Chauvin Sentenced to 240 Months

They got 27 million dollars AND got a drug addict out of their lives.
I believe that at least some of these whack jobs who resist arrest and fight with cops are hoping they get killed so they can provide a windfall to their family.
What the fuck does that have to do with Floyd? He begged for his life you fucking moron!
#115 is arguing under the assumption that it was murder, though poor health and fentanyl eating makes that assumption impossible.
For killing an American citizen and a human being who was handcuffed and in custody. The law does not pretend to assign value, it sees murder as wrong.
Murder is wrong. So is a fixed trial with a jury and judge determined to find a defendant guilty
of murder one regardless of the medical evidence.
And the populace is promising to burn Minneapolis to the ground if a compromised verdict is not upheld.

The trial was a sham from the start. Time for a do over.
Horseshit. He was denied a new trial hours befor he got his lighter than deserverd sentence , Now the Feds get a crack at him. He is going away 4EVER!
This trial was hopelessly tainted from the start. Tainted judge, jury and venue.
If Chauvin is found guilty again so be it. But the sake of our supposedly impartial trial system
a new trial, in a new area with a new judge and new jury must be ordered.

And this time the Whispering President should keep his mouth shut about the whole thing.
Of course, you had that response ready months ago, if the verdict came back guilty. Racist freaks.
Einstein and pseudoprogressive #121: Begging for one’s life while in poor health, with COVID-19 infection and after having eaten fentanyl, begs for credibility. Was the fentanyl also Chinese? Because reactionary opportunist forces sure took advantage of what the communist virus was doing to their fellow citizens. Does #121 have the progressive intelligence or cahones to answer this question in front of the readers: Was Floyd’s COVID-19 infection mentioned during the trial, or was it not?
Exquisitely dipshit # 124: You are a sheep. It was impossible to call it murder due to Floyd’s poor health, COVID-19 infection, and synergistically, his fentanyl eating.
Aspirator Breath: Was Floyd’s COVID-19 infection mentioned during the trial, or was it not?
Einstein and pseudoprogressive #121: Begging for one’s life while in poor health, with COVID-19 infection and after having eaten fentanyl, begs for credibility. Was the fentanyl also Chinese? Because reactionary opportunist forces sure took advantage of what the communist virus was doing to their fellow citizens. Does #121 have the progressive intelligence or cahones to answer this question in front of the readers: Was Floyd’s COVID-19 infection mentioned during the trial, or was it not?
What the fuck does that have to do with Floyd? He begged for his life you fucking moron!
Unbunch your panties and read my post again. I began my very simple sentence with "At least some". And how do you know that Floyd didn't have that in his mind when he Overdosed on Fentanyl and tried to pass a fake 20 dollar bill?
He did not OD ! Stop making shit up! Stop lying!
For killing an American citizen and a human being who was handcuffed and in custody. The law does not pretend to assign value, it sees murder as wrong.
Murder is wrong. So is a fixed trial with a jury and judge determined to find a defendant guilty
of murder one regardless of the medical evidence.
And the populace is promising to burn Minneapolis to the ground if a compromised verdict is not upheld.

The trial was a sham from the start. Time for a do over.

He was not convicted of murder one. It was second degree.
Instead of admitting that a murder verdict was impossible, #312 puts up a deflecting penis shield, and will likely be among those who don’t answer two simple questions: 1.) Is the statement, ‘black lives matter’ a racist statement, or is it not?” and 2.) “Was Floyd’s COVID-19 infection mentioned during the trial?

These are elementary questions, that so far, none have answered in front of the readers of this thread. Nevertheless, statement 1.) is the most intriguing, important, and historically relevant.
Why in the name of god would ANYONE want to become a cop today is beyond my comprehension
It's the cops fault.. Their behavior has led to this state of affairs.

Horseshit. The fault lies squarely on the heads of this generation that has been taught that "authority" is something to rail against. I have no doubt whatsoever that when these asshole thugs (if they don't all murder one another) will understand if, and when, they have families of their own.

Cops have been cops since forever. Damn dude, I thought you were supposedly smarter than this.......sadly, you are not.

Thank God there have been cops. I shudder to think of the complete anarchy that would have been loosed upon this land without the "blue line" between "us and them".

Please - wake the hell up.
#132 Can’t be that well educated and must be on some drug or alcohol. If the (dipshit, unlaw within law) law sees murder as wrong, it moved to pass a verdict that was impossible to define, regardless of a verdict choosing either murder 1 or murder 2.
The inherent (dipshit) perennial war is against the superego. It’s embedded in the black African psyche and DNA of its genome. But the State (is [italics]) the police, not simply the symbol of the superego.

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