Check out the left's black leadership


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
Spoken in light of Floyd's murder.

Kapernick: Kap explains how violence over this incident is a logical response. So you guys know, harming the innocent, destroying their property, the economy and their lives too is expected and even warranted.

O'bummer: The con explains that while gosh this incident shouldn't be normal, it is. One incident every two years or so in a country with 328 million people and 36 million or so police type confrontations annually is normal.

O'bummer went to Harvard you know, so I suspect he has an idea what normal means. That can only mean one thing. He wants you to believe it's normal, treat it normal, even create it as normal, so he can do his part to weaken the black population and a country for votes and power under the umbrella of victim roles, chaos and division. What would be a more realistic scenario?

This is what black leadership for the left has become.
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Spoken in light of Floyd's murder.

Kapernick: Kap explains how violence over this incident is a logical response. So you guys know, harming the innocent, destroying their property, the economy and their lives too is expected and even warranted.

O'bummer: The con explains that while gosh this incident shouldn't be normal, it is. One incident every two years or so in a country with 328 million people and 36 million or so police type confrontations annually is normal.

O'bummer went to Harvard you know, so I suspect he has an idea what normal means. That can only mean one thing. He wants you to believe it's normal, treat it normal, even create it as normal, so he can do his part to weaken the black population and a country for votes and power under the umbrella of victim roles, chaos and division. What would be a more realistic scenario?

This is what black leadership for the left has become.
Hey buddy, I got some news for you. Police brutality against minorities has been happening for decades and collectively we have done nothing to combat it. This is not the solution to the problem (rioting), but it is a symptom for sure!!!
Here's some fun, PROG-think may be irrational, but it's easy to expose..... Their points followed by REALITY. From 2015:
Police killed at least 104 unarmed black people in 2015, nearly twice each week. (See which police departments were responsible for these deaths): "Nearly twice each week" is entertained for affect on those who can't figure 104 is pretty much twice a fucking week. Course there's no explanation for what occurred, and there's no comparison to other races. So we'll declare their number a mystery.

Nearly 1 in 3 black people killed by police in 2015 were identified as unarmed, though the actual number is likely higher due to underreporting. Same as above, black people are being singled out for affect. Course they have their agenda. Speak of underreported, and since blacks are the topic - how many crimes you figure the black population commits that go unreported, considering as a race "they" commit so much crime?

36% of unarmed people killed by police were black in 2015 despite black people being only 13% of the U.S. population. Fucking awesome, that's something tangible a person can work with. They're lying to you. While true blacks represent 13% of the population, blacks commit approx. 1/3 the crime. A logical head would conclude they would run into cops approx. as often. Of course their party of preference runs the cities where most of the killings occur. See this link, looks like they're including latino with white:

Unarmed black people were killed at 5x the rate of unarmed whites in 2015. A definition for their rate matters, they didn't provide one, which is code for they're incompetent or more likely short on material.

Only 13 of the 104 cases in 2015 where an unarmed black person was killed by police resulted in officer(s) being charged with a crime. 4 of these cases have ended in a mistrial or charges against the officer(s) being dropped and 4 cases are still awaiting trial or have a trial underway. Only 4 cases (Matthew Ajibade, Eric Harris, Paterson Brown Jr., and William Chapman) have resulted in convictions of officers involved, with a fifth case (Walter Scott) resulting in the officer pleading guilty. Same as above, there's no comparison to other races and no description of incidences.

Of the 4 cases where the officer(s) involved have been convicted and sentenced, none were sentenced to serve more than 4 years in prison. Only 1 of 2 officers convicted for their involvement in Matthew Ajibade's death received jail time. He was sentenced to 1 year in jail and allowed to serve this time exclusively
on weekends. The officer who killed Paterson Brown was sentenced to only 3 months in jail. Deputy Bates, who killed Eric Harris, was sentenced to 4 years in prison and Officer Cobb, who killed William Chapman, was sentenced to 2.5 years in prison. Officer Slager, who killed Walter Scott and pled guilty, has yet to be sentenced. I'm not knowledgeable to comment on any of these cases. My guess is the cities are run by Demonicrats.
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