Cheney: January 6 Probe Found Evidence of ‘Extremely Broad,’ Chilling ‘Conspiracy’

On the radio yesterday. It was a preliminary number because, for some reason, the official ratings are being withheld
Which radio station?
Or which radio talking-head said it?

And did the program report the source that they got the number from?
And who was withholding the "official ratings"?

I ask because I had not heard "11 million".
And, truth be told, I had not heard the '5 million flash numbers' either.
Wonder what source offered that? Is that known?
Think about it!

Which radio station?
Or which radio talking-head said it?

And did the program report the source that they got the number from?
And who was withholding the "official ratings"?

I ask because I had not heard "11 million".
And, truth be told, I had not heard the '5 million flash numbers' either.
Wonder what source offered that? Is that known?
Flash Ratings are provided by Neilson. They look at the total number of people viewing at any one time and they do it for all of the networks. They also do total views which is the compilation of everyone who tuned in even if it was brief. The USA today article cited the later as I am sure that only capturing 5 million people for the 2 hours is not something they want to tout as a success..

IN comparison, Tucker held 2.7 million for the hour and Hannity held 2.3 million for the hour. And that is just one broadcast network, not the 5 that were pushing the hearing...
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  • Forbes reported this on June 10th:
"TV viewing in June is lower than the winter months and with no serious competition on the schedule (the NBA Finals had an off day), preliminary audience figures approached 20 million viewers, which will increase as more networks are tabulated and out-of-home, streaming and time-shifted viewing are added. The audience is more than double the highest rated regularly scheduled primetime program this year."

  • And the Hollywood Reporter, who follows viewership and audiences of a whole variety of programming, reported this on June 10th:

"Per Nielsen, 20.04 million people watched the two-hour broadcast (not including on PBS, whose figures weren’t available as of publication time). A little over a quarter of that came from ABC, which averaged 5.22 million viewers over the two hours. MSNBC (4.3 million) came in second, followed by NBC (3.7 million), CBS (3.49 million) and CNN (2.74 million).
It's called following the evidence and being sane.

Most Republicans used to have love for this country. Now you want to destroy it over a orange dude.
There's no evidence to support her idiocies.

Most Republicans do love this country. That's why they protested when Dims destroyed it with their swindled election.
She has more integrity in her pinky than Jordan, Gohmert, MTG, Boebert, Brooks, and the rest of the Alt-Right Goon Squad have in their entire bodies! :auiqs.jpg:
I'm amused by how the same liberals who LOATHED Dick Cheney now treat his daughter with absolute REVERENCE simply because she hates Donald Trump as much as they do!
I'm amused by how the same liberals who LOATHED Dick Cheney now treat his daughter with absolute REVERENCE simply because she hates Donald Trump as much as they do!
I don't revere Liz Cheney. I disagree with just about every policy stance she has. But I respect her. Because she doesn't want to see her party become a joke and an also-ran at the expense of the true believers (in reverence to one man) like you.
I don't revere Liz Cheney. I disagree with just about every policy stance she has. But I respect her. Because she doesn't want to see her party become a joke and an also-ran at the expense of the true believers (in reverence to one man) like you.
She's a Neo-Con piece of shit who got censured by her own party and now she's being booted out by her own constituents because she's such a loser.
This bitch is worse than the craziest of progs. Does she really believe she will win the Republican primary this way?
Representative Liz Cheney (R-WY) said on “CBS Sunday Morning” that the House Select Committee investigating the January 6, 2021 riot at the U.S. Capitol has found evidence of an “extremely broad” and “well-organized” conspiracy.
Reporter Robert Costa asked, “Are you confident that what you have found as a committee will somehow grab the American people by the lapels and say, ‘Wake up: You have to pay attention’?”
Cheney said, “I am. The threat, and it’s an ongoing threat, you know, we are not in a situation where former President Trump has expressed any sense of remorse about what happened. We are, in fact, in a situation where he continues to use even more extreme language, frankly, than the language that caused the attack. And so, people must pay attention. People must watch, and they must understand how easily our democratic system can unravel if we don’t defend it.”

Maybe the real prize isn't the nomination....but some other goody like a seat on the board of NETFLIX....or Haliburton rebuilding ukraine which her family just happens to have a shit load of stocks in.

Business papers say that "investment" in Ukraine is going to be the big money maker for investors due all the funds that will be sent their way from governments to rebuild.
She's a Neo-Con piece of shit who got censured by her own party and now she's being booted out by her own constituents because she's such a loser.
Yep. She's a neo-con. But her party censured her because she wouldn't go along with Trump humpers slavish devotion and kiss the ring on bended knee.
The Republican party is officially a joke. A punch line. Just call it what it is now even if he has no relevance...The Trump Party.
This bitch is worse than the craziest of progs. Does she really believe she will win the Republican primary this way?
If all she was concerned with was winning her primary she would have shirked her duty, ignored her oath to protect and defend the country from enemies foreign and domestic, and done what most cowardly Repubs have done. Endorsed the Big Lie and turned a blind eye to the evidence of the attempted coup. Instead, she chose to be a patriot.

