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Chicago: Nip It In The Bud

White supremacists like we're reading here - They're just human garbage.

If the cop had been black and the kid white, they've be singing a completely different tune.

The cop gunned down a black kid, for no reason other than being black.

You appear to be the only once to be making any sort of racial bias allegations, Luddy. You are such a cute widdle man!!!

Liar. Both you and NoClassAssy made reference to race.

The world would be a better place if we were lynching all white supremacists. Just string them up, get rid of them and burn down their trailers.
Projection. And you're a fool. White or black, that crazed young man should be dropped. The cop acted responsibly.
why? he didn't attack them. he wasn't threatening anyone.

but even if you think it was responsible to use lethal force on him initially, why do you think it's okay to continue to shoot someone as they lay wounded on the ground?
He didn't attack him because the cop dropped him before he did any damage.
He dropped him before he did anything aggressive.

Then he kept on shooting
Now you're making things up to fit the BLM narrative.
No, it is not. It was not in the heat of the moment, all shots coming within a fraction of a moment. Btw, the dangerous moment was created by the perp. What you call and "intent to kill" can also be construed as an intent to bring down a very dangerous perp that is putting the cops and public in danger.

The guy was in the middle of the street and the only people around him were Cops at more than a safe distance.

Now, a few things.

First, the video is not as damning as people are making it out to be.

second, Alvarez and Emmanuel played politics with this, letting this fester for 15 months. They played politics with this, and they need to resign.

Third, this cop has been involved in numerous excessive force incidents before this. This guy never should have had a badge and a gun.
No, it is not. It was not in the heat of the moment, all shots coming within a fraction of a moment. Btw, the dangerous moment was created by the perp. What you call and "intent to kill" can also be construed as an intent to bring down a very dangerous perp that is putting the cops and public in danger.

The guy was in the middle of the street and the only people around him were Cops at more than a safe distance.

Now, a few things.

First, the video is not as damning as people are making it out to be.

second, Alvarez and Emmanuel played politics with this, letting this fester for 15 months. They played politics with this, and they need to resign.

Third, this cop has been involved in numerous excessive force incidents before this. This guy never should have had a badge and a gun.

Rahm sat on it for 400 days for a reason. He knows it is a "good crisis" that....as be said....you don't waste. He knew it would dominate headlines for a few days.

He waited until a week when he, his party and his very close friend Obama....BADLY needed the media narrative to shift. From his disastrous foreign policy to now a cop shooting.
Over anxious city officials will once again f*ck up and charge him with murder, which will not stick. He will walk, and a whole new set of protest will begin.
It is not murder.
Because he was carrying something shiny in his hand that the officer can clearly claim he believed was a gun. The kid turned and stepped toward them, the officer fired...while on the ground the kid lifted the knife towards the officers again - cop fired more.
That is not murder. There was no premeditation. It was in the act of his duty. The time the kid held the knife next to his leg and lifted it towards the officers is less than half a second.
I am not familiar with Illinois statutes, but in most states you cannot charge both manslaughter and murder. If officials choose murder - the officer WILL walk.
No jury will convict of murder seeing the video.
It is unfortunate. It is very much an overreaction, the officer should certainly lose his job and be charged with possibly manslaughter.
You guys have to remember, with murder you MUST prove vicious intent. Meaning the officer planned on shooting him from the get-go - OR - shot him WITHOUT PROVOCATION.
This is not murder, and anyone with a brain should push officials to charge with voluntary manslaughter which might stick.
Rahm sat on it for 400 days for a reason. He knows it is a "good crisis" that....as be said....you don't waste. He knew it would dominate headlines for a few days.

He waited until a week when he, his party and his very close friend Obama....BADLY needed the media narrative to shift. From his disastrous foreign policy to now a cop shooting.

Right, so his fighting in court to keep this video under wraps all the way until last week was part of a devious plan, because he KNEW that he'd lose the court case this week months in advance for a crisis that hadn't happened yet.

Guy, do you realize how crazy you sound most of the time.

Incidentally, I think Rahm did suppress this for a reason. Because if this had come out during his campaign against Chuy Garcia, he might have lost.

And for that, I think he needs to resign.
Over anxious city officials will once again f*ck up and charge him with murder, which will not stick. He will walk, and a whole new set of protest will begin.
It is not murder.
Because he was carrying something shiny in his hand that the officer can clearly claim he believed was a gun. The kid turned and stepped toward them, the officer fired...while on the ground the kid lifted the knife towards the officers again - cop fired more.
That is not murder. There was no premeditation. It was in the act of his duty. The time the kid held the knife next to his leg and lifted it towards the officers is less than half a second.
I am not familiar with Illinois statutes, but in most states you cannot charge both manslaughter and murder. If officials choose murder - the officer WILL walk.
No jury will convict of murder seeing the video.

I don't think the video is that damning.

But the forensics report that half of those 16 bullets were fired when the guy was ON THE GROUND will be.

Sorry, dude, this one isn't walking away.
I don't think the video is that damning.

But the forensics report that half of those 16 bullets were fired when the guy was ON THE GROUND will be.

Sorry, dude, this one isn't walking away.

