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Chicago Collapse: Democrats Destroy Another Once Great City...


Chaos and violence threaten to spiral out of control in America’s third largest city, and nobody seems to have any idea how to solve the problem.

After decades of control by the radical left, many parts of the “Windy City” have become rotting, decaying, gang-infested hellholes. Just like Detroit, the city of Chicago is rapidly becoming a joke to the rest of the world, but a horribly corrupt political culture likely stands in the way of any type of major reform any time soon.

And just like much of the rest of the nation, a spirit of violence and civil unrest is rising in Chicago. So far this year, the number of shootings in Chicago is up 50 percent compared to the same time period last year, and that was before we even got to Memorial Day weekend. As of Sunday morning, at least 40 people had already been shot, and authorities were bracing for even more violence as the holiday weekend stretched on…

The cries to fix what is wrong with Chicago are becoming increasingly desperate, but at this point the city is drowning in debt and is pretty much flat broke.

So the options for doing anything about this growing crisis are quite limited...

Read More:
Dozens Shot Over Memorial Day Weekend As The Collapse Of Chicago Accelerates

Okay. When was Chicago a great city and how does that relate to Democrats?
Here is a radical idea. Instead of blaming everyone but the ones responsible.
It's the folks that live there's fault, they are shooting there selfs . It's not democrats , republicans, or the police . We Americans are tired of this crap, maybe Trump will clean the city up and send the gangbangers to Mexico with all the other illegals.
Let's wake up , take control of our country.

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You don't say? Then who the fuck is running the cities?
The GOP gov appointed a task force to run Flint. How'd that turn out?

I see the trolls are infecting this topic as well. Democrats have been in charge of Chicago for a long time. Every democrat city is in chaos.

How long have the worst cities in the US been under DEMOCRAT control?

Oakland - 33 years
Chicago - 79 years
Philadelphia - 58 years
Baltimore - 43 tears
Newark - 82 years

No one can prove Democrats 'destroyed' Chicago.

Yea, just because they run the city and always have. There hasn't been any conservative influence in Chicago for decades. Liberals own it just like they own Detroit and virtually every high crime city. Look up the government statistics and see for yourself.

Ahem, I have a few questions and statements put forth in no particular order------------>

1. I live in Indiana not more than 15 mls outside Chicago. I have a birds eye view of what is going on as I know people who live there, work there, and most all of them want to get the hell out of there, but I digress.

2. Chicago is going to collapse and file bankruptcy unless Illinois can bail them out. That can't happen, unless the Feds bail Illinois out. As with Detroit, the problem with both city and state budgets are pension liabilities.

So then, as a side note, do we all KNOW that teachers pay something into their retirement fund? You know that, good! Now then, do you know that the money they pay in is actually helping to support teachers that are already retired. You knew that, good! Now then, do you know that much of the amount the feds give to a state for education, depends upon how many students, and student hours there are in an area, then per school, etc. You knew that, good!

So then, if you knew all of the stuff I stated in my last paragraph, can you now understand WHY large municipalities fight like dogs to STOP school vouchers! Let me help you a little-) School vouchers= less students and student hours=less teachers for union dues=also less teachers to pay into retirement fund=state has to put back money it borrowed from teachers retirement fund, or teachers lose part of retirement instantly, or state must float bonds to cover, with AWFUL credit ratings.

So you see, this whole debate about vouchers has NOTHING to do with the children, and is all about LIBERAL POLITICS, and covering up how bad the pooch is screwed, and screwed by them no less. NOTICE: they will throw kids under the bus, before they throw themselves.

3. If I am NOT mistaken, no state can file bankruptcy, it is against the law. Cities, counties, and municipalities can, but not states. People and businesses, are fleeing Chicago and Illinois because of the tax rates. (check it out if you do not believe me) Now for the good part-------->most of the people and businesses are relocating one state away in the direction of states that are controlled by Republicans. (don't believe that either, check it out)

4. So some people would say----------> Hey, Illinois loves far left liberals, let them suffer! Let me tune you in to something------------> In Presidential elections, in governor elections, in senate elections, every county...........let me spell that for you E-V-E-R-Y C-O-U-N-T-Y in Illinois usually votes for the republican, except one; and that would be the charming and delightful county of Cook which is the county Chicago resides in. So in essence, the liberals of CHICAGO are not only going to bring down their city, they are going to bring down the state of Illinois right along with it! So this thread should rather say, Chicago liberals are about to bring Illinois to its knees!

