Chavez Socialism Being Rejected in Venezuela

Socialist policies are at the heart of Venezuela’s problems
It is actually populist policies that lie at the heart of Venezuela's problems.
Promises that government will provide all of societies wants and needs is populist not socialist.
Socialism promises to empower people by ending the system of exploitation inherent in capitalism as shown by Karl Marx.
Populism promises that the state will take care of the people.

Socialism empowers "the people", but who are the people?

In China, supposedly a Communist country, they told the US that only "the people" could tell the Chinese govt about Human Rights. But a quick look at this suggests the "the people" is the Chinese govt. It's just another way of using words to try and confuse the people.
In China, supposedly a Communist country
Well, we know that they are not a communist country because communism is theorized as a stateless society. Clearly they have a state.

Aside from the fact that they have embraced capitalism.

So to answer the question "the people" are those who are exploited or subjugated by capitalists and or the state.

The problem is, that empowering the people will be abused by others claiming to be doing that. A true communist society won't exist for the very reason that humans are selfish.
Socialist policies are at the heart of Venezuela’s problems
It is actually populist policies that lie at the heart of Venezuela's problems.
Promises that government will provide all of societies wants and needs is populist not socialist.
Socialism promises to empower people by ending the system of exploitation inherent in capitalism as shown by Karl Marx.
Populism promises that the state will take care of the people.

Socialism empowers "the people", but who are the people?

In China, supposedly a Communist country, they told the US that only "the people" could tell the Chinese govt about Human Rights. But a quick look at this suggests the "the people" is the Chinese govt. It's just another way of using words to try and confuse the people.
In China, supposedly a Communist country
Well, we know that they are not a communist country because communism is theorized as a stateless society. Clearly they have a state.

Aside from the fact that they have embraced capitalism.

So to answer the question "the people" are those who are exploited or subjugated by capitalists and or the state.

The problem is, that empowering the people will be abused by others claiming to be doing that. A true communist society won't exist for the very reason that humans are selfish.
The timing for it isn't right.
More human development needs to take place......for sure.
But ultimately I think Marx will be justified. We will pass into another phase of development eventually.
The capitalist system carries with it the seeds of its own destruction.
Socialist policies are at the heart of Venezuela’s problems
It is actually populist policies that lie at the heart of Venezuela's problems.
Promises that government will provide all of societies wants and needs is populist not socialist.
Socialism promises to empower people by ending the system of exploitation inherent in capitalism as shown by Karl Marx.
Populism promises that the state will take care of the people.

Socialism empowers "the people", but who are the people?

In China, supposedly a Communist country, they told the US that only "the people" could tell the Chinese govt about Human Rights. But a quick look at this suggests the "the people" is the Chinese govt. It's just another way of using words to try and confuse the people.
In China, supposedly a Communist country
Well, we know that they are not a communist country because communism is theorized as a stateless society. Clearly they have a state.

Aside from the fact that they have embraced capitalism.

So to answer the question "the people" are those who are exploited or subjugated by capitalists and or the state.

The problem is, that empowering the people will be abused by others claiming to be doing that. A true communist society won't exist for the very reason that humans are selfish.
The timing for it isn't right.
More human development needs to take place......for sure.
But ultimately I think Marx will be justified. We will pass into another phase of development eventually.
The capitalist system carries with it the seeds of its own destruction.

No, the timing isn't right, and never will be. Humans have always been selfish, and always will be. Kids are born selfish, it's a survival technique.

Capitalism might destroy itself, but will always regenerate itself, why? Because it offers the best option for humans.
It is actually populist policies that lie at the heart of Venezuela's problems.
Promises that government will provide all of societies wants and needs is populist not socialist.
Socialism promises to empower people by ending the system of exploitation inherent in capitalism as shown by Karl Marx.
Populism promises that the state will take care of the people.

Socialism empowers "the people", but who are the people?

In China, supposedly a Communist country, they told the US that only "the people" could tell the Chinese govt about Human Rights. But a quick look at this suggests the "the people" is the Chinese govt. It's just another way of using words to try and confuse the people.
In China, supposedly a Communist country
Well, we know that they are not a communist country because communism is theorized as a stateless society. Clearly they have a state.

Aside from the fact that they have embraced capitalism.

