Chelsea Clinton: "Mom Thinks It's Important To Extend Obamacare To Illegal Aliens

So since it's a crime to employ illegals, you're claiming that the IRS is complicit in criminal activity by having payroll records on these individuals and failing to forward the information for prosecution...

No, it is a civil crime to fail to pay your income tax. Even people that are illegally employed, like drug dealers and prostitutes, are culpable for income tax. The IRS is not allowed to share information without a warrant from a law enforcement agency. Which is why you never see them releasing the tax returns of politicians.
Exactly how does one without a tax ID number pay income tax?
Either use a fake one or get a TIN.
So since these "fake" numbers are stolen from law-abiding citizens (and that fact should be readily apparent to the IRS), the IRS is complicit in identity theft...

Got it....
The IRS is ruled by relatively restrictive laws. Their mission is to collect money, it is not to be a police force.
You don't know diddly squat about the IRS and the intimidation and collection tactics that they use on behalf of the IMF because they are the collection arm of the International Monetary Fund and are actually a Puerto Rican Trust #62 and not even licensed to conduct business within the United States. They initially incorporated in Delaware like most corporations because of lax laws but the IRS was continously being sued because it is unconstitutional so they went to a territory covered by the District of Columbia's corporate charter.
Well, honestly, everything about that ridiculous bill SCREAMED that the American people were going to take it in the shorts. it should come as no surprise that this bullshit is coming out now. Hell, one of the very FEW things that republicans actually accomplished was for none of them to vote for that liberal train-wreck.
If I were a genuine right winger I would be mad as hell that the best thing that my party is going to be able to muster against this woman is a crass, loud mouthed, controversy courting idiot who lives in an all gold apartment and has taken his plan on how to deal with illegal immigration direct from Game of Thrones. Mad as hell

No reason to be mad. He wont be the nominee

Here's the problem. If he is sabatoged as the nominee (unless Cruz comes from behind and legitimately wins) then your next President will be Clinton and the country will be lost. And yes, I'm serious.

By the time that bitch is finished. The white race (hell, maybe even the black race) will be all but forgotten, in favor of Latinos.

This country will nothing but a shell of its former self, much like England in the 13th century. We will answer to a tyrant. If the people give up on the electoral process, we are finished. America is watching. Let those "men in togas" bastardize the system by "side-swiping" a legitimate nominee - they WILL stay home. And they will never go "out on a limb" again.

The only way I see Clinton being president is if trump is elected. And even then that's not a guarantee

Sorry, but I see Trump stomping the redneck shit out of that asshole.
Well, honestly, everything about that ridiculous bill SCREAMED that the American people were going to take it in the shorts. it should come as no surprise that this bullshit is coming out now. Hell, one of the very FEW things that republicans actually accomplished was for none of them to vote for that liberal train-wreck.
Randall, all you had to do was quote "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan....period" and that alone should explain to the terminally stupid that the fix was in from the "git-go".
And how about their 'right' to vote?
Should they have that as well...
And what of the coal workers?
Fuck them.Right Hillary?
Got to put those fuckers out of work.....
Yes, but let's be honest here. Can you say, with any certainty, that 90% of Americans DIDN'T believe that a democrat only bill would be jiggered to include illegals? We're Americans truly that naive?

People on the right never believed it. Remember, they were being reported to Obama's soviet-style, AttackWatch, for supposedly telling lies about Obamacare. The "lies" were that it would increase costs, you wouldn't get to keep your plan or doctor and that illegal aliens would indeed be covered. I can't remember the name of the Republican who shouted out, "LIAR!", when Obama stated that illegals wouldn't be covered. The left was outraged and wanted the guy to apologize for having the nerve to claim Obama lied about that. We know now that millions have been spent on illegal aliens.

Thankfully, sir, not all Americans are that naïve . Only those who believed the lies told by the Obama administration then and still support them after all the dishonesty. Some people are hopeless and so hooked on government dependence that they will obey government no matter what happens.

