Chicago mayor floats idea of sending migrants to suburbs

I have a more old fashioned idea for how to deal with the illegal immigrants flooding Chicago and NYC and so forth. Instead of moving them to the suburbs, why not move them back to where they came from? It’s called “deportation.”

And if they try illegal entry a second time, it’s called a felony and an appropriate prison sentence before they get deported again.

I agree, but it's not happening. Instead, cities like NYC are wanting the federal government to give them billions of dollars to build housing for illegals. You can thank Joe:

Biden in 2019: The Fact​

A video clipping of Biden speaking at a debate prior to general elections in 2019 clearly shows him say, 'Surge the borders.' "I would in fact make sure that there is immediately a surge to the border. They deserve to be heard. That's who we are. "We're a nation that says, 'You want to flee, and you're fleeing oppression, you should come,'" Biden had told during a debate moderated by Univision's Jorge Ramos in 2019.
But now that reality is smacking them in their “progressive” face, they are belatedly learning that “woke”!comes at a heavy price. Maybe they are actually learning.

Part of good governance of states and cities is for the elected officials to admit when they have been wrong. Part of that is to make the moves needed to undo their past mistakes.
It is all one hot mess. Abbott sends illegals to sanctuary cities--NYC, Chicago, DC, Baltimore, LA, SF, Portland and Seattle. Those cities become overwhelmed and petition state and feds for money to relocate these illegals to surrounding areas which accomplishes exactly what Biden and the DNC wanted all along--wide spread dissemination of the invading force with no place to focus blame. Put it where it belongs--Biden and the globalist DNC.
This needs to be the map for how migrants are distributed throughout the country, and in the states that are sanctuaries, start with the voters who put the politicians that declared it in office.

When those green states have filled every hotel, apartment building, school, business, and private home with migrants, then we can open a conversation about what to do with the overflow.

This needs to be the map for how migrants are distributed throughout the country, and in the states that are sanctuaries, start with the voters who put the politicians that declared it in office.

When those green states have filled every hotel, apartment building, school, business, and private home with migrants, then we can open a conversation about what to do with the overflow.

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Delaware isn't a 'green' state?
Fucking msm. Notice how the term has morphed from illegal aliens to illegal immigrants to immigrants to asylum seekers and now they are just every day migrants moving from place to place.

George Carlin had a fantastic bit about softening language to the point it means nothing.

And his examples are correct. It gets worse every generation.

It is all one hot mess. Abbott sends illegals to sanctuary cities--NYC, Chicago, DC, Baltimore, LA, SF, Portland and Seattle. Those cities become overwhelmed and petition state and feds for money to relocate these illegals to surrounding areas which accomplishes exactly what Biden and the DNC wanted all along--wide spread dissemination of the invading force with no place to focus blame. Put it where it belongs--Biden and the globalist DNC.
Another reason we need to vote this Administration out of office. And we need to put a guy like Trump into the Oval Office. And we need to vote all the BLM- and Antifa- supporting whackadoo liberals out of Congress and put in some conservatives to restore our republic, too.
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George Carlin had a fantastic bit about softening language to the point it means nothing.

And his examples are correct. It gets worse every generation.

Love George Carlin. Too bad no one stepped in to fill the void he left when he DIED.
And nobody cares.
Have you contacted your lawmakers, or is Biden's border flood okay with you?

Lol, if he does that the middleclass will leave his state. Its game over if that happens. It would take a century to turn it around, if they are lucky. They will likely just become the next Detroit, permanently.
Love George Carlin. Too bad no one stepped in to fill the void he left when he DIED.
Carlin started strong but went out with a collective groan by the audience. Comedy became more nuanced and subtle with the Simpsons, Larson's Far Side, and then South Park.

Americans wanted politics in comedy and the political right would sit there listening to Carlin with their teeth clenched as he took them down, gag after gag.
Carlin started strong but went out with a collective groan by the audience. Comedy became more nuanced and subtle with the Simpsons, Larson's Far Side, and then South Park.

Americans wanted politics in comedy and the political right would sit there listening to Carlin with their teeth clenched as he took them down, gag after gag.
What the hell does this have to do with the thread topic?
Democrats shouldn’t be sending violators of US Immigration laws anywhere. They are the party of Open Borders, lax immigration enforcement, and sanctuary cities. Let the Democrats figure this out.

I agree, that's why I think the "sanctuary" states need to be filled to the brim before any other state has to take a single illegal.
Carlin started strong but went out with a collective groan by the audience. Comedy became more nuanced and subtle with the Simpsons, Larson's Far Side, and then South Park.

Americans wanted politics in comedy and the political right would sit there listening to Carlin with their teeth clenched as he took them down, gag after gag.
Thank you for admitting that you fail to grasp anything but cartoons, duck. We knew it, but the confirmation means everything.
I agree, that's why I think the "sanctuary" states need to be filled to the brim before any other state has to take a single illegal.

Any state that's not a sanctuary state should be arresting illegals and deporting them.

But since the federal government won't cooperate, the only thing the states can do is leave them at the border and hope for the best.

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