So to answer the question "the people" are those who are exploited or subjugated by capitalists and or the state.

The problem is, that empowering the people will be abused by others claiming to be doing that. A true communist society won't exist for the very reason that humans are selfish.
The timing for it isn't right.
More human development needs to take place......for sure.
But ultimately I think Marx will be justified. We will pass into another phase of development eventually.
The capitalist system carries with it the seeds of its own destruction.

No, the timing isn't right, and never will be. Humans have always been selfish, and always will be. Kids are born selfish, it's a survival technique.

Capitalism might destroy itself, but will always regenerate itself, why? Because it offers the best option for humans.
We developed from systems of slave labor to a feudal system, to a capitalist system. I see no reason why we will not continue to progress. Nothing lasts forever.
Can't read?
Lol, I can read fine. And my reading comprehension is pretty good as well.
Can you cite the source for this so we can see it in proper context;
Marx said that until "the state" could create a "new communist man" then you could not have democracy.
The State and Revolution — Chapter 5
Lenin, lol.

Nevertheless, Marx spoke of freedom, he didn't say that democracy wasn't "allowed". He said, correctly, that it wasn't fully attainable.
Ohhhhh. In other words...democracy is useless. Republican form of government is useless. Why have it. The state will tell you what to think.
Democracy can't be fully realized under a capitalist system. In order to fully realize it we must get beyond the capitalist system.

And so in capitalist society we have a democracy that is curtailed, wretched, false, a democracy only for the rich, for the minority. The dictatorship of the proletariat, the period of transition to communism, will for the first time create democracy for the people, for the majority, along with the necessary suppression of the exploiters, of the minority. Communism alone is capable of providing really complete democracy, and the more complete it is, the sooner it will become unnecessary and wither away of its own accord.
The State and Revolution — Chapter 5

So very true. You know it. You know there is a problem in our capitalist system. It's the reason you voted for Trump. You are hoping he is going to help solve the problems. The capitalists used their unequal access to government and colluded to destroy labor in America. And so you voted for Trump because he promised to restore American labor to its glory.
How many millions died in socialist nations of Eastern Europe, Soviet Union, China, and Cambodia during Cold War?
Socialism empowers "the people", but who are the people?

In China, supposedly a Communist country, they told the US that only "the people" could tell the Chinese govt about Human Rights. But a quick look at this suggests the "the people" is the Chinese govt. It's just another way of using words to try and confuse the people.
In China, supposedly a Communist country
Well, we know that they are not a communist country because communism is theorized as a stateless society. Clearly they have a state.

Aside from the fact that they have embraced capitalism.

So to answer the question "the people" are those who are exploited or subjugated by capitalists and or the state.

The problem is, that empowering the people will be abused by others claiming to be doing that. A true communist society won't exist for the very reason that humans are selfish.
The timing for it isn't right.
More human development needs to take place......for sure.
But ultimately I think Marx will be justified. We will pass into another phase of development eventually.
The capitalist system carries with it the seeds of its own destruction.

No, the timing isn't right, and never will be. Humans have always been selfish, and always will be. Kids are born selfish, it's a survival technique.

Capitalism might destroy itself, but will always regenerate itself, why? Because it offers the best option for humans.
We developed from systems of slave labor to a feudal system, to a capitalist system. I see no reason why we will not continue to progress. Nothing lasts forever.
Slave labor? OMFG you are a loon.
Socialism empowers "the people", but who are the people?

In China, supposedly a Communist country, they told the US that only "the people" could tell the Chinese govt about Human Rights. But a quick look at this suggests the "the people" is the Chinese govt. It's just another way of using words to try and confuse the people.
In China, supposedly a Communist country
Well, we know that they are not a communist country because communism is theorized as a stateless society. Clearly they have a state.

Aside from the fact that they have embraced capitalism.

So to answer the question "the people" are those who are exploited or subjugated by capitalists and or the state.

The problem is, that empowering the people will be abused by others claiming to be doing that. A true communist society won't exist for the very reason that humans are selfish.
The timing for it isn't right.
More human development needs to take place......for sure.
But ultimately I think Marx will be justified. We will pass into another phase of development eventually.
The capitalist system carries with it the seeds of its own destruction.

No, the timing isn't right, and never will be. Humans have always been selfish, and always will be. Kids are born selfish, it's a survival technique.

