Chauvin Sentenced to 240 Months

A tainted jury and a chickenshit Judge.

This is what passes as justice in Bi-Dung's America.

Get used to it...doubtful it will change anytime soon........god help us.

It basically is a mob sentencing. 10 years at most or less is what Chauvin would have gotten if he had been a common black thug with a 3-yard record!

Indeed. Had that been Floyd being sentenced, he would have received 3 years at the most. Welcome to life in the United States in the 21st Century....
If you could show me any black man who got 3 years for killing a cop...I'd be very surprised.

Happens nearly every day. I was stationed at Fort Hood in the early 70s as an investigator and my office was assigned to the murder of 2 GIs off post. We, in conjunction with the Kileen PD - found MORE than enough evidence against a black civilian who had been dishonorably discharged some 4 months earlier.

We took our case to court - and the man was convicted on OVERWHELMING evidence. The Judge, a holdover from the 60s - passed sentence after he was found guilty unanimously by a jury.

He received a 7 year sentence. I heard later that he was out after serving 3.5 years. Reason? Overcrowding. I later heard that he was shot and killed in a bar fight 7 days after he was let go.

Indeed - Karma can be a bitch. :)
This trial was hopelessly tainted from the start. Tainted judge, jury and venue.
If Chauvin is found guilty again so be it. But the sake of our supposedly impartial trial system
a new trial, in a new area with a new judge and new jury must be ordered.

And this time the Whispering President should keep his mouth shut about the whole thing.

The trial was very well presented. The chain of evidence was very well preserved. No coercion of any jury members was ever in play. The defense was allowed to call witnesses, to present expert testimony, with no restrictions. A jury of 12 of his peers deliberated on an indefinite timeline, with no interference from the judge. The sentencing was within the guidelines, below the maximum allowed. There is nothing in the trial, or sentencing that an appeals court can find to order a new trial or vacate the sentence.
You’re a chickenshit without the stones to answer the querstions in front of the people. You would look as ridiculous as this trial if you were in court. Badger suggests Gary.
I really have no sympathy for him, to be honest.

Too many cops have the attitude that they have a free pass to basically hide behind a government gun and a badge and abuse society without any fear of consequence.

Police work, much like politics, actually draws those types into the field because they naturally have that narcissistic mentality and a desire for power over people.

I've never really understood that whole hero worship mentality. All that really accomplishes is to feed and justify their sense of entitlement.

So many times I read or hear about 'god cops' but make no mistake about it, a 'good cop' will kick your down, guns drawn, just as soon as a bad cop, whether you've done anything illegal or not.

It only takes one phone call. And history is ripe with example if anyone wants to doubt that reality.

Let's pray that you are never in a situation where you need a cop to protect your worthless ass.....
They don't.
Dipstick and Trial Expert #144: Do you have the balls to answer this question in front of the readers: “Was Floyd’s COVID-19 infection mentioned during the trial?” Nevermind if you are stupid enough to believe the question irrelevant.
You're a fuckin liar. Do you even remember how NOT to lie?
You Floyd lovers are a vulgar bunch aren't you? Can't make your point without hurling swear words? Did you happen to see the video of Floyd standing in line waiting to try and pass the fake 20? He was high as a kite, dancing around like an idiot. There are plenty of reports that weren't expunged by the Media that have Floyd's Fentanyl levels extremely high.
A lethal dose of the narcotic analgesic fentanyl was found in Floyd's blood. That is, Floyd would have died of an overdose anyway, since this drug seriously depresses breathing, causing bronchospasm and pulmonary edema. Although it is obvious that Derek Chauvin used excessive force (according to the rules, he had to remove his knee from Floyd's neck when he stopped resisting), the BLM icon had already killed himself with an overdose of fentanyl.

The evidence that the actions of the police had a decisive impact on the fatal outcome is very shaky and contradictory, given Floyd's state of health and the cocktail of narcotic and anesthetic substances in his blood. Nevertheless, the court clearly interpreted the doubts not in favor of the defendant, which obviously leads the process from the legal plane to the political one. The police were simply sacrificed, fearing protests. The sentence to Chauvin was passed not by the court, but by the street.
This is what an enlightened democracy looks like in reality.
Where did you go to medical school and when?
The trial was very well presented. The chain of evidence was very well preserved. No coercion of any jury members was ever in play. The defense was allowed to call witnesses, to present expert testimony, with no restrictions. A jury of 12 of his peers deliberated on an indefinite timeline, with no interference from the judge. The sentencing was within the guidelines, below the maximum allowed. There is nothing in the trial, or sentencing that an appeals court can find to order a new trial or vacate the sentence.
The jury pool was tainted and the judge, who refused to limit information from the biased Minneapolis
media to the jury was biased too. Even Whisperin' Joe Biden weighed in before the trial
further prejudicing the jury, which was already biased.

It's not up to you, Sluggo and I'm not trying to sway your calcified mind.
Your opinion is worthless as it usually is. Chauvin conviction: 2 things to know about jury bias and 2 ways to reduce it
You're a fuckin liar. Do you even remember how NOT to lie?
You Floyd lovers are a vulgar bunch aren't you? Can't make your point without hurling swear words? Did you happen to see the video of Floyd standing in line waiting to try and pass the fake 20? He was high as a kite, dancing around like an idiot. There are plenty of reports that weren't expunged by the Media that have Floyd's Fentanyl levels extremely high.
Don't try to distract from your lie, liar.
The police are very likely the last people I'd call.

How many times have we read reports of family members calling the police because of a family member in distress or whatever only to have the police show up to execute them on the spot?

How many?

Um, yeah, and how long did that family refuse to make that family member take their meds or address their issues.

Now, I've been very critical of police actions, but let's give the cops their due. They are called out 10 million times a year in this country and they mostly get it right. There are only a 1000 cases where lethal force has to be employed. Too many, in my opinion, but they are hardly running around shooting people.

The police end up having to deal with the end results of our failures as a society - Mental Illness, poverty, racism, gun proflieration... and they deal with it well- most of the time.

Then you get a case like Chauvin, a disaster looking for a place to happen. And he makes it worse for the good ones.
You are having a crisis of faith.
He was not convicted of murder one. It was second degree.
Okay correction noted. His sentence is still a very long one considering the circumstances of this farcical trial
and Chauvin following department procedure subduing someone high as a kite with a vast criminal
Medical experts testified it was the fentynal in Floyd's body that really killed him.
Is it possible for an all black jury in Minneapolis to return and more realistic verdict knowing
they all had bullseyes on their backs and were fodder for the mob?

A new trial with a new judge and jury is called for.
And for the opportunist black racists that did not care if their fellow citizens were being eaten by the commie virus while they busted up someone else’s hard-earned, honest work and lives, the gayer-than-gay cocksuckers did not go to trial. Intelligent people should now know who and what to boycott, and for how long.
I am going to give you some free advice, you insufferable piece of shit:

Find someone who cares about you. Read them that post aloud. What happens next could be very good for you.
Are you on some sort of drugs?
A tainted jury and a chickenshit Judge.

This is what passes as justice in Bi-Dung's America.
A white racist caught on tape ending a man's life.

That's what sane people saw.
For killing an American citizen and a human being who was handcuffed and in custody. The law does not pretend to assign value, it sees murder as wrong.
Murder is wrong. So is a fixed trial with a jury and judge determined to find a defendant guilty
of murder one regardless of the medical evidence.
And the populace is promising to burn Minneapolis to the ground if a compromised verdict is not upheld.

The trial was a sham from the start. Time for a do over.

What's your argument here? We have an unjust justice system? Do you understand that is in part what the protests have all been about?

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