Cheney: Obama And The Muslim Brotherhood


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Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Known and reported right here by the more astute posters....this President is a supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood.

One really must be blind, or a reliable Democrat voter, not to be able to connect the dots.


2.......former Vice President Dick Cheney said our Israeli and Arabs allies in the Middle East no longer trust the United States and "deeply believe" the "Untied States has been supportive of the Muslim Brotherhood" because of the way "the United States has conducted itself over the last few years .....

3. "There is a perception, and these are from Israeli and Arabs and so forth that the United States can no be trusted."

4. ...a deep belief that the Untied States has been supportive of the Muslim Brotherhood," who he explained "in that part of the world the Muslim brothers are perceived, and founded in 1928, as the group which has emerged jihad, al-Qaeda, Hamas,.....

5. ... we need to "restore the relationships that have been badly damaged by the way the United States has conducted itself over the last few years."
Cheney Israel Arabs Allies Think Obama Supports Muslim Brotherhood

6. "...Cheney accused Obama of “facilitating the Muslim Brotherhood” with his policies. According to Rep. John Fleming (R-LA), Cheney said Obama “has actually done things that have supported the Muslim Brotherhood,” which spurred “the beginning of all the Islamist groups that we’re dealing with now like Hamas and ISIS.”

7. By “facilitating the Muslim Brotherhood,” Cheney argued, “our policies have been exactly opposite to where they should be.”
Cheney to GOP Obama Supported the Muslim Brotherhood and Therefore ISIS Mediaite

8. " my view Cheney is correct in the Big Picture sense that the Muslim Brotherhood is the modern incarnation of triumphalist jihad war, aiming at bringing the world under a global caliphate.

9. Obama’s open courting of the Muslim Brotherhood (representatives of the MB attended his Cairo speech) and various offshoot groups is a disgrace. As he is poised to delver his prime time address to the nation on ISIS, it is fair to keep in mind his record of softness toward radical jihadists."
Blog Cheney attacks Obama support for Muslim Brotherhood in closed door meeting with House Republicans
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10 ."John Boehner, declined to answer whether he would support the use of ground troops in Iraq – or to say whether he would hold a vote on Obama’s foreign policy.
But asked whether the US should take the fight against Iraq into Syria, he replied: “I think we need to be going after the terrorist threat wherever it is.”
Dick Cheney urges Republicans to take hardline military stance against Isis World news
But neither of you two 'reliable Democrat voters' denied the truth of Cheney's statements.

Good, boys.
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British Intelligence "facilitated it" when they helped them back in 1928. There is also evidence connecting it to the CIA.

Cheney knows this. But he also knows the average American TV watcher will never know or even TRY to understand the Middle East.

Also, you can wish for Cheney to die but that won't solve the problem because when he does, he'll be replaced by another just like him.
Could it be we have a traitor in the White House?

That would certainly explain Benghazi and so much more...

Documents show Obama Administration’s close ties to Muslim Brotherhood
Robert Spencer Jun 18, 2014 at 10:16pm Barack Obama, Muslim Brotherhood 51 Comments
“Thousands of pages of documentation of the US State Department’s dealings with the Muslim Brotherhood are in the process of being declassified and released to the public.” None of the ensuing revelations will come as any surprise to anyone except Leftists and Islamic supremacists who have for years now ridiculed the idea that the Obama Administration had any special interest in or dealings with the Muslim Brotherhood. Can Rep. Michele Bachmann get a formal apology now from all those who accused her of “bigotry” and “Islamophobia” for calling for an investigation of Muslim Brotherhood influence in the U.S. government?

“US document reveals cooperation between Washington and Brotherhood,” Gulf News, June 18, 2014 (thanks to Halal Pork Shop):

Dubai: For the past decade, two successive US administrations have maintained close ties to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Tunisia, Syria and Libya, to name just the most prominent cases.

The Obama administration conducted an assessment of the Muslim Brotherhood in 2010 and 2011, beginning even before the events known as the “Arab Spring” erupted in Tunisia and in Egypt. The President personally issued Presidential Study Directive 11 (PSD-11) in 2010, ordering an assessment of the Muslim Brotherhood and other “political Islamist” movements, including the ruling AKP in Turkey, ultimately concluding that the United States should shift from its longstanding policy of supporting “stability” in the Middle East and North Africa (that is, support for “stable regimes” even if they were authoritarian), to a policy of backing “moderate” Islamic political movements.

