Chicago concealed carry gun owner kills robber...

Ordering the clerk into the back room at gun point changes everything.
I disagree. Had he locked them both in a room, taken the money and gone, no one would have been harmed. To really be in the clear here, you have to wait until the guy starts shooting, at a person.

Dude, If the armed street thug has already killed the clerk, then why bother getting involved. The time to act was before they entered the back room.

And for you to approach an armed street thug in an enclosed room with only one way in amounts to a suicidal act on your part.
He didn't kill anyone, more than likely wouldn't have, and if you don't want to be charged with murder you'd better wait until he starts shooting.

Ordering the clerk into the backroom at gunpoint changes everything
Nope. It changes nothing. The clerk might have felt threatened but he still wasn't.

You have go to be the dumbest person in this forum and the biggest pussy.

If a person has a gun on you and you "feel" threatened, you have the right to defend yourself from that threat. How is a person to know that the thug ordering them into a backroom wasn't going to then kill them.
I disagree. Had he locked them both in a room, taken the money and gone, no one would have been harmed. To really be in the clear here, you have to wait until the guy starts shooting, at a person.

Dude, If the armed street thug has already killed the clerk, then why bother getting involved. The time to act was before they entered the back room.

And for you to approach an armed street thug in an enclosed room with only one way in amounts to a suicidal act on your part.
He didn't kill anyone, more than likely wouldn't have, and if you don't want to be charged with murder you'd better wait until he starts shooting.

Ordering the clerk into the backroom at gunpoint changes everything
Nope. It changes nothing. The clerk might have felt threatened but he still wasn't.

You have go to be the dumbest person in this forum and the biggest pussy.

If a person has a gun on you and you "feel" threatened, you have the right to defend yourself from that threat. How is a person to know that the thug ordering them into a backroom wasn't going to then kill them.
The shooter wasn't the one being forced to a back room.
I disagree. Had he locked them both in a room, taken the money and gone, no one would have been harmed. To really be in the clear here, you have to wait until the guy starts shooting, at a person.

Dude, If the armed street thug has already killed the clerk, then why bother getting involved. The time to act was before they entered the back room.

And for you to approach an armed street thug in an enclosed room with only one way in amounts to a suicidal act on your part.
He didn't kill anyone, more than likely wouldn't have, and if you don't want to be charged with murder you'd better wait until he starts shooting.

Ordering the clerk into the backroom at gunpoint changes everything
Nope. It changes nothing. The clerk might have felt threatened but he still wasn't.

You have go to be the dumbest person in this forum and the biggest pussy.

If a person has a gun on you and you "feel" threatened, you have the right to defend yourself from that threat. How is a person to know that the thug ordering them into a backroom wasn't going to then kill them.

You should at least try to understand that you're dealing with trolls here.

Ordering the clerk into the backroom at gunpoint changes everything
Wow, but according to the OP there were 1,999,999 exact same cases last night of violet crimes being stopped. Yet all we heard about was one.

Either the OP was lying or....there is no second option...the OP is a liar.
Are you fucking high? He was waiving a gun around, and you think that he is only a threat if he actually pulls the trigger and shoots somebody? That kind of thinking would completely eviscerate self-defense law, you moron.

Son, you need to go think about your position a little more, or sober up.
PMH is a big criminal supporter. No crime should be punished and he even thinks that humans are a pox on the world so actually adviocates that people be killed. Why he snivels over a criminal getting killed I have no idea.
Paint is apparently also a total moron. This is simple stuff. That shooter is not going to be charged with a crime, even in Chicago. You point a gun at someone and a victim or bystander in the vicinity shoots and kills the guy, then it is self-defense. If he is shot fleeing, then you would probably see a voluntary manslaughter charge, but that is not what happened here.
We'll see, but if there was no threat, it's second-degree murder. Keep that in mind eh?

As of today on Chicago news there will likely be not charges against the good guy…..
As I said, we'll see. Was it justified or not, up to the state to make the initial call. As for the civil suit against him, that's not even an open question. He'll see the family in court.

And he will prevail and then he will sue the families attorney for malicious prosecution and the lawyer will lose his ass. It's amazing how juries despise asshole lawyers and their clients. I have seen it happen over and over and over.
We'll see, but if there was no threat, it's second-degree murder. Keep that in mind eh?

As of today on Chicago news there will likely be not charges against the good guy…..
As i said, we'll see. Was it justified or not, up to the state to make the initial call. As for the civil suit against him, that's not even an open question. He'll see the family in court.
Nope. It will not go anywhere. It will be thrown out on summary judgment if it is even filed. The fuckwit's family will have to retain counsel on a pro bono basis.
It would not get thrown out. It's a perfectly valid case since the guy who shot him wasn't being threatened. That's a decent civil rights and wrongful death claim right there. And there's video so, he's kind of fucked if he was just playing the hero. Time will tell but he's going to have an interesting couple of years either way.
You are high again, I see.

He certainly doesn't understand the legal system, that's for sure. He reminds of the little brat screaming at the top of his lungs in the checkout line, "but I want it!"
Wow, but according to the OP there were 1,999,999 exact same cases last night of violet crimes being stopped. Yet all we heard about was one.