1. President Trump engaged in a massive effort to spread false and fraudulent information to the American public claiming the 2020 election was stolen from him.

2. President Trump corruptly planned to replace the Acting Attorney General, so that the Department of Justice would support his fake election claims.

3. President Trump corruptly pressured Vice President Pence to refuse to count certified electoral votes in violation of the US Constitution and the law.

4. President Trump corruptly pressured state election officials, and state legislators, to change election results.

5. President Trump’s legal team and other Trump associates instructed Republicans in multiple states to create false electoral slates and transmit those slates to Congress and the National Archives.

6. President Trump summoned and assembled a violent mob in Washington and directed them to march on the US Capitol.

7. As the violence was underway, President Trump ignored multiple pleas for assistance and failed to take immediate action to stop the violence and instruct his supporters to leave the Capitol.

I don't revere Liz Cheney. I disagree with just about every policy stance she has. But I respect her. Because she doesn't want to see her party become a joke and an also-ran at the expense of the true believers (in reverence to one man) like you.
You disagree with every policy stance she has but you still "respect" her because she hates Trump. That says VOLUMES about you, Jack!
You disagree with every policy stance she has but you still "respect" her because she hates Trump. That says VOLUMES about you, Jack!
I don't hate Trump. I just have no respect for him. But Trump is just the symptom. In order for him to be the cancer he is, he needs support.
From good people like you. You enable him. You support him. Which says far more about you than him.

So no, it's not Trump I hate, it's people like you. :)
I don't hate Trump. I just have no respect for him. But Trump is just the symptom. In order for him to be the cancer he is, he needs support.
From good people like you. You enable him. You support him. Which says far more about you than him.

So no, it's not Trump I hate, it's people like you. :)
Progtards. ^^^

Front and center. :p

This one, by his own admission, hates half of America.
Progtards. ^^^

Front and center. :p

This one, by his own admission, hates half of America.
Again, just people like you. And the reason for that is your minds are soft, weak, malleable. You can be pushed in any direction with a soft breeze. Why? Fear. Pretty simple.
And you hard core right wingers make up about a third of the voting population. The rest you'll claim as a majority..are indepdendents or moderates.
So no, it's not Trump I hate, it's people like you.
This one, by his own admission, hates half of America.

I am fairly skeptical of the "hate" paradigm.
Rather, I am more persuaded that it is more of a 'disrespect' vibe.

As we can so readily see on just this single narrow-gauge gossipboard the RightyTighties are the ones who most regularly use the most crass profanity. Shux, some can hardly complete a sentence, let alone a paragraph, without the f-bomb or 'douchebag' to help them carry their thoughts. my humble opinion....hardly earns respect. Can't say I hate it. But it surely signals something about some folks' education or quality of the parenting they received. So there is that.

And then, the uber-defensiveness over any expressed skepticism towards Don Trump. Don Trump himself highlighted it in a speech in January of 2016. To wit:
"I have the most loyal people -- did you ever see that?"
"I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?" "It's, like, incredible."*

In this case, given the fluidity of language "loyalty" is being diplomatically substituted for 'dense'.


*Come to think about it, that 'Fifth Avenue' quote offers us a perceptive insight into why so many of the Duped & Snookered refuse to condemn those MAGAHats who beat the snot out of the Capitol police on January 6th. Or even criticize Don Trump's failure to be pro-active that day in preventing or mitigating the violence that ensued from his incitement of the mob at the Ellipse.

In short, Trump's target practice on Fifth Avenue signaled the January 6th violent attack.

That too, is...MHO.
Again, just people like you.


And the reason for that is your minds are soft, weak, malleable. You can be pushed in any direction with a soft breeze. Why? Fear.

Too funny.

And you hard core right wingers make up about a third of the voting population. The rest you'll claim as a majority..are indepdendents or moderates
Now I'm a hard core right winger?

The other guy was just accusing me of being a leftist!

Can you people make up your minds please?

(Goddammit) :p :p :p

Too funny.

Now I'm a hard core right winger?

The other guy was just accusing me of being a leftist!

Can you people make up your minds please?

(Goddammit) :p :p :p
I pay attention to content of your posts even though you haven't been on here very long.
Flash Ratings are provided by Neilson. They look at the total number of people viewing at any one time and they do it for all of the networks. They also do total views which is the compilation of everyone who tuned in even if it was brief. The USA today article cited the later as I am sure that only capturing 5 million people for the 2 hours is not something they want to tout as a success..

IN comparison, Tucker held 2.7 million for the hour and Hannity held 2.3 million for the hour. And that is just one broadcast network, not the 5 that were pushing the hearing...
That's quite an indictment of Americans. 5M chose to learn more of the truth about 1/6 and other aspects of the attempted coup while half that many chose to be lied to in order to reinforce their pre-existent bias.
I would agree that viewing will be low numbers, Most have made up their minds, New information not required. to many rely on 10 second sound bites & those loud voices with zero government experience, or education in government policy's.

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