To this day, PSD-11 remains classified, in part because it reveals an embarrassingly naïve and uninformed view of trends in the Middle East and North Africa (Mena) region.

The revelations were made by Al Hewar centre in Washington, DC, which obtained the documents in question.

Through an ongoing Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit, thousands of pages of documentation of the US State Department’s dealings with the Muslim Brotherhood are in the process of being declassified and released to the public.

US State Department documents obtained under the FOIA confirm that the Obama administration maintained frequent contact and ties with the Libyan Muslim Brotherhood. At one point, in April 2012, US officials arranged for the public relations director of the Libyan Muslim Brotherhood, Mohammad Gaair, to come to Washington to speak at a conference on “Islamists in Power” hosted by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

A State Department Cable classified “Confidential” report says the following: “Benghazi Meeting With Libyan Muslim Brotherhood: On April 2 [2012] Mission Benghazi met with a senior member of the Muslim Brotherhood steering committee, who will speak at the April 5 Carnegie Endowment `Islamist in Power’ conference in Washington, D.C.
2010, ordering an assessment of the Muslim Brotherhood and other “political Islamist” movements, including the ruling AKP in Turkey, ultimately concluding that the United States should shift from its longstanding policy of supporting “stability” in the Middle East and North Africa (that is, support for “stable regimes” even if they were authoritarian), to a policy of backing “moderate” Islamic political movements.
So that's why Obama invaded Iraq and killed Saddam! Finally, the mothereffing smoking gun!
Remember this?

"Cut in Egyptian Aid Linked to White House Ties to Muslim Brotherhood?

Despite earlier commitments from the White House and a bipartisan bloc of congressmen, the Obama administration is postponing the transfer of billions of dollars and advanced weaponry to Egypt.

A bloody crackdown by the military on supporters of Mohamed Morsi following his ouster prompted a review of the planned shipment.

Among the weapons being withheld from Cairo, there are a dozen F-16s; about that many AH-64 Apache helicopters; four M-1/A-1 tank kits; and an undisclosed number of Harpoon missiles.

Perhaps the reneging has less to do with Egypt’s lack of electoral fair play and more to do with President Obama’s desire to punish the currently ruling regime for ousting his friends in the Muslim Brotherhood from the positions of power."
Cut in Egyptian Aid Linked to White House Ties to Muslim Brotherhood
Remember this?

"Cut in Egyptian Aid Linked to White House Ties to Muslim Brotherhood?

Despite earlier commitments from the White House and a bipartisan bloc of congressmen, the Obama administration is postponing the transfer of billions of dollars and advanced weaponry to Egypt.

A bloody crackdown by the military on supporters of Mohamed Morsi following his ouster prompted a review of the planned shipment.

Among the weapons being withheld from Cairo, there are a dozen F-16s; about that many AH-64 Apache helicopters; four M-1/A-1 tank kits; and an undisclosed number of Harpoon missiles.

Perhaps the reneging has less to do with Egypt’s lack of electoral fair play and more to do with President Obama’s desire to punish the currently ruling regime for ousting his friends in the Muslim Brotherhood from the positions of power."
Cut in Egyptian Aid Linked to White House Ties to Muslim Brotherhood

We've just entered the tin foil hat zone.
Remember this?

"Cut in Egyptian Aid Linked to White House Ties to Muslim Brotherhood?

Despite earlier commitments from the White House and a bipartisan bloc of congressmen, the Obama administration is postponing the transfer of billions of dollars and advanced weaponry to Egypt.

A bloody crackdown by the military on supporters of Mohamed Morsi following his ouster prompted a review of the planned shipment.

Among the weapons being withheld from Cairo, there are a dozen F-16s; about that many AH-64 Apache helicopters; four M-1/A-1 tank kits; and an undisclosed number of Harpoon missiles.

Perhaps the reneging has less to do with Egypt’s lack of electoral fair play and more to do with President Obama’s desire to punish the currently ruling regime for ousting his friends in the Muslim Brotherhood from the positions of power."
Cut in Egyptian Aid Linked to White House Ties to Muslim Brotherhood

We've just entered the tin foil hat zone.