Capitalism might destroy itself, but will always regenerate itself, why? Because it offers the best option for humans.
We developed from systems of slave labor to a feudal system, to a capitalist system. I see no reason why we will not continue to progress. Nothing lasts forever.

But all the time we changed within what we are. The only times when something that we aren't happened, was when people forced it on others, and every time it collapsed.
Well, we know that they are not a communist country because communism is theorized as a stateless society. Clearly they have a state.

Aside from the fact that they have embraced capitalism.

So to answer the question "the people" are those who are exploited or subjugated by capitalists and or the state.

The problem is, that empowering the people will be abused by others claiming to be doing that. A true communist society won't exist for the very reason that humans are selfish.
The timing for it isn't right.
More human development needs to take place......for sure.
But ultimately I think Marx will be justified. We will pass into another phase of development eventually.
The capitalist system carries with it the seeds of its own destruction.

No, the timing isn't right, and never will be. Humans have always been selfish, and always will be. Kids are born selfish, it's a survival technique.

Capitalism might destroy itself, but will always regenerate itself, why? Because it offers the best option for humans.
We developed from systems of slave labor to a feudal system, to a capitalist system. I see no reason why we will not continue to progress. Nothing lasts forever.

But all the time we changed within what we are. The only times when something that we aren't happened, was when people forced it on others, and every time it collapsed.
But all the time we changed within what we are.
You say that we are selfish. That seems a rather shallow understanding of man and our relation to one another. Consider though that each time we changed we became less so. I don't share your limitations on what we are and how we relate to one another.

The only times when something that we aren't happened, was when people forced it on others, and every time it collapsed.
Marx said that the conditions for change are created by the system being overthrown. When the conditions are right it won't have to be forced. That doesn't preclude a struggle however. There will still be a relatively small minority that will have to be persuaded.
Socialism and communism are vile systems perpetuated by those who wish to limit human opportunity, accomplishment and individual liberty. Of course the Venezuelans reject it, as have every society in history. A pox on the homes of those in this country promoting this heathen political and economic system.

Also, isn't it time some in the media start asking Bernie, his supporters and the other alt-left what they have to say about the collapsing of this inhumane system in Venezuela?

This Country is currently beset by two types of leftist loon Socialists:

1) The pompous dumb-ass Socialist who perceives that his brand of Socialism is a new twist which Marx didn't think of; and so it will work better now than it has before---which is abject failure every single time.

2) The ignorant dumb-ass Socialist who never heard of Marx; doesn't give a shit who Marx is......just wants his Free Stuff and wants it NOW.
Socialism and communism are vile systems perpetuated by those who wish to limit human opportunity, accomplishment and individual liberty. Of course the Venezuelans reject it, as have every society in history. A pox on the homes of those in this country promoting this heathen political and economic system.

Also, isn't it time some in the media start asking Bernie, his supporters and the other alt-left what they have to say about the collapsing of this inhumane system in Venezuela?

This Country is currently beset by two types of leftist loon Socialists:

1) The pompous dumb-ass Socialist who perceives that his brand of Socialism is a new twist which Marx didn't think of; and so it will work better now than it has before---which is abject failure every single time.

2) The ignorant dumb-ass Socialist who never heard of Marx; doesn't give a shit who Marx is......just wants his Free Stuff and wants it NOW.
And we are beset by only one type of conservatard. The type that has never read Marx and has no clue what Marxist theory entails.
Socialism and communism are vile systems perpetuated by those who wish to limit human opportunity, accomplishment and individual liberty. Of course the Venezuelans reject it, as have every society in history. A pox on the homes of those in this country promoting this heathen political and economic system.

Also, isn't it time some in the media start asking Bernie, his supporters and the other alt-left what they have to say about the collapsing of this inhumane system in Venezuela?

This Country is currently beset by two types of leftist loon Socialists:

1) The pompous dumb-ass Socialist who perceives that his brand of Socialism is a new twist which Marx didn't think of; and so it will work better now than it has before---which is abject failure every single time.

2) The ignorant dumb-ass Socialist who never heard of Marx; doesn't give a shit who Marx is......just wants his Free Stuff and wants it NOW.
And we are beset by only one type of conservatard. The type that has never read Marx and has no clue what Marxist theory entails.