5. And so, we know that pensions are bringing both Chicago, and Illinois to its knees. So how do LIBERALS handle the situation? Chicago teachers rally in Loop to cap day of protests Yep, all about the kids, isn't it, lol.

6. In closing, let me repeat, CHICAGO is going under. When? Within 2 years tops, unless someone bails them out. Just like Detroit, it has been controlled by the left, and this is what leftward policies do when in enacted for extended periods of time. This is what they will do to the country also, because the only way they can get people to vote for them is BRIBE them with goodies, just like Chicago and Detroit did, and now it all comes home to roost!

I wish ratings had more than winner, thank you and right on. CA pension bomb similar but they got weather and coast. Wish I had keyboard, but glad you all aware to do it for me.

I see the trolls are infecting this topic as well. Democrats have been in charge of Chicago for a long time. Every democrat city is in chaos.

How long have the worst cities in the US been under DEMOCRAT control?

Oakland - 33 years
Chicago - 79 years
Philadelphia - 58 years
Baltimore - 43 years
Newark - 82 years

No one can prove Democrats 'destroyed' Chicago.

Yea, just because they run the city and always have. There hasn't been any conservative influence in Chicago for decades. Liberals own it just like they own Detroit and virtually every high crime city. Look up the government statistics and see for yourself.

Ahem, I have a few questions and statements put forth in no particular order------------>

1. I live in Indiana not more than 15 mls outside Chicago. I have a birds eye view of what is going on as I know people who live there, work there, and most all of them want to get the hell out of there, but I digress.

2. Chicago is going to collapse and file bankruptcy unless Illinois can bail them out. That can't happen, unless the Feds bail Illinois out. As with Detroit, the problem with both city and state budgets are pension liabilities.

So then, as a side note, do we all KNOW that teachers pay something into their retirement fund? You know that, good! Now then, do you know that the money they pay in is actually helping to support teachers that are already retired. You knew that, good! Now then, do you know that much of the amount the feds give to a state for education, depends upon how many students, and student hours there are in an area, then per school, etc. You knew that, good!

So then, if you knew all of the stuff I stated in my last paragraph, can you now understand WHY large municipalities fight like dogs to STOP school vouchers! Let me help you a little-) School vouchers= less students and student hours=less teachers for union dues=also less teachers to pay into retirement fund=state has to put back money it borrowed from teachers retirement fund, or teachers lose part of retirement instantly, or state must float bonds to cover, with AWFUL credit ratings.

So you see, this whole debate about vouchers has NOTHING to do with the children, and is all about LIBERAL POLITICS, and covering up how bad the pooch is screwed, and screwed by them no less. NOTICE: they will throw kids under the bus, before they throw themselves.

3. If I am NOT mistaken, no state can file bankruptcy, it is against the law. Cities, counties, and municipalities can, but not states. People and businesses, are fleeing Chicago and Illinois because of the tax rates. (check it out if you do not believe me) Now for the good part-------->most of the people and businesses are relocating one state away in the direction of states that are controlled by Republicans. (don't believe that either, check it out)

4. So some people would say----------> Hey, Illinois loves far left liberals, let them suffer! Let me tune you in to something------------> In Presidential elections, in governor elections, in senate elections, every county...........let me spell that for you E-V-E-R-Y C-O-U-N-T-Y in Illinois usually votes for the republican, except one; and that would be the charming and delightful county of Cook which is the county Chicago resides in. So in essence, the liberals of CHICAGO are not only going to bring down their city, they are going to bring down the state of Illinois right along with it! So this thread should rather say, Chicago liberals are about to bring Illinois to its knees!

