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Chicago: Nip It In The Bud

The poor bastard who shot and killed the maniac was charged with first degree today in Chicago, becoming the latest victim of Political Correctness run amok.

There is a video. Here's what we know. A negro high out of his mind on PCP was rampaging down the middle of a public road at night while clearly wielding a knife. A cop dash cam films the perp from behind. Reinforcements pull up in front of the perp and to his left. They exit and demand that he stop. No response. They pull their guns and order him to stop. He continues to advance. He is acting erratically and the police have reason to think he is whacked out of his brain. That coupled with the asshole clearly being armed with a deadly weapon, creates a clear and present danger to the public. He would not stop. He would not obey orders from police. A reasonable person could conclude that he could not be stopped and arrested with being attacked by the perp with deadly force.

The police owed a duty to the public to shoot this fucker and bring him down.

The video is highly misleading as the angle at which it was filmed masks the true orientation of the shooting officer and the perp. If you view the video several times with an objective mind you will conclude that the officer saw a menacing PCP whack job wielding a knife advancing on his position.

Also, what was the cop's alternative? Arrest the drug freak? More than likely the cop would have suffered a knife attack and been wounded or killed. Just let him go and keep a close eye on him? Of course not. Criminals do not get to write their own script or have free reign on the street. As I said, even if the shooting officer's life was not in danger (though I believe it was and that a reasonable person in his position would likewise believe it), the public was clearly in danger. Since this punk bastard could probably not have been apprehended peacefully (cops are NOT required to get attacked prior to using deadly force) shooting him was in order and clearly justified.

Is 16 shots too many shot? Not necessarily. It happens all the time. If you are justified in using deadly force, then you are cleared to take down the perp regardless of how many shots you take. Cop are NOT required to limit their shots to wait and see if the perp may still attack him. Cops are NOT required to deliver shot to non-vital areas, like the arms or legs.

Rahm Emanuel, a former Obama Gestapo head, is a leftist turd who has decided to throw this white police officer and his family under the bus so as to not run afoul of BLM and the PC fascists. In other words, he has chosen to destroy a good man and his family in favor of a worthless PCP junkie and to preserve his own political career. You know damn well that he exerted some traditional Chicago style pressure on the local DA to press this case.

This shit has got to end. Police have got to be able to effectively do their jobs and not be held hostage to this chicken shit PC code. If those punks in Chicago riot the governor of Illinois ought to call in the National Guard ASAP and shut down those bastards.


you are a sick fuck.
I saw the video. There was no "rampaging".

Bottom line is that cops are not and should not be judge, jury and executioner. The cop murdered a man and needs to pay the price for that.

right up until he shoots a man on the ground you have a point.
once shot, on the ground, and only armed with a 3" knife there's no reason to shoot him some more.
what may have started as a justified shooting ended with murder.
No. You got to give the officer some leeway. He was pumped up and firing a semi automatic weapon. In the heat of the moment it is easy to empty a magazine in a fraction of a moment.

You have to evaluate the shooting in its totality. You cannot break it down into segments.


He was "pumped up" so it was okay to murder the kid? A trained cop can't control his own gun?

If that's true then NO civilian should ever own a gun.

The "totality" is that the cop murdered a kid in the street. If Illinois is a capital punishment state, I hope he gets the death penalty that he chose to mete out to the kid.

The OP is racist slime. If the dead kid were white and the cop black, his rant would be completely different. Face it - equal rights under the law.

fAiL s0n....then go live in a society where you can go do anything the fuck you want. In the meantime, we non-zombies like the way law enforcement handled this one.

Assholes like this knucklehead fail in the connect the dots exercise. This savage may well have knifed somebody else to death without the decisive action taken by the police. Worse, the guy gets locked up for a couple or years for disorderly conduct and resisting arrest and comes back on the street and stabs a dozen people to death. No thanks..........the progressive limpwristers can take their circus side-show and form their own beautiful country and call it Scratchmyassville USA. HAPPY NOW!!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Are you really advocating that police perform the jobs of judge, jury, and executioner?

s0n......if I go running down main street USA waving a fucking machete at people and charge police, I deserve to get my ass shot off. That's the way it works in a civilized society or you would have no civilized society....the cities would be owned by the savages. People are quite satisfied the way this went down.......only the fringe progressive nutter-k00ks fall all over themselves to push the established PC fuckedupedness.
I saw the video. There was no "rampaging".