So rather than recognize the many millions slaughtered in the 20th century alone to this bastard system, or the many millions who's lives have been ruined, destroyed or decimated in the 21st Century, you would like people to read the glorious theory. This unnatural, Godless, human soul exploiting, ideology supported and put in place by the most cowardly of Mankind.

Go down the list of inventions over the last two centuries, compare American ingenuity and economic progress to the rest of the world. You can even see the great economic development of a country like Japan, that went from an agrarian society, to a technological powerhouse in one generation. Why? They followed Americans post WW2 and became a capitalist juggernaught.

It's called free markets, free will, encouraging and embracing unbridled contributions and application of it's citizens talents. Capitalism and democracy based on individual liberty and accountability.

In the end we don't need to learn any more theories of socialism, communism and quasi-communism, the world has seen it in practice, some of us first hand.
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Socialism and communism are vile systems perpetuated by those who wish to limit human opportunity, accomplishment and individual liberty. Of course the Venezuelans reject it, as have every society in history. A pox on the homes of those in this country promoting this heathen political and economic system.

Also, isn't it time some in the media start asking Bernie, his supporters and the other alt-left what they have to say about the collapsing of this inhumane system in Venezuela?

This Country is currently beset by two types of leftist loon Socialists:

1) The pompous dumb-ass Socialist who perceives that his brand of Socialism is a new twist which Marx didn't think of; and so it will work better now than it has before---which is abject failure every single time.

2) The ignorant dumb-ass Socialist who never heard of Marx; doesn't give a shit who Marx is......just wants his Free Stuff and wants it NOW.
And we are beset by only one type of conservatard. The type that has never read Marx and has no clue what Marxist theory entails.

So rather than recognize the many millions slaughtered in the 20th century alone to this bastard system, or the many millions who's lives have been ruined, destroyed or decimated in the 21st Century, you would like people to read the glorious theory. This unnatural, Godless, human soul exploiting, ideology supported and put in place by the most cowardly of Mankind.

Go down the list of inventions over the last two centuries, compare American ingenuity and economic progress to the rest of the world. You can even see the great economic development of a country like Japan, that went from an agrarian society, to a technological powerhouse in one generation. Why? They followed Americans post WW2 and became a capitalist juggernaught.

It's called free markets, free will, encouraging and embracing unbridled contributions and application of it's citizens talents. Capitalism and democracy based on individual liberty and accountability.

In the end we don't need to learn any more theories of socialism, communism and quasi-communism, the world has seen it in practice, some of us first hand.
You are rather pompous for someone who doesn't have an understanding of the basics of Marxist theory. Why do you feel qualified to give an opinion on something you know nothing about?
Socialism and communism are vile systems perpetuated by those who wish to limit human opportunity, accomplishment and individual liberty. Of course the Venezuelans reject it, as have every society in history. A pox on the homes of those in this country promoting this heathen political and economic system.

Also, isn't it time some in the media start asking Bernie, his supporters and the other alt-left what they have to say about the collapsing of this inhumane system in Venezuela?

This Country is currently beset by two types of leftist loon Socialists:

1) The pompous dumb-ass Socialist who perceives that his brand of Socialism is a new twist which Marx didn't think of; and so it will work better now than it has before---which is abject failure every single time.

2) The ignorant dumb-ass Socialist who never heard of Marx; doesn't give a shit who Marx is......just wants his Free Stuff and wants it NOW.
And we are beset by only one type of conservatard. The type that has never read Marx and has no clue what Marxist theory entails.

So rather than recognize the many millions slaughtered in the 20th century alone to this bastard system, or the many millions who's lives have been ruined, destroyed or decimated in the 21st Century, you would like people to read the glorious theory. This unnatural, Godless, human soul exploiting, ideology supported and put in place by the most cowardly of Mankind.

Go down the list of inventions over the last two centuries, compare American ingenuity and economic progress to the rest of the world. You can even see the great economic development of a country like Japan, that went from an agrarian society, to a technological powerhouse in one generation. Why? They followed Americans post WW2 and became a capitalist juggernaught.

It's called free markets, free will, encouraging and embracing unbridled contributions and application of it's citizens talents. Capitalism and democracy based on individual liberty and accountability.

