Cheating in 2024

Will democrats cheat in 2024?

  • Of course and Trump will lose

  • No. Cheating has been eliminated

  • No. Nobody has ever cheated

  • Yes but Trump will still lose

  • I smoke crack and think Trump could win.

  • Other: Explain

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Gold Member
Jun 7, 2015
Will democrats cheat in 2024 to keep Trump from winning if he becomes the Republican nominee?
Will democrats cheat in 2024 to keep Trump from winning if he becomes the Republican nominee?
Once something works for Democrats, they don't stop using it, dumbass.

You know, like crazy sexual assault allegations during election season?

They done beat that one to death and then some.

Well, Covid worked too good for them not to try that again, too.
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OP is a faggot with faggot options on his poll.
So you voted “other explain” ? Trump is not going to win but he might be the nominee. The media won’t cover any of the other Republican candidates. They’ll focus on Trump so that he is guaranteed to win the nomination. That’s what the media did in 2016.
OP is a faggot with faggot options on his poll.

Did you pick “other explain”? If so, you didn’t explain your answer nor tell us your answer. I firmly believe democrats are going to cheat in 2024. What do you believe?
Other: whichever side loses will cry their eyes out like 6-year-olds and claim foul play.
So you voted “other explain” ? Trump is not going to win but he might be the nominee. The media won’t cover any of the other Republican candidates. They’ll focus on Trump so that he is guaranteed to win the nomination. That’s what the media did in 2016.
Thank you for your prediction, Nostradumbass.

Yes, the Democrats will cheat.

They will take the ballots of all those idiot Trumptards who refused to get vaxxed and died and make them vote for Biden. That alone will swing the election!

They will use an Italian military satellite to change Trump votes to Biden votes.

They will reanimate Huge Chavez to rig Dominion voting machines.

They will run ads on Fox News telling the tards the election is being held on Wednesday, November 6, 2024.

They will rehire those five million illegal Mexicans in California to vote for Biden. And not one of those geniuses will get caught! Again!
But one side won't attempt a violent coup.

Violent? Do you mean like an armed militia killing everybody in site and burning down everything in their way until everybody is dead? That kind of violent?

Or mean tweets with swear words? Americans have a low tolerance level. The most violence we see in America is a lone gun man shooting a dozen people in a shopping mall or a school. Nobody alive today has seen a violent coup. You are soft. How many suicide bombers have you met?

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