There's a reason why Dems had to shove the bill through without allowing time for a full review. It didn't have the support it needed and many were against it. It's the worst law ever passed and the Dems own it.
Yes, but let's be honest here. Can you say, with any certainty, that 90% of Americans DIDN'T believe that a democrat only bill would be jiggered to include illegals? We're Americans truly that naive?

People on the right never believed it. Remember, they were being reported to Obama's soviet-style, AttackWatch, for supposedly telling lies about Obamacare. The "lies" were that it would increase costs, you wouldn't get to keep your plan or doctor and that illegal aliens would indeed be covered. I can't remember the name of the Republican who shouted out, "LIAR!", when Obama stated that illegals wouldn't be covered. The left was outraged and wanted the guy to apologize for having the nerve to claim Obama lied about that. We know now that millions have been spent on illegal aliens.

Thankfully, sir, not all Americans are that naïve . Only those who believed the lies told by the Obama administration then and still support them after all the dishonesty. Some people are hopeless and so hooked on government dependence that they will obey government no matter what happens.

There's a reason why Dems had to shove the bill through without allowing time for a full review. It didn't have the support it needed and many were against it. It's the worst law ever passed and the Dems own it.

That's what I am saying. How the hell, could ANY American, after seeing the debacle that was the "obamacare bill" and knowing that Obama is a radical leftist NOT see this coming? I think that it's all too easy to forget the mess that that bill was shameful, it was an outright lie, and it has proven to be ineffectual, overpriced and the nonsense used to sell it to idiot liberals. Hell, they willingly paid nearly half a billion dollars to start a website that didn't work for nearly 3 months into the fiasco - and the left thought it money well spent.

Shoot, we could have given EVERY man, woman and child in America one million dollars from that 500 million dollar website - and we could have ALL bought our own cadillac health care plans. So any person alive - that didn't think that this was just another big government attempt at taking over the private healthcare system (and screwing it all to hell) HAD to have been naive. I have always been grateful that not ONE republican voted for that boondoggle. Now, let's see how accommodating the left is - when that crap is repealed.
Yes, but let's be honest here. Can you say, with any certainty, that 90% of Americans DIDN'T believe that a democrat only bill would be jiggered to include illegals? We're Americans truly that naive?

People on the right never believed it. Remember, they were being reported to Obama's soviet-style, AttackWatch, for supposedly telling lies about Obamacare. The "lies" were that it would increase costs, you wouldn't get to keep your plan or doctor and that illegal aliens would indeed be covered. I can't remember the name of the Republican who shouted out, "LIAR!", when Obama stated that illegals wouldn't be covered. The left was outraged and wanted the guy to apologize for having the nerve to claim Obama lied about that. We know now that millions have been spent on illegal aliens.

Thankfully, sir, not all Americans are that naïve . Only those who believed the lies told by the Obama administration then and still support them after all the dishonesty. Some people are hopeless and so hooked on government dependence that they will obey government no matter what happens.

There's a reason why Dems had to shove the bill through without allowing time for a full review. It didn't have the support it needed and many were against it. It's the worst law ever passed and the Dems own it.

That's what I am saying. How the hell, could ANY American, after seeing the debacle that was the "obamacare bill" and knowing that Obama is a radical leftist NOT see this coming? I think that it's all too easy to forget the mess that that bill was shameful, it was an outright lie, and it has proven to be ineffectual, overpriced and the nonsense used to sell it to idiot liberals. Hell, they willingly paid nearly half a billion dollars to start a website that didn't work for nearly 3 months into the fiasco - and the left thought it money well spent.

Shoot, we could have given EVERY man, woman and child in America one million dollars from that 500 million dollar website - and we could have ALL bought our own cadillac health care plans. So any person alive - that didn't think that this was just another big government attempt at taking over the private healthcare system (and screwing it all to hell) HAD to have been naive. I have always been grateful that not ONE republican voted for that boondoggle. Now, let's see how accommodating the left is - when that crap is repealed.

