Chauvin Sentenced to 240 Months

Derek Chauvin got a slap on the wrist for a brazen murder

Let's be clear in order to get this Chauvin charged there had to be not just nationwide riots but global riots across the world.

Remember they were not going to charge him at all.

When guys like Chauvin they start getting the same sentences that blk ppl get then I'll celebrate. Black people get 20 years for weed, (For plants that grow in the ground)

Plus he's only gonna do about 11. When does his parole come up ? Those 22 years are gonna be reduced all types of ways. I wouldn't be surprised if he's out in 5 years. The common law kicks in.

His mother came out.

When have you ever seen a black person on trial for murder have his mother come out to get sympathy ?

This was white supremacy at work to the max.
Dipshit, global dancing puppets don’t cut it. Was Floyd’s COVID-19 infection mentioned in court? Had the forensic ‘experts’ talked about that, they would have been seriously compromised to sustain their credibility in front of the entire watching world. How would they be able to talk about a virus as experts, with so much conflicting information about it? Never brought up in court was the fact that both the virus in Floyd’s brain and the fentanyl in Floyd’s brain precisely linked to a precise COVID-19 vaccine maker? How much more of American democracy’s 86% of its time should the 14 uneducated % try to take?
The vaccine maker knows precisely how the potency of fentanyl can be increased. Why does COVID-19 exactly mimic the action of fentanyl at the mu-opioid receptor? Had the experts been questioned, they would have been unable to separate murder from suicide by fentanyl, especially if the virus was in any way acting synergistically. They could have been made to look like the horse’s ass in front of the entire watching world.
Yea, that way the Chauvin family can get their 27 million by suing the prison for wrongful death of their relative while in custody of the DOC.

Nobody will ever get near him.

Has anyone successfully sued for being beaten up in jail?

Um yea, many. Google it. It doesn't matter the reason, the DOC or BOP is responsible for the well being of the inmate while in their custody. Which is why if prison officials get word that an inmate will be hurt they will remove them from general pop immediately. The desires of the inmate are irrelevant. They are 100% responsible for the inmates well being. Even death row inmates who die in police custody can sue. If you are sentenced to time in jail, THAT IS YOUR SENTENCE. Not being subject to being beaten, raped, denied medical care or killed during that time.

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Yea, that way the Chauvin family can get their 27 million by suing the prison for wrongful death of their relative while in custody of the DOC.

Nobody will ever get near him.

Has anyone successfully sued for being beaten up in jail?

Um yea, many. Google it. It doesn't matter the reason, the DOC or BOP is responsible for the well being of the inmate while in their custody. Which is why if prison officials get word that an inmate will be hurt they will remove them from general pop immediately. The desires of the inmate are irrelevant. They are 100% responsible for the inmates well being. Even death row inmates who die in police custody can sue. If you are sentenced to time in jail, THAT IS YOUR SENTENCE. Not being subject to being beaten, raped or killed during that time.

Uh, guy, you cited two cases of prisoners dying of things that weren't anything to do with being beaten up by other prisoners. They were cases where prison officials failed to deal with medical issues.

Now, I don't want Chauvin to be shanked in prison. I want him to spend a long time in prison, surrounded by people who hate him, knowing what he did was wrong.
Yea, that way the Chauvin family can get their 27 million by suing the prison for wrongful death of their relative while in custody of the DOC.

Nobody will ever get near him.

Has anyone successfully sued for being beaten up in jail?

Um yea, many. Google it. It doesn't matter the reason, the DOC or BOP is responsible for the well being of the inmate while in their custody. Which is why if prison officials get word that an inmate will be hurt they will remove them from general pop immediately. The desires of the inmate are irrelevant. They are 100% responsible for the inmates well being. Even death row inmates who die in police custody can sue. If you are sentenced to time in jail, THAT IS YOUR SENTENCE. Not being subject to being beaten, raped or killed during that time.

Uh, guy, you cited two cases of prisoners dying of things that weren't anything to do with being beaten up by other prisoners. They were cases where prison officials failed to deal with medical issues.

