Check this out, Do you think liberals indocteration of children is bordering on child abuse?

Do you think liberals indocteration of children is bordering on child abuse?
Absolutely. They have a long history of it...


That's patriotism, yeah we all know you piss on the graves of WWI and WWII veterans
Yeah, that was the old Bellamy Salute PRIOR to the Nazis stealing it.

The Bellamy salute is the salute described by Francis Bellamy (1855–1931), Christian socialist minister and author, to accompany the American Pledge of Allegiance, which he had authored in 1892. During the period when it was used with the Pledge of Allegiance, it was sometimes known as the "flag salute". Later, during the 1920s and 1930s, Italian fascists and Nazis adopted a salute which had a similar form. This resulted in controversy over the use of the Bellamy salute in the United States. It was officially replaced by the hand-over-heart salute when Congress amended the Flag Code on December 22, 1942.

It was actually invented by the Romans. It's called "the Roman salute."
It can go either way. I suffered terribly from coming from a very disciplinarian and traditional home, but my siblings suffered less.

I've never really met anyone from a liberal home go off the rails. They either become more conservative or be liberal. They are more free to be themself and make their own life path.

I'd say the opposite of the OP. Because a liberal upbringing gives you the choice. A conservative on doesn't. If it doesn't suit you, you crack when you break out of it.

All of the people on mental disability welfare, I've met came from conservative homes. ALL of them.

Some what true, but I am taking "teaching them what to think, not how to think"

Yeah they indocterate them in the home with religion and morals but don't you think that's better than freedom to be a degenerate on society?

And again with my OP the child is only 6 years old and for Christ sake Trump is a liberal in republican clothing.

The claim that government schools teach kids how to think is to hilarious for words to describe.
1st they teach them what to think, and then they hope that when they leave it will be how they think from then on. Then it's up to us to get the cult control back out of them. Time to be proactive instead of reactive.
What liberals did to our children is child abuse....and people involved in it must be held accountable....
The only way to stop it is to remove their control of our schools.
Trumps plan to return control of the schools to the states is the only way to ensure the changes we make stay for generations....
. Only if the states aren't to far gone will it work. Getting liberal indoctrination out of the education system is going to be tough.
The only way to do it is to get government out of education.
What liberals did to our children is child abuse....and people involved in it must be held accountable....
The only way to stop it is to remove their control of our schools.
Trumps plan to return control of the schools to the states is the only way to ensure the changes we make stay for generations....
. Only if the states aren't to far gone will it work. Getting liberal indoctrination out of the education system is going to be tough.
The only way to do it is to get government out of education.
. State government is no different or actually it could be worse now in many cases. Hmmm. My daughter just said that she thinks that public schools should only teach a non-philosophical curriculum that focuses only on Math, English, health, proven Science (not theory), Arts, P.E. and those things that parents in unison think will be good building blocks for character in respect to their children's minds and future going foward. The problem has been that the parents voices were stifled over the years in so that the federal government could begin to get the outcomes it wanted, and to get the mindsets it wanted in which has worked. My daughter also said that she thinks education ought to run from 1st to 8th grade to get the basic education that one needs, and then the next 4 years should be considered as college education that will be readying the young person for their career field in life. A 4 year degree should be presented to the child upon graduating the 9 to 12 grade years in which readied the young person for the field he or she will be entering into. A diploma should be given for completing grades 1 thru 8th. If a young person wants to further college after the 12th year has ended, otherwise to be a doctor etc. then so be it. Hmmmm.
What liberals did to our children is child abuse....and people involved in it must be held accountable....
The only way to stop it is to remove their control of our schools.
Trumps plan to return control of the schools to the states is the only way to ensure the changes we make stay for generations....
. Only if the states aren't to far gone will it work. Getting liberal indoctrination out of the education system is going to be tough.
The only way to do it is to get government out of education.
. State government is no different or actually it could be worse now in many cases. Hmmm. My daughter just said that she thinks that public schools should only teach a non-philosophical curriculum that focuses only on Math, English, health, proven Science (not theory), Arts, P.E. and those things that parents in unison think will be good building blocks for character in respect to their children's minds and future going foward. The problem has been that the parents voices were stifled over the years in so that the federal government could begin to get the outcomes it wanted, and to get the mindsets it wanted in which has worked. My daughter also said that she thinks education ought to run from 1st to 8th grade to get the basic education that one needs, and then the next 4 years should be considered as college education that will be readying the young person for their career field in life. A 4 year degree should be presented to the child upon graduating the 9 to 12 grade years in which readied the young person for the field he or she will be entering into. A diploma should be given for completing grades 1 thru 8th. If a young person wants to further college after the 12th year has ended, otherwise to be a doctor etc. then so be it. Hmmmm.

Notice that I said "government," not "the federal government. I meant any kind of government.
It can go either way. I suffered terribly from coming from a very disciplinarian and traditional home, but my siblings suffered less.

I've never really met anyone from a liberal home go off the rails. They either become more conservative or be liberal. They are more free to be themself and make their own life path.

I'd say the opposite of the OP. Because a liberal upbringing gives you the choice. A conservative on doesn't. If it doesn't suit you, you crack when you break out of it.

