Check out this california teacher being pulled over.

Well it was funny enough to make Sat. Night live.

The prospect of getting a ticket drives some folks batshit crazy......look at all the blacks that have gotten killed because they over-reacted to getting pulled over by a cop.
The prospect of getting a ticket drives some folks batshit crazy......look at all the blacks that have gotten killed because they over-reacted to getting pulled over by a cop.
This lady was very lucky she had a sane and decent cop.....there are still cops out there who would have yanked her out of the car, thrown her on the ground and slapped the shit out of her.
Pay alot more then you get better. In capitalism wages are tied to productivity. More pay more productivity. Less pay means take is slower(as a worker).
This lady was very lucky she had a sane and decent cop.....there are still cops out there who would have yanked her out of the car, thrown her on the ground and slapped the shit out of her.

All they need to say is I thought she was going for a gun.
Ok fine is a MAGA troll.

Good job, man…but maybe you are slightly overdoing it. No one is a stupid as your left wing character. It’s still funny though!

MAGA OKFINE!! You are a hilarious troll
In general I do not like police, but this cop was really patient from the beginning I watched.


Because of a few bad incidents? And out of those bad incidents 95% of them were started because someone was doing criminal shit. If they simply obeyed the law the cops never would have showed up.

You do know there are 10s of thousands of officers a day on the street interacting with a million people a day right? If cops were somehow inherently bad there would be something going down everywhere every minute.

You should be grateful for the police. Without them this place would be chaos. They keep order by keeping criminals at bay and enforcing the law. You'd probably be dead right now if cops didn't exist.

So disliking cops in general because of the perceived actions of a few is short sighted.

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