Chauvin Sentenced to 240 Months

The cocksucker FFI should be exposed in front of other readers, precisely because all lives matter.
I really have no sympathy for him, to be honest.

Too many cops have the atitude that they have a free pass to basically hide behind a government gun and a badge and abuse society without any fear of consequence.

Police work actually draws those types into the field because they naturally have that narcissistic mentality and a desire for power over people.

I've never really understood that whole hero worship mentality.

So many times I read or hear about 'god cops' but make no mistake about it, a 'good cop' will kick your down, guns drawn, just as soon as a bad cop whether you've done anything illegal or not.

It only takes one phone call. And histor yis ripe with example.
These guys, cops, run to situations that pussies run from. What is it you don't understand?

And that gives them the right to do as they please with no repercussions?
This trial was hopelessly tainted from the start. Tainted judge, jury and venue.
If Chauvin is found guilty again so be it. But the sake of our supposedly impartial trial system
a new trial, in a new area with a new judge and new jury must be ordered.

And this time the Whispering President should keep his mouth shut about the whole thing.
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A tainted jury and a chickenshit Judge.

This is what passes as justice in Bi-Dung's America.

Get used to it...doubtful it will change anytime soon........god help us.

It basically is a mob sentencing. 10 years at most or less is what Chauvin would have gotten if he had been a common black thug with a 3-yard record!

Indeed. Had that been Floyd being sentenced, he would have received 3 years at the most. Welcome to life in the United States in the 21st Century....
If you could show me any black man who got 3 years for killing a cop...I'd be very surprised.
Just as the Capitol cop murdered Ashli Babbitt. In COLD BLOOD. Aimed for her head. A young, unarmed, defenseless woman.

This is the thing that so many simply seem to fail to grasp. It's extremely important.

People would do well to place their personal and political biases aside and look at the issue in a way that's germane to some semblance of objective reality with regard to the situation in scope.

It's like this.

First they came for the ****** passing off fake fake money. But I was not the ****** passing off fake fake money.

Then they came for the honkey armed with an American flag. But I was not the honkey armed with an American flag.

And then they came for me.

You know the rest.

End of the day, a brown-shirt wearing a red helmet is no different than a brown-shirt wearing a blue helmet. And that's a fact. If we continue to empower police by appeasing their sense of entitlement by way of all of the hero worship, it'll only continue. And given the largely anti-American people seeking political office these days, many of whom achieve it, we do not want jack boots operating under them and feeling like they can just walk around with their chest pushed out like they're arbitrarily the judge, jury and executioner.

No empowering police involved. If people stopped making things more dangerous for police, they could take a more casual, less militant stance.

The difference between today and Mayberry RFD is that back then, people treated police as a friend of the community and were far more civil with each other.

Then the mass invasion of communist radical leftists came along with their wacky ideas, violence and crime.
"communists radical leftists".

Derek Chauvin was just sentenced to 22 1/2 years in prison.

View attachment 505503
He got lucky; bet he is thrilled to death with his chump change sentence!
He may not see the end of his sentence thanks to other inmates.
Not likely to go into general population, I wouldn't think. Doing that would make us no better than him.
Rec yard, chow hall, medical....
For the worthless life of a thug?
I guess you did not bother to listen to Floyd's family victim impact statements. Chauvin should have gotten 30. But know this. When the Feds get a hold of him, it will be 30, or more.
The Floyd family is overjoyed that Floyd died in custody. They got 27 million dollars AND got a drug addict out of their lives.
Just because you'd trade a family member for money doesn't mean they would.
I really have no sympathy for him, to be honest.

Too many cops have the atitude that they have a free pass to basically hide behind a government gun and a badge and abuse society without any fear of consequence.

Police work actually draws those types into the field because they naturally have that narcissistic mentality and a desire for power over people.

I've never really understood that whole hero worship mentality.

So many times I read or hear about 'god cops' but make no mistake about it, a 'good cop' will kick your down, guns drawn, just as soon as a bad cop whether you've done anything illegal or not.

It only takes one phone call. And histor yis ripe with example.
These guys, cops, run to situations that pussies run from. What is it you don't understand?
Yeah? I encounter black people all the time and almost never shoot at them.
For killing an American citizen and a human being who was handcuffed and in custody. The law does not pretend to assign value, it sees murder as wrong.
Murder is wrong. So is a fixed trial with a jury and judge determined to find a defendant guilty
of murder one regardless of the medical evidence.
And the populace is promising to burn Minneapolis to the ground if a compromised verdict is not upheld.

The trial was a sham from the start. Time for a do over.
The Hoosier glob of sewage slime, FFI, says that badger is whining, though doesn’t seem to have the stones to answer the question in front of the other readers: Is ”black lives matter” a racist statement, or is it not?

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