
St. Patrick's Day is less than a week off and the Irish are all strutting in a more pronounced and banty way than usual. I'm an American Scot and don't begrudge the Irish a wee bit of fun. Like the way they invented Riverdance to take their minds off of starving to death. We Scots carry all the stigma of the Shanty Irish without the 'shanty' baggage.

There was a wee, feisty Irishman, Paddy Costello, who had never been in a church in his life. One rather non-descript Sunday, as he delivered the homily from the pulpit, the village priest recognized Paddy fidgeting in the back pew. After the service, the priest stood at the doorway of the chapel greeting parishioners as the made their way out and onto home. Then came Paddy, slinking out of the chapel, trying his damnedest to avoid eye contact with the priest.

"Hoy there Paddy me lad," called the priest, "A word, if you please."

Paddy stood embarrassed before the priest and twisted the toe of his well worn shoe into the dust while he peeked around for a quick exit point.

"Now then Paddy," began the priest "I've seen ya in the village, Lord knows I've seen ya in the pub, but I've yet to see ya in the church! I've known ya all me life, yet today you decided to come in and worship with us. Why today of all days? 'Tisn't Easter nor Christmas."

"Well Father I'll tell ya," answered Paddy, "I've come today to steal a hat! For ya see, I've misplaced me hat. But I know that O'Flynn has a hat just like the one I'd like to have for me self." Paddy was in full throat and proud as he could be. "I thought if I stayed in the back of the church, when O'Flynn arose to take the Holy Communion, out the door I'd dash, clutchin' O'Flynn's hat in me hand like a teef in the night. But 'twas yer sermon, Father! Yer sermon on the Ten Commandments that changed me mind!"

Paddy stood with an expression that said nothing other than 'that's my story and I'm sticking with it'. The priest, meanwhile, was blown away! He has Paddy Costello of all people in church! Paddy LISTENED TO THE HOMILY! He got the moral of it and was now practicing that moral. It's a major win for the priest!

Stroking his chin approvingly, the priest asked "Well then Paddy. That's a grand piece of thinkin'. You're telling me that when you heard me say the Word of The Lord says 'thou shalt not steal', you scraped the nefarious scheme o' swipin' O'Flynn's hat and ya decided to come around to the straight and narrow?!"

Paddy considered the question, rocked on his heels and formulated an answer.

"No, no, no. For 'twas when I heard ya say 'thou shalt not committ adultery'. Suddenly then I was able to recall where I had mislaid me hat!"
Hate to be a party pooper.....but it's my bed-time.....

St. Patrick's Day is less than a week off and the Irish are all strutting in a more pronounced and banty way than usual. I'm an American Scot and don't begrudge the Irish a wee bit of fun. Like the way they invented Riverdance to take their minds off of starving to death. We Scots carry all the stigma of the Shanty Irish without the 'shanty' baggage.

There was a wee, feisty Irishman, Paddy Costello, who had never been in a church in his life. One rather non-descript Sunday, as he delivered the homily from the pulpit, the village priest recognized Paddy fidgeting in the back pew. After the service, the priest stood at the doorway of the chapel greeting parishioners as the made their way out and onto home. Then came Paddy, slinking out of the chapel, trying his damnedest to avoid eye contact with the priest.

"Hoy there Paddy me lad," called the priest, "A word, if you please."

Paddy stood embarrassed before the priest and twisted the toe of his well worn shoe into the dust while he peeked around for a quick exit point.

"Now then Paddy," began the priest "I've seen ya in the village, Lord knows I've seen ya in the pub, but I've yet to see ya in the church! I've known ya all me life, yet today you decided to come in and worship with us. Why today of all days? 'Tisn't Easter nor Christmas."

"Well Father I'll tell ya," answered Paddy, "I've come today to steal a hat! For ya see, I've misplaced me hat. But I know that O'Flynn has a hat just like the one I'd like to have for me self." Paddy was in full throat and proud as he could be. "I thought if I stayed in the back of the church, when O'Flynn arose to take the Holy Communion, out the door I'd dash, clutchin' O'Flynn's hat in me hand like a teef in the night. But 'twas yer sermon, Father! Yer sermon on the Ten Commandments that changed me mind!"

Paddy stood with an expression that said nothing other than 'that's my story and I'm sticking with it'. The priest, meanwhile, was blown away! He has Paddy Costello of all people in church! Paddy LISTENED TO THE HOMILY! He got the moral of it and was now practicing that moral. It's a major win for the priest!

Stroking his chin approvingly, the priest asked "Well then Paddy. That's a grand piece of thinkin'. You're telling me that when you heard me say the Word of The Lord says 'thou shalt not steal', you scraped the nefarious scheme o' swipin' O'Flynn's hat and ya decided to come around to the straight and narrow?!"

Paddy considered the question, rocked on his heels and formulated an answer.

"No, no, no. For 'twas when I heard ya say 'thou shalt not committ adultery'. Suddenly then I was able to recall where I had mislaid me hat!"

Luck of the Irish.... :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:
Good Morning folks.

Little too ealy for a beer but I have hot coffee?
Good morning, Diana. Help yourself to the coffee. Stats is busy scrubbing the floors. I'm going to give him a hand as soon as I'm done my coffee.
Good morning, Shaitra. I put on another pot of coffee. Should be ready in a few minutes. I was just over at The Front Porch Swing checking out the beautiful porch pics. Some beautiful designs.
Good morning all!!!


Off to the beach with my boy. Nothing like a winter's day at the beach!!!
Stats, I don't think you had this bar when I installed this clock in another forum. Most everyone else has seen it but for those who haven't, you may want to install it in your bar. :)

World Clock - Stats
Hello Stats. I see you're still busy cleaning. Time for a cold one. :)
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I got a great recipe for a Bloody Mary from one of the patrons at The Tavern. Here it is...

Zing Zang Bloody Mary Mix

Lemon and Lime - the one in Biloxi had both
Fresh ground black pepper
3 olives, 1 stalk of pickled okra
I got a great recipe for a Bloody Mary from one of the patrons at The Tavern. Here it is...

Zing Zang Bloody Mary Mix

Lemon and Lime - the one in Biloxi had both
Fresh ground black pepper
3 olives, 1 stalk of pickled okra

Nothing better than a good Bloody Mary. Nothing worse than a bad Bloody Mary...IMO.

Keep your okra tho.
Here's a racing game for race car lovers. :) Wait until the game loads and then 'continue to game'. Try to stay on the track and not crash into anything. Use your < > keys on the keyboard. It's FUN!!! lol

Exreme Racing
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Stats, I don't think you had this bar when I installed this clock in another forum. Most everyone else has seen it but for those who haven't, you may want to install it in your bar. :)

World Clock - Stats

Ok, [MENTION=45164]pacer[/MENTION], that was many, many shades of AWESOME:


(I think I just went to Heaven, all those purty, purty, purty numbers!!!)

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