Chauvin Sentenced to 240 Months

now suddenly whining when a white guy gets caught committing a crime.

In the old days, we used to call that an arrest. I guess now it is a CRIME to stop black criminals from breaking the law.
Thank God from every justice-loving American that we no longer live in the old days. Thanks for your input, old-timer.
There is no justice when criminals run free and rewarded while police are prosecuted for arresting them.

That isn't "old times," you slobbering imbecile, that is TWO FUCKING YEARS AGO and all the rest of our country's history, until you sheep droppings stole your way to power.
So you are happy that two years ago, the guilty were not punished? Now, do you get why your orange douche bag was voted from office? :itsok:

OH PLEASE. There is no "guilty" being punished here. This is pure politics driven by RACISM against whites and cops and you know it. Chauvin had every reason to arrest Floyd, and had he not died, none of this crap would be said about the police or the arrest.

SHIT HAPPENS when you're fighting three cops resisting arrest.
For the worthless life of a thug?
I guess you did not bother to listen to Floyd's family victim impact statements. Chauvin should have gotten 30. But know this. When the Feds get a hold of him, it will be 30, or more.
your board name is an oxymoron .
Good fucking christ on on cracker! ! wish that I had a dime for every time some moron spewed that bullshit. Get a fucking life.
get a profile name that makes sense .... some thing like [ dumb marxist cocksucker ]would be a more appropriate name .
now suddenly whining when a white guy gets caught committing a crime.

In the old days, we used to call that an arrest. I guess now it is a CRIME to stop black criminals from breaking the law.
Thank God from every justice-loving American that we no longer live in the old days. Thanks for your input, old-timer.
There is no justice when criminals run free and rewarded while police are prosecuted for arresting them.

That isn't "old times," you slobbering imbecile, that is TWO FUCKING YEARS AGO and all the rest of our country's history, until you sheep droppings stole your way to power.
So you are happy that two years ago, the guilty were not punished? Now, do you get why your orange douche bag was voted from office? :itsok:

OH PLEASE. There is no "guilty" being punished here. This is pure politics driven by RACISM against whites and cops and you know it. Chauvin had every reason to arrest Floyd, and had he not died, none of this crap would be said about the police or the arrest.

SHIT HAPPENS when you're fighting three cops resisting arrest.
Tell that to the courts that decided his verdict. Oh wait, I forgot you guys don't believe in the law, at least for white people. My bad.
now suddenly whining when a white guy gets caught committing a crime.

In the old days, we used to call that an arrest. I guess now it is a CRIME to stop black criminals from breaking the law.
Thank God from every justice-loving American that we no longer live in the old days. Thanks for your input, old-timer.
There is no justice when criminals run free and rewarded while police are prosecuted for arresting them.

That isn't "old times," you slobbering imbecile, that is TWO FUCKING YEARS AGO and all the rest of our country's history, until you sheep droppings stole your way to power.
So you are happy that two years ago, the guilty were not punished? Now, do you get why your orange douche bag was voted from office? :itsok:

OH PLEASE. There is no "guilty" being punished here. This is pure politics driven by RACISM against whites and cops and you know it. Chauvin had every reason to arrest Floyd, and had he not died, none of this crap would be said about the police or the arrest.

SHIT HAPPENS when you're fighting three cops resisting arrest.
Tell that to the courts that decided his verdict. Oh wait, I forgot you guys don't believe in the law, at least for white people. My bad.

What makes you think I don't believe in the law, doofus! What I DON'T believe in is letting racism and politics decide courtroom outcomes.
now suddenly whining when a white guy gets caught committing a crime.

In the old days, we used to call that an arrest. I guess now it is a CRIME to stop black criminals from breaking the law.
Thank God from every justice-loving American that we no longer live in the old days. Thanks for your input, old-timer.
There is no justice when criminals run free and rewarded while police are prosecuted for arresting them.

That isn't "old times," you slobbering imbecile, that is TWO FUCKING YEARS AGO and all the rest of our country's history, until you sheep droppings stole your way to power.
So you are happy that two years ago, the guilty were not punished? Now, do you get why your orange douche bag was voted from office? :itsok:

OH PLEASE. There is no "guilty" being punished here. This is pure politics driven by RACISM against whites and cops and you know it. Chauvin had every reason to arrest Floyd, and had he not died, none of this crap would be said about the police or the arrest.

SHIT HAPPENS when you're fighting three cops resisting arrest.
Tell that to the courts that decided his verdict. Oh wait, I forgot you guys don't believe in the law, at least for white people. My bad.

What makes you think I don't believe in the law, doofus! What I DON'T believe in is letting racism and politics decide courtroom outcomes.
So, you think that Chauvin's lawyer did not put up a good defense? Or that the judge, the prosecutors are racists? Or, do you believe that they should have let Chauvin go because he is white?

Now, you get why I know you DON'T believe in the law. Let me know if you are still confused.
For the worthless life of a thug?
I guess you did not bother to listen to Floyd's family victim impact statements. Chauvin should have gotten 30. But know this. When the Feds get a hold of him, it will be 30, or more.
who gives a shit what the criminals family said?....i don't...there is 1 less criminal on the streets...and the cop should go home
To the family the sentence is important but the most important thing is the fact we are no longer going to give the cops free reign to do whatever they want.

Soon qualified immunity will be a thing of the past also. We can not allow those enlisted to enforce the law to be above the law.
now suddenly whining when a white guy gets caught committing a crime.

In the old days, we used to call that an arrest. I guess now it is a CRIME to stop black criminals from breaking the law.
Thank God from every justice-loving American that we no longer live in the old days. Thanks for your input, old-timer.
There is no justice when criminals run free and rewarded while police are prosecuted for arresting them.