"Obama’s support for the Brotherhood goes back to the beginning of his presidency. He even invitedIngrid Mattson, then-president of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), to offer a prayer at the National Cathedral on his first Inauguration Day – despite the fact that ISNA has admitted its ties to the Brotherhood. The previous summer, federal prosecutors rejected a request from ISNA to remove its unindicted co-conspirator status. Obama didn’t ask Mattson to explain ISNA’s links to the Muslim Brotherhood andHamas. On the contrary: he sent his Senior Adviser Valerie Jarrett to be thekeynote speaker at ISNA’s national convention in 2009.

Even worse, in April 2009, Obama appointed Arif Alikhan, the deputy mayor of Los Angeles, as Assistant Secretary for Policy Development at the Department of Homeland Security. Just two weeks before he received this appointment, Alikhan (who once called the jihad terror group Hizballah a “liberation movement”) participated in a fundraiser for the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC). Like ISNA, MPAC has links to the Muslim Brotherhood.

In a book entitled In Fraternity: A Message to Muslims in America, co-author Hassan Hathout, a former MPAC president, is identified as “a close disciple of the late Hassan al-Banna of Egypt.” The MPAC-linked magazine The Minaret spoke of Hassan Hathout’s closeness to al-Banna in a 1997 article: “My father would tell me that Hassan Hathout was a companion of Hassan al-Banna….Hassan Hathout would speak of al-Banna with such love and adoration; he would speak of a relationship not guided by politics or law but by a basic sense of human decency.
Al-Banna, of course, was the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, an admirer of Hitler, and a leader of the movement to (in his words) “push the Jews into the sea.””
Remember this?

"Cut in Egyptian Aid Linked to White House Ties to Muslim Brotherhood?

Despite earlier commitments from the White House and a bipartisan bloc of congressmen, the Obama administration is postponing the transfer of billions of dollars and advanced weaponry to Egypt.

A bloody crackdown by the military on supporters of Mohamed Morsi following his ouster prompted a review of the planned shipment.

Among the weapons being withheld from Cairo, there are a dozen F-16s; about that many AH-64 Apache helicopters; four M-1/A-1 tank kits; and an undisclosed number of Harpoon missiles.

Perhaps the reneging has less to do with Egypt’s lack of electoral fair play and more to do with President Obama’s desire to punish the currently ruling regime for ousting his friends in the Muslim Brotherhood from the positions of power."
Cut in Egyptian Aid Linked to White House Ties to Muslim Brotherhood

We've just entered the tin foil hat zone.

"Obama’s support for the Brotherhood goes back to the beginning of his presidency. He even invitedIngrid Mattson, then-president of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), to offer a prayer at the National Cathedral on his first Inauguration Day – despite the fact that ISNA has admitted its ties to the Brotherhood. The previous summer, federal prosecutors rejected a request from ISNA to remove its unindicted co-conspirator status. Obama didn’t ask Mattson to explain ISNA’s links to the Muslim Brotherhood andHamas. On the contrary: he sent his Senior Adviser Valerie Jarrett to be thekeynote speaker at ISNA’s national convention in 2009.

Even worse, in April 2009, Obama appointed Arif Alikhan, the deputy mayor of Los Angeles, as Assistant Secretary for Policy Development at the Department of Homeland Security. Just two weeks before he received this appointment, Alikhan (who once called the jihad terror group Hizballah a “liberation movement”) participated in a fundraiser for the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC). Like ISNA, MPAC has links to the Muslim Brotherhood.

In a book entitled In Fraternity: A Message to Muslims in America, co-author Hassan Hathout, a former MPAC president, is identified as “a close disciple of the late Hassan al-Banna of Egypt.” The MPAC-linked magazine The Minaret spoke of Hassan Hathout’s closeness to al-Banna in a 1997 article: “My father would tell me that Hassan Hathout was a companion of Hassan al-Banna….Hassan Hathout would speak of al-Banna with such love and adoration; he would speak of a relationship not guided by politics or law but by a basic sense of human decency.
Al-Banna, of course, was the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, an admirer of Hitler, and a leader of the movement to (in his words) “push the Jews into the sea.””

Well damn that means pretty much our entire government is run by the Muslim Brotherhood!!! Oh dear Jesus she's right everybody RUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Remember this?

"Cut in Egyptian Aid Linked to White House Ties to Muslim Brotherhood?

Despite earlier commitments from the White House and a bipartisan bloc of congressmen, the Obama administration is postponing the transfer of billions of dollars and advanced weaponry to Egypt.

A bloody crackdown by the military on supporters of Mohamed Morsi following his ouster prompted a review of the planned shipment.

