Chelsea Clinton: "Mom Thinks It's Important To Extend Obamacare To Illegal Aliens

If obamacare was a successful program yes.
But just to say that obamacare is succussful because it covers the inelgible and then bankrupt the system is stupid.
If I were a genuine right winger I would be mad as hell that the best thing that my party is going to be able to muster against this woman is a crass, loud mouthed, controversy courting idiot who lives in an all gold apartment and has taken his plan on how to deal with illegal immigration direct from Game of Thrones. Mad as hell

You have an irrational hatred of Trump and he doesn't even know you are alive. lol

My dislike of the man is entirely rational and it does not run as deep as hatred.

Still at least you were right in that he doesn't know I'm alive, well done on that.

Dude, your post is dripping with hatred and mouth foam.

I called him an idiot. That was the only part that was subjective, everything else was factually accurate. Or maybe you think all presidential candidates should talk about their cock size from behind the podium and that it's by no means crass. I suppose he has to find a way to beat Hillary in some regard.
You say that knowing full well that is all on Rubio. If he never brought up such distasteful insults it would have never entered the public's mind or been addressed by Trump. But because the media jumped on that reference endlessly, yes, Trump thought it necessary to end the matter.

But you have enough other reasons to think trump is an idiot and all the others are the answer to our problems. After all, you think obama is an honorable man and all these democrat policies are wonderful. You must not care much about national debt, national security, abortion and all this secular social engineering. And if not, then focus on getting Trump out of there. Ok.

Are you aware that you're putting those words in my mouth in order to argue against them? You really didn't need to quote me at all if you were going to tell me what I think and why I'm wrong.
Mom thinks it's important to let muslim terrorists to kill Americans overseas who where begging for help the week before an attack on their embassy

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