Check this out, Do you think liberals indocteration of children is bordering on child abuse?

. Only if the states aren't to far gone will it work. Getting liberal indoctrination out of the education system is going to be tough.
The only way to do it is to get government out of education.
. State government is no different or actually it could be worse now in many cases. Hmmm. My daughter just said that she thinks that public schools should only teach a non-philosophical curriculum that focuses only on Math, English, health, proven Science (not theory), Arts, P.E. and those things that parents in unison think will be good building blocks for character in respect to their children's minds and future going foward. The problem has been that the parents voices were stifled over the years in so that the federal government could begin to get the outcomes it wanted, and to get the mindsets it wanted in which has worked. My daughter also said that she thinks education ought to run from 1st to 8th grade to get the basic education that one needs, and then the next 4 years should be considered as college education that will be readying the young person for their career field in life. A 4 year degree should be presented to the child upon graduating the 9 to 12 grade years in which readied the young person for the field he or she will be entering into. A diploma should be given for completing grades 1 thru 8th. If a young person wants to further college after the 12th year has ended, otherwise to be a doctor etc. then so be it. Hmmmm.

Notice that I said "government," not "the federal government. I meant any kind of government.
. Or get the right government if it has got to be involved. What we have had has not been the right government in federal or state.

There is no such thing as "the right government." Government employees will always, in the end, use their jobs to promote their welfare. Government employees will always promote a pro-government policy.
So you are saying that no matter the government we place in charge of our system, you feel we should rebuke any help at all from it ?????? Good luck with that one.. Government in some form or another will always be involved in public institutions, and that's why it is imperative that we choose the right government for our country.
The only way to do it is to get government out of education.
. State government is no different or actually it could be worse now in many cases. Hmmm. My daughter just said that she thinks that public schools should only teach a non-philosophical curriculum that focuses only on Math, English, health, proven Science (not theory), Arts, P.E. and those things that parents in unison think will be good building blocks for character in respect to their children's minds and future going foward. The problem has been that the parents voices were stifled over the years in so that the federal government could begin to get the outcomes it wanted, and to get the mindsets it wanted in which has worked. My daughter also said that she thinks education ought to run from 1st to 8th grade to get the basic education that one needs, and then the next 4 years should be considered as college education that will be readying the young person for their career field in life. A 4 year degree should be presented to the child upon graduating the 9 to 12 grade years in which readied the young person for the field he or she will be entering into. A diploma should be given for completing grades 1 thru 8th. If a young person wants to further college after the 12th year has ended, otherwise to be a doctor etc. then so be it. Hmmmm.

Notice that I said "government," not "the federal government. I meant any kind of government.
. Or get the right government if it has got to be involved. What we have had has not been the right government in federal or state.

There is no such thing as "the right government." Government employees will always, in the end, use their jobs to promote their welfare. Government employees will always promote a pro-government policy.
So you are saying that no matter the government we place in charge of our system, you feel we should rebuke any help at all from it ?????? Good luck with that one.. Government in some form or another will always be involved in public institutions, and that's why it is imperative that we choose the right government for our country.
Yes, that's right. Government doesn't "help." it controls. It usurps functions that are normally performed by society. Government will always horn its way into our private affairs. And once it gets its nose in, it will try to get the whole camel in. It's imperative that we keep government out of our private affairs, which includes education our children. There is no way to reform government. All you can do is shrink it to the point where you can kill it with a flyswatter.
. State government is no different or actually it could be worse now in many cases. Hmmm. My daughter just said that she thinks that public schools should only teach a non-philosophical curriculum that focuses only on Math, English, health, proven Science (not theory), Arts, P.E. and those things that parents in unison think will be good building blocks for character in respect to their children's minds and future going foward. The problem has been that the parents voices were stifled over the years in so that the federal government could begin to get the outcomes it wanted, and to get the mindsets it wanted in which has worked. My daughter also said that she thinks education ought to run from 1st to 8th grade to get the basic education that one needs, and then the next 4 years should be considered as college education that will be readying the young person for their career field in life. A 4 year degree should be presented to the child upon graduating the 9 to 12 grade years in which readied the young person for the field he or she will be entering into. A diploma should be given for completing grades 1 thru 8th. If a young person wants to further college after the 12th year has ended, otherwise to be a doctor etc. then so be it. Hmmmm.

