Chicago mob attacks car with woman and her kids in it

The only answer is strict segregation. If she knew that she was headed into a forbidden area she should not have gone. There is no such thing any more as an integrated neighborhood.
How lucky for this family a cop car happened by. No telling how far the mob would have gone.

"The group, all African-American, she says, kicked the vehicle and shook it violently, the kids in the back screaming.

Pedersen said one person was on a bicycle, the group using it as a battering ram, shattering the back window, with glass flying into the third-row seat, where 3-year-old Benjamin was seated. The broken glass left cuts on the boy.

Pedersen said a police car, which happened to be nearby, arrived and the group scattered."
If this is not a hate crime than none exist.
If a black mother and two kids were driving in...say...the Elk Grove area and a group of white kids yelled ****** and broke the glass in etc....national headlines. PERIOD.
The left apologist/situation ethics is dividing this nation at an alarming rate.
If this is not a hate crime than none exist.
If a black mother and two kids were driving in...say...the Elk Grove area and a group of white kids yelled ****** and broke the glass in etc....national headlines. PERIOD.
The left apologist/situation ethics is dividing this nation at an alarming rate.

Uh...cracker whitey honky...WTF? Okay the work *igger is "***"'d out but other racial epitaphs are not?

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