Chavez speculates that US government gave him cancer

He makes some good points about the US projection of power. To bad he's such a thug and a wackaloon.
He makes some good points about the US projection of power. To bad he's such a thug and a wackaloon.

Sad to see this old comrade love affair coming to an end huh? Chavez and Obama are splitting up. It's so sad watching messy break ups. :(
Must be more to his cancer than what they tellin'...
Chavez to Undergo Cancer Surgery Again
February 21, 2012 - Venezuela's president says he is once again facing surgery for cancer and that the operation will take place "in the coming days."
Hugo Chavez announced on state television Tuesday doctors in Cuba had detected a two-centimeter lesion in his pelvis, where a tumor was removed last year. "In the medical examination conducted in Havana, a lesion was detected in the same place where the tumor was removed almost a year ago," he said. "It is a small lesion, about 2 centimeters in diameter, clearly visible. This lesion must be extracted, which means I must undergo another operation which is supposed to be less complicated than the last one. I am in good physical shape to confront this new battle."

Rumors that Chavez was seriously ill began circulating after he took an unannounced trip to Havana Saturday. The Venezuelan leader said his body shows no signs the cancer has spread, and he said doctors do not yet know if the new lesion is malignant. Last year, the 57-year-old Chavez had two operations and underwent chemotherapy in Caracas and Havana, though he has never specified exactly what kind of cancer he has.

Since his treatments ended, the Venezuelan leader had been saying he was cancer free. The president remains popular and is seeking a third six-year term in October elections. He was first elected in 1998 and then won elections in 2000 and 2006. Chavez is a vehement critic of the United States and an ally of communist-ruled Cuba.


See also:

US Senators Warn Latin America on Iran Ties
February 16, 2012 - Legislators pledged heightened U.S. vigilance of Iranian activities in the Western Hemisphere
U.S. senators are warning Latin American nations against deepening financial and military ties with Iran, pledging heightened U.S. vigilance of Iranian activities in the Western Hemisphere. The Senate's Foreign Relations Subcommittee took a close look Thursday at Tehran’s dealings with Latin America. Iran’s increasingly isolated regime retains friends in Latin America, most notably Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.

U.S. Democratic Senator Robert Menendez had a stern message for the region. “Unfortunately, there are some countries in this hemisphere that, for political or financial gain, have courted Iranian overtures. They proceed at their own risk: the risk of sanctions from the United States, and the risk of abetting a terrorist state,” he said. Republican Senator Marco Rubio echoed that message. “The leaders of these [Latin American] countries are playing with fire,” Rubio said.

Researcher Douglas Farah said Iran's intentions in Latin America are twofold. “To develop the capacity and capability to wreak havoc in Latin America and possibly the U.S. homeland, if the Iranian leadership views this as necessary to the survival of its nuclear program, and to develop and expand the ability to blunt international sanctions that are crippling the regime’s economic life,” Farah said.

Of particular concern: Iran’s quest for raw nuclear materials and what U.S. National Intelligence Director James Clapper recently described as Iran’s increasing willingness to mount attacks on U.S. soil. Former U.S. Ambassador Roger Noriega said, “Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez and Iranian leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad are conspiring to wage an asymmetrical struggle against U.S. security, and to abet Iran’s illicit nuclear program.”

A possible tactic is slow poison.

186. Slow poison (12/6/03) (continue to message 181 and 182)

When I thought over what happened to the sandwich and beef soup. I recalled an article in Readers' digest. It was a story about a defect Russian pilot.

Lt. Viktor Belenko drove a Mig-25 to Nakodate, Japan on 9/6/1976. The Mig-25 was the most advanced fighter in Russia at that time. US experts flied to Japan, dismantled the plane and had a thorough examination. They returned the dismantled Mig fighter to Soviet Union about ten days later. The defect pilot, was under "witness protection" and lived in somewhere US.

I noticed the article talked about that once authority had suspected this was a fake defection because the expert found some most important part of technique were missing in the plane. The article also talked about that Belenko refused a huge rewards. (millions of dollars) He said he wanted to make a living by his own hands. That his defection was not for money but for opinion. It's real incredible for money oriented intelligence, I think.

The thing impressed me most was the pilot was poisoned when he was hidden in witness shelter. Belenko was still young but he was bald. The medical examination concluded that it was caused by slow poison of a kind of rare metal. (I forgot the name of that metal) The article, of course, alleged it to the work of KGB. I don't believe it. Few people would know where the pilot was if he was under "witness protection". And it was easy to identify the person who had access to pilot's food. (Slow poison took a long time work.) Most likely he became a Quinea pig for intelligence in test of slow poison. When he was of no use but a burden for them.