All of the people on mental disability welfare, I've met came from conservative homes. ALL of them.

Some what true, but I am taking "teaching them what to think, not how to think"

Yeah they indocterate them in the home with religion and morals but don't you think that's better than freedom to be a degenerate on society?

And again with my OP the child is only 6 years old and for Christ sake Trump is a liberal in republican clothing.


No. Trump is a travesty. He might have spouted some liberal ideas in the past, but he was too ignorant to understand what those ideals meant then just like he is too ignorant to understand what he is spouting now. It doesn't matter what he might say today or tomorrow. He's too stupid to run this country, and we will all suffer while he plays at trying.
. Canada has your passport waiting for you, and hopefully you will go instead of undermining this nation for the next 8 years.

What makes you think I'm going anywhere?
Oh I just figured you would want to if can't stand the new leadership or direction of the country.

You sure figure a lot of wrong stuff.
Yes. First form of indoctrination is saying the pledge of allegiance every day. We are creating little patriots who ate told how great america is ad nauseum.
Well if you dislike America and Americans and are here, you have the freedom to leave, And the duty to stay gone. Schools should be completely controlled by the locals, The boards should be elected each year, and the teachers should be allowed to demand strict behavioral excellence in the school. Any teacher that tries to push ANY political viewpoint should be immediately terminated, their license voided, and be removed from a list of qualified teachers. Real history should be returned to the curriculum. Real science should be the only science allowed to be taught. The only thing that the federal Government should have control of is College based education and the requirements. for their accreditation. If they are biased politically their diplomas will be worthless after their accreditation is withdrawn. Time to make liberal shit an endangered species. Let's make Great Americans again, not liberal NO OFFENSE, NO GUTS, NO BRAINS, NO PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY, indoctrinees.
The only way to stop it is to remove their control of our schools.
Trumps plan to return control of the schools to the states is the only way to ensure the changes we make stay for generations....
. Only if the states aren't to far gone will it work. Getting liberal indoctrination out of the education system is going to be tough.
The only way to do it is to get government out of education.
. State government is no different or actually it could be worse now in many cases. Hmmm. My daughter just said that she thinks that public schools should only teach a non-philosophical curriculum that focuses only on Math, English, health, proven Science (not theory), Arts, P.E. and those things that parents in unison think will be good building blocks for character in respect to their children's minds and future going foward. The problem has been that the parents voices were stifled over the years in so that the federal government could begin to get the outcomes it wanted, and to get the mindsets it wanted in which has worked. My daughter also said that she thinks education ought to run from 1st to 8th grade to get the basic education that one needs, and then the next 4 years should be considered as college education that will be readying the young person for their career field in life. A 4 year degree should be presented to the child upon graduating the 9 to 12 grade years in which readied the young person for the field he or she will be entering into. A diploma should be given for completing grades 1 thru 8th. If a young person wants to further college after the 12th year has ended, otherwise to be a doctor etc. then so be it. Hmmmm.

Notice that I said "government," not "the federal government. I meant any kind of government.
. Or get the right government if it has got to be involved. What we have had has not been the right government in federal or state.
I was reading Bill Clinton having a hussy fit and blaming everything under the sun for Hillary's defeat except Hillary her self.

At the end of the article I saw this

One woman reportedly told Clinton her 6-year-old child has asked to go to sleep for four years when he found out Trump won.

What would a 6 year old know except to parrot sheep of parents and teachers?

The link

Bill Clinton bashes Trump, blames 'angry white men' and Comey for wife's loss



They consider it child abuse if your kids haven't yet been taught how to masturbate properly by age 4.
Yes. First form of indoctrination is saying the pledge of allegiance every day. We are creating little patriots who ate told how great america is ad nauseum.
. If you are anti pledge of allegiance, then you are anti-American. Period.
Trumps plan to return control of the schools to the states is the only way to ensure the changes we make stay for generations....
. Only if the states aren't to far gone will it work. Getting liberal indoctrination out of the education system is going to be tough.
The only way to do it is to get government out of education.
. State government is no different or actually it could be worse now in many cases. Hmmm. My daughter just said that she thinks that public schools should only teach a non-philosophical curriculum that focuses only on Math, English, health, proven Science (not theory), Arts, P.E. and those things that parents in unison think will be good building blocks for character in respect to their children's minds and future going foward. The problem has been that the parents voices were stifled over the years in so that the federal government could begin to get the outcomes it wanted, and to get the mindsets it wanted in which has worked. My daughter also said that she thinks education ought to run from 1st to 8th grade to get the basic education that one needs, and then the next 4 years should be considered as college education that will be readying the young person for their career field in life. A 4 year degree should be presented to the child upon graduating the 9 to 12 grade years in which readied the young person for the field he or she will be entering into. A diploma should be given for completing grades 1 thru 8th. If a young person wants to further college after the 12th year has ended, otherwise to be a doctor etc. then so be it. Hmmmm.

Notice that I said "government," not "the federal government. I meant any kind of government.
. Or get the right government if it has got to be involved. What we have had has not been the right government in federal or state.

There is no such thing as "the right government." Government employees will always, in the end, use their jobs to promote their welfare. Government employees will always promote a pro-government policy.

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