No apology necessary for me. I am not rooting for anyone.
Two important factors...
1) Again - to convict someone of murder you MUST show vicious intent. It can be premeditated, which of course this isn't, or chose to kill on the spot...either way you MUST show a willful intent to kill. Having said that, an officer on duty has special legal considerations. For murder the homicide MUST be without provocation. Clearly as the video shows - there was provocation. In that half second the teenager turned quickly, started to advance towards the officers, and raised his hand with an object, at the officers.

2) WHILE on the ground...you can see he lifted the object towards the officers again.
That officer can claim he believed it to be a weapon still, or was not sure what it was.

If charged with murder, he will walk. The defense will easily show provocation. And the jurors will be forced to find not guilty.
It has happened again and again.
Charge him with voluntary manslaughter. And that might stick. Maybe.
Yeah, but there are ways to do things. Emptying 16 rounds into someone isn't how you do that. Don't care what that kid did. You shoot to incapacitate, not to kill. The kid was on the ground, defenseless. At that point the threat had been neutralized.
No one in LE is trained to shoot to incapacitate. LE is trained to shoot at 'center mass'. Center mass means shoot to kill. Period!
I think the cop will/should plead insanity and he'll walk.
2) WHILE on the ground...you can see he lifted the object towards the officers again.
That officer can claim he believed it to be a weapon still, or was not sure what it was.
The officer already claimed it was a knife so he can't say that he thought it might have been gun at this point. Someone laying on the ground with a knife with multiple bullet holes in them is not a threat. He also said the deceased lunged at him which clearly didn't happen.
2) WHILE on the ground...you can see he lifted the object towards the officers again.
That officer can claim he believed it to be a weapon still, or was not sure what it was.
The officer already claimed it was a knife so he can't say that he thought it might have been gun at this point. Someone laying on the ground with a knife with multiple bullet holes in them is not a threat. He also said the deceased lunged at him which clearly didn't happen.

Doesn't matter.
The charge needs to be voluntary manslaughter...murder will not stick. Period.
Murder charge on a police officer...MUST...one more time...MUST...prove vicious intent without provocation. The key here is without provocation. Unprovoked homicide.
The defense will successfully show provocation. And he will walk. When it happens...come back to this thread.
If they charge voluntary manslaughter...that would likely stick. Take the emotion out of it, and go for what is likely to get a conviction.

Light reading...
The Manslaughter Option in Zimmerman’s Trial: An Explainer


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The poor bastard who shot and killed the maniac was charged with first degree today in Chicago, becoming the latest victim of Political Correctness run amok.

There is a video. Here's what we know. A negro high out of his mind on PCP was rampaging down the middle of a public road at night while clearly wielding a knife. A cop dash cam films the perp from behind. Reinforcements pull up in front of the perp and to his left. They exit and demand that he stop. No response. They pull their guns and order him to stop. He continues to advance. He is acting erratically and the police have reason to think he is whacked out of his brain. That coupled with the asshole clearly being armed with a deadly weapon, creates a clear and present danger to the public. He would not stop. He would not obey orders from police. A reasonable person could conclude that he could not be stopped and arrested with being attacked by the perp with deadly force.

The police owed a duty to the public to shoot this fucker and bring him down.

The video is highly misleading as the angle at which it was filmed masks the true orientation of the shooting officer and the perp. If you view the video several times with an objective mind you will conclude that the officer saw a menacing PCP whack job wielding a knife advancing on his position.

Also, what was the cop's alternative? Arrest the drug freak? More than likely the cop would have suffered a knife attack and been wounded or killed. Just let him go and keep a close eye on him? Of course not. Criminals do not get to write their own script or have free reign on the street. As I said, even if the shooting officer's life was not in danger (though I believe it was and that a reasonable person in his position would likewise believe it), the public was clearly in danger. Since this punk bastard could probably not have been apprehended peacefully (cops are NOT required to get attacked prior to using deadly force) shooting him was in order and clearly justified.

Is 16 shots too many shot? Not necessarily. It happens all the time. If you are justified in using deadly force, then you are cleared to take down the perp regardless of how many shots you take. Cop are NOT required to limit their shots to wait and see if the perp may still attack him. Cops are NOT required to deliver shot to non-vital areas, like the arms or legs.

Rahm Emanuel, a former Obama Gestapo head, is a leftist turd who has decided to throw this white police officer and his family under the bus so as to not run afoul of BLM and the PC fascists. In other words, he has chosen to destroy a good man and his family in favor of a worthless PCP junkie and to preserve his own political career. You know damn well that he exerted some traditional Chicago style pressure on the local DA to press this case.

This shit has got to end. Police have got to be able to effectively do their jobs and not be held hostage to this chicken shit PC code. If those punks in Chicago riot the governor of Illinois ought to call in the National Guard ASAP and shut down those bastards.

This cop was charged with 1st degree murder, and he deserved it. This kid was walking away from them, and the cops were in no immediate danger. Shot 16 times, give me a break.
right up until he shoots a man on the ground you have a point.
once shot, on the ground, and only armed with a 3" knife there's no reason to shoot him some more.
what may have started as a justified shooting ended with murder.
That is your bullshit nonprofessional opinion.

Have yo EVER had anyone trying to kill you EVER? IF you did you would know that your lizard brain kind of fights to take over and kill the threat almost immediately. That this cop had the restraint that he did have is commendable.

Hell, not only was the shooting justified but they should put the perps head on a pike in the middle of town as a warning to everyone else that might attack a cop.

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