Chicago Machine Keeps Illinois Democratic

Chicago is the murder capital of the USA. Totally run by Democrats. It's so bad that even the Obamas moved out.
Chicago is the murder capital of the USA. Totally run by Democrats. It's so bad that even the Obamas moved out.
Chicago, San Francisco, New York City....complete failures to our nation and on top of that " sanctuary cities." What a sad display of municipal leadership.
Hilarious! I suspect my dad, who passed away last August, and my mom, who passed away in 2013, will most likely be voting Democrat, as well.
More hilarity! American agencies have investigated voter fraud and found about .0002% activity. But Russian trolls make the claim and you are ready to bet the Constitution on it.

The Guardian:
A small office of Russian trolls could derail 241 years of US political history with a handful of dank memes and an advertising budget that would barely buy you a billboard in Brooklyn.
Silicon Valley helped Russia sway the US election. So now what? | Emily Bell

1. When either Dems or Republicans complain about voter fraud, the powers-that-be always reply with the stock answer that any fraud is insignificant and does not affect the final tally.

2. Our history shows otherwise. E.g., in the 1960 election (Senator Kennedy vs. Vice President Nixon), it is generally accepted that there was fraud on both sides, in such states as Illinois and Texas.

3. Personally, I have no doubt there WILL be election fraud in November -- on both sides. (Yes, besides dead people, there WILL be some unauthorized immigrants who vote.)

4. I think that Americans should be very cautious when they criticize other nations for fraudulent elections. To the best of my knowledge, only some European nations have squeaky-clean elections.

a. Don't forget: One of our presidential elections after the Civil War was so dubious that people referred to the "winner" as "His Fraudulency."
1. When either Dems or Republicans complain about voter fraud, the powers-that-be always reply with the stock answer that any fraud is insignificant and does not affect the final tally.

2. Our history shows otherwise. E.g., in the 1960 election (Senator Kennedy vs. Vice President Nixon), it is generally accepted that there was fraud on both sides, in such states as Illinois and Texas.

3. Personally, I have no doubt there WILL be election fraud in November -- on both sides. (Yes, besides dead people, there WILL be some unauthorized immigrants who vote.)

4. I think that Americans should be very cautious when they criticize other nations for fraudulent elections. To the best of my knowledge, only some European nations have squeaky-clean elections.

a. Don't forget: One of our presidential elections after the Civil War was so dubious that people referred to the "winner" as "His Fraudulency."
You betcha Illinois will.
Same with New York, California, and half a dozen other states. Crooked bastards.
Machine Politics
Wow! Do you realize how funny it is that you post a complaint about crooked politicians when several convicted on evidence by juries have just been pardoned by your god?

Who is your god that you in your wickedness accuse others or worshipping false gods?

Only The Accuser of The Brethren does that.

So who is your god?
Chicago has been in thrall to the Democratic Party since 1932.

And, given its $hithole state, it's time for that to change.

Now, all you need to do is to convince hundreds of thousands of Blacks and Hispanics to vote Republican. :21:

They bitch about it a lot but they DO love their familiar segregated Urban Plantation.

And White Suburbia is content that they remain penned-up where they're hurting themselves rather than bothering White Folk.

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