In the end we don't need to learn any more theories of socialism, communism and quasi-communism, the world has seen it in practice, some of us first hand.
You are rather pompous for someone who doesn't have an understanding of the basics of Marxist theory. Why do you feel qualified to give an opinion on something you know nothing about?

Know about it, I've LIVED in that system since birth. I think I'm quite qualified to speak about this system.
Socialism and communism are vile systems perpetuated by those who wish to limit human opportunity, accomplishment and individual liberty. Of course the Venezuelans reject it, as have every society in history. A pox on the homes of those in this country promoting this heathen political and economic system.

Also, isn't it time some in the media start asking Bernie, his supporters and the other alt-left what they have to say about the collapsing of this inhumane system in Venezuela?

This Country is currently beset by two types of leftist loon Socialists:

1) The pompous dumb-ass Socialist who perceives that his brand of Socialism is a new twist which Marx didn't think of; and so it will work better now than it has before---which is abject failure every single time.

2) The ignorant dumb-ass Socialist who never heard of Marx; doesn't give a shit who Marx is......just wants his Free Stuff and wants it NOW.
And we are beset by only one type of conservatard. The type that has never read Marx and has no clue what Marxist theory entails.

So rather than recognize the many millions slaughtered in the 20th century alone to this bastard system, or the many millions who's lives have been ruined, destroyed or decimated in the 21st Century, you would like people to read the glorious theory. This unnatural, Godless, human soul exploiting, ideology supported and put in place by the most cowardly of Mankind.

Go down the list of inventions over the last two centuries, compare American ingenuity and economic progress to the rest of the world. You can even see the great economic development of a country like Japan, that went from an agrarian society, to a technological powerhouse in one generation. Why? They followed Americans post WW2 and became a capitalist juggernaught.

It's called free markets, free will, encouraging and embracing unbridled contributions and application of it's citizens talents. Capitalism and democracy based on individual liberty and accountability.

In the end we don't need to learn any more theories of socialism, communism and quasi-communism, the world has seen it in practice, some of us first hand.
You are rather pompous for someone who doesn't have an understanding of the basics of Marxist theory. Why do you feel qualified to give an opinion on something you know nothing about?

Know about it, I've LIVED in that system since birth. I think I'm quite qualified to speak about this system.
Exactly, you know nothing of Marx or what he advocated!
You only think you do, but you have never taken the time to see for yourself.
You don't live in a system based on Marxist theory. If that is news to you then get an education. Knowledge is empowering.

This Country is currently beset by two types of leftist loon Socialists:

1) The pompous dumb-ass Socialist who perceives that his brand of Socialism is a new twist which Marx didn't think of; and so it will work better now than it has before---which is abject failure every single time.

2) The ignorant dumb-ass Socialist who never heard of Marx; doesn't give a shit who Marx is......just wants his Free Stuff and wants it NOW.
And we are beset by only one type of conservatard. The type that has never read Marx and has no clue what Marxist theory entails.

So rather than recognize the many millions slaughtered in the 20th century alone to this bastard system, or the many millions who's lives have been ruined, destroyed or decimated in the 21st Century, you would like people to read the glorious theory. This unnatural, Godless, human soul exploiting, ideology supported and put in place by the most cowardly of Mankind.

Go down the list of inventions over the last two centuries, compare American ingenuity and economic progress to the rest of the world. You can even see the great economic development of a country like Japan, that went from an agrarian society, to a technological powerhouse in one generation. Why? They followed Americans post WW2 and became a capitalist juggernaught.

It's called free markets, free will, encouraging and embracing unbridled contributions and application of it's citizens talents. Capitalism and democracy based on individual liberty and accountability.

In the end we don't need to learn any more theories of socialism, communism and quasi-communism, the world has seen it in practice, some of us first hand.
You are rather pompous for someone who doesn't have an understanding of the basics of Marxist theory. Why do you feel qualified to give an opinion on something you know nothing about?

Know about it, I've LIVED in that system since birth. I think I'm quite qualified to speak about this system.
Exactly, you know nothing of Marx or what he advocated!
You only think you do, but you have never taken the time to see for yourself.
You don't live in a system based on Marxist theory. If that is news to you then get an education. Knowledge is empowering.

I experienced the attempts to indoctrinate with Marx and Engels while in University I rejected it and felt disgusted that this was the B.S they were teaching in sociology. I'm certainly not going to be indoctrinated by you or anyone else.

