Chauvin Sentenced to 240 Months

A tainted jury and a chickenshit Judge.

This is what passes as justice in Bi-Dung's America.

Get used to it...doubtful it will change anytime soon........god help us.

It basically is a mob sentencing. 10 years at most or less is what Chauvin would have gotten if he had been a common black thug with a 3-yard record!

Indeed. Had that been Floyd being sentenced, he would have received 3 years at the most. Welcome to life in the United States in the 21st Century....
If you could show me any black man who got 3 years for killing a cop...I'd be very surprised.

Happens nearly every day. I was stationed at Fort Hood in the early 70s as an investigator and my office was assigned to the murder of 2 GIs off post. We, in conjunction with the Kileen PD - found MORE than enough evidence against a black civilian who had been dishonorably discharged some 4 months earlier.

We took our case to court - and the man was convicted on OVERWHELMING evidence. The Judge, a holdover from the 60s - passed sentence after he was found guilty unanimously by a jury.

He received a 7 year sentence. I heard later that he was out after serving 3.5 years. Reason? Overcrowding. I later heard that he was shot and killed in a bar fight 7 days after he was let go.

Indeed - Karma can be a bitch. :)

This guy killed a cop?
A tainted jury and a chickenshit Judge.

This is what passes as justice in Bi-Dung's America.

Get used to it...doubtful it will change anytime soon........god help us.

It basically is a mob sentencing. 10 years at most or less is what Chauvin would have gotten if he had been a common black thug with a 3-yard record!

Indeed. Had that been Floyd being sentenced, he would have received 3 years at the most. Welcome to life in the United States in the 21st Century....
If you could show me any black man who got 3 years for killing a cop...I'd be very surprised.

Happens nearly every day. I was stationed at Fort Hood in the early 70s as an investigator and my office was assigned to the murder of 2 GIs off post. We, in conjunction with the Kileen PD - found MORE than enough evidence against a black civilian who had been dishonorably discharged some 4 months earlier.

We took our case to court - and the man was convicted on OVERWHELMING evidence. The Judge, a holdover from the 60s - passed sentence after he was found guilty unanimously by a jury.

He received a 7 year sentence. I heard later that he was out after serving 3.5 years. Reason? Overcrowding. I later heard that he was shot and killed in a bar fight 7 days after he was let go.

Indeed - Karma can be a bitch. :)
Every day? You cited one "iffy" reference from the 70s. LOL
Nobody has mentioned that this dude will only serve 30% with GCT. He'll be out of jail before Biden's out of the white house.
Don't try to distract from your lie, liar.
11 ng/ml of Fentanyl in his system. That's not a "lie". It's an inconvenient truth for The BLM'ers on a mission to crucify Officer Chauvin.

He could have had a lethal amount of drugs in him and he was dying but a police officer can not address that by leaving his knee on his neck while people are yelling at him that there is something wrong with the person his knee was holding down.

If Chauvin had got up and tried to assist him would he have died anyway? Maybe but this is not what happened. He continued to place his knee on the neck of a man in distress.
So, you think that Chauvin's lawyer did not put up a good defense? Or that the judge, the prosecutors are racists? Or, do you believe that they should have let Chauvin go because he is white?

Predictably, NONE OF THE ABOVE, Minus. I think the jury was obviously influenced and biased--- prejudiced by the inescapable negative press the guy got 24/7 everywhere, and if that didn't totally sway the jury, then as some of them later admitted after the trial, they were AFRAID of going light on the guy knowing that there would be a storm, an army of leftwing SJWs unleased from the sewers, sent to their homes, threatened, their workplaces attacked, every aspect of their lives invaded, and their innocent wives and children threatened.

It is the established historical pattern of the deranged Left-- -- they did the exact same thing last winter to the lawyer who represented Trump in the 2nd impeachment. The rabid Left are as a zoo full of itinerant baboons on a rampage for a treasure of bananas.