USA.INC, the company that Barrypuppet works for owns majority shares in big Pharma and the majority shares of insurance, They passed a law that requires you to patronize their cannot make this shit up......
Meanwhile in Hillary's private bathroom....

maybe chelsea can also tell the crowds of turkeys that millionaires live all over the place and have plenty of money to give away
and when you cross the border,,,mommy is gonna give u a democrat form to fill out, and no one is too young to vote for a democrat,,,u can even register your unborn child
This says it all, and should remind us that today's Dimocrat party are traitors.

Which is why she (Hillary) thinks it’s so important to extend the Affordable Care Act to people who are living and working here, regardless of immigration status, regardless of citizenship status.
Hillary has to wrap up the illegal alien vote and get them addicted, more so, to government services.

Blog: Chelsea Clinton reveals her mom thinks it is ‘important’ to extend Obamacare to illegal aliens

Did you read the part where she said immigration reform FIRST. Illegals in this country don't get welfare benefits, they don't get health care--unless they end up in an emergency room , and NO they won't get Obamacare unless they're citizens of the United States.


Yep, they most definitely get welfare benefits. I bought two packages of cheese for an illegal at the store today because she didn't have enough left on her WIC card to pay for it. Yes, she was illegal...she couldn't speak the language or even understand what the clerk was telling her so I stepped in. Then Texas has "Texas Healthsteps" where you can bring in your child for free vaccinations and healthcare and they will even send money for gas or even come and get you if you don't have a ride....then they refer you to counselor that will tell you what benefits and entitlements you can apply for and the immigration status will never be's on the form...I have seen it. So you were saying again???

The thing is is: this has been going on for a couple of generations now. It is taken for granted that illegals come here everyday - 7 days a week- and it's just "accepted" now. After all, our politicians have all but given up with their famous saying "we can't deport 11 million illegals" while, in all honesty, it's probably closer to 20-25 million because no one stops them any longer. Just recently, America was named the "second largest spanish speaking country in the world".

In Southern California - San Diego for example, Whites have been replaced by latinos as the majority. I'm sure that it getting close to that in LA as well.

Make no mistake about it. We have done this to ourselves. Can't find work? We have no one to blame but ourselves. I recently had a roofing contractor come to my ranch to give me an estimate for a new steel roof for one of my barns. He gave me the estimate and my next questions was "do you employ Americans and ONLY Americans?" he said that he had several "mexicans" that worked for him. I went with another company. Screw him.
Yep, back in the early 80's a good brick layer or framing carpenter could easily demand 20 to 25 an hour. With the illegals coming over, they worked for less because it was under the table and it dropped wages for everyone in the industry. Back in the 70's and 80's, kids made spending money mowing lawns. Now they have pit crews of illegals that can knock out a yard in twenty minutes and move onto the next house. We have allowed Mexico to pawn off their poorly skilled and uneducated people while they are practicing jackboot thuggery against anyone from South America that comes over illegally......watering down our nationalism a little at a time and these people have no intention of assimilating into American culture. Let me tell ya somethin', if I legally immigrated to another country, went through the proper channels and made myself part of their culture and a bunch of Americans came over and squatted and demanded citizenship, free benefits and entitlements? I would be mad as hell and tell them to get in line like I did...why don't legal Hispanics speak out about this?

Very well stated. Hell, nearly EVERY industry has been "watered" down by this crap. I haven't seen a "White" carpenter in years. And you are correct. This has been going on - slowly and steadily, for at least two generations. Then, as if it weren't enough, our kids are being taught propaganda about how "wrong" it is to believe that they shouldn't be here, that by doing so, we are "Xenophobic" while they just keep pouring in.

America (I believe) has had just about enough of this crap. It doesn't affect those in Washington DC - hell no. Except for the abundance of "maids" in DC. So do they care? Hell no. But the young man or woman who wants a vocational education in America to become a tradesman - he/she is screwed. Those jobs are taken.

Your post was incredibly well knocked it out of the park,,....
And how about their 'right' to vote?
Should they have that as well...
And what of the coal workers?
Fuck them.Right Hillary?
Got to put those fuckers out of work.....

Somewhere in Southern Ca. there are already Illegals serving on City Council. The leftist puke will stop at nothing to keep their hands in the money pile.

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