Chauvin Sentenced to 240 Months

Get used to it...doubtful it will change anytime soon........god help us.
If cops would stop killing black folks there would be no issues.
If blacks would stay out of trouble committing crimes, there'd be no need for the police. I suppose it's OK if they keep killing whites, though?

Just as the Capitol cop murdered Ashli Babbitt. In COLD BLOOD. Aimed for her head. A young, unarmed, defenseless woman.
If George Floyd had been white it would never had been a racial issue or a political issue or world wide News.
The point is that the Police kill about twice as many white suspects on average annually than black suspects.
But those cases are not politicized or racialized because that would destroy the Democrat/Press narrative.
But the Left's argument is that the rate is higher for black suspects, meaning that there was a racial motive.
That is just more crazy liberal conspiracy misinformation.
Using that false argument you could also say that the police must really hate Men because they overwelmingly shoot more male suspects than compared to female suspects.
The Police are not hunting down black men.
The Dems/Press exploit these incidences for political purposes, not for justice.

now suddenly whining when a white guy gets caught committing a crime.

In the old days, we used to call that an arrest. I guess now it is a CRIME to stop black criminals from breaking the law.
Thank God from every justice-loving American that we no longer live in the old days. Thanks for your input, old-timer.
A lethal dose of the narcotic analgesic fentanyl was found in Floyd's blood. That is, Floyd would have died of an overdose anyway, since this drug seriously depresses breathing, causing bronchospasm and pulmonary edema. Although it is obvious that Derek Chauvin used excessive force (according to the rules, he had to remove his knee from Floyd's neck when he stopped resisting), the BLM icon had already killed himself with an overdose of fentanyl.

The evidence that the actions of the police had a decisive impact on the fatal outcome is very shaky and contradictory, given Floyd's state of health and the cocktail of narcotic and anesthetic substances in his blood. Nevertheless, the court clearly interpreted the doubts not in favor of the defendant, which obviously leads the process from the legal plane to the political one. The police were simply sacrificed, fearing protests. The sentence to Chauvin was passed not by the court, but by the street.
This is what an enlightened democracy looks like in reality.
For the worthless life of a thug?
I guess you did not bother to listen to Floyd's family victim impact statements. Chauvin should have gotten 30. But know this. When the Feds get a hold of him, it will be 30, or more.
The Floyd family is overjoyed that Floyd died in custody. They got 27 million dollars AND got a drug addict out of their lives.
OK, Poe.
OK Sniffy, you do sniff panties right?
now suddenly whining when a white guy gets caught committing a crime.

In the old days, we used to call that an arrest. I guess now it is a CRIME to stop black criminals from breaking the law.
Thank God from every justice-loving American that we no longer live in the old days. Thanks for your input, old-timer.
There is no justice when criminals run free and rewarded while police are prosecuted for arresting them.

That isn't "old times," you slobbering imbecile, that is TWO FUCKING YEARS AGO and all the rest of our country's history, until you sheep droppings stole your way to power.
Officer Chauvin is a political prisoner. Only found guilty and sentenced because of BLM terrorism pressure and White Guilt cowardice.

Has nothing to do with him being a murderer, eh?

He didn't murder the filthy ass street thug. The despicable Negroes on the jury found him guilty when he was innocent.

Typical Negro dishonesty,.
Just as the Capitol cop murdered Ashli Babbitt. In COLD BLOOD. Aimed for her head. A young, unarmed, defenseless woman.

This is the thing that so many simply seem to fail to grasp. It's extremely important.

People would do well to place their personal and political biases aside and look at the issue in a way that's germane to some semblance of objective reality with regard to the situation in scope.

It's like this.

First they came for the ****** passing off fake fake money. But I was not the ****** passing off fake fake money.

Then they came for the honkey armed with an American flag. But I was not the honkey armed with an American flag.

And then they came for me.

You know the rest.

End of the day, a brown-shirt wearing a red helmet is no different than a brown-shirt wearing a blue helmet. And that's a fact. If we continue to empower police by appeasing their sense of entitlement by way of all of the hero worship, it'll only continue. And given the largely anti-American people seeking political office these days, many of whom achieve it, we do not want jack boots operating under them and feeling like they can just walk around with their chest pushed out like they're arbitrarily the judge, jury and executioner.

As far as Floyd, they should have just picked him up, loaded his paddy ass into a van and hauled him off to a cage from the start, his feelings be damned. If he needed medical attention, the police train and employ medics. What happened there was completely unnecessary and could have easily been avoided. Anyone with even an ounce of common sense should know this.
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Just as the Capitol cop murdered Ashli Babbitt. In COLD BLOOD. Aimed for her head. A young, unarmed, defenseless woman.

This is the thing that so many simply seem to fail to grasp. It's extremely important.

People would do well to place their personal and political biases aside and look at the issue in a way that's germane to some semblance of objective reality with regard to the situation in scope.

It's like this.

First they came for the ****** passing off fake fake money. But I was not the ****** passing off fake fake money.

Then they came for the honkey armed with an American flag. But I was not the honkey armed with an American flag.

And then they came for me.

You know the rest.

End of the day, a brown-shirt wearing a red helmet is no different than a brown-shirt wearing a blue helmet. And that's a fact. If we continue to empower police by appeasing their sense of entitlement by way of all of the hero worship, it'll only continue. And given the largely anti-American people seeking political office these days, many of whom achieve it, we do not want jack boots operating under them and feeling like they can just walk around with their chest pushed out like they're arbitrarily the judge, jury and executioner.

No empowering police involved. If people stopped making things more dangerous for police, they could take a more casual, less militant stance.

The difference between today and Mayberry RFD is that back then, people treated police as a friend of the community and were far more civil with each other.

Then the mass invasion of communist radical leftists came along with their wacky ideas, violence and crime.
now suddenly whining when a white guy gets caught committing a crime.

In the old days, we used to call that an arrest. I guess now it is a CRIME to stop black criminals from breaking the law.
Thank God from every justice-loving American that we no longer live in the old days. Thanks for your input, old-timer.
There is no justice when criminals run free and rewarded while police are prosecuted for arresting them.

That isn't "old times," you slobbering imbecile, that is TWO FUCKING YEARS AGO and all the rest of our country's history, until you sheep droppings stole your way to power.
So you are happy that two years ago, the guilty were not punished? Now, do you get why your orange douche bag was voted from office? :itsok:

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