Now, I don't want Chauvin to be shanked in prison. I want him to spend a long time in prison, surrounded by people who hate him, knowing what he did was wrong.

And I said the REASON doesn't matter. Dying while in custody of anything other than natural causes is a reason to sue. Prison officials KNOW that a former police officer is at risk in jail. They also KNOW that Chauvins case was very publicised. So they can't claim they don't know he's at risk.

A prisoner in the mental health ward of a county jail died as a result of being beaten and stabbed by his cellmate. His estate sued, claiming that the county and jail personnel acted with deliberate indifference to the decedent's safety. The plaintiff claimed that the defendants knew or should have known about the dangerous violent propensities of the cellmate, but disregarded the risk by placing him in the decedent's cell and by failing to adequately respond to the resulting attack. A federal appeals court, upholding a denial of summary judgment to the individual defendants, found that a reasonable jury could find that jail personnel were aware of the risk of the attack and had actually heard the assault and decided not to respond. Richko v. Wayne County, #15-1524, 2016 U.S. App. Lexis 6835, 2016 Fed. App. 93P (6th Cir.).
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You make no sense
Let’s see if I can bring this down to Pre-K level for you…

George Floyd was a criminal.

criminals are not human beings. They lose that classification when they commit a crime.

Therefore George Floyd was not a human being.

Murder statutes require the death of a human being.

George Floyd was not classifiable as a human being when he died. Therefore Derek Chauvin could not be guilty of murder.
I really have no sympathy for him, to be honest.

Too many cops have the attitude that they have a free pass to basically hide behind a government gun and a badge and abuse society without any fear of consequence.

Police work, much like politics, actually draws those types into the field because they naturally have that narcissistic mentality and a desire for power over people.

I've never really understood that whole hero worship mentality. All that really accomplishes is to feed and justify their sense of entitlement.

So many times I read or hear about 'god cops' but make no mistake about it, a 'good cop' will kick your door down, guns drawn, just as soon as a bad cop, whether you've done anything illegal or not.

It only takes one phone call. And history is ripe with example if anyone wants to doubt that reality.
You know what the key is ??? Don't resist arrest or don't start acting a fool to someone who is attempting to do a job, and doesn't know you from Adam's house cat. You can make the encounter bad or good depending on your attitude in most cases. The courts are where you stand your ground if a wrong has been committed. Don't be a hero to the criminal population by acting up when an officer is dealing with you.

Yes, there are cases of abuse, and yes police reform is needed to address officer abuse, and that should be the goal of those who were burned. Companies have training by safety instructor's on what not to do, and what to do in many job's across the nation, so I ask where has these instructor's been when it comes to police forces ??? Briefings and training, pep talks and more should be an everyday thing with police forces before entering the field.
You make no sense
Let’s see if I can bring this down to Pre-K level for you…

George Floyd was a criminal.

criminals are not human beings. They lose that classification when they commit a crime.

Therefore George Floyd was not a human being.

Murder statutes require the death of a human being.

George Floyd was not classifiable as a human being when he died. Therefore Derek Chauvin could not be guilty of murder.

Ok while I don't think that Chauvin was guilty of murder GF WAS a human. He was not a perfect human but he was human. I'm pretty sure you've done things worse than GF ever did but were never caught. Does that mean if you commit crimes but avoid prosecution you're a human? What if you're falsely convicted and are actually innocent, do you lose your humanness?

GF had rights under the law even while in police custody. He was acting like an idiot and he got what was coming to him but he WAS very much a human being.
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The thing that gets me (although not a supporter of Chauvin at all because of his demeanor or him losing his cool during an arrest), but how is he charged with murder if they can't prove that Floyd died by Chauvins actions ??? Floyd had fatal amounts of drugs in his body, and he began to claim that he couldn't breath before they got him into the back seat of the squad car didn't he ?? So if he was going to die due to the drugs, then officer Chauvin didn't realize that fact when trying to detain him or hold him. Yes it gets ugly when suspects resist arrest, and yes people and officers lose their cool, but in Floyd's case what was it that actually killed him ? If it was the drugs, then Chauvin couldn't be found guilty of intentionally murdering Floyd right ???