There are many such examples. The most known one were former Phillipine President Marcos, and former Iranian Tsar Barlivie. When they were rulers they were loyal ally of US. Once they lost power and had to drift abroad they became a political burden of US. Because they were ousted by their own people. Barlivie even couldn't find a shelter in US.. They both died in a short time. ( in about three years or less?) Marcos died of kidney failure and Barlivie died of cancer(?)

There are many advantages of slow poison murder. 1. Work covertly. All death are like a natural one. (like diabetes, kidney failure, cancer...) 2. Control the death on will. They can make target getting sick by slow poison, once the death is neccesary for Feds, what they have to do is just increase the dose, the target died to intelligence' demand without causing a suspicion. 3. Deniable. If the lethal dose is 100 gram, they can dilute the actual poison dose at 1 gram each. So it's safe for them even if they were caught. Because it' s not lethal. 4. It's hard to track because the dose each time used is a tiny one.

This explains what happened in sandwich and beef soup story. The people involved behaved strangely. They thought there was something in food. Nobody knew it was a slow poison, and anybody could eat it and nothing would have happened unless they were fed for a long time. Later, I still noticed they slowly poisoned me. I omit the story here because there is more urge information to tell. I'll post them if there is chance.

Though I couldn't feel the poison before. The situation changed this year. Since this July, they aggressively intensified the persecution. Include poison which I think led to the cancer outbroke of my father in law. I can feel uncomfort after eating poisoned food. This is one reason I said they are going crazy. Feds increased poison dose. They are in a hurry
181. Soup (11/21)

Poisoning is a traditional method to murder. There is no exception for Feds. But they do it in different way. They made it more like a natural disease or sometimes, directly plant virus or germ to the victims.

Sometime about 92 (? If I can't remember the exact time, I put a "?") my wife started to suggest me to go to the restaurant which Mr. X owned. Mr. X was a seller in Flea market. I thought he was an informant of Feds so I refused. My wife kept suggesting to go to Mr. X's restaurant although she knew I didn't like him and that restaurant was far away from our house. Her repeating suggestion caused my suspicion. What was it for?

One day when I was having meal with my wife, she took out two cups of soup. She gave me one "This beef soup is for you. I have that WonTon soup. I bought them from Mr. X's restaurant."

The long accumulated suspicion broke out. I was angry. "You know my opinion about Mr.X. Why are you keeping request me to eat his food? Is there something in the soup? You drink it." I pushed the beef soup cup to her.

My wife didn't say a word. She sat there, lowered her head, dare not to watch me. When I urged her " drink it, why you dare not drink it?" She had a strange reaction. She held a piece of chopstick, soaked it into the beef soup, then slowly put the chopstick into her mouth. She might drink a drop of soup or even less. Obviously she was forced to do so. So she herself suspected the soup might have been poisoned. That's the only way she could do then. Looked like tasting a little soup.

After my anger relaxed, I realized my wife was forced to do so. I hurried finish the meal. Left her behind to take care of that full cup of beef soap. Later when I got familiar with Feds tactic, I know that even she drank the whole cup of soup. Nothing would happen.

182. Sandwich

when I went to Galt Market every Tuesday then, I used to buy my lunch a day before from a Vietnamese food store. The customers were Asian people because the food was traditional Asian style. So it caught my eye when I saw a white man in sandwich cabinet whom was talking with sales ladies. The white man left right away when he saw me coming in. I felt it was unusual because he left without buying anything.

I told the sales ladies I want three sandwiches. The sales ladies looked flurried, turned their sights away and walked away to take care other customers whom came later. I was left alone for a few minutes. It was a deliberate negligence, I was angry. Then another saleslady just coming from other room picked my order. She took three already made sandwiches from a saving cabinet for me. It was unusual because they always made it on order. (customer could choose different meat and vegetables) The odd things puzzled me. It seemed they got these sandwiches particularly prepared for me.

Next day, after a busy morning, I was hungry. Looking at the sandwiches, I recalled the strange scene the day before and beef soup event. Did they put some poison in sandwich? I tried a small bite, taste is normal, than another bite.... I finished a sandwich, threw away the other two and waited for something to happen. Nothing happened.

