Jan 6 Committee deleted 100s of files days before Republicans took over.

More evidence the entire select committee was a sham. Violations of House rules by Thompson and Liz Cheney, as well as others. Those still in the House should be sanctioned.

House Jan. 6 Committee Deleted Files Days Before GOP Majority in House: Report​

The House Select Committee investigated the Jan. 6 deleted hundreds of files just ahead of Republicans taking the majority in the lower chamber in January, according to and Oversight Subcommittee chairman who is leading a probe into the Select Committee.

The Oversight Subcommittee of the House Administration Committee is currently leading its own probe into the events of Jan. 6, 2021, and chairman Barry Loudermilk, R-Ga., says that the panel had asked the Select Committee to turn in all documents related to its probe, according to a Fox News report.

Among the missing documents, Loudermilk cites "specific transcribed interviews and depositions to the White House and Department of Homeland Security."

Upon looking at a forensic analysis of the data they did turn in, Loudermilk's letter accuses Thompson of having deleted material on Jan. 1, 2023, days before the GOP gained majority of the House. He also says that materials were saved under undisclosed passwords.

"It’s obvious that Pelosi’s Select Committee went to great lengths to prevent Americans from seeing certain documents produced in their investigation. It also appears that Bennie Thompson and Liz Cheney intended to obstruct our Subcommittee by failing to preserve critical information and videos as required by House rules," Loudermilk told Fox News Digital.

He is now asking the White House and the DHS to comply with his request by Jan. 24. Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., has backed the probe on social media.

That is a lie. Republicans are not investigating what happened on Jan 6. They are trying to whitewash what happened on Jan 6. They are siding with violent mobs.
Where do they grow people as brain dead as you are?
Wherever it is they should salt that land so nothing will bloom for 3 generations.
Still butthurt because Pelosi vetoed Trump's asslickers from being on the committee & causing nothing but trouble with their anal retentive adoration of subhuman Dotard.

Suck it up.
More evidence the entire select committee was a sham. Violations of House rules by Thompson and Liz Cheney, as well as others. Those still in the House should be sanctioned.

House Jan. 6 Committee Deleted Files Days Before GOP Majority in House: Report​

The House Select Committee investigated the Jan. 6 deleted hundreds of files just ahead of Republicans taking the majority in the lower chamber in January, according to and Oversight Subcommittee chairman who is leading a probe into the Select Committee.

The Oversight Subcommittee of the House Administration Committee is currently leading its own probe into the events of Jan. 6, 2021, and chairman Barry Loudermilk, R-Ga., says that the panel had asked the Select Committee to turn in all documents related to its probe, according to a Fox News report.

Among the missing documents, Loudermilk cites "specific transcribed interviews and depositions to the White House and Department of Homeland Security."

Upon looking at a forensic analysis of the data they did turn in, Loudermilk's letter accuses Thompson of having deleted material on Jan. 1, 2023, days before the GOP gained majority of the House. He also says that materials were saved under undisclosed passwords.

"It’s obvious that Pelosi’s Select Committee went to great lengths to prevent Americans from seeing certain documents produced in their investigation. It also appears that Bennie Thompson and Liz Cheney intended to obstruct our Subcommittee by failing to preserve critical information and videos as required by House rules," Loudermilk told Fox News Digital.

He is now asking the White House and the DHS to comply with his request by Jan. 24. Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., has backed the probe on social media.
Wherever it is they should salt that land so nothing will bloom......

Well, let's move beyond your interests in infertility and go back to the topic of these so-called missing documents from the J6 Committee.

What's your take on the suggestion that the DOJ has all the good stuff, now?

Or, doncha think the Committee would protect their work-product by sending all the most relevant stuff over to the DOJ so the new House majority wouldn't destroy it? Or use it to hunt down any Administration Republicans who may have incriminated some other Administration Republicans?

Doncha think they would want it protected?
Just askin', BJ.
If anything, the Democrats hid the Jan 6 Committee documents or turned them all over to DOJ.

Because the Democrats know that you MAGA Nazis would destroy them.
Is that what House rules say to do, Stupid?
That is a lie. Republicans are not investigating what happened on Jan 6. They are trying to whitewash what happened on Jan 6. They are siding with violent mobs.
Another single digit IQ Dimtard shows up with nothing more than "Nuh-uh".
More evidence the entire select committee was a sham. Violations of House rules by Thompson and Liz Cheney, as well as others. Those still in the House should be sanctioned.

House Jan. 6 Committee Deleted Files Days Before GOP Majority in House: Report​

The House Select Committee investigated the Jan. 6 deleted hundreds of files just ahead of Republicans taking the majority in the lower chamber in January, according to and Oversight Subcommittee chairman who is leading a probe into the Select Committee.

The Oversight Subcommittee of the House Administration Committee is currently leading its own probe into the events of Jan. 6, 2021, and chairman Barry Loudermilk, R-Ga., says that the panel had asked the Select Committee to turn in all documents related to its probe, according to a Fox News report.

Among the missing documents, Loudermilk cites "specific transcribed interviews and depositions to the White House and Department of Homeland Security."

Upon looking at a forensic analysis of the data they did turn in, Loudermilk's letter accuses Thompson of having deleted material on Jan. 1, 2023, days before the GOP gained majority of the House. He also says that materials were saved under undisclosed passwords.

"It’s obvious that Pelosi’s Select Committee went to great lengths to prevent Americans from seeing certain documents produced in their investigation. It also appears that Bennie Thompson and Liz Cheney intended to obstruct our Subcommittee by failing to preserve critical information and videos as required by House rules," Loudermilk told Fox News Digital.

He is now asking the White House and the DHS to comply with his request by Jan. 24. Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., has backed the probe on social media.

'Muh, democracy'.
If anything, the Democrats hid the Jan 6 Committee documents or turned them all over to DOJ.

Because the Democrats know that you MAGA Nazis would destroy them.
So they destroyed them so the MAGAs couldn't destroy them?

You know, in a weird leftard way, that makes a certain amount of sense.

Because Democrats are THAT petty.
"framed"?? "Patriotic Americans serving time because......"

....well, because there was plenty of video depictions demonstrating that they slugged a uniformed police officer, or sprayed 'em in the face with Mace? Or battered open a capitol window with a stolen police shield? Beat a downed officer with a steel rod?

And, so uncharacteristic of people of that level of character...........they selfie'd and facetime'd there exuberance to the world. And did it without masks to boot.

And, not unimportantly, millions and millions of people here in America and indeed, the world.....watched it live on the telly, too. So there is that.

And yet, we have RWNJ fringies wringing' their hands that those poor dears were wronged.

Yeah, me too.
I don't get it either.
We are riding into the Twilight Zone on the NutsoBizarro Trumptrain!

I love this bar!

Well, actually the Committee served America well. They were organized. Focused. Forsook any partisan squabbling, and avoided any grandstanding. We saw no after- meeting fake outrage in front of the media TV cams.
And notably.....really really notably.....they minimized any partisan favoritism by allowing testimony from most all Republican witnesses and participants. Not only was that notable.....it was kinda damning, too. Ya' think?

Not to mention the refusal of other Republican participants to, well, participate. Meaning, they defied subpoenas. So their story never got told. Perhaps because they didn't want it to be heard by authorities.

But that's speculation. No?

And that would be multi-talented , multi-careerist, Scruffy, making America great again.....one naughty word at a time. You gotta like that guy, unless you are a MAGA.

Good Public Relations representatives are so hard to find these days.

Pelosi’s head of security perjures himself to convict the OathKeepers

Proof that Pelosi’s office had reason to hide evidence

Release the J6 Political Prisoners IMMEDIATELY!!

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