Check out this california teacher being pulled over.

This is what is teaching them. This is the problem. Teaching the kids that then get poisoned by such a loser.
What gets me is that he could have arrested her for driving without a license and proof of insurance and didn't despite the provocation. Unless the law has changed in California, the cops can impound your car for not having proof of insurance.

This is what is teaching them. This is the problem. Teaching the kids that then get poisoned by such a loser.
This just speaks to how insane the Democrat party and their loyal religious followers are. Completely Delusional, brainwashed poor excuse of a public servant. The Teacher is who I am referring to.

The Law Enforcement Officer gets a 10 out of 10 for me for patience and professionalism.

Maybe if this DemTard Bimbo was polite, she would have gotten off with just a warning.
This just speaks to how insane the Democrat party and their loyal religious followers are. Completely Delusional, brainwashed poor excuse of a public servant. The Teacher is who I am referring to.

The Law Enforcement Officer gets a 10 out of 10 for me for patience and professionalism.

Maybe if this DemTard Bimbo was polite, she would have gotten off with just a warning.
Except that the woman should have been placed in custody. She didn't learn a thing. She is a complete victim in her pathetic warped brainwashed pride filled eyes.
Tens of thousands of school teachers in California. You're bound to get a few whackos now and them. This is minute stuff compared to what that piece of shit trump did at the Nation's Capitol last year.
Tens of thousands of school teachers in California. You're bound to get a few whackos now and them. This is minute stuff compared to what that piece of shit trump did at the Nation's Capitol last year.
Typical left wing idiotic thought process. According to this leftist the left can do no wrong and if they do it is either Trump's fault or just ignore the wrong doing because Trump, in their mind did a bad thing a couple of years ago. Pathetic, ignorant and just plain dumb.
Typical left wing idiotic thought process. According to this leftist the left can do no wrong and if they do it is either Trump's fault or just ignore the wrong doing because Trump, in their mind did a bad thing a couple of years ago. Pathetic, ignorant and just plain dumb.

That's how they've been trained.

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