Bottom line. I know it well, I know it well enough to know it is the most vile, abhorrent, self-serving, backwards system designed by the lowliest in society. You might want to knock on the next door to sell your vacuums, I'm sure it's clear to you I'm not interested.
Socialism and communism are vile systems perpetuated by those who wish to limit human opportunity, accomplishment and individual liberty. Of course the Venezuelans reject it, as have every society in history. A pox on the homes of those in this country promoting this heathen political and economic system.

Also, isn't it time some in the media start asking Bernie, his supporters and the other alt-left what they have to say about the collapsing of this inhumane system in Venezuela?

This Country is currently beset by two types of leftist loon Socialists:

1) The pompous dumb-ass Socialist who perceives that his brand of Socialism is a new twist which Marx didn't think of; and so it will work better now than it has before---which is abject failure every single time.

2) The ignorant dumb-ass Socialist who never heard of Marx; doesn't give a shit who Marx is......just wants his Free Stuff and wants it NOW.
And we are beset by only one type of conservatard. The type that has never read Marx and has no clue what Marxist theory entails.

So rather than recognize the many millions slaughtered in the 20th century alone to this bastard system, or the many millions who's lives have been ruined, destroyed or decimated in the 21st Century, you would like people to read the glorious theory. This unnatural, Godless, human soul exploiting, ideology supported and put in place by the most cowardly of Mankind.

Go down the list of inventions over the last two centuries, compare American ingenuity and economic progress to the rest of the world. You can even see the great economic development of a country like Japan, that went from an agrarian society, to a technological powerhouse in one generation. Why? They followed Americans post WW2 and became a capitalist juggernaught.

It's called free markets, free will, encouraging and embracing unbridled contributions and application of it's citizens talents. Capitalism and democracy based on individual liberty and accountability.

In the end we don't need to learn any more theories of socialism, communism and quasi-communism, the world has seen it in practice, some of us first hand.
You are rather pompous for someone who doesn't have an understanding of the basics of Marxist theory. Why do you feel qualified to give an opinion on something you know nothing about?

Marxist Theory has an indelible allure for people with one of two virulent personality disorders---Jealousy and Laziness.

Usually the poor foolish Marxist is afflicted with both.

We live in the greatest society this planet has produced...and you are bitching because we aren't Venezuela.

We are the greatest society in history because of a theory you apparently know nothing about: Jeffersonian Meritocracy.

Don't bother to read up. Jealous, lazy, half-educated Marxists all hate it.

By the way. Who do you blame for Venezuela?




Socialism and communism are vile systems perpetuated by those who wish to limit human opportunity, accomplishment and individual liberty. Of course the Venezuelans reject it, as have every society in history. A pox on the homes of those in this country promoting this heathen political and economic system.

Also, isn't it time some in the media start asking Bernie, his supporters and the other alt-left what they have to say about the collapsing of this inhumane system in Venezuela?

This Country is currently beset by two types of leftist loon Socialists:

1) The pompous dumb-ass Socialist who perceives that his brand of Socialism is a new twist which Marx didn't think of; and so it will work better now than it has before---which is abject failure every single time.

2) The ignorant dumb-ass Socialist who never heard of Marx; doesn't give a shit who Marx is......just wants his Free Stuff and wants it NOW.
And we are beset by only one type of conservatard. The type that has never read Marx and has no clue what Marxist theory entails.

So rather than recognize the many millions slaughtered in the 20th century alone to this bastard system, or the many millions who's lives have been ruined, destroyed or decimated in the 21st Century, you would like people to read the glorious theory. This unnatural, Godless, human soul exploiting, ideology supported and put in place by the most cowardly of Mankind.

Go down the list of inventions over the last two centuries, compare American ingenuity and economic progress to the rest of the world. You can even see the great economic development of a country like Japan, that went from an agrarian society, to a technological powerhouse in one generation. Why? They followed Americans post WW2 and became a capitalist juggernaught.

It's called free markets, free will, encouraging and embracing unbridled contributions and application of it's citizens talents. Capitalism and democracy based on individual liberty and accountability.

In the end we don't need to learn any more theories of socialism, communism and quasi-communism, the world has seen it in practice, some of us first hand.
You are rather pompous for someone who doesn't have an understanding of the basics of Marxist theory. Why do you feel qualified to give an opinion on something you know nothing about?

