Chelsea Clinton: "Mom Thinks It's Important To Extend Obamacare To Illegal Aliens

Seeing how illegals should not have jobs here in the US they should not be paying taxes. 'Legal' immigrants should have jobs, but illegals should not be getting jobs, benefits from social programs, etc.
Illegal immigrants aren't able to get federal benefits as people tend to view them.

And you aren't ridiculous liberal, are you? They are here to suck this country dry and move on to Canada. Wake the hell up.
Well, isn't that "benefits" to people that are here illegally....isn't it wonderful that she is so willing to use the taxpayer's money for people who are here illegally. How - "liberal" of the bitch. Well, what the hell, they can't get Americans to sign up for OBarrycare - might as well get the illegals on it to make it look better.
Please provide evidence that the money from debited accounts of taxpayers shows up somewhere else.

Please provide evidence that the money from debited accounts of taxpayers DOESN'T show up somewhere else.
Well, isn't that "benefits" to people that are here illegally....isn't it wonderful that she is so willing to use the taxpayer's money for people who are here illegally. How - "liberal" of the bitch. Well, what the hell, they can't get Americans to sign up for OBarrycare - might as well get the illegals on it to make it look better.
Please provide evidence that the money from debited accounts of taxpayers shows up somewhere else.

Please provide evidence that the money from debited accounts of taxpayers DOESN'T show up somewhere else.
Err, it shouldn't be hard for you to provide evidence. After all, it's always been the belief that federal taxes are saved somewhere to fund spending. This is false, considering the government is a currency issuer that doesn't need revenue at all to spend. The evidence is simple: The government has always run a net deficit, spending more then its draining from the private sector. How do they do this? Spending from thin air.
Then let Hillary pay for it. Gotta buy those votes, though, with OUR money....
They'd pay for it themselves, dummy.

You mean like they pay taxes from the cash they get "under the table"?? You're dreaming sonny.

Hey did you know in California they would issue a Social Security Card to those that came here on a visa ( not a work visa or H1B visa ) so that California could issue the visa holder a drivers license?

Then did you know some of those people that were able to get a Social Security Card ( the card would say on it they could not use it for employment ) go and get a job with it?

Then they started to pay taxes and when their visa went out of status they kept working even though their social security card was not actually meant for them to obtain a job?

Now what is my point?

Not every illegal here in the states work under the table or uses a stolen social security number, and some do pay taxes into the system...

I know you will call me a liar but I have seen these cards and know about this happening because of the rules before 9-11-2001...
Many of them do pay taxes, income tax included.
So since it's a crime to employ illegals, you're claiming that the IRS is complicit in criminal activity by having payroll records on these individuals and failing to forward the information for prosecution...

No, it is a civil crime to fail to pay your income tax. Even people that are illegally employed, like drug dealers and prostitutes, are culpable for income tax. The IRS is not allowed to share information without a warrant from a law enforcement agency. Which is why you never see them releasing the tax returns of politicians.

I suggest you read Federal Law. It is a Federal Felony for failure to pay income taxes. Ask Al Capone. Ask Wesley Snipes. Of course, that means that the 85,000 IRS agents might actually HAVE to do their jobs...
It's a felony to lie on your tax return. I don't know where you are going with this, first you claim the IRS should be going after people that pay taxes and now you are back peddling like a Republican.

Christ - I am having a hard time to take you seriously. You're saying that it is a civil violation of the law to NOT pay your taxes, but a FEDERAL FELONY to LIE on your return!?!?! Holy shit. Let's try this again, shall we? If you are LYING on your return - you aren't paying your taxes, are you? Maybe you need to take a break, go outside for recess, or something?
There is a difference between committing fraud and failing to pay. I suggest you do some research.
Many of them do pay taxes, income tax included.
So since it's a crime to employ illegals, you're claiming that the IRS is complicit in criminal activity by having payroll records on these individuals and failing to forward the information for prosecution...

No, it is a civil crime to fail to pay your income tax. Even people that are illegally employed, like drug dealers and prostitutes, are culpable for income tax. The IRS is not allowed to share information without a warrant from a law enforcement agency. Which is why you never see them releasing the tax returns of politicians.
Exactly how does one without a tax ID number pay income tax?
Either use a fake one or get a TIN.
you need to demonstrate that you have the LEGAL right to earn an income in the United States to get a tax ID number.

And you are telling me that a person will travel across the desert to come here, to hide in the shadows to make money and then give a fake Tax ID number so they can pay their fair share of income tax?

Do you really believe that?
Yes, it's been happening for years. And you don't need to prove anything to get a TIN.
and exactly who would want to pay income tax if the IRS does not know they exist?
People that dream of becoming citizens. It looks much better for them if they comply with as many US laws as they can.

