Venezuelan migrants linked to violent crimes in US but government can't deport them

You are the one trying to excuse them. And you have been shown the well over half of those gun deaths are suicides. Someone wanting to end it all will find a way. And in my opinion, other countries have functional criminal Justice systems that don’t encourage recidivism.

Actually, we have the harshest criminal justice system in the democratic, industrialized world. Except for Japan, we are the only country that still has a death penalty. We lock up 2 million people compared to most other industrialized countries that lock up less than 100,000. We arm our cops like soldiers.

As usual you completely dodge the issue. YOU made the claim that new “sensible” gun laws would curb the violence. Post your suggestions, make your case or shut the hell up. In my opinion, you are nothing but a bigoted, ignorant blowhard.


First, you don't get a gun unless you have been thoroughly vetted. Which means a background check, insurance, and mandatory training.
Second, You allow the victims of gun violence to be able to sue the gun manufacturers and sellers if they are negligent in who they sell to.
Third, IRON CLAD, no question red flag laws. If someone has a legitimate concern about you having a gun, the police should be able to take your gun, and you need to prove those fears are unfounded. I know this definitely would have saved the life of my neighbor who killed himself.
Actually, we have the harshest criminal justice system in the democratic, industrialized world. Except for Japan, we are the only country that still has a death penalty. We lock up 2 million people compared to most other industrialized countries that lock up less than 100,000. We arm our cops like soldiers.


First, you don't get a gun unless you have been thoroughly vetted. Which means a background check, insurance, and mandatory training.
Second, You allow the victims of gun violence to be able to sue the gun manufacturers and sellers if they are negligent in who they sell to.
Third, IRON CLAD, no question red flag laws. If someone has a legitimate concern about you having a gun, the police should be able to take your gun, and you need to prove those fears are unfounded. I know this definitely would have saved the life of my neighbor who killed himself.
What a load of shit.

America's murder rate is in the middle of the pack, much less than Mexico, Honduras, Congo and other nations with stricter gun laws.

Further, the politicians like Sleepy Joe who are so rabidly against Citizens having the right to self-defense, are protected 24/7 by bodyguards who are armed to the teeth.

Actually, anyone who makes a false "red flag" claim against someone should be held financially liable and have to pay if the person is a victim of a crime.

BTW, we already have "red flag" laws. If someone is nutting out, the police can call the lunatic asylum and the suspected nutball can be held there for a couple of days for observation and longer if needed. Guns have to be checked in while someone is being held in a lunatic asylum.
What about Ted Bundy?
Charles Manson?
Gary Ridgways?
Jeffrey Dahmer?
John Wayne Gacy?

Were they all illegal immigrants too?
What does that have to do with you licking Bidens balls?


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A wave of violent crimes being carried out across America has been linked to Venezuelan migrants, and the U.S. government cannot deport any of them, as the South American country will not take any of its citizens back.

An illegal immigrant originally from Venezuela has been charged in connection with the violent murder of Georgia nursing student Laken Riley on the University of Georgia campus on Thursday. Jose Antonio Ibarra, 26, the suspect, was released into the U.S. via parole, three ICE & DHS sources told Fox News.
Wow them Democrats have really f up this Country, what a mess.
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Thank you Trump.
Actually, we have the harshest criminal justice system in the democratic, industrialized world. Except for Japan, we are the only country that still has a death penalty. We lock up 2 million people compared to most other industrialized countries that lock up less than 100,000. We arm our cops like soldiers.

Actually, the above is another of your fraudulent screeds.

Firstly, without comparing numbers of locked up criminals on a percapita basis, you’re just hoping to artificially skew the numbers.

Secondly, your
harshest criminal justice system in the democratic, industrialized world.
Is just nonsense. Criminal justice systems and prisons in Russia, South America, Iran and elsewhere make US prisons look like kid’s summer camp by comparison.

Various methods and torture are not uncommon in foreign prisons.

Really, Bunkie. Learn some facts.
Actually, we have the harshest criminal justice system in the democratic, industrialized world. Except for Japan, we are the only country that still has a death penalty. We lock up 2 million people compared to most other industrialized countries that lock up less than 100,000. We arm our cops like soldiers.


First, you don't get a gun unless you have been thoroughly vetted. Which means a background check, insurance, and mandatory training.
Second, You allow the victims of gun violence to be able to sue the gun manufacturers and sellers if they are negligent in who they sell to.
Third, IRON CLAD, no question red flag laws. If someone has a legitimate concern about you having a gun, the police should be able to take your gun, and you need to prove those fears are unfounded. I know this definitely would have saved the life of my neighbor who killed himself.
I agree with the background check. Insurance is a personal choice, so I disagree with that one. I disagree with being able to sue manufacturers UNLESS the gun was faulty or illegal for civilian sales, which you can already do. I agree that gun SELLERS should be liable for lawsuits for selling to people who they KNOW are prevented from possession or who don't run the already mandatory background checks and to me, that includes private sellers. I take the opposite view on red flag laws. If you have a concern, you should be able to go to a judge IMMEDIATELY, and by that, I mean within twenty-four hours with the person you have concerns about for a show-cause hearing with legal representation for both sides being present. If the judge finds cause for concern, the dangerous persons guns should be held in escrow by a bonded third party, NOT THE COPS, until a permanent determination of the mental status of that person is made. If you fail to make a case, YOU bear the entire cost of the hearing and escrow as a non-dischargeable debt so you can't go bankrupt to avoid paying.

Red Flag laws are ripe for abuse. And don't try to say they wouldn't be abused, look at the current trend for people to "SWAT" others they disagree with or are mad at.

Everyone has the right to due process before their property is seized by the government. Red Flag laws remove that right, the person whose property has been seized has to prove their innocence which is contrary to our entire judicial philosophy.
What a load of shit.

America's murder rate is in the middle of the pack, much less than Mexico, Honduras, Congo and other nations with stricter gun laws.

Are you fucking retarded? We should NOT be comparing America to THIRD WORLD COUNTRIES. Compared to other advanced, democratic states, our crime states are horrible.

I agree with the background check. Insurance is a personal choice, so I disagree with that one. I disagree with being able to sue manufacturers UNLESS the gun was faulty or illegal for civilian sales, which you can already do. I agree that gun SELLERS should be liable for lawsuits for selling to people who they KNOW are prevented from possession or who don't run the already mandatory background checks and to me, that includes private sellers. I take the opposite view on red flag laws. If you have a concern, you should be able to go to a judge IMMEDIATELY, and by that, I mean within twenty-four hours with the person you have concerns about for a show-cause hearing with legal representation for both sides being present. If the judge finds cause for concern, the dangerous persons guns should be held in escrow by a bonded third party, NOT THE COPS, until a permanent determination of the mental status of that person is made. If you fail to make a case, YOU bear the entire cost of the hearing and escrow as a non-dischargeable debt so you can't go bankrupt to avoid paying.

Red Flag laws are ripe for abuse. And don't try to say they wouldn't be abused, look at the current trend for people to "SWAT" others they disagree with or are mad at.

Everyone has the right to due process before their property is seized by the government. Red Flag laws remove that right, the person whose property has been seized has to prove their innocence which is contrary to our entire judicial philosophy.

So short version, you are fine living with death and destruction, so long it isn't one of those stinkin' wetbacks.

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