Chicago High end store looted and on film


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2020

Just another day in Chicago
We still have 4 days until Black Friday

What types of actions can these stores take ??
Don’t they have armed guards after hours ??
Is there some reason we should care? This is laissez faire and social Darwinism at its finest expression. If its good enough for Wall Street and its politicans its good enough for everybody.
You know what color they are, I opine you don't they are wearing masks.

Lets hear for CCTV.

I find it funny that on Blue states and have a problem with mostly white cities, who is planning this.
Blacks doing what they do best. Destroying and screwing over the society around them.

Yeah but as the old democrat saying goes "blacks comitt the most crimes, comitt the most murders, burn, loot, steal, sell drugs, run from the cops, and become felons because....... racism".

They want segregation, well I say we segrate them to another country so they can be free of white oppression and I can have a safer and more comfortable country to live.
High end real state in urban areas like SF and Chicago plunge due to Democrats allowing looting, then in a few months friends of people like Gavin Newsom swoop in and pick it up for pennies on the dollar and suddenly the Democrats will come along with 'infrastructure subsidies' and law and order speeches and lots of cops on the streets in front of their buddies new property investments. Works like a charm. It's just business, so no need for 'Libertarians' to interfere is there? Those stores should have hired more private cops instead of mooching off the government.

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