Tough to be a cop these days, because if you blink your dead in the right circumstances, so it's a high stakes game being played by both cop and suspect. Police reform should center around these things, and better training should cover the new idea that people have now on setting cop's up. Otherwise countering such things or avoiding such things should be trained at the academy, and at morning briefings.

Officers that get to many complaints need to be suspended with pay pending a review. Bullies have no place in the ranks, and they should be removed if find that they are abusers of their authority.

Criminals need to stop being arrogant and resisting if they are stopped by law enforcement. It's a huge problem running in both directions now. If clean, the stop should go well, but if dirty, then it can cause problem's big time.

Cop's also need to be removed from their government handler's that intice them to stop people through entrapments set up in speed traps or other such things, otherwise in order to generate revenue streams by this method or methods used. This usually infuriates the public, and can cause problem's in the field for both officer and citizen's.

The use of three strikes (now that computers are linked up), should be the case before a big ticket is given out. Otherwise if a citizen is stopped, but they have a clean record, then a warning should be issued, and say in three or more months gone by let's say, and the citizen is stopped for the same violation (i.e. 63 in a 55 zone for example), then strike two, a warning is issued, but if the clean record holder is stopped again, then that is the 3rd strike, and a fine with points is issued.

How many of you have been stopped and fined for whose records were clean for many years ?? To me this is either the profile of a bully cop or the aggressive policies of the government in which the officers jurisdiction falls under. This stuff needs to be cleaned up folk's, and it needs to be done yesterday. Maybe separate the beat cop's from the special forces, otherwise instead of having the cops who have to be aggressively tough against drug runners, bad criminal's and the like doing job's in the field where most citizen's are innocent, and might make a small traffic mistake etc.

Reform can be done, and it can be done right.
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The thing that gets me (although not a supporter of Chauvin at all because of his demeanor or him losing his cool during an arrest), but how is he charged with murder if they can't prove that Floyd died by Chauvins actions ??? Floyd had fatal amounts of drugs in his body, and he began to claim that he couldn't breath before they got him into the back seat of the squad car didn't he ?? So if he was going to die due to the drugs, then officer Chauvin didn't realize that fact when trying to detain him or hold him. Yes it gets ugly when suspects resist arrest, and yes people and officers lose their cool, but in Floyd's case what was it that actually killed him ? If it was the drugs, then Chauvin couldn't be found guilty of intentionally murdering Floyd right ???

Tough to be a cop these days, because if you blink your dead in the right circumstances, so it's a high stakes game being played by both cop and suspect. Police reform should center around these things, and better training should cover this new idea that people have on setting cop's up. Otherwise countering such things or avoiding such things should be trained at the academy, and at morning briefings.

Officers that get to many complaints need to be suspended with pay pending a review. Bullies have no place in the ranks, and they should be removed if find that they are abusers of their authority.

Criminals need to stop being arrogant and resisting if they are stopped by law enforcement. It's a huge problem running in both directions now. If clean, the stop should go well, but if dirty, then it can cause problem's big time.

Cop's also need to be removed from their government handler's that intice them to stop people through entrapments set up in speed traps or other such things in order to generate revenue streams by this method or methods used. This usually infuriates the public, and can cause problem's in the field for both officer and citizen's.

The use of three strikes (now that computers are linked up), should be the case before a big ticket is given out. Otherwise if a citizen is stopped, but they have a clean record, then a warning should be issued, and say in three or more months gone by, and the citizen is stopped for the same violation (i.e. 63 in a 55 zone for example), then strike two a warning is issued, but if the clean record holder is stopped again, then that the 3rd strike, and a fine with points is issued.

How many of you have been stopped and fined whose records were clean for many years ?? To me this is either the profile of a bully cop or the aggressive policies of the government in which the officers jurisdiction falls under. This stuff needs to be cleaned up folk's, and it needs to be done yesterday. Maybe separate the beat cop's from the special forces, otherwise instead of having the cops who have to be aggressively tough against drug runners, bad criminal's and the like doing job's in the field where most citizen's are innocent, and might make a small traffic mistake etc.

Reform can be done, and it can be done right
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