Chicago Mayor: Emanuel Kicked Off Ballot

Chicago has become a failed Third World nightmare. The Democrats sure have done a number on that City. It really was once a wonderful grand City. Not it's just a miserable blight on mankind. How sad. :(

It's a 3rd world in Chicago? News to me. Where do you live? I'd love to know where heaven on earth exists.

I know where Hell is. It's in Chicago. The Dems destroyed that once grand City a long time ago. Chicago deserves Braun or Emanuel. I see things only getting worse in Chicago. Permanent Third World Misery is their future.
Ima gonna let yall in on a little secret.

It doesn't matter who the mayor is, the dem machine is very well oiled and all pols in Chi-town have to go through the mob to get anything done.

If it's not Mayor First name Daley, it's a figure head.
Chicago has become a failed Third World nightmare. The Democrats sure have done a number on that City. It really was once a wonderful grand City. Not it's just a miserable blight on mankind. How sad. :(

It's a 3rd world in Chicago? News to me. Where do you live? I'd love to know where heaven on earth exists.

I know where Hell is. It's in Chicago. The Dems destroyed that once grand City a long time ago. Chicago deserves Braun or Emanuel. I see things only getting worse in Chicago. Permanent Third World Misery is their future.

Where do you live? I'd love to know where heaven on earth exists.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. This is priceless, Obamas right hand man, gets his ass kicked off the ballot!!!!!
2. This falls squarely on Obamas plate, spulat!
3. And will follow him to the next election!
4. We will use this, till we wear out Rahm's head bashing it into the political door come next election!!!:clap2:
5. Boom, boom, boom,..infinity.:lol:
6. Oh don't go limp, we have to use this, this is politics!!!!!!


I would pay good money to get a glimpse in to what your real life is like. I'm sure it's fascinating.

1. Very perseptive of you.
2. The world would like to know, right along with you.
3. But its something that must remain private.
4. But, "Stay thirsty my friends".

Chicago has become a failed Third World nightmare. The Democrats sure have done a number on that City. It really was once a wonderful grand City. Not it's just a miserable blight on mankind. How sad. :(

It's a 3rd world in Chicago? News to me. Where do you live? I'd love to know where heaven on earth exists.

I know where Hell is. It's in Chicago. The Dems destroyed that once grand City a long time ago. Chicago deserves Braun or Emanuel. I see things only getting worse in Chicago. Permanent Third World Misery is their future.

Hold up there cupcake.

Chicago is at least a decade away from looking like Detroit.

It's not 3rd world or even crappy by American standards.

With the increased taxes and spending by the gov and another dem about to become mayor, things are not looking good, but "3rd world" is over the top.
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is funny because?:confused: When it was Cheney being eligible for the VP, that wasn't so funny was it? I think these issues should be addressed & set in stone for whatever the case maybe, so they stop tying up government on mudane issues. Just like O' birth certificate. Instead of establishing clear eligibility requirements, Congress dicks it around so nothing gets fixed. I suppose if the Supreme Court rules on this Emanuel issue, it will still leave 49 more states to each go through the same thing eventually.
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Chicago has become a failed Third World nightmare. The Democrats sure have done a number on that City. It really was once a wonderful grand City. Not it's just a miserable blight on mankind. How sad. :(

It's a 3rd world in Chicago? News to me. Where do you live? I'd love to know where heaven on earth exists.

I know where Hell is. It's in Chicago. The Dems destroyed that once grand City a long time ago. Chicago deserves Braun or Emanuel. I see things only getting worse in Chicago. Permanent Third World Misery is their future.

How did the dems destroy Chicago? LOL!! If that is true, retards destroyed Presidio, Texas.
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It's a 3rd world in Chicago? News to me. Where do you live? I'd love to know where heaven on earth exists.

I know where Hell is. It's in Chicago. The Dems destroyed that once grand City a long time ago. Chicago deserves Braun or Emanuel. I see things only getting worse in Chicago. Permanent Third World Misery is their future.

How did the dems destroy Chicago? LOL!! If that is true, retards destroyed Presidio, Texas.

Right now Chi-towns future is not bright.

Mayor Daley is saying that the Gov is a fool to increase spending and taxes, the Gov of MO and IN are laughing at them knowing corps will move right over for a better biz atmosphere.

I won't look as bad as Detroit, b/c it has multiple sources, but it won't be the great city it was in about 10 years.
Whoa! I smell NEW tragedy here!

Ironic that rules to keep the local boys in power screwed one of their overachievers.

Ya flunked Chicago Politics 101 Emanuel. Always buy your votes/decisions ahead of time.
Chicago Mayor: Emanuel Kicked Off Ballot

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is funny because?:confused: When it was Cheney being eligible for the VP, that wasn't so funny was it? I think these issues should be addressed & set in stone for whatever the case maybe, so they stop tying up government on mudane issues. Just like O' birth certificate. Instead of establishing clear eligibility requirements, Congress dicks it around so nothing gets fixed. I suppose if the Supreme Court rules on this Emanuel issue, it will still leave 49 more states to each go through the same thing eventually.

The Supreme Court of Who? The US?

They wouldn't touch this with a ten foot pole. It is obviously a local issue, and the City has every right to dictate who and how someone can become Mayor. Rahm didn't meet the requirements, but thought they'd look the other way. They didn't give a shit who he was, he doesn't get to run.

The Supreme Court of Illinois?

They wouldn't touch this with a ten foot pole. It is obviously a local issue, and the City has every right to dictate who and how someone can become Mayor. Rahm didn't meet the requirements, but thought they'd look the other way. They didn't give a shit who he was, he doesn't get to run.

His best bet is to apply for Olberman's old gig. I do't think they'd hire him either, but it will be proof for his unemployment officer.

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