Bottom line is that cops are not and should not be judge, jury and executioner. The cop murdered a man and needs to pay the price for that.

right up until he shoots a man on the ground you have a point.
once shot, on the ground, and only armed with a 3" knife there's no reason to shoot him some more.
what may have started as a justified shooting ended with murder.
No. You got to give the officer some leeway. He was pumped up and firing a semi automatic weapon. In the heat of the moment it is easy to empty a magazine in a fraction of a moment.

You have to evaluate the shooting in its totality. You cannot break it down into segments.


He was "pumped up" so it was okay to murder the kid? A trained cop can't control his own gun?

If that's true then NO civilian should ever own a gun.

The "totality" is that the cop murdered a kid in the street. If Illinois is a capital punishment state, I hope he gets the death penalty that he chose to mete out to the kid.

The OP is racist slime. If the dead kid were white and the cop black, his rant would be completely different. Face it - equal rights under the law.

fAiL s0n....then go live in a society where you can go do anything the fuck you want. In the meantime, we non-zombies like the way law enforcement handled this one.

Assholes like this knucklehead fail in the connect the dots exercise. This savage may well have knifed somebody else to death without the decisive action taken by the police. Worse, the guy gets locked up for a couple or years for disorderly conduct and resisting arrest and comes back on the street and stabs a dozen people to death. No thanks..........the progressive limpwristers can take their circus side-show and form their own beautiful country and call it Scratchmyassville USA. HAPPY NOW!!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Are you really advocating that police perform the jobs of judge, jury, and executioner?

s0n......if I go running down main street USA waving a fucking machete at people and charge police, I deserve to get my ass shot off. That's the way it works in a civilized society or you would have no civilized society....the cities would be owned by the savages.
well let's see... the 'machete' was a 3" knife, he wasn't waving it, he didn't charge.

so try again.
Yeah, but there are ways to do things. Emptying 16 rounds into someone isn't how you do that. Don't care what that kid did. You shoot to incapacitate, not to kill. The kid was on the ground, defenseless. At that point the threat had been neutralized.
The officer did society a favor :rolleyes:

He will be doing lots of favors in the pen. I hope he has enough time to enjoy all that attention before somebody ends the fun.

Yeah it sucks to be a cop in Chicago. They're all Union up there. They should strike and let the animals have their way on Downtown for a few weeks.

At the end of that fuck-fest, anyone in town will be able to walk down the street with a black head hangin' from a stick and no one will so much as notice, let alone cry about it.

The kid wasn't walking directly towards the officers. He was actually walking past them at an angle. He was walking and it would have been incredibly simple to taze him, or even shoot him in the legs or the kneecaps, cuff him, arrest him, etc.

Trigger-happy pansies suffering from little dick syndrome are not who we need patrolling our streets. Cops should be hardcore badasses who know how to fight and defend themselves without pissing their pants and drawing their firearm with intent to kill every time they feel the slightest bit threatened. They should be well trained in hand to hand combat and possess an extreme level of physical fitness, so that in a situation like this they won't be intimidated and won't fear for their lives and freak out and fire sixteen shots at someone who could have easily been brought in alive.

Emptying 16 rounds into someone isn't how you do that.

Trigger stuck? I need to see close up video. Panic attack? after first shot Cop freak out knowing courts not going to like it?

Naw. Each shot requires an individual trigger pull. He could have stopped at any time. There was a conscious decision to empty an entire clip of bullets into a defenseless (and now dead) suspect.

There's no way the gun malfunctioned.
He will be doing lots of favors in the pen. I hope he has enough time to enjoy all that attention before somebody ends the fun.

It is not nice to smile on others' misfortune. knock if off. Cop did not wake up and say "I think I go shoot me a spick". Get off it. The crazy SOB running down street with knife put himself in bad spot. You want perfection....move the heck outa here.

The kid wasn't walking directly towards the officers. He was actually walking past them at an angle. He was walking and it would have been incredibly simple to taze him, or even shoot him in the legs or the kneecaps, cuff him, arrest him, etc.

Trigger-happy pansies suffering from little dick syndrome are not who we need patrolling our streets. Cops should be hardcore badasses who know how to fight and defend themselves without pissing their pants and drawing their firearm with intent to kill every time they feel the slightest bit threatened. They should be well trained in hand to hand combat and possess an extreme level of physical fitness, so that in a situation like this they won't be intimidated and won't fear for their lives and freak out and fire sixteen shots at someone who could have easily been brought in alive.

People have torn doors of Cop cars on PCP. Fight 6 Cops so hard and still able to stand up. Lots of stories. You people all hindsight.
He will be doing lots of favors in the pen. I hope he has enough time to enjoy all that attention before somebody ends the fun.

