and while i do not support the cause for what Lee fought for, i’ve always found him very interesting and his writings worth reading…still this is far too large for my yard

So put it on your roof. Directly above your bed! :)
Democrats making more American history disappear.
THEIR History; people need to remember that the DemoKKKrats are the party of the KKK.

Were, honey. Were. KKKrs love them some Republican Party now.....and the love is reciprocated.
No sweetie pie.........................................................................the KKK are all Dem!!! Racism is the antithesis of conservative thinking. DemoKKKrats OWN racism in America!!!

Actually it is a good thing they took down the statute of the great American hero. It doesn't deserve to be displayed in a city thats become a cesspool of Communists and butt hurt hate filled welfare Negroes..
Why don't you buy the statues and place them beside you life size portrait of Donald J trump?

And then have himself a good wank.
I bet he fanaticizes over have a roll with some dark meat.:3: Many white supremacist dream of having a fling with a black person. They have admitted as much in confidence.
You mean like that wokeshit Hugh Grant??

Nah; immorality is a sin. You better go with your idol Weinstein!!!

Why concentrate on old statues and dead Southerners and ignore the racist Democratic Party which WAGED the Civil War to retain slavery, which voted AGAINST the Civil Rights Act of 1964, whose president LBJ said "I'll have them ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years," whose governor George Wallace said "Segregation today, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever."
Just how desperate are you racist repub party, trump humpers...that you have to go back over 50 years to point to supposed racism in the Democratic Party? Just go to bed, wrap yourself around your trump doll, and cry yourself to sleep.
You mean go all the way back to Joe Biden????

I'll bet we have a few southern confederate fanboys here in USMB who would love to have it as a lawn ornament! :laughing0301:

while i am a fan of both art and history, particularly American history, this thing is way to big for my yard.

and while i do not support the cause for what Lee fought for, i’ve always found him very interesting and his writings worth reading…still this is far too large for my yard

So put it on your roof. Directly above your bed! :)

too big for my roof…this thing is massive
You'd either have to be a pussy or a troublemaker to make a big deal about Civil War statues. Antifa and BLM qualify. Those two groups are what caused the riot and subsequent death of that girl.
Jackson was a hate filled racist. He believed slavery was a gift from God.
No more be said and his statue should be destroyed.
Why would anyone want to be reminded of that pig.
“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”

The loony left is doing everything they can to cancel out White History!
Then they gaslight us by saying that they're not erasing history.

Except history isn't being "erased". Nobody is denying Lee existed. Just that he isn't a person worthy of having a statue.

Just like you won't find one statue of Adolf Hitler anywhere in Europe. But nobody erased him from the history books.

Or when Communism fell, they took down most of the statues of Lenin and Marx. Again- nobody is denying they existed, just that they shouldn't be glorified.

Wrong, drive-by faggot.

What is being defended is that you history erasing assholes stick to the deal that was made to bring the Confederate states back into the union.

Uh, which deal was that? The thing was, there was no "deal", the North imposed a victor's peace.

The real problem was that we didn't impose that peace.

Let's take WWII. There's a reason why most Germans don't look back at the Third Reich fondly. It's mostly because after the war, they took out the Nazi leaders and hanged them, and then made sure that no one forgot the awful things they did.

The exact opposite happened with the Confederacy. First, they allowed them to reimpose Jim Crow and roll back most of the newly won freedoms. Then they allowed them to "revise" history with bullshit like "The Civil War wasn't about slavery". Finally, they topped that off with the "Lost Cause" myth and put up the statues they are now thankfully tearing down.

No Child should walk out of a K-12 education thinking that the Confederacy was anything but Evil.
This hate frenzy against Confederate heroes by the Left is really nothing more than the Libtards stirring up hatred in the Darkies.

The Left thrives on hate and the Darkies fall for it every time.

There were no Confederate Heroes... just as there were no Nazi heroes.

There were evil men who flung many young lives into a useless, unwinnable war for an evil cause.

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