In time once the situation cools and diffuses a bit, Chauvin will get the trial he really deserves and get a sentence within reason.

Then he'll quietly get let out early on good behavior.
I'm surprised they didn't lynch him behind the courthouse.
They know they can be patient. He won't live a year in Gen Pop. I hope every one of those jurors and judges involved in his lynching, faces the evil they've helped to empower in these Blutopias.
It basically is a mob sentencing
It'll probably be a lynching. I can't imagine a situation where this guy serves even a few years and survives the animals in prison. He's white, he's a cop, and his face is known all over the country as a murderer of an "innocent" black man.
Unless the judge or warden creates conditions that keep him safe, he won't last a year. I'm pretty sure that everyone who is celebrating his sentence will have no remorse if they hear he gets murdered. And when the media announce his murder we will see street parties in the Blutopias. They'll use the occasion to do some "impromptu shopping" while dancing in the light of "celebratory" arson.

Unlike the members here who straight-up hate white folks OR black folks, I've always done my best to treat people based on how they treat me, or even better when possible.
For that reason, I have a lot of compassion for the poor folks in those cities who cannot escape them and do not vote for the same criminals for decades. They are forgotten by everyone.

Chauvin's record showed he didn't need to be wearing a badge but that doesn't justify convicting him of murder. Floyd was a career criminal and a serious addict. There was clear evidence that he began resisting as soon as the cops showed up. They put him in the back seat and he began fighting to get out. He ASKED THEM to let him stay on the ground and he also complained of not being able to breathe IMMEDIATELY when they put him in the car.
Fentanyl is one of the most powerful CNS depressants out there. He had a level that would be twice what it took to kill an average person. He also had meth in his system and it doesn't take a genius to imagine how those two will work to impair a person.

The real irony of this case is that in accusing all cops of being bastards, the day is coming when all the decent cops WILL be gone. The only ones left will be the corrupt ones who stand aside and let urban animals of all colors do whatever they please.
Hopefully Chauvin will serve his time in the general population (gen pop). That should go well. And many prison romances...
I really have no sympathy for him, to be honest.

Too many cops have the atitude that they have a free pass to basically hide behind a government gun and a badge and abuse society without any fear of consequence.

Police work actually draws those types into the field because they naturally have that narcissistic mentality and a desire for power over people.

I've never really understood that whole hero worship mentality.

So many times I read or hear about 'god cops' but make no mistake about it, a 'good cop' will kick your down, guns drawn, just as soon as a bad cop whether you've done anything illegal or not.

It only takes one phone call. And histor yis ripe with example.
These guys, cops, run to situations that pussies run from. What is it you don't understand?
The violation of oath, for one. The complete lack of candor while being filmed as well. Oh and complete violation of custody procedures by an arresting officer.

There's so much more mundane, boring procedure violations that could take pages more to explain to a magaturd idiot like yourself.
Hopefully Chauvin will serve his time in the general population (gen pop). That should go well. And many prison romances...

Yea, that way the Chauvin family can get their 27 million by suing the prison for wrongful death of their relative while in custody of the DOC.

Nobody will ever get near him.
This trial was hopelessly tainted from the start. Tainted judge, jury and venue.
If Chauvin is found guilty again so be it. But the sake of our supposedly impartial trial system
a new trial, in a new area with a new judge and new jury must be ordered.

And this time the Whispering President should keep his mouth shut about the whole thing.

By "tainted" you mean, "They know what he did and the lying lawyers couldn't bullshit their way to an acquittal".

Ah, yes, for the good old days when cops could murder black people and prosecutors would sweep it under the rug. Which by "good old days" I mean a few years ago.

He committed his crime against the people of Minneapolis, not some backwater venue where people's family trees don't fork. They should have been the ones who judged him.

His biggest problem. He was caught red handed on video doing exactly what he was accused of, with a smug look on his face while he did it.

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