It is not nice to smile on others' misfortune. knock if off. Cop did not wake up and say "I think I go shoot me a spick". Get off it. The crazy SOB running down street with knife put himself in bad spot. You want perfection....move the heck outa here.

Misfortune implies he didn't intentionally cause it.
you are a sick fuck.

not as sick as the GLEE I feel dripping off the post of some who say...."Another Cop gonna spend life in jail'. That frosts my rear!
so it's better to celebrate a murder than to celebrate a murderer being brought to justice? is that it?

put you self in the spot of these Cops. Dealing with the SCUM of earth all day every day. never knowing what next. To see some on this board light up with GLEE that some poor Cop maybe messed up.......I need a freakin' pill. Like you know....LAndO'Goshen! This is a trained Cop not a killer. That PCP dude is dangerous. I would bet long long rap sheet. Get off me about it.
you are a sick fuck.

not as sick as the GLEE I feel dripping off the post of some who say...."Another Cop gonna spend life in jail'. That frosts my rear!
so it's better to celebrate a murder than to celebrate a murderer being brought to justice? is that it?

put you self in the spot of these Cops. Dealing with the SCUM of earth all day every day. never knowing what next. To see some on this board light up with GLEE that some poor Cop maybe messed up.......I need a freakin' pill. Like you know....LAndO'Goshen! This is a trained Cop not a killer. That PCP dude is dangerous. I would bet long long rap sheet. Get off me about it.

He murdered someone. Evidently his training didn't take.
you are a sick fuck.

not as sick as the GLEE I feel dripping off the post of some who say...."Another Cop gonna spend life in jail'. That frosts my rear!
so it's better to celebrate a murder than to celebrate a murderer being brought to justice? is that it?

put you self in the spot of these Cops. Dealing with the SCUM of earth all day every day. never knowing what next. To see some on this board light up with GLEE that some poor Cop maybe messed up.......I need a freakin' pill. Like you know....LAndO'Goshen! This is a trained Cop not a killer. That PCP dude is dangerous. I would bet long long rap sheet. Get off me about it.
he messed up when he shot him illegally - or at best when he shot him because of the flimsiest perception of a threat. he committed murder when he continued to shoot him after he was subdued
I saw the video. There was no "rampaging".

Bottom line is that cops are not and should not be judge, jury and executioner. The cop murdered a man and needs to pay the price for that.

right up until he shoots a man on the ground you have a point.
once shot, on the ground, and only armed with a 3" knife there's no reason to shoot him some more.
what may have started as a justified shooting ended with murder.
No. You got to give the officer some leeway. He was pumped up and firing a semi automatic weapon. In the heat of the moment it is easy to empty a magazine in a fraction of a moment.

You have to evaluate the shooting in its totality. You cannot break it down into segments.


He was "pumped up" so it was okay to murder the kid? A trained cop can't control his own gun?

If that's true then NO civilian should ever own a gun.

The "totality" is that the cop murdered a kid in the street. If Illinois is a capital punishment state, I hope he gets the death penalty that he chose to mete out to the kid.

The OP is racist slime. If the dead kid were white and the cop black, his rant would be completely different. Face it - equal rights under the law.

Where did you see the video? Chicago PD said they aren't releasing it until tomorrow.
MSNBC was playing it tonight.
right up until he shoots a man on the ground you have a point.
once shot, on the ground, and only armed with a 3" knife there's no reason to shoot him some more.
what may have started as a justified shooting ended with murder.
No. You got to give the officer some leeway. He was pumped up and firing a semi automatic weapon. In the heat of the moment it is easy to empty a magazine in a fraction of a moment.

You have to evaluate the shooting in its totality. You cannot break it down into segments.

What you are talking about is science. The parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system. Adrenaline dumps. The "fog" of stressful conflict. It's why cops or soldiers can shoot 10-20 rounds and when asked say they shot 4 or 5. Brain just dumb down and reacts.

But libs refuse to even discuss this science. It's the same science that can cause a thug robbing a gas station to fire a shot and kill the clerk....and later say they don't remember it or didn't mean to. 50% chance they really didnt. Brain just does crazy shit under high stress.
he shot a guy lying on the ground repeatedly - after shooting him when he didn't pose an imminent threat.

i don't doubt that it's easy to keep squeezing that trigger in those situations, i just think that when you change your aim to shoot at a guy on the ground it's a little different than firing into the same place repeatedly.
The kid was hopped up on PCP. Also, there was no audio on the video. So, we do not know everything that was happening. As far as anyone knows, the perp could have been saying he had a gun and was going to kill them all.

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