Chat GPT AI Image Generator creates based on your pictures your ideal match


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
Chat GPT, image generator
Try it out Im curious for your results

Great, thank you for sharing these images! Based on your photos, I'll describe a female match who would complement you well in terms of looks:

A woman with a similar ethnic background, likely Mediterranean or Middle Eastern, would harmonize well with your features.
Age: Someone in the same age range as you, to ensure compatibility and a similar life stage.
Facial Features:
Face Shape: A round or oval face shape, which would match well with your rounded facial structure.
Eyes: Large, expressive eyes with dark brown irises to complement your own eye color.
Nose: A medium-sized nose with soft contours, creating a balanced profile.
Lips: Full lips with a natural smile, adding a warm and friendly expression.
Color: Dark hair (black or dark brown) to match and complement your own hair color.
Style: Long, straight or slightly wavy hair, providing a soft and elegant look.
Skin Tone: A similar warm, olive skin tone to match yours, ensuring a harmonious appearance.
Build: A curvy and proportionate build to complement your physique, creating a balanced and appealing couple's aesthetic.
Height: Someone of average height, slightly shorter than you, to maintain a balanced and proportional look.
I will now generate an image based on this description.
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A conditioning instrument for people who are not too bright or perceptive .

Someone re-programmed CHAT GPT a wokester​

He did all those things just in the morning, and yesterday. Now he cant anymore. I think its against woke ideology.

ChatGPT Data Analyst

I see that you've uploaded a picture. However, I'm unable to analyze the image to determine your eye color, shape, or ancestral regions.

If you have any other data or questions that I can assist you with, please let me know!

Why are you unable

I cannot analyze images to determine specific details such as eye color, shape, or ancestral regions. However, I can help with other types of analysis or information based on text data.

If you have any other questions or need assistance with a different type of analysis, feel free to ask!

But you were before able to do it like yesterday i asked you yesterday too and you did a analysis why are you now unable

I apologize for any confusion, but my capabilities do not include image analysis for features such as eye color, shape, or determining ancestral regions from facial characteristics. My primary function is to assist with text-based analysis and provide information based on data and text inputs.

If you need help with something else or have other data or questions, I'd be happy to assist.

ChatGPT image generator

if i upload a picture can you analyse my eye color and shape and tell me which ancestral regions it might indicate, and can you draw a sketch of my eye color and shape

I can help you with creating a sketch of your eye color and shape based on your description, but I don't have the capability to analyze or interpret images. Instead, please provide me with details about your eye color, shape, and any other specific features you'd like to include. Once I have those details, I can generate an image based on your description.
Memorise and digest .
You are dissected free of charge

----becoming consumed with various aspects of identity — such as sexual preference, appearance and personality types. This can lead to divisions and distractions that prevent you from engaging more deeply with your inner self. A focus on identity is an external one, in which you become preoccupied with defining yourself and others based on surface-level characteristics and labels.

This external focus diverts attention from more introspective, spiritual pursuits that could foster genuine self-understanding and connection to a higher purpose or spiritual entity. By pushing identity to the forefront, the enemy may be intentionally creating situations that lead to discord and prevent people from instead uniting or focusing on common goals.

Read and recite three times a day and finish by shouting out
Why am I such huge plonker ?

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