Sonny, there are probably 5% of the illegals in this country that give two shits in the wind about America - OR becoming a "citizen". Most are here to rape the country and move on - like parasites.
Keep telling yourself that, I realize you have no critical thinking skills.
Then let Hillary pay for it. Gotta buy those votes, though, with OUR money....
They'd pay for it themselves, dummy.

You mean like they pay taxes from the cash they get "under the table"?? You're dreaming sonny.

Hey did you know in California they would issue a Social Security Card to those that came here on a visa ( not a work visa or H1B visa ) so that California could issue the visa holder a drivers license?

Then did you know some of those people that were able to get a Social Security Card ( the card would say on it they could not use it for employment ) go and get a job with it?

Then they started to pay taxes and when their visa went out of status they kept working even though their social security card was not actually meant for them to obtain a job?

Now what is my point?

Not every illegal here in the states work under the table or uses a stolen social security number, and some do pay taxes into the system...

I know you will call me a liar but I have seen these cards and know about this happening because of the rules before 9-11-2001...

Did you know that in LA, for $50 bucks, you can get a fake SS Card, Drivers License and the like? I know you will call me a liar - but so be it.

So they pay taxes (1% of them) So what? They are here illegally, are they not? Now, you liberals LOVE to spout the idea that we "are a nation of laws", right? So, do the Immigration and Naturalization laws apply or not? Again, you can't have it both ways - can you?
and exactly who would want to pay income tax if the IRS does not know they exist?
People that dream of becoming citizens. It looks much better for them if they comply with as many US laws as they can.

Sonny, there are probably 5% of the illegals in this country that give two shits in the wind about America - OR becoming a "citizen". Most are here to rape the country and move on - like parasites.
Keep telling yourself that, I realize you have no critical thinking skills.

Typical liberal - someone shows you how "stupid" you are and suddenly - I have no critical thinking skills. Sonny, I graduated College (The University Of Louisville) long before you were a gleam in your dad's eye. My critical thinking (although perhaps somewhat diminished with my advanced age) is as good as yours. Count on it, sonny.

Your problem? You don't have the critical thinking skills to realize that the communist professor's that told you how "special" you were meant that you are mildly retarded.
and exactly who would want to pay income tax if the IRS does not know they exist?
People that dream of becoming citizens. It looks much better for them if they comply with as many US laws as they can.
No it doesn't. You made that up. If you admit you are working here illegally, you will still have to wait just as long to be considered for citizenship, take the same exam, etc....

You are making this stuff up. You have absolutely no idea how silly it sounds.
Top 10 Myths About Immigration | Immigration Policy Center

Depends on immigration reform criteria. If you been paying into the system for years you will more than likely have a better shot at citizenship.
Many of them do pay taxes, income tax included.
So since it's a crime to employ illegals, you're claiming that the IRS is complicit in criminal activity by having payroll records on these individuals and failing to forward the information for prosecution...

No, it is a civil crime to fail to pay your income tax. Even people that are illegally employed, like drug dealers and prostitutes, are culpable for income tax. The IRS is not allowed to share information without a warrant from a law enforcement agency. Which is why you never see them releasing the tax returns of politicians.
Exactly how does one without a tax ID number pay income tax?
Either use a fake one or get a TIN.
So since these "fake" numbers are stolen from law-abiding citizens (and that fact should be readily apparent to the IRS), the IRS is complicit in identity theft...

Got it....
The IRS is ruled by relatively restrictive laws. Their mission is to collect money, it is not to be a police force.
Why not we are rolling in money...oh wait $19 trillion in debt :eusa_think: how about we just extend Obamacare to Americans raped and assaulted by illegal aliens?

Well, now you are posing a question that doesn't "bother" the left. The answer is quite simple - Just print more money, silly!

Oh what was I thinking, hell why not let people print their own money at home there you have it I just eliminated poverty!!
If I were a genuine right winger I would be mad as hell that the best thing that my party is going to be able to muster against this woman is a crass, loud mouthed, controversy courting idiot who lives in an all gold apartment and has taken his plan on how to deal with illegal immigration direct from Game of Thrones. Mad as hell

You have an irrational hatred of Trump and he doesn't even know you are alive. lol
Actually, his dislike for Trump is based on some very rational sentiments. Now, don't get me wrong, some support trump for those same reasons....
But you can not deny that Trump can be crass and loud mouthed.....he says and does things that cause controversy (for good or bad)...and Gold is his favorite element, I am sure....

So why do you say his hatred is irrational?

It is simply not why you would hate someone...

But I am curious.....would you be friends with someone who was crass, loudmouthed, and controversy courting?