Notice that I said "government," not "the federal government. I meant any kind of government.
. Or get the right government if it has got to be involved. What we have had has not been the right government in federal or state.

There is no such thing as "the right government." Government employees will always, in the end, use their jobs to promote their welfare. Government employees will always promote a pro-government policy.
So you are saying that no matter the government we place in charge of our system, you feel we should rebuke any help at all from it ?????? Good luck with that one.. Government in some form or another will always be involved in public institutions, and that's why it is imperative that we choose the right government for our country.
Yes, that's right. Government doesn't "help." it controls. It usurps functions that are normally performed by society. Government will always horn its way into our private affairs. And once it gets its nose in, it will try to get the whole camel in. It's imperative that we keep government out of our private affairs, which includes education our children. There is no way to reform government. All you can do is shrink it to the point where you can kill it with a flyswatter.
You will never seperate government from public institutions that it built, runs and funds. The only thing we can do as a nation, is to change government in order to get the results in which we desire.
Notice that I said "government," not "the federal government. I meant any kind of government.
. Or get the right government if it has got to be involved. What we have had has not been the right government in federal or state.

There is no such thing as "the right government." Government employees will always, in the end, use their jobs to promote their welfare. Government employees will always promote a pro-government policy.
So you are saying that no matter the government we place in charge of our system, you feel we should rebuke any help at all from it ?????? Good luck with that one.. Government in some form or another will always be involved in public institutions, and that's why it is imperative that we choose the right government for our country.
Yes, that's right. Government doesn't "help." it controls. It usurps functions that are normally performed by society. Government will always horn its way into our private affairs. And once it gets its nose in, it will try to get the whole camel in. It's imperative that we keep government out of our private affairs, which includes education our children. There is no way to reform government. All you can do is shrink it to the point where you can kill it with a flyswatter.
You will never seperate government from public institutions that it built, runs and funds. The only thing we can do as a nation, is to change government in order to get the results in which we desire.

Then abolish those institutions. Schools can exist without government. There is nothing intrinsically infeasible about abolishing government schools.
. Or get the right government if it has got to be involved. What we have had has not been the right government in federal or state.

There is no such thing as "the right government." Government employees will always, in the end, use their jobs to promote their welfare. Government employees will always promote a pro-government policy.
So you are saying that no matter the government we place in charge of our system, you feel we should rebuke any help at all from it ?????? Good luck with that one.. Government in some form or another will always be involved in public institutions, and that's why it is imperative that we choose the right government for our country.
Yes, that's right. Government doesn't "help." it controls. It usurps functions that are normally performed by society. Government will always horn its way into our private affairs. And once it gets its nose in, it will try to get the whole camel in. It's imperative that we keep government out of our private affairs, which includes education our children. There is no way to reform government. All you can do is shrink it to the point where you can kill it with a flyswatter.
You will never seperate government from public institutions that it built, runs and funds. The only thing we can do as a nation, is to change government in order to get the results in which we desire.

Then abolish those institutions. Schools can exist without government. There is nothing intrinsically infeasible about abolishing government schools.
. You want education k through 12 to cost families a fortune ?? Have you tried to enroll your child in a private school lately ???? It's an eye opener for sure. Not many can afford it, and then taking away the profit or class warfare rights from a private institution would be a failed attempt by the citizens trying to get the rates down enough for their child to attend. You might want to rethink your opinions on this unless you can afford private school education for your children, and care not for those who couldn't afford such a thing. Government funding helps off set the cost of education, and therefore makes it affordable for most kids and their parents. Now if government is mishandling their management of these schools, and it is promoting an agenda that runs contrary to what the parents want for their children's education, then to change government is the only option available to get that job done.

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