Chauvin Sentenced to 240 Months

Why in the name of god would ANYONE want to become a cop today is beyond my comprehension. I carried a badge for 22 years in the Army. If I were in the CID today, I would put in my papers for retirement.

I call on every cop out there to immediately quit whatever force you are on and do something else.

lord have mercy on the United States.

Well, it could be worse...we could have the military doing the police work. And that would be very bad. IMO
Black ghettos need the military enforcing martial law
Was Floyd’s COVID-19 infection mentioned during the trial? If you can’t answer that question, get boycotted. For all lives matter, including fentanyl eaters in poor health.
Was Floyd’s COVID-19 infection mentioned during the trial? If you can’t answer that question, get boycotted. For all lives matter, including fentanyl eaters in poor health.
Maybe put some funds in the murderer's commissary, so he can call you and give you an answer.
Because GENERALLY, white people dont behave like blacks when dealing with the police. Those that do get the same treatment.

Dont ARGUE with the cops. Dont FIGHT the cops. If there's a problem, use the courts

Really? Hey, let's look at these two tapes of how cops handled white people walking around with automatic weapons and how they handled a black person doing it.

Just as the Capitol cop murdered Ashli Babbitt. In COLD BLOOD. Aimed for her head. A young, unarmed, defenseless woman.

This is the thing that so many simply seem to fail to grasp. It's extremely important.

People would do well to place their personal and political biases aside and look at the issue in a way that's germane to some semblance of objective reality with regard to the situation in scope.

It's like this.

First they came for the ****** passing off fake fake money. But I was not the ****** passing off fake fake money.

Then they came for the honkey armed with an American flag. But I was not the honkey armed with an American flag.

And then they came for me.

You know the rest.

End of the day, a brown-shirt wearing a red helmet is no different than a brown-shirt wearing a blue helmet. And that's a fact. If we continue to empower police by appeasing their sense of entitlement by way of all of the hero worship, it'll only continue. And given the largely anti-American people seeking political office these days, many of whom achieve it, we do not want jack boots operating under them and feeling like they can just walk around with their chest pushed out like they're arbitrarily the judge, jury and executioner.

As far as Floyd, they should have just picked him up, loaded his paddy ass into a van and hauled him off to a cage from the start, his feelings be damned. If he needed medical attention, the police train and employ medics. What happened there was completely unnecessary and could have easily been avoided. Anyone with even an ounce of common sense should know this.

Good post, thanks for articulating exactly how I feel about this. The Niemöller quote. The problem is people are so blinded by partisanship that they can't see the bigger picture. As you said, if people continue with the hero worship and turning a blind eye to the move toward a police state... they're only shooting themselves in the foot because eventually they'll be on the receiving end of the jackbooted thugs they're cheering on now.

That extreme partisanship and ignorance (or willful blindness?) has led to horrible things happening throughout history, which people enabled... I don't think I need to bring up examples.
Just as the Capitol cop murdered Ashli Babbitt. In COLD BLOOD. Aimed for her head. A young, unarmed, defenseless woman.

This is the thing that so many simply seem to fail to grasp. It's extremely important.

People would do well to place their personal and political biases aside and look at the issue in a way that's germane to some semblance of objective reality with regard to the situation in scope.

It's like this.

First they came for the ****** passing off fake fake money. But I was not the ****** passing off fake fake money.

Then they came for the honkey armed with an American flag. But I was not the honkey armed with an American flag.

And then they came for me.

You know the rest.

End of the day, a brown-shirt wearing a red helmet is no different than a brown-shirt wearing a blue helmet. And that's a fact. If we continue to empower police by appeasing their sense of entitlement by way of all of the hero worship, it'll only continue. And given the largely anti-American people seeking political office these days, many of whom achieve it, we do not want jack boots operating under them and feeling like they can just walk around with their chest pushed out like they're arbitrarily the judge, jury and executioner.

As far as Floyd, they should have just picked him up, loaded his paddy ass into a van and hauled him off to a cage from the start, his feelings be damned. If he needed medical attention, the police train and employ medics. What happened there was completely unnecessary and could have easily been avoided. Anyone with even an ounce of common sense should know this.

Good post, thanks for articulating exactly how I feel about this. The Niemöller quote. The problem is people are so blinded by partisanship that they can't see the bigger picture. As you said, if people continue with the hero worship and turning a blind eye to the move toward a police state... they're only shooting themselves in the foot because eventually they'll be on the receiving end of the jackbooted thugs they're cheering on now.

That extreme partisanship and ignorance (or willful blindness?) has led to horrible things happening throughout history, which people enabled... I don't think I need to bring up examples.
Luckily, the jurors spoke for George Floyd.
#78 Excessive force was impossible for the ’experts’ or anyone else to define due to poor health and fentanyl. Duh
Madeup, self soothing nonsense. Minnesota is meth, obesity, and fentanyl country. I am quite sure the medical examiner there knows what poor health and fentanyl overdoses look like. And i am absolutely sure he knows more than some partisan hack with no experience or education in any relevant field (hint: that's you).
#83: When the trash is supplied by meth-connected theologians, as in the case of Harriman, Tennessee, full-circle with drug connections to the CIA and its puppet now in the White House. Dumfuck. Stay in Indiana.
Missouri has precisely a (Chinese [italics]) fentanyl problem. Did Floyd eat communist fentanyl before dying?
#78 Excessive force was impossible for the ’experts’ or anyone else to define due to poor health and fentanyl. Duh
Madeup, self soothing nonsense. Minnesota is meth, obesity, and fentanyl country. I am quite sure the medical examiner there knows what poor health and fentanyl overdoses look like. And i am absolutely sure he knows more than some partisan hack with no experience or education in any relevant field (hint: that's you).
He knows but he caved to political pressure to do the wrong thing----------Floyd died of his drug abuse.
The other problem is what white people experience with the police is very different than what black people have experienced with police
Because GENERALLY, white people dont behave like blacks when dealing with the police. Those that do get the same treatment.

Dont ARGUE with the cops. Dont FIGHT the cops. If there's a problem, use the courts

So someone should have told Ashli Babbitt, when we break in here, if a cop tells you to do something we need to do it so no one gets hurt?

There is a lot of complaining over something you seem to think was her fault.
And for the opportunist black racists that did not care if their fellow citizens were being eaten by the commie virus while they busted up someone else’s hard-earned, honest work and lives, the gayer-than-gay cocksuckers did not go to trial. Intelligent people should now know who and what to boycott, and for how long.
#83: When the trash is supplied by meth-connected theologians, as in the case of Harriman, Tennessee, full-circle with drug connections to the CIA and its puppet now in the White House. Dumfuck. Stay in Indiana.
And you stop embarrassing yourself with your Trump U medical degree, you cackling crybaby.
And for the opportunist black racists that did not care if their fellow citizens were being eaten by the commie virus while they busted up someone else’s hard-earned, honest work and lives, the gayer-than-gay cocksuckers did not go to trial. Intelligent people should now know who and what to boycott, and for how long.
I am going to give you some free advice, you insufferable piece of shit:

Find someone who cares about you. Read them that post aloud. What happens next could be very good for you.

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