5. And so, we know that pensions are bringing both Chicago, and Illinois to its knees. So how do LIBERALS handle the situation? Chicago teachers rally in Loop to cap day of protests Yep, all about the kids, isn't it, lol.

6. In closing, let me repeat, CHICAGO is going under. When? Within 2 years tops, unless someone bails them out. Just like Detroit, it has been controlled by the left, and this is what leftward policies do when in enacted for extended periods of time. This is what they will do to the country also, because the only way they can get people to vote for them is BRIBE them with goodies, just like Chicago and Detroit did, and now it all comes home to roost!

Don't know what's elusive about this --- NO city is "controlled by the left" or "controlled by the right". It just isn't present at that level. Does not appear.

Now you may be trying to construct, as others have, a classic Association Fallacy: "City X 'run by Democrats', therefore whatever City X does is "Democratic". Same as "most drunk drivers involve cars made by one of the Big Three, therefore the Big Three cause drunk driving accidents".

That might have a chance to fool some people, if not for the fact that Chicago is just like about 98% of big cities everywhere --- they're ALL run by Democrats. Rich ones, poor ones, wet ones, dry ones, fat ones, skinny ones, black ones, white, ones, etc etc etc etc etc.

That's gotta be inconvenient.

I am going back to this POGO post. He/she claims that the reason we tie these disasters to Democrats, is because all cities are run by Democrats. OK, fair enough I say, can I have an Amen on the reality that virtually 85% of the cities in America are run by Democrats. (if you want to make it 90% or even 99%, for the sake of debate, we will accept that also!)

Now then, what makes a city succeed, while others fail? FISCAL, RESPONSIBILITY. Chicago and Detroit's problem isn't they weren't viable, it was they PROMISED TO MANY TO MUCH! And who/whom/ which party is the bastion of FISCAL IRRESPONSEABILITY today? Why, those loving Socialist, liberal, far left Democrats, who want to give away free college, healthcare, housing, food stamps, etc........and.......wait for it...........give it ALL to illegal aliens too!

So when POGO says with a straight face, (and I know he is actually laughing like hell as he tries to spin it) that the reason Democrats get the blame, is they control all cities, insinuating that since some will always fail meaning that it is not because of Democratic control, but rather because the odds say they will..........is just ridiculous.

Where was Obama before Washington? How much debt has Obama added on to the country? Where do you think he was taught this nonsense? Where was Valerie Jarret? Where was David Axelrod? It is a who's who of the Democratic machine, and they are all from the same place, not to mention HRC was raised right outside of Chicago in Park Ridge I believe, lol. I mean, who are the far leftists trying to fool here!

These Democrats are NOT Democrats, they are far left Socialists, period. Forget the rhetoric, what does Obama and JFK have in common as far as how they govern? And remember, NOT what they say, but actually do! I will tell you, virtually NOTHING! The last REAL Democrat we had was Bill Clinton, (and he was transitioning as the lefties like to call it, lol) and he was married to a far leftist named Hillary who almost took his Presidency down with her Hillarycare bullshit.

And so, look at the cities, and discount New York because they have those evil rich Republicans propping their liberal asses up on Wall Street! If a city is successful, look at the policies put in place, then you tell me who that sounds like...........Obama, or Romney, and once you discover that, you will know what everyone else knows----------->you go left, and all the businesses leave, and what you have is the poor that you have to support. Watch what happens in Seattle, lol, and you will learn a very important truth..........unless you use absolute force, people are going to FLEE liberal policies that actually make money, and run to those places when they can get a free ride if they are poor-) Why do you think California is so full of illegals! Did you know Chicago is full of them also? I rest my case-)
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Why can't we blame all this on the people that live there. It's always someone else's fault . Democrats, Republicans they don't pull the trigger on the guns,
Oh I forgot it must be whities fault.

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Anytime Democrats call for increased gun control, ask them to explain how and why the plan and results will be different for America vs. Chicago. It's like pointing out to Sanders and his supporters the failures of Socialism in other countries and their response as to why more Socialism in the US will be successful is "we're not them" yet provide no how and why. Kind of like, " let's pass the legislation so we can find out what's in it."

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