(sigh) People come on ALL these politicians are genuine assholes at least Trump doesn't put on some fake act pretending to be someone he's not.
If I were a genuine right winger I would be mad as hell that the best thing that my party is going to be able to muster against this woman is a crass, loud mouthed, controversy courting idiot who lives in an all gold apartment and has taken his plan on how to deal with illegal immigration direct from Game of Thrones. Mad as hell

No reason to be mad. He wont be the nominee
Hillary has to wrap up the illegal alien vote and get them addicted, more so, to government services.

Blog: Chelsea Clinton reveals her mom thinks it is ‘important’ to extend Obamacare to illegal aliens

Well, that happened from the start. Obama outright lied when he stated that illegal aliens would not be covered. After saying that to Americans, he told illegals that no one would ask about their status when they applied. And they applied in droves and we've spent millions on them. Well, actually spending on illegal aliens for housing, school, food and healthcare is in the tens of billions each year. They aren't coming here because they like America or Americans. For years, they've been offered the chance to take advantage of us.

I suppose they want to go even further and extend healthcare to other countries.
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Why not we are rolling in money...oh wait $19 trillion in debt :eusa_think: how about we just extend Obamacare to Americans raped and assaulted by illegal aliens?
We are indeed rolling in money. Let me ask you: What do you think the "national debt" represents?
USA.INC is rolling in money but you don't have access to it. You are responsible for the debt owed to the foreign owned Federal Reserve bank.......tell me I am wrong.
If I were a genuine right winger I would be mad as hell that the best thing that my party is going to be able to muster against this woman is a crass, loud mouthed, controversy courting idiot who lives in an all gold apartment and has taken his plan on how to deal with illegal immigration direct from Game of Thrones. Mad as hell

No reason to be mad. He wont be the nominee

Here's the problem. If he is sabatoged as the nominee (unless Cruz comes from behind and legitimately wins) then your next President will be Clinton and the country will be lost. And yes, I'm serious.

By the time that bitch is finished. The white race (hell, maybe even the black race) will be all but forgotten, in favor of Latinos.

This country will nothing but a shell of its former self, much like England in the 13th century. We will answer to a tyrant. If the people give up on the electoral process, we are finished. America is watching. Let those "men in togas" bastardize the system by "side-swiping" a legitimate nominee - they WILL stay home. And they will never go "out on a limb" again.
Hillary has to wrap up the illegal alien vote and get them addicted, more so, to government services.

Blog: Chelsea Clinton reveals her mom thinks it is ‘important’ to extend Obamacare to illegal aliens

Well, that happened from the start. Obama outright lied when he stated that illegal aliens would not be covered. After saying that to Americans, he told illegals that no one would ask about their status when they applied. And they applied in droves and we've spent millions on them. Well, actually spending on illegal aliens for housing, school, food and healthcare is in the tens of billions each year. They aren't coming here because they like America or Americans. For years, they've been offered the chance to take advantage of us.

I suppose they want to go even further and extend healthcare to other countries.

Yes, but let's be honest here. Can you say, with any certainty, that 90% of Americans DIDN'T believe that a democrat only bill would be jiggered to include illegals? We're Americans truly that naive?
If I were a genuine right winger I would be mad as hell that the best thing that my party is going to be able to muster against this woman is a crass, loud mouthed, controversy courting idiot who lives in an all gold apartment and has taken his plan on how to deal with illegal immigration direct from Game of Thrones. Mad as hell

No reason to be mad. He wont be the nominee

Here's the problem. If he is sabatoged as the nominee (unless Cruz comes from behind and legitimately wins) then your next President will be Clinton and the country will be lost. And yes, I'm serious.

By the time that bitch is finished. The white race (hell, maybe even the black race) will be all but forgotten, in favor of Latinos.

This country will nothing but a shell of its former self, much like England in the 13th century. We will answer to a tyrant. If the people give up on the electoral process, we are finished. America is watching. Let those "men in togas" bastardize the system by "side-swiping" a legitimate nominee - they WILL stay home. And they will never go "out on a limb" again.

The only way I see Clinton being president is if trump is elected. And even then that's not a guarantee
Hillary has to wrap up the illegal alien vote and get them addicted, more so, to government services.

Blog: Chelsea Clinton reveals her mom thinks it is ‘important’ to extend Obamacare to illegal aliens

Well, that happened from the start. Obama outright lied when he stated that illegal aliens would not be covered. After saying that to Americans, he told illegals that no one would ask about their status when they applied. And they applied in droves and we've spent millions on them. Well, actually spending on illegal aliens for housing, school, food and healthcare is in the tens of billions each year. They aren't coming here because they like America or Americans. For years, they've been offered the chance to take advantage of us.

I suppose they want to go even further and extend healthcare to other countries.

Yes, but let's be honest here. Can you say, with any certainty, that 90% of Americans DIDN'T believe that a democrat only bill would be jiggered to include illegals? We're Americans truly that naive?

Take no prisoners, Randall!

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