Either the OP was lying or....there is no second option...the OP is a liar.

The only ones that make it into the media are where the bad guy gets shot. Most DGU have no shot fired. You see, most people are relatively intelligent (clearly you don't qualify for even that low standard) so don't wish to get shot so they stop whatever activity they were doing.
Ordering the clerk into the back room at gun point changes everything.
I disagree. Had he locked them both in a room, taken the money and gone, no one would have been harmed. To really be in the clear here, you have to wait until the guy starts shooting, at a person.

Dude, If the armed street thug has already killed the clerk, then why bother getting involved. The time to act was before they entered the back room.

And for you to approach an armed street thug in an enclosed room with only one way in amounts to a suicidal act on your part.
He didn't kill anyone, more than likely wouldn't have, and if you don't want to be charged with murder you'd better wait until he starts shooting.

Ordering the clerk into the backroom at gunpoint changes everything
Nope. It changes nothing. The clerk might have felt threatened but he still wasn't.

Wrong, that constitutes "False Imprisonment" and as any law enforcement official will tell you the odds of a violent outcome increase exponentially when the perp orders you to leave the immediate vicinity of the original crime. This is well known.
Wow, but according to the OP there were 1,999,999 exact same cases last night of violet crimes being stopped. Yet all we heard about was one.

Either the OP was lying or....there is no second option...the OP is a liar.

Acording to bill clinton, the Jesus figure of the democrat party, and his study, Americans use guns 1.5 million times a year….not a day…..his two anti gun researchers found that number out with their very own study which they put together…….
Wow, but according to the OP there were 1,999,999 exact same cases last night of violet crimes being stopped. Yet all we heard about was one.

Either the OP was lying or....there is no second option...the OP is a liar.

Here you go….clinton's study will be highlighted for you………

I just averaged the studies......which were conducted by different researchers, from both private and public researchers, over a period of 40 years looking specifically at guns and self defense....the name of the researcher is first, then the year then the number of times they determined guns were used for self defense......notice how many of them there are and how many of them were done by gun grabbers like the clinton Justice Dept. and the obama CDC

And these aren't all of the studies either...there are more...and they support the ones below.....

A quick guide to the studies and the numbers.....the full lay out of what was studied by each study is in the links....
GunCite-Gun Control-How Often Are Guns Used in Self-Defense

GunCite Frequency of Defensive Gun Use in Previous Surveys

Field...1976....3,052,717 ( no cops, military)
DMIa 1978...2,141,512 ( no cops, military)
L.A. TIMES...1994...3,609,68 ( no cops, military)
Kleck......1994...2.5 million ( no cops, military)

Obama's CDC....2013....500,000--3million



DMIb...1978...1,098,409 ( no cops, military)

Hart...1981...1.797,461 ( no cops, military)

Mauser...1990...1,487,342 ( no cops, military)

Gallup...1993...1,621,377 ( no cops, military)

DEPT. OF JUSTICE...1994...1.5 million (bill clinton study)

Journal of Quantitative Criminology--- 989,883 times per year."

(Based on survey data from a 2000 study published in the Journal of Quantitative Criminology,[17] U.S. civilians use guns to defend themselves and others from crime at least 989,883 times per year.[18])

Paper: "Measuring Civilian Defensive Firearm Use: A Methodological Experiment." By David McDowall and others. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, March 2000. Measuring Civilian Defensive Firearm Use: A Methodological Experiment - Springer




Tarrance... 1994... 764,036 (no cops, military)

Lawerence Southwich Jr. 400,000 fewer violent crimes and at least 800,000 violent crimes deterred..
If you take the studies from that Kleck cites in his paper, 16 of them....and you only average the ones that exclude military and police shootings..the average becomes 2 million...I use those studies because I have the details on them...and they are still 10 studies (including Kleck's)....
Killing a guy who probably would have left peacefully with some cash is not protecting society. That is not worth a human life. That is why nearly everything like that has,as policy, do what he says and give him the cash. Do not go after him or you're fired. That is for the protection of the customers and the staff.

The robber obviously think that couple of hundreds is worth more then his life. I say, let him go for it.
Yes..another shooting for Chicago concealed carry permit day the criminals will get the point that democrats can no longer disarm the victims of crime...the victims can finally shoot back...

AP News - Police: Concealed carry license holder kills armed gunman

CHICAGO (AP) — Chicago police say a customer with a concealed carry license shot and killed an armed man attempting to rob a neighborhood store.

Police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said a masked man walked into the store and currency exchange about 7 p.m. Saturday on the city's southwest side, displayed a handgun and announced a robbery to an employ
Meanwhile 12 killed and another 26 injured in the last 72 hours by a gun in the rest of the country:

Last 72 Hours | Gun Violence Archive

In the ghetto....but those lives dont matter.
I disagree. Had he locked them both in a room, taken the money and gone, no one would have been harmed. To really be in the clear here, you have to wait until the guy starts shooting, at a person.

Well, you go ahead and live by that sword. Let us know if you don't die by it as well.
I disagree. Had he locked them both in a room, taken the money and gone, no one would have been harmed. To really be in the clear here, you have to wait until the guy starts shooting, at a person.

