Check out this score-card of who in Congress voted for/against Impeachment inquiry


Platinum Member
Nov 17, 2023

When I saw this, I LdOL

Who says there was no "red wave"?

It's at point :17 but really, America needs to check out the entire story

Whatever you call the last midterm election, it looks like something important really is getting done in that weird place calledWashington

When I saw this, I LdOL

Who says there was no "red wave"?

Whatever you call the last midterm election, it looks like something important really is getting done in that weird place calledWashington
LOL. This is a joke, right? :auiqs.jpg:
If this is what you call, "important stuff getting done"..then Republicans are in a HUGE amount of trouble.
LOL. This is a joke, right? :auiqs.jpg:
If this is what you call, "important stuff getting done"..then Republicans are in a HUGE amount of trouble.
Laugh all you want, but this shit is killing the democrat party. Thats WHY you laugh. You are pretending like it doesnt hurt, but we all know it does. Your fake confidence isnt fooling anyone. You guys have spent WAY too much time telling everyone that nothing is there. They WILL be proven 100% guilty when Biden pardons himself and his family for all these crimes, and when that happens, your party is fucked.
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Laugh all you want, but this shit is killing the democrat party. Thats WHY you laugh. You are pretending like it doesnt hurt, but we all know it does. Your fake confidence isnt fooling anyone.

You guys have spent WAY too much time telling everyone that nothing is there. They WILL be proven 100% guilty when Biden pardons them for all these crimes, and when that time comes, your party is fucked!
You got that backwards. Voters are seeing Republicans in the House getting absolutely NOTHING of note accomplished. All the wasted hours and money on conspiracy theories and snipe hunts.
And they'll remember that come November...and then, your party will be fucked...and deserve all of it.
You got that backwards. Voters are seeing Republicans in the House getting absolutely NOTHING of note accomplished. All the wasted hours and money on conspiracy theories and snipe hunts.
And they'll remember that come November...and then, your party will be fucked...and deserve all of it.
Nope, 70% of voters believe that Biden is guilty. Not Hunter, but Joe Biden himself. You guys have already lost the PR war on that one, but its going to get ratcheted up 100 times worse after Joe pardons him and his family. This will haunt democrats for DECADES. You know how much we STILL talk about Nixon, and all he did was bug a fucking room. Joe Biden will go down as the most corrupt politician in history, and it was Democrats who made it all possible.. You WILL pay a heavy price for that.
Laugh all you want, but this shit is killing the democrat party. Thats WHY you laugh. You are pretending like it doesnt hurt, but we all know it does. Your fake confidence isnt fooling anyone. You guys have spent WAY too much time telling everyone that nothing is there. They WILL be proven 100% guilty when Biden pardons himself and his family for all these crimes, and when that happens, your party is fucked.
Their party is already F-d

No one will vote for them except a few illegals who think the D party is great just bc it let them in.

Hopefully a R will win and DEPORT like crazy!


well... that word would seem to indicate:



I wonder why Congress is not more focused (that I can see anyhow) on how federal laws were broken to allow the Invasion.

Nope, 70% of voters believe that Biden is guilty. Not Hunter, but Joe Biden himself. You guys have already lost the PR war on that one, but its going to get ratcheted up 100 times worse after Joe pardons him and his family. This will haunt democrats for DECADES. You know how much we STILL talk about Nixon, and all he did was bug a fucking room. Joe Biden will go down as the most corrupt politician in history, and it was Democrats who made it all possible.. You WILL pay a heavy price for that.
Try again. 50-60% of REPUBLICANS think Biden is guilty of something..even though there is absolutely no evidence to support it. After Trump loses for a second time this November, this will continue to be a burr under the saddle of the alt-right. It will haunt them for years. The coming dismantling of the Republican party will be something to behold. :)
I'm reminded somehow of the thread I posted in General


which asked the Q

What posts/threads do you scroll past rapidly

I scroll rapidly past RETARDED comments

which means I pass up ALL dimrat comments

waste o'time
Try again. 50-60% of REPUBLICANS think Biden is guilty of something..even though there is absolutely no evidence to support it. After Trump loses for a second time this November, this will continue to be a burr under the saddle of the alt-right. It will haunt them for years. The coming dismantling of the Republican party will be something to behold. :)
Nope, of course you are wrong. You guys never actually know the facts because left wing media NEVER gives you guys the bad news. You guys turn the channel if they do, so they feed you horseshit instead.

Nope, of course you are wrong. You guys never actually know the facts because left wing media NEVER gives you guys the bad news. You guys turn the channel if they do.

Keep trying to knock some sense into these hard-headed, low IQ baffoons

Good luck

But all the luck in the world....

I have to say, though, I don't get why the interrogation (or whatever you call it LOL) had to be NON public?


I'm not a lawyer. I've studied some law but hey, American law is complicated
I love this score card!

The republicans didn't need ONE damn vote from the despicable anti-american dimrats

so cool!
LOL. This is a joke, right? :auiqs.jpg:
If this is what you call, "important stuff getting done"..then Republicans are in a HUGE amount of trouble.
Ok, you don't care about corruption and taxpayer money being used to further the interests of other countries and screw our own

got it
Ok, you don't care about corruption and taxpayer money being used to further the interests of other countries and screw our own

got it
No evidence presented so far by any Republican of that taking place. NONE!

Again, Republican Freedom Cucks in the House. Getting important stuff done. :auiqs.jpg:
No evidence presented so far by any Republican of that taking place. NONE!

Again, Republican Freedom Cucks in the House. Getting important stuff done. :auiqs.jpg:

You people are SO boring... just repeating stupid BS you hear on CNN (successfully sued for lying CNN) and other crackpot stations

Nope, 70% of voters believe that Biden is guilty. Not Hunter, but Joe Biden himself. You guys have already lost the PR war on that one, but its going to get ratcheted up 100 times worse after Joe pardons him and his family. This will haunt democrats for DECADES. You know how much we STILL talk about Nixon, and all he did was bug a fucking room. Joe Biden will go down as the most corrupt politician in history, and it was Democrats who made it all possible.. You WILL pay a heavy price for that.
Nixon didn’t even bug the room. He covered it up.

Pales in comparison to a president taking bribes from the Communists through an elaborate laundering scheme of 20 fake companies, and then making decisions to benefit our enemies.
You got that backwards. Voters are seeing Republicans in the House getting absolutely NOTHING of note accomplished. All the wasted hours and money on conspiracy theories and snipe hunts.
And they'll remember that come November...and then, your party will be fucked...and deserve all of it.
Biden and his clown crew are failing to accomplish things. Start with securing the border, ending corporate welfare to failing 'green' companies, and wasting our money in foreign dictatorships like the Ukraine. Congress needs to do less. An impeachment inquiry isn't going to cost the people a fraction of what the above Biden failures cost us daily. Otherwise, what sort of moron wants more laws and restrictions on their freedoms? That's probably rhetorical.

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