Among the weapons being withheld from Cairo, there are a dozen F-16s; about that many AH-64 Apache helicopters; four M-1/A-1 tank kits; and an undisclosed number of Harpoon missiles.

Perhaps the reneging has less to do with Egypt’s lack of electoral fair play and more to do with President Obama’s desire to punish the currently ruling regime for ousting his friends in the Muslim Brotherhood from the positions of power."
Cut in Egyptian Aid Linked to White House Ties to Muslim Brotherhood

We've just entered the tin foil hat zone.

"Obama’s support for the Brotherhood goes back to the beginning of his presidency. He even invitedIngrid Mattson, then-president of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), to offer a prayer at the National Cathedral on his first Inauguration Day – despite the fact that ISNA has admitted its ties to the Brotherhood. The previous summer, federal prosecutors rejected a request from ISNA to remove its unindicted co-conspirator status. Obama didn’t ask Mattson to explain ISNA’s links to the Muslim Brotherhood andHamas. On the contrary: he sent his Senior Adviser Valerie Jarrett to be thekeynote speaker at ISNA’s national convention in 2009.

Even worse, in April 2009, Obama appointed Arif Alikhan, the deputy mayor of Los Angeles, as Assistant Secretary for Policy Development at the Department of Homeland Security. Just two weeks before he received this appointment, Alikhan (who once called the jihad terror group Hizballah a “liberation movement”) participated in a fundraiser for the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC). Like ISNA, MPAC has links to the Muslim Brotherhood.

In a book entitled In Fraternity: A Message to Muslims in America, co-author Hassan Hathout, a former MPAC president, is identified as “a close disciple of the late Hassan al-Banna of Egypt.” The MPAC-linked magazine The Minaret spoke of Hassan Hathout’s closeness to al-Banna in a 1997 article: “My father would tell me that Hassan Hathout was a companion of Hassan al-Banna….Hassan Hathout would speak of al-Banna with such love and adoration; he would speak of a relationship not guided by politics or law but by a basic sense of human decency.
Al-Banna, of course, was the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, an admirer of Hitler, and a leader of the movement to (in his words) “push the Jews into the sea.””

Well damn that means pretty much our entire government is run by the Muslim Brotherhood!!! Oh dear Jesus she's right everybody RUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"And so in June 2011, the Administration announced that it was going to establish formal ties with the Brotherhood. The U.S.’s special coordinator for transitions in the Middle East, William Taylor, announced in November 2011 that the U.S. would be “satisfied” with a Muslim Brotherhood victory in the Egyptian elections. In January 2012, Obama announced that he was speeding up the delivery of aid to Egypt, just as U.S. Deputy Secretary of State William Burns held talks with Brotherhood leaders – a move apparently calculated to demoralize the Brotherhood’s opposition in the Egyptian elections.

Not surprisingly, when Muslim Brotherhood candidate Mohamed Morsi was declared the winner of Egypt’s 2012 presidential election, Obama immediately called Morsi to congratulate him."
Dick Cheney and Bratphart were made for each other. Neither one have credibility and haven't for some time. This is the guy who still routinely says Saddam had operational ties with al Qaeda.......
Remember this?

"Cut in Egyptian Aid Linked to White House Ties to Muslim Brotherhood?

Despite earlier commitments from the White House and a bipartisan bloc of congressmen, the Obama administration is postponing the transfer of billions of dollars and advanced weaponry to Egypt.

A bloody crackdown by the military on supporters of Mohamed Morsi following his ouster prompted a review of the planned shipment.

Among the weapons being withheld from Cairo, there are a dozen F-16s; about that many AH-64 Apache helicopters; four M-1/A-1 tank kits; and an undisclosed number of Harpoon missiles.

Perhaps the reneging has less to do with Egypt’s lack of electoral fair play and more to do with President Obama’s desire to punish the currently ruling regime for ousting his friends in the Muslim Brotherhood from the positions of power."
Cut in Egyptian Aid Linked to White House Ties to Muslim Brotherhood

We've just entered the tin foil hat zone.

"Obama’s support for the Brotherhood goes back to the beginning of his presidency. He even invitedIngrid Mattson, then-president of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), to offer a prayer at the National Cathedral on his first Inauguration Day – despite the fact that ISNA has admitted its ties to the Brotherhood. The previous summer, federal prosecutors rejected a request from ISNA to remove its unindicted co-conspirator status. Obama didn’t ask Mattson to explain ISNA’s links to the Muslim Brotherhood andHamas. On the contrary: he sent his Senior Adviser Valerie Jarrett to be thekeynote speaker at ISNA’s national convention in 2009.