Well, you go ahead and live by that sword. Let us know if you don't die by it as well.

People who "live" by that rule tend to wind up in the obits sooner than later.
Yes..another shooting for Chicago concealed carry permit day the criminals will get the point that democrats can no longer disarm the victims of crime...the victims can finally shoot back...

AP News - Police: Concealed carry license holder kills armed gunman

CHICAGO (AP) — Chicago police say a customer with a concealed carry license shot and killed an armed man attempting to rob a neighborhood store.

Police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said a masked man walked into the store and currency exchange about 7 p.m. Saturday on the city's southwest side, displayed a handgun and announced a robbery to an employ
Didn't know that robbery was a capital offense? Interesting.

Ordering the clerk into the back room at gun point changes everything.
I disagree. Had he locked them both in a room, taken the money and gone, no one would have been harmed. To really be in the clear here, you have to wait until the guy starts shooting, at a person.

I'd be alright with that.... as long we could be certain the guy opened up on a liberal to kick things off.
I disagree. Had he locked them both in a room, taken the money and gone, no one would have been harmed. To really be in the clear here, you have to wait until the guy starts shooting, at a person.

Well, you go ahead and live by that sword. Let us know if you don't die by it as well.
I have no issues with not playing John Wayne.
I disagree. Had he locked them both in a room, taken the money and gone, no one would have been harmed. To really be in the clear here, you have to wait until the guy starts shooting, at a person.

Dude, If the armed street thug has already killed the clerk, then why bother getting involved. The time to act was before they entered the back room.

And for you to approach an armed street thug in an enclosed room with only one way in amounts to a suicidal act on your part.
He didn't kill anyone, more than likely wouldn't have, and if you don't want to be charged with murder you'd better wait until he starts shooting.

Ordering the clerk into the backroom at gunpoint changes everything
Nope. It changes nothing. The clerk might have felt threatened but he still wasn't.

Wrong, that constitutes "False Imprisonment" and as any law enforcement official will tell you the odds of a violent outcome increase exponentially when the perp orders you to leave the immediate vicinity of the original crime. This is well known.
The shooter wasn't ordered to leave.
Dude, If the armed street thug has already killed the clerk, then why bother getting involved. The time to act was before they entered the back room.

And for you to approach an armed street thug in an enclosed room with only one way in amounts to a suicidal act on your part.
He didn't kill anyone, more than likely wouldn't have, and if you don't want to be charged with murder you'd better wait until he starts shooting.

Ordering the clerk into the backroom at gunpoint changes everything
Nope. It changes nothing. The clerk might have felt threatened but he still wasn't.

Wrong, that constitutes "False Imprisonment" and as any law enforcement official will tell you the odds of a violent outcome increase exponentially when the perp orders you to leave the immediate vicinity of the original crime. This is well known.
The shooter wasn't ordered to leave.

No, the clerk was. That takes it to a whole new level. You don't have a leg to stand on dude. The fact that you wish to die at the hands of a scumbag is fine with us. Don't demand that poor clerks have to die too.
You know, Paint, you really are a despicable piece of shit contrarian. The thug was armed. Not only is he guilty of armed robbery but also aggravated assault. If someone dropped dead of a heart attack during the robbery then the thug would be guilty of felony murder.

Fuck that scum fuck. If you have a weapon confronting someone for whatever reason then you are putting a reasonable person in apprehension of immediate death or severe bodily injury, in which case deadly force is both legal and appropriate.,
Not much good to not take a gun to a robbery like that eh? And armed robbery is still not a capital offense here, and no one was assaulted.
The victims where not executing Justice, they were defending THEMSELVES. Whether it is a capital offense is of no consequence, fuck breath.
They were in no actual danger, more than likely. That is now for the state to decide.
Bullshit. The sub-human was a serial armed robber.
It doesn't matter. If he didn't shoot anyone then he wasn't a threat.

Great!! I guess that means you're an open carry advocate by anyone who chooses to do so.
Are you fucking high? He was waiving a gun around, and you think that he is only a threat if he actually pulls the trigger and shoots somebody? That kind of thinking would completely eviscerate self-defense law, you moron.

Son, you need to go think about your position a little more, or sober up.
PMH is a big criminal supporter. No crime should be punished and he even thinks that humans are a pox on the world so actually adviocates that people be killed. Why he snivels over a criminal getting killed I have no idea.
Paint is apparently also a total moron. This is simple stuff. That shooter is not going to be charged with a crime, even in Chicago. You point a gun at someone and a victim or bystander in the vicinity shoots and kills the guy, then it is self-defense. If he is shot fleeing, then you would probably see a voluntary manslaughter charge, but that is not what happened here.
We'll see, but if there was no threat, it's second-degree murder. Keep that in mind eh?
It would be a truly moronic ADA that would bring that case to court. The shooter would be thanked by the members of the jury. You really have no clue just how stupid your position is, do you....
Kids, you can't just shoot people committing a crime. Now you know.

Sure you can. Break into my house or try and carjack me and I'll prove it.

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