Marxist Theory has an indelible allure for people with one of two virulent personality disorders---Jealousy and Laziness.

Usually the poor foolish Marxist is afflicted with both.

We live in the greatest society this planet has produced...and you are bitching because we aren't Venezuela.

We are the greatest society in history because of a theory you apparently know nothing about: Jeffersonian Meritocracy.

Don't bother to read up. Jealous, lazy, half-educated Marxists all hate it.

By the way. Who do you blame for Venezuela?




I blame Chavez and Maduro.
And we are beset by only one type of conservatard. The type that has never read Marx and has no clue what Marxist theory entails.

So rather than recognize the many millions slaughtered in the 20th century alone to this bastard system, or the many millions who's lives have been ruined, destroyed or decimated in the 21st Century, you would like people to read the glorious theory. This unnatural, Godless, human soul exploiting, ideology supported and put in place by the most cowardly of Mankind.

Go down the list of inventions over the last two centuries, compare American ingenuity and economic progress to the rest of the world. You can even see the great economic development of a country like Japan, that went from an agrarian society, to a technological powerhouse in one generation. Why? They followed Americans post WW2 and became a capitalist juggernaught.

It's called free markets, free will, encouraging and embracing unbridled contributions and application of it's citizens talents. Capitalism and democracy based on individual liberty and accountability.

In the end we don't need to learn any more theories of socialism, communism and quasi-communism, the world has seen it in practice, some of us first hand.
You are rather pompous for someone who doesn't have an understanding of the basics of Marxist theory. Why do you feel qualified to give an opinion on something you know nothing about?

Know about it, I've LIVED in that system since birth. I think I'm quite qualified to speak about this system.
Exactly, you know nothing of Marx or what he advocated!
You only think you do, but you have never taken the time to see for yourself.
You don't live in a system based on Marxist theory. If that is news to you then get an education. Knowledge is empowering.

I experienced the attempts to indoctrinate with Marx and Engels while in University I rejected it and felt disgusted that this was the B.S they were teaching in sociology. I'm certainly not going to be indoctrinated by you or anyone else.

Bottom line. I know it well, I know it well enough to know it is the most vile, abhorrent, self-serving, backwards system designed by the lowliest in society. You might want to knock on the next door to sell your vacuums, I'm sure it's clear to you I'm not interested.
His writings are available for free to read. How is it indoctrination if you take it upon yourself to experience them. You are free to reject them once understood but to refuse to examine them in the first is to show indoctrination of a different sort.
The problem is, that empowering the people will be abused by others claiming to be doing that. A true communist society won't exist for the very reason that humans are selfish.
The timing for it isn't right.
More human development needs to take place......for sure.
But ultimately I think Marx will be justified. We will pass into another phase of development eventually.
The capitalist system carries with it the seeds of its own destruction.

No, the timing isn't right, and never will be. Humans have always been selfish, and always will be. Kids are born selfish, it's a survival technique.

Capitalism might destroy itself, but will always regenerate itself, why? Because it offers the best option for humans.
We developed from systems of slave labor to a feudal system, to a capitalist system. I see no reason why we will not continue to progress. Nothing lasts forever.

But all the time we changed within what we are. The only times when something that we aren't happened, was when people forced it on others, and every time it collapsed.
But all the time we changed within what we are.
You say that we are selfish. That seems a rather shallow understanding of man and our relation to one another. Consider though that each time we changed we became less so. I don't share your limitations on what we are and how we relate to one another.

The only times when something that we aren't happened, was when people forced it on others, and every time it collapsed.
Marx said that the conditions for change are created by the system being overthrown. When the conditions are right it won't have to be forced. That doesn't preclude a struggle however. There will still be a relatively small minority that will have to be persuaded.

Do we become less selfish? Really? Look around you. People like Trump getting into the White House and using it to make themselves a fortune, people pumping International Capitalism as the system, then at the first sign it goes against them demanding protectionism and the like. Selfishness hasn't gone away, it's as strong as ever.

You don't share my limitations? No, clearly not, you think Communism will happen in the future. If you shared my views then you'd have to completely disregard Communism, as I have and as has most of the world.

Marx said a lot of things, that doesn't make him right.

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