That isn't "old times," you slobbering imbecile, that is TWO FUCKING YEARS AGO and all the rest of our country's history, until you sheep droppings stole your way to power.
So you are happy that two years ago, the guilty were not punished? Now, do you get why your orange douche bag was voted from office? :itsok:

OH PLEASE. There is no "guilty" being punished here. This is pure politics driven by RACISM against whites and cops and you know it. Chauvin had every reason to arrest Floyd, and had he not died, none of this crap would be said about the police or the arrest.

SHIT HAPPENS when you're fighting three cops resisting arrest.
Tell that to the courts that decided his verdict. Oh wait, I forgot you guys don't believe in the law, at least for white people. My bad.

What makes you think I don't believe in the law, doofus! What I DON'T believe in is letting racism and politics decide courtroom outcomes.
So, you think that Chauvin's lawyer did not put up a good defense? Or that the judge, the prosecutors are racists? Or, do you believe that they should have let Chauvin go because he is white?

Now, you get why I know you DON'T believe in the law. Let me know if you are still confused.
you are...thats 4 sure
Why in the name of god would ANYONE want to become a cop today is beyond my comprehension. I carried a badge for 22 years in the Army. If I were in the CID today, I would put in my papers for retirement.

I call on every cop out there to immediately quit whatever force you are on and do something else.

lord have mercy on the United States.

If you are the kind of bigot who became a cop to brutalize black people, we are all better off if you quit.
Why in the name of god would ANYONE want to become a cop today is beyond my comprehension. I carried a badge for 22 years in the Army. If I were in the CID today, I would put in my papers for retirement.

I call on every cop out there to immediately quit whatever force you are on and do something else.

lord have mercy on the United States.

If you are the kind of bigot who became a cop to brutalize black people, we are all better off if you quit.

(1) I didn't "quit" I retired. Only shot one person (other than Viet Nam) in 22 years. The Perp lived. (2) I have never "brutalized" anyone in my life except perhaps in High School football......However, were I to run into you, I may have made an exception in your case, Nancy.
To the family the sentence is important but the most important thing is the fact we are no longer going to give the cops free reign to do whatever they want.

Soon qualified immunity will be a thing of the past also. We can not allow those enlisted to enforce the law to be above the law.
Holy Jesus...........
The police are very likely the last people I'd call.

How many times have we read reports of family members calling the police because of a family member in distress or whatever only to have the police show up to execute them on the spot?

How many?

Um, yeah, and how long did that family refuse to make that family member take their meds or address their issues.

Now, I've been very critical of police actions, but let's give the cops their due. They are called out 10 million times a year in this country and they mostly get it right. There are only a 1000 cases where lethal force has to be employed. Too many, in my opinion, but they are hardly running around shooting people.

The police end up having to deal with the end results of our failures as a society - Mental Illness, poverty, racism, gun proflieration... and they deal with it well- most of the time.

Then you get a case like Chauvin, a disaster looking for a place to happen. And he makes it worse for the good ones.
(1) I didn't "quit" I retired. Only shot one person (other than Viet Nam) in 22 years. The Perp lived. (2) I have never "brutalized" anyone in my life except perhaps in High School football......However, were I to run into you, I may have made an exception in your case, Nancy.

The fact you want to brutalize people who disagree with you makes me darned glad you turned in your gun.

We can only hope others follow your fine example.
If George Floyd had been white it would never had been a racial issue or a political issue or world wide News.

If George Floyd had been white, it never would have happened.

The point is that the Police kill about twice as many white suspects on average annually than black suspects.
But those cases are not politicized or racialized because that would destroy the Democrat/Press narrative.
But the Left's argument is that the rate is higher for black suspects, meaning that there was a racial motive.

First, blacks are 13% of the population, but represent 30% of the people killed by police.
Second, MOST police shootings aren't made a big deal about. The police shoot kill 1000 people a year. In most cases, they are ruled justified because the guy came at them with a knife or a gun.

Third- the cases that are made a big deal about ARE truly egregious. Usually, a black person being killed over a very minor underlying offense....or no offense at all.

George Floyd passed a fake 20
Sandra Bland didn't use her turn signal
Walter Scott was trying to avoid a alimony payment
Laquan McDonald was trying to get into a truck to keep warm
Tamir Rice was playing with a toy.
Botham Jean was sitting in his own home eating ice cream.

I could go on and on...
No empowering police involved. If people stopped making things more dangerous for police, they could take a more casual, less militant stance.

The difference between today and Mayberry RFD is that back then, people treated police as a friend of the community and were far more civil with each other.

Then the mass invasion of communist radical leftists came along with their wacky ideas, violence and crime.

NO, man, the problem with Mayberry RFD is that it was a fiction.

Did you also think Gilligan's Island war real? Or Star Trek?

The other problem is what white people experience with the police is very different than what black people have experienced with police.

You never saw Andy and Barney enforcing Jim Crow laws, did you?
OH PLEASE. There is no "guilty" being punished here. This is pure politics driven by RACISM against whites and cops and you know it. Chauvin had every reason to arrest Floyd, and had he not died, none of this crap would be said about the police or the arrest.

SHIT HAPPENS when you're fighting three cops resisting arrest.

NO, this is what happens when the cops arrest you use excessive force.

Floyd died because excessive force was used.
The other problem is what white people experience with the police is very different than what black people have experienced with police
Because GENERALLY, white people dont behave like blacks when dealing with the police. Those that do get the same treatment.

Dont ARGUE with the cops. Dont FIGHT the cops. If there's a problem, use the courts

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