It was contradict to my suspicion of poisoning. The above two events puzzled me for sometime. What happened exactly?
711. Appliance trick (3/17/2012)

About 15 years ago, my wife told me a computer company on upstair of her tourist agency was shut down. The computer company had a garage sale on its asset. She bought a refrigerator. Since the "Operation Fire Dragon" just ended, (see 32. "Operation Fire Dragon") and Feds used to monitor the target as close as possible, I thought it was a surveillance team covered up in the name of "computer company". I kept a wary eye on that refrigerator from the Feds and refuse to use it. We had two refrigerators already in the kitchen. I put it in the garage.

Sometime later (a year or so), my wife told me B (my brother in law) wanted to buy that old refrigerator. Why B wanted a refrigerator he didn't need? I thought it was a method Feds taking back a high tech weapon through one of their informant. Before the refrigerator was sent to S.F. I took a test to see if it worked. I connected it to the power. It started with a low humming. I put a tray of water in the ice cabinet. Thirty minutes later I came back and found it stopped work. (no humming was heard) The water was cooler but not iced. It proved what I had worried: the refrigerator emitted EM wave, (in low sensitivity but would hurt health after sometime exposure in radiation). The surveillance team detected it with instrument. It was remote controlled so they switched off the power.

The refrigerator was moved to S.F.. B put it in the porch - he didn't need it. That night someone broke off the low compartment of the refrigerator and took off something inside it. Several days later I went to visit my parants there and saw it with a black openning in the bottom.

A few weeks ago, my wife complained the refrigerator was not cool enough. I thought, same trick came again? It was.

In later February, my wife discarded some appliance such like oven, warming pot. She bought a new oven in bargain price. Lady R.G. (I think R.G. is a guider works for the Feds) told her a site where Cosco have its flawed merchandise sold in low price. Several days later she bought a slow cooker.

In the morning of 3/5, my wife put the chicken in that cooker and switched it on then left home the whole day. My daughter left home the whole day too. I work on computer until I felt sick in the evening. I thought the problem came from that slow cooker and pulled off its plug. Later I told my wife that cooker may be an instrument that emits EM wave. I wouldn't let same thing happen again.
Think about it. The sad truth is that that crazy A.G. during the JFK administration tried everything including exploding cigars to get rid of Castro. If he had the chance to spread cancer back in the 60's the CIA would have extinguished Chavez's DNA a long time ago. Maybe it's just working.
Think about it. The sad truth is that that crazy A.G. during the JFK administration tried everything including exploding cigars to get rid of Castro. If he had the chance to spread cancer back in the 60's the CIA would have extinguished Chavez's DNA a long time ago. Maybe it's just working.

explains why cuban cigars are still banned in this country.
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712. Water poison and dry rain season (3/26/2012)

I talked about the poisoned water in "187. Drinking water (12/11/03)" and "216. Poison tap water (3/29/04)". To avoid the poisoned water, I abandon the running water and the water from "water store". I have to buy bottled water from super market (sometimes I found it was poisoned too) and collect water from different sources such like "Water and Pump" in oil station, rest room in big store. At first I was curious how could the Feds poison the running water without pulloting the water system. Then I came across with such an operation.

It was a time when the Feds aggressively carried out their tactic of "poison the water" . I had to seek new source of water. I went to a rest room of a super market. Next time, when I went to that super market with empty milk bottle, I noticed there was a rubber pipe connected to the water pipe. Each focet is connected with two water pipes. One is cold water and the other is hot water. All controlled by switches. They took off one switch, install a rubber pipe to the outlet. The rubber pipe extended to another room. It was a temprary work done in a hurry. It was the shortest distance from the switch outlet to the forcet while the controller could squeeze the poison into the water.

One of the poison the Feds like to use is radioactive material. Radiation causes cancer if drinked. Radiation also causes skin cancer when people bath with the contaminated water. I found the problem when my hand grew up with black moles. I turned on to rainwater. I stored rainwater in buckets for bathing.

This rain season is the driest one in San Jose area. I think the Feds manipulated weather with their high tech weapon. In shortage of the water I have to take bath as less as possible. I think it's a tactic the Feds uses to force me getting sick. They intensifies the poison a few months ago. I got a severe cough early this year. So I am very careful on food these days, especially on water. Then my wife and my daughter had severe cough recently. I suspect they drank the radioactive water. (one symptom of radiation poison is coughing) When rainwater is in shortage, I still have to use some running water to take bath. Feds polluted the water with radiation despite it would also hurt my wife and my daughter. (Even they both work for the Feds. )

A wet end to winter expected this week in Bay Area

By Mark Gomez [email protected] : 03/12/2012
So far this rainfall season, San Jose has received just 3.13 inches of rain, just 25 percent of normal for this time of year. In Oakland, 6.12 inches of rain has fallen since July 1, about 36 percent of normal.

A wet end to winter expected this week in Bay Area - Marin Independent Journal

After four months unusual dry for this rain seasom, there was a storm system arriving in Bay Area in mid March. The strange thing was, San Jose still was the driest place this time.
Storm doles out wildly uneven amounts of rain across Bay Area 03/17/2012

Rainfall totals

Morgan Hill 0.53
San Jose 0.66
Gilroy 1.99
Salinas 1.64
Redwood City 2.72
San Francisco 2.95
Oakland 4.21
Santa Cruz 4.48
La Honda 4.61
Orinda 5.78
San Rafael 6.00
Pt. Reyes 7.08
Boulder Creek 7.13
Ben Lomond 16.31
Scott Creek 19.96

Source: National Weather Service

San Jose received the least rain. Oakland and San Francisco did reasonably well. And the Santa Cruz Mountains absorbed a near-deluge.
187. Drinking water (12/11/03)

We used to buy drinking water from coin operated water machine stood outside the super market. Sometime in late 2000(?), my wife told me to buy water from a store. She bought a member card there, so when I went to buy water, I only have to tell the staff the name of my wife and needed not to pay. (She bought a membership card there) It was a drinking water store newly opened in shopping center.

In my house, my father in law drank tea which using boiling tap water. My wife rarely drank at home or she drank with boiling water too. Only my daughter and I drank the cold water bought from machine. Sometime at that period my daughter started to drink bottle water. I noticed this because bottle water is much expensive than the water bought from water store. When I saw my wife bought case of bottle water, I thought she was too spoil our daughter to waste money. But I said nothing about it. How could I knew this meant something else?

Then I had a pain in arm bone. As the pain became more frequently happened, I worried. I recalled a news story. Quite a lot of people lived in a city of Japan got a strange illness - bone ache. At last they found it was because their drinking water was polluted by a chemical compound of mercury(forgot the name). Linked this story, the newly opened water store, and I becoming the only person who drank the water from that store. I realized where the problem came from. I stopped drink the water from that store. The pain in bone did not disappeared right away. It faded gradually as time pasted and at last, no more.

It's easy to switch the water supply from normal tank to poisoned water tank. What happened when there were other people buying water at the same time? There is a row of water tap there. I think they don't care. Because each time the dose is small and won't cause immediate problem.
It will be interesting to see how things play out in Venezuela after Chavez succumbs to his illness.
188. Increase the poison dose

I did most kitchen work at home. Every night, there used to be four of us: my daughter, my wife, her father and I had supper together. Since this July, when my wife introduced "health juice", less and less people had supper together, and after my father in law was sick in early August, I was the only one took meal on table.

I noticed my daughter almost didn't eat at home since July. July was summer vacation. Everyday near noon, there always were call from her classmates, she went out until after super. When the school season began, she had special program which required her to stay in school until On week-ends, my wife often took her eat outside. My wife, since then, used to come back after My father in law couldn't eat normally since early August.

I suspected one source of poison came from the "free food". (see "167. The frame case is going on (9/26)"), even I tried not to touch it, I couldn't avoid it all the time. Because there were so much: from bread, cereal, can food, to fresh vegetable like cabbage, onion, mushroom .... and fruit. Frankly I didn't feel any unwell if I ate these food. Probably poison dose was light because more people fed on it. The "free food" supply stopped after I posted message #167.

Another source probably came from "gift food". My wife used to bring home candy, cake, cookie, said it was gift from customers. But in this July, the "moon cake" she brought home was different. (A Chinese cookie for "Moon Festival") I was indisposed after testing a piece of it. Obviously Feds increased poison dose. We shared one piece of moon cake. Nobody touched the rest since. There were four pieces of cake in one tin box. The rest three and another tin remained on dining table for five months untouched. A few days ago they disappeared after I talked about poison.

When I have meals alone at home these days, I felt indisposed. The symptoms are: 1. coughing which may start right away after meal and could last for several hours. 2. Indispose feeling in liver area. 3. Itch at joint area of arm and elbow. ( from lymph?) 4. Red urine. Urine colour is deep yellow like red. ( blood inside?) These may be from different poison because I observed them by separate testing of food.

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