Even worse, in April 2009, Obama appointed Arif Alikhan, the deputy mayor of Los Angeles, as Assistant Secretary for Policy Development at the Department of Homeland Security. Just two weeks before he received this appointment, Alikhan (who once called the jihad terror group Hizballah a “liberation movement”) participated in a fundraiser for the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC). Like ISNA, MPAC has links to the Muslim Brotherhood.

In a book entitled In Fraternity: A Message to Muslims in America, co-author Hassan Hathout, a former MPAC president, is identified as “a close disciple of the late Hassan al-Banna of Egypt.” The MPAC-linked magazine The Minaret spoke of Hassan Hathout’s closeness to al-Banna in a 1997 article: “My father would tell me that Hassan Hathout was a companion of Hassan al-Banna….Hassan Hathout would speak of al-Banna with such love and adoration; he would speak of a relationship not guided by politics or law but by a basic sense of human decency.
Al-Banna, of course, was the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, an admirer of Hitler, and a leader of the movement to (in his words) “push the Jews into the sea.””

Well damn that means pretty much our entire government is run by the Muslim Brotherhood!!! Oh dear Jesus she's right everybody RUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"And so in June 2011, the Administration announced that it was going to establish formal ties with the Brotherhood. The U.S.’s special coordinator for transitions in the Middle East, William Taylor, announced in November 2011 that the U.S. would be “satisfied” with a Muslim Brotherhood victory in the Egyptian elections. In January 2012, Obama announced that he was speeding up the delivery of aid to Egypt, just as U.S. Deputy Secretary of State William Burns held talks with Brotherhood leaders – a move apparently calculated to demoralize the Brotherhood’s opposition in the Egyptian elections.

Not surprisingly, when Muslim Brotherhood candidate Mohamed Morsi was declared the winner of Egypt’s 2012 presidential election, Obama immediately called Morsi to congratulate him."

THE SMOKING GUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And who cares what Cheney thinks? He's not quoting anyone but himself.
Cheney should crawl back into his spider hole and shut the fuck up.

Nothing to say about this?

Obama’s foreign policy displayed a decided pro-Brotherhood orientation. Former U.S. prosecutor Andrew C. McCarthy has listed a great many strange collaborations between Obama’s State Department and Muslim Brotherhood organizations, including:

• Secretary Clinton personally intervened to reverse a Bush-administration ruling that barredTariq Ramadan, grandson of the Brotherhood’s founder and son of one of its most influential early leaders, from entering the United States.

• The State Department collaborated with theOrganization of Islamic Cooperation, a bloc of governments heavily influenced by the Brotherhood, in seeking to restrict American free-speech rights in deference to sharia proscriptions against negative criticism of Islam.

• The State Department excluded Israel, the world’s leading target of terrorism, from its “Global Counterterrorism Forum,” a group that brings the United States together with several Islamist governments, prominently including its co-chair, Turkey — which now finances Hamas and avidly supports theflotillasthat seek to break Israel’s blockade of Hamas. At the forum’s kickoff, Secretary Clinton decried various terrorist attacks and groups; but she did not mention Hamas or attacks against Israel — in transparent deference to the Islamist governments, which echo the Brotherhood’s position that Hamas is not a terrorist organization and that attacks against Israel are not terrorism.

• The State Department and the Obama administration waived congressional restrictions in order totransfer$1.5 billion dollars in aid to Egypt after the Muslim Brotherhood’s victory in the parliamentary elections.

• The State Department and the Obama administration waived congressional restrictions in order totransfermillions of dollars in aid to the Palestinian territories notwithstanding that Gaza is ruled by the terrorist organization Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood’s Palestinian branch.

• The State Department and the administration hosted a contingent from Egypt’s newly elected parliament that included not only Muslim Brotherhood members but a member of theIslamic Group (Gamaa al-Islamiyya), which is formally designated as a foreign terrorist organization. The State Department refused to provide Americans with information about the process by which it issued a visa to a member of a designated terrorist organization, about how the members of the Egyptian delegation were selected, or about what security procedures were followed before the delegation was allowed to enter our country. The Huma Unmentionables National Review Online

When